White Ethnonational Left defined by our interests, parts 1-14

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White Ethnonational Left defined by our interests as opposed to liberal internationalism, Marxist internationalism, or sheer, anti-White cultural Marxism…



Now there’s this thing called The Left, and with characterology, it is seen as a rigid personality type aiming to destroy White people and talented, successful people generally, by promoting artificial concepts in opposition to their natural place and deservingness which would emerge in their truth if the The Left, in its falseness, in its anti-truth, would just leave them alone. The Left is not a fungible political platform implemented by motivated individuals,  it is a rigid character type with a rigid mind of its own, of remarkably consistent character, it always denies our truth, our science, makes impossible claims in its capacity to defy and redefine nature in social construction,  to deny natural categories, to deny race-real facts and differences with fantastic narrative, until it comes time for their narratives of our historical oppression of others – then somehow race does exist, when its time for the left to mete out blame on the White race that does not otherwise exist according to THE Left. The Left is opposed to objective truth, nature, it always imposes artificial concepts on nature, The Left sees our excellence as privilege, as unjust, exploitative and always demands equality, denying the impossibility of equality and our true merit.

And by the way, this character burst on to the public scene larger than ever in 2008 to attack our good Jewish friends, who are in the same boat, attacked by resentful masses, social justice warriors misguided by the left who can’t see our natural merit.

The Left is always opposed to White people, including our White Jewish allies, it always has sob stories and compassion for the beleaguered to try to manipulate us – it resents nature itself for our success, high I.Q., wealth and the power its endowed us with; and will stop at nothing to hurt us and our Jewish allies in its travesty of nature and truth – defenders of truth and the hard lot of nature as we, the mature, the men and women speaking out on the right, we must stand together and finally do something against the lefties, this beast so consistent and impervious in its demands for equality, in its social justice warring, it alone is responsible for all manner of perversion and destruction – This, The left.  We have been lied to about everything by The Left but we are waking up, we are red pilled to the left, as we say. Our friends on the right are waking up as well, our Jewish, black and anti-feminists friends on the right, Christians and pagans alike, folks on the right, ranging from historical revisionists seeing through the lies of the left to our Jewish friends who share a wish for a national homeland and borders against Muslim and Mexican invaders.

Ok, joke time is over, at least you’d think it would be, but we’re talking about right wingers now, whose gullibility, malleability and manipulable in reaction seems to know no bounds, whose propensity for conspiracy theory goes to all nutty speculative lengths, but whose suspicion falters where it should be most obvious and make most common sense.

You’d think it would occur to people concerned with White advocacy, that is to say concerned for advocacy of non-Jewish people of European descent, and their ethnonational bounds, how strange it is that there is this seemingly anthropomorphized political platform called “The Left”  – that suddenly took off as THE preeminent problem as of 2008, whereafter seeming everybody in White advocacy and purported White advocacy has joined in unison against this arch enemy – a remarkably agreed upon enemy and an enemy of remarkably consistent character – the left.

..that emerged far and away as the preeminent super villain suddenly, coincidentally, after 2008, and has been more and a more consistently characterized and marketed a stereotype and it should be said, adopted as the super ordinate enemy by purported White advocacy.

Before that time, Political Correctness had been the prevailing term for the enemy camp for almost twenty years – and truth is,  that was a far less misleading a term;  that’s probably why it has fallen into disuse, our enemies seeking to divert and shelve it as the enemy descriptor,  though its proper understanding was indeed captured very well, probably all too well, by William Lind, in his video, the history of political correctness – PC probably cut too close to the bone and needed to be replaced with an enemy seen also opposed to Jewish interests – that enemy being so called – The left.

Frankfurt School: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjaBpVzOohs


Prior to PC, the term “Liberal” also had a bit more currency as the term for the enemy camp, and it was also less misleading a term for the enemy camp than “The Left” – in fact, in essence, probably most descriptive of the function of the advocacy of non-White antagonists and our own traitors as they “open bounds and borders, to liberalize them to formerly out groups as opposed to conserving in-group; but criticizing liberalism carried the unfortunate baggage of positioning oneself as a “conservative” by contrasts, associating one with inactivity, passivity, stodgy, backward, puritanical, weak and ineffectual among the incited burlesque of nature. While it nevertheless has had appeal to a certain audience, criticizing liberalism puts one in funny company, sitting there in the pews next to anti-racist brothers and sisters with bizarrely speculative beliefs in Christ.

None of these types have been penetrating enough to understand that they are conserving nothing but liberal principles – that they are conserving liberalism, adhering to a naive reaction, duped by the disingenuous language games of those who would eradicate or sell out of their EGI and its social capital. Even where these conservatives have some wryness with regard to the J.Q., they are only reconstructing some of its traps set against the relative interest of their EGI – such as Christianity, such as objectivism – whereupon they are made to live up to their rules in purity, Alinsky style, as hyperbolic objective rules against their relative group interests.
Thus, while I understand why those concerned with White interests would find “the left” as its been represented (misrepresented and abused as a concept) repulsive and reluctantly identify as right – despite all the right’s stupidity, inhumaneness, its pseudo objectivity and dodge of social accountability, identifying as such should be a little more than suspicious by now, as a position that our enemies want us to identify with, causing us to ask why they want us associated with the right and by contrast, now, through obvious clues in some of those most determined to join us in seeing THE LEFT depicted as our enemy, why they don’t want us to have a left identity.
And it isn’t as if this anti-left dodge is new. White leadership of the boomer generation, were it at all observant and honest would acknowledge this anti left dodge going on since the days of the John Birch society and National Review, Frank Meyer and his sons Ronald Reagan, Paul Gottfried, Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis – you don’t want to get too deep into any of those politics touching on race, that’s for liberal collectivist lefties, communists, and certainly not touching on the J.Q., that’s for Nazi collectivists.

Generation internet bubble doesn’t have much excuse for falling for it, as it would take just a modicum of research outside of their right wing boomer fed internet bubble; outside of its direct feed by an umbilical chord from boomer generation sell-outs like David Duke, who have even less excuse to not know better, or to pretend not to, and to take the pay off in one way or another, to keep WN associated with the right and against the so called left.

Nevertheless, I have to be very careful to not allow my shift to White left ethnonationalism be pigeonholed as having one source, because that is what these right wingers, especially the STEM types, are going to try to do in order to try to dismiss it, trivialize it or claim it as reinventing their wheel to redirect in their foolish, right wing way.

It is just to say that reinforcing clues leading to the inference of White Left Ethnonationalism have come even through most prolific White advocates, as they have being critical of “the right” –

TT Metzger was the first advocate of Whites to open that gate for me, so to speak, to look critically at the right for his disillusionment with the likes of the John Birch society, the KKK, Christianity and other influences and White right figures…  to legitimize punching right in White interests, if need be; furthermore, as a loyal friend of The Order of Bob Mathews and David Lane – one can see not only where he joined commitment to the 14 Words, but also joined in a tributary of skepticism and criticism of the right at the same time, recognizing an incompetent position for White advocacy.


Now, I want you all to consder this: The 14 Words of David Lane are taken, quite correctly,                  as one of the most, if not the most prominant and important statements of White advocacy. It places David Lane and his words right at the center of White advocacy.  Here’s David Making the statement himself:

31:00 – 1:00
David Lane: It is my belief that for any sane White man today, there is no other issue than these fourteen words: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. These fourteen words are the sacred battle cry in the remaining White world…

White advocates could look even to Order member David Lane, the progenitor of this most essential rallying cry, the 14 Words, as providing a sort of permission first of all, to not have to identify as right-wing in their advocacy; and to not be afraid to quote, “punch right”, if that’s what it takes to defend and advocate Whites properly.

Now I want you to hear from David himself, what he had to say about the right and particularly about the White right wing.

57:17 – 59:40

David Lane: The average person in this country has never been exposed to any truths in their entire life.

Meredith: But your literature and literature of like-minded people is out there and some might argue that the average person has been exposed and has discounted it.

David Lane: No, not my literature.

Meredith Viero: Because if it’s the truth, why was…

David Lane; Just a minute. You’ll find no relationship between my literature and what you call, right wing and conservatives.

I consider the likes of a Rush Limbaugh to be the worst enemy my race could ever live to see. And even in the White, I think they call movement, I don’t

You’ll find that even in the White, mythical movement ..I don’t think you’ll find much relationship between what I teach and what they teach.

Meredith Viero: But the ultimate goal is the same, in the White, as you call it, movement,and your

David Lane: Maybe it is. I can’t read the minds of these people. I don’t know why, but…if you could have been privy to what
I’ve been through for 20 years, 30 years total in in the so-called right wing, and seen the absolute insane idiocy of these people you’d have to know- Maybe the movement, so-called, is run by the enemy. I don’t know.

But they have fantasies- You ever heard of a guy named Jim Wickstrom? He made up fantasies about how 200 million Mongolian horsemen were riding their steeds across the Alaskan tundra to attack America.

Another one, a retired Colonel, had a fantasy about millions of Mexican Communists hiding in tunnels waiting to attack us. It’s a kind of insane asylum (laughs).

Don’t accuse me of having anything to do with the right-wing or even White- it’s time for something new now. 

Meredith: But then that would suggest that the movement is pretty powerless. 

David Lane: Boy, you said it for me. There is no movement.


Now that’s David Lane speaking. Please start to get a clue, any White advocate,  that maybe its not necessary to identify as right wing. And I hope that you will please take further clues that our enemies want us to identify as ring, moreover, for us to Not identify as a White Left.

The reason there is no movement is because White activism has been confused, its agency paralyzed not only by perfidy in identity with the right, with its destabilizing and unaccountable, reactionary rigidity, its speculative perfidy; but also by aversion, riddled by paradoxical injunctions fostered by our enemies, obfuscating the benign and helpful organizing concepts deeper beneath the ordinary language of the left – associating it superficially, paradoxically and repugnantly, with liberalization of racial and national borders.


There is No White movement, David Lane said. And the reason there is no movement is because it organizing principle is paralyzed beneath this semantic paradox which directs contradictory performance requirements, attributing to union activism a liberal motive to open bounds and borders, whereas the left, more fundamentally is about exclusionary unionization – yes, applied to a racial and ethnonational level it would liberalize antagonistic lines between classes and bounds within the ethnonation, including hard pressed workers and those marginalized, but most fundamentally, and importantly, on the racial and national level it would shore up bounds and borders.

Benign and helpful social organizing concepts and ideas of human nature deeper beneath the ordinary language of the left have been covered up with repugnant and paradoxic association.

Buried and confused, social and agentive conceptions of the left are made repugnant to Whites by the distortions, downright misrepresentation and weaponization of agentive and social unionization in Marxist internationalism and its later day YKW permutation of ant-White PC; with its assault on White bounds and borders – most essentially weaponinizing a contradiction in the fusing of left and liberalism, which are really opposites in essence and identification.

By otherwise fusing the contradiction of liberalism and left organization, and aligning the reaction with the social group destabilizing, unaccountable, disorganizing identity as right, we are prevented as a social system from sufficient advocacy and homeostasis.
Though Lane was correct to be critical of the right, he was not going in a sufficiently radical direction as a third postionist, as that ultimately obstructs social correctability by including objectivist elements in disingenuousness or blind naivete, making way for entryism of enemies by means of objectivism’s rational blindness and in the quest for moral purity of the “traditions” by which they’ve deceived us, – our tradition of pure scientistic objectivity which blinded us to our relative and group interests; or forced the toleration of our so called tradtion of Christianity, already having provided a means to infiltrate and direct our narrative structure in the past. That is to say, third positionism, for its inclusion of right wing elements introduces the inherent instability that ultimately directs it back into right wing reaction.

Our enemies know that we shall remain weak or headlong and easily misdirected as right wingers or quote, neither right nor left, and potentially very stable and unbeatable as organized in a leftist conceptualization conceived in our interests, and that understanding of theirs is pivotal in their management of discourse against us.

Even so, we’re beginning to stave off the charge and even the fact of getting sucked in by the monocauslity that STEM types are so disposed to … and let me clarify first that in this case, I don’t mean the monocausality of the J.Q. – I mean the monocausality of a supposedly singular inspiration and influence for the idea of White Left Ethnonationalism, since it is not at all the case that there is a singular inspiration, reason or cause. Clearly, I was not “advised” by somebody in academia to take this position.

The concept of White Left Ethnonationalism doesn’t come as advised from Jewish academia – it doesn’t come as advised from any academia that I’ve known of.  It comes as inference from various influences and sources both positive and negative.

Part 5

Let’s look at some negative sources that should commend reverse inference to the position of White Left Ethnonationalism.

There are reasons why identification as right, far-right, alternative right, neither left nor right, third position, even Alt Left and Alt Center, anything but White left Ethnonationalism has been encouraged and even imposed on our identity and would-be advocacy; and why “THE LEFT” is portrayed as the grand enemy.

Look at how much effort the kosher friendly tent of the Regnery circus (until recently generally known as The Alt Right), Keith Preston, Robert Stark, Andy Nowicky, and others have gone through in order to subvert and divert from this White Left Nationalist position. That should tell you something.

There is a reason why Colin Liddell editor of the former Alternative Right, now called Affirmative Right, is encouraged to feature bracket (((John K. Press)))‘s Judeo-Christian”, quote, “culturalism” to promote a kosher version of Western civilization against The Left.

Looking critically at how the brackets themselves, such as The Rubin Report, define the left now as enemy, that should call particular critical attention to the stereotypes attributed to characterize this so called enemy position to all of us good, realistic people, who see things aright, the way the good YKW and right wingers do.

The Savage Hippie podcast with Edwin Oslan and David Cole Stein – why do you think these people are trying to rally people against the left?

Look at who the kosher Lauren Southern and others coming by way of Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media target – they see The left and these moniker that I never even heard of ten years ago, this kosher, madison avenue marketing term called Social Justice Warriors as the enemy.

Frame Games has been keen to assert his right wing arrival in so called red pilling (the supposedly cool term for supposedly awakening) against “the Left” and its so called “social justice warriors” because of their oppression of his purported love for the pure objective science and truth .. a concern for which would, ehem, Cohencidentally, conveniently, ostensibly, justify his people’s hegemony, awareness and resentment of which is to be buffered in his so called “heart right.”

Luke Ford, a Jewish convert and advocate of YKW , is another one who is highly active in promoting anti-leftism and anti-left Jewry as allies on the right with White nationalism.

Faithful tracing and attendance to this perspective will point to the elitist culpabilty of YKW and complicit right wing sell outs.
What do we do to close off the Kosher, internationalist definition and altercast of THE Left? With it, the liberal extrapolated contradiction that prohibits full White social classification as quote, “racist”? Well, we put White in front of it for one thing, availing ourselves of the deeper part of ordinary language that combines unionized delimitation as stipulated for Whites proper – as opposed to “international workers” or hard workers of just any color. 

Unionization of Whites, their bounds, and White nations, their borders, closes-off liberalization as it should be
It undoes the absurd idea that “the left” necessarily advocates imposition of immigrants – only an internationalist, Marxist left would do that, all others would see it as scabbing.

Teasing apart liberalism and Left unionization applies to racial speciation as well –  it would be seen as analogous to imperialist, feudalistic servant mastering exploitation and usurpation to liberalize the bounds of species on a biological level, imposition of invasive and predatory species, taking away natural exclusionary self defense. These things would not serving the “Leftist” good of rank and file, marginal or even elite Whites

And it should provide a clue of negative inference that our enemies have already joined Frame Games in a lame effort to head off that proposition – the stipulation of White unionzation by placing White before the term, White Left ethnonationalism, and that’s why it is extra important that we maintain this distinction between White and YKW – to see them as an outroup, not as friends and allies and to not allow them entryism or to define who our friends and enemies are or our terms.

Part 6

Cohencidentally, they have already enlisted help, or rather a kid calling himself Alt-hype has taken it upon himself to discuss with Frame Games the means to try head off and subvert the White ethnonationalist Left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcajhGJa5-4 – telling Frame Games that he is going to advocate a “neither let nor right angle in days to come”, observing what I say that identifying as right puts us behind the 8-ball, and suggesting that some people are to paraphrase him, superficial enough to think that by adding the prefix White before a term that it does something. Well it does do something, it adds racial specification to the kind of Left unionization/classification and Nationalism as the group unit of left unionization as White – meaning of European extraction and if we are serous, honest and at all safe, non-Jewish.

So, how do we sort the term Left from liberalism, teasing apart the terms to stop their fusing in a contradiction that our enemies have weaponized against us (extending it beyond a classic liberal expectation of upper national classes being accountable to lower nationalist classes, which has been extrapolated by Marxists, other YKW and right wing sell outs who then disingenuously distort he notion of class bounds to blur the bounds of nation such that the whole nation is supposed to be accountable beyond the classificatory bounds of its nation, liberalizing its borders to open them to those of other nations formerly excluded) thereby confounding rupturing our organizational power?

We place the term White before the term Left and Ethnonationalism to definitively close off racial group bounds and internationalist borders; that ends the liberalist fusion; overcoming the inspired phobia of the term that the YKW have instilled with academic abuse, gross distortion, promulgated by their media – a fabrication of social conceptualizations as it has been weaponized against Whites.

We then avail ourselves to a sober, accurate and deeper ordinary language of the left, of White Left EthnoNationalist unionizing and coalition building, the type of organizational powers of left activism which provides for an ongoing accountability and attendance to bounds and borders, as opposed to our maintenance being stigmatized as our so called oppression of those supposedly marginalized by us, i.e., those who are not our marginals at all, but imposed as a matter of might makes right liberal bullying, members of other nations come to scab and take our social capital, to rupture our rank and file and worker’s unionization in defense; even to usurp our finest endowed, but with that unionized perspective we not only preclude scabbing of foreign nationals, we are also provided with a perspective of ongoing accountability and attendance to bounds and borders so that elite betrayal is headed off, as we disallow any unaccountable reasoning of their supposed objective merit to betray us by opening our bounds, that as right wing sell outs they are justified in aiding and abetting the YKW in Cohencidentally espousing their new position against left organization and vigilance against their elite exploitation, with the disingenuous right wing position that they have achieved on objective merit, hegemony in th 7 to 9 power niches, reaching particular hegemony after the 2008 financial melt down.

Objectivism, the objectivism of the right, which it loves to purport, is not only scary in its pretense of pure motive and lack of accountability, but like Christianity, a way in, a means of entryism for the YKW.

There is a reason why a Jared Taylor, so famously YKW amiable, who sees them as looking HuWhite to him, there is a reason why exponents like this want to maintain the enemy as the left, to maintain stereotypes of what this left is doing – “social constructionism says that race is just this optical illusion” – rather than allow us to distinguish a White, from a Jewish, internationalist left   …there are obvious reasons why they want White people to be HuWhite people, to include YKW and to identify with the Right, as purveyors of quote, objective truth.

WN who consider themselves JQ vigilant observe that Jared Taylor Jared Taylor exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO30y3Vmqx8 and Paul Kersey espouse a platform to unite White and YKW/Zionist interests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mirL15zZYNc , adopting the alt-right moniker at least so far as it served its purposes of putting the Zionist Trump into office,  but as the Alt-Right term falls into disfavor, they’ll shift to some sort of neither left nor right thing that allows for YKW entryism nevertheless.  At Majorityrights we’ve recognized that as an advanced stage of parasitism, with a disingenuous quid pro-quo to quasi White interests that has facilitated Donald Trump to do Zionist bidding; they will oppose a White Left ethnonationalism that opposes YKW inclusion or alliance.

Part 7

I want you to think again and begin to re-consider the deep resource that the masters of discourse avail themselves of, which right wingers do not, as they take away our unionizing initialization.

So lets go a little deeper historically to dredge up how the broad public reacts to what is happening through the depths of ordinary language, the deep, shared resource that they have to interpret and respond to political discourse.
There are a few currents beneath ordinary language of The Left.

One current is confused due primarily to how the YKW and those finding right wing positions convenient have allowed the classical liberal position to be over extended and hyper-extended with Alinskyesque weaponization, “making them live up to their own rules” – i.e., making not only the White upper classes reach a hand beyond their class into the working classes, but having the White lower classes to live up to their own rules to share resources, by reaching a hand to those outside their class bounds, that is to say out side the national bounds – the notion of classical liberalism was taken by the Marxist international and other YKW, such as the PC of the Frankfurt school to extend the matter of liberalization of White upper class bounds as not only a matter of responsibility to lower class fellow White nationalists, but to liberalize even the bounds of working class and marginal Whites, to extend resources and liberalization even over the national classificatory bounds and borders.

This is where the YKW international Left, what I call the red left, has disingenuously fused liberalism and “the left” for their own anti-White, YKW and greater Zionist interests to diffuse their adversaries; but also convenient it’s been for Right wing sell outs to undermine and scab working class and marginal organization and resistance to their treachery.

Thus, liberal responsibility of the English upper classes to the lower classes, has been twisted by the YKW and handed to right wing sell outs to extend the notion of reaching across class lines to lord internationalism and anti-racism, another form of reaching across social classificaition, over the head of working class ethnonationals and marginals among an ethnonation, who would otherwise be able to organize and resist elite abuse and rank and file liberalism, resist scabbery as Left Ethnonationalists, as White Left Ethnonationalists.

Thus, when shabbos goy Andy Nowicky says “in America the left and liberalism are synonymous” it is true, these have been synonymous as disingenuously twisted by the aims of the YKW Left, but what he is conveniently (for the payoff, or out of cowardice) ignoring is the disingenuousness of this contradiction while he is also ignoring the fact that “the left” as enemy has only been the rage as a term of derision only since about 2008.

Again, ordinary language is a key resource among group understanding and they YKW have been playing this, what is a contradiction, against White interests for years, but its gone into overdrive since 2008, as they’ve come to predominate in all key power niches – thus, Left organization against them is their greatest concern, as it would turn attention to the injustice, their position and their large part in the destruction of systemic EGI and human ecology.

Part 8

That’s why they’ve promulgated this anti-left campaign, wanting to maintain the confused association of left and liberalism, adding new campaigns, against “social justice warriors” – as opposed to our battle cry, the 14 words – after all, who wants social justice now that the YKW are so unjustly on top, imperiling where not already having destroyed the future of White children? Who opposes leftist unionization and accountability arrayed against them? They marshaled this phony movement called the Alt-Right to put their Zionist boy Trump into office, adding to the coup de gras for ZOG, while in America and Europe pitting Whites against their other enemies, Hispanics, Muslims and Asians who don’t give a fig about their historical sob stories.

Coming back to the wisdom of the language, as Heidegger calls it, and to the wisdom of ordinary language, as ordinary language philosophers call it.

We can resolve the YKW exploited contradiction of treating the Left and liberalism as synonymous.

The Internationalist left and its liberalism arrayed against our White bounds and borders as opposed to the White Ethnonationalist Left, with our nations conceptualized as unions – members and non members, bounds and borders.

The Marxist international left, is of course a Jewish left, which has found its way ultimately to organize facile unions and coalitions against White Nationalism. That means, in regard to the White classifications and national bounds, it prescribes liberalism of those bounds, not Leftism for us or our nations.

Because they have controlled the discourse and they are trying to destroy us, they are intent to maintain that contradictory, disorganizing definition, a double speak, left is liberal, liberal is left. ..and the right? They don’t organize in social classification, they adhere to facts and principles, social organization, that’s for supposedly dehumanizing, de-personalizing collectivists, that’s for leftist communists, you have your identity by your pure factual merit alone, without any of those lefty-social props.

Part 9

So we return ordinary language once again for the most radical underpinning of the left – it is full group unionization – to maintain vigilance against elite betrayal also rank and file defection and scabbery – closing off liberalism in a word by accountability to union bounds.

A social group and a union is not the whole world.

Workers of the world unite, you say? – that’s still liberal with regard to White group and national bounds. Indeed it is and that’s why we add White and Ethnonational in front of Left, to make sure that we are talking about a White Left Ethnonationalism – it is not liberal, just the opposite, you are in the union or you are not – you are in favor for the union’s homeostasis, or you maintain the union, or you are liberal – these are opposites.

Left and liberal are no longer confused as they have been by the YKW and right wing sell outs.

We go further to exploit the ill defined position for its unpopularity, to take the moribund definition and breath life to define the White ethnonational left as we see fit:

While it recognizes that some assets are better state controlled and others not; It does not mean that there cannot be private property.

While it provides for the leverage of a social bottom line and safety net, it does not begrudge wealth and a great deal of free enterprise and individual liberty – in fact, recognizing an option for sex as monogamous sacrament as an important option, in that liberty. Just the option being there, even if absolutely practiced by a minority, its being there as an option adds reason to maintain loyalty to the group, to overcome cynicism …. it is almost better in its abstract form that it not be flouted in the name of empiricism, is important as a psychological resting place.

It is only most conservative of the national bounds – you may leave, but the nation might not take you back; or your children of another people.

It does not create conflict between so called working and upper classes, but rather integrates them in a common nationalist union.

It does not wall paper over the differences between different niche abilities and requirements, nor seek to view them through the quantifying false comparison of equality, but rather views niche roles as largely incommensurate, qualitatively complementary and respectfully symbiotic – it takes the same complementary, non supremacist disposition to other nations.

And here we come to some of the positives of White Left Ethnonationalism:

It provides a permanently stabilizing position to facilitate homeostasis of the group ecology, as it maintains accountability and vigilance on elite positions and potential betrayal and also accountability to and of rank and file for loyalty.

And it does this without rigidity as our people are recognized as having some freedom and agency in their maturity, for maintained as Aristotle’s praxis, in a corrective process of our ethne there, through the agency of social construction, social group classification and our place is maintained, and the ongoing relative gauge of group interests manage by hermeneutic circle, correcting between the rigor of empirical testing, and the perspective of imagination, the breadth and scope of the hypothesis, of the ideal and the vision that allows us to see our personal, relational social and bio-systemic, historical breadth and beyond,  to realize our potential and beyond what we thought we could, yet remaining ensconced, appreciated and replenished in the restorative balance and correction of our social praxis, being there and sustained by time in memorial patterns both routine and and those that bear the reverence of sacrament.

Part 10

White Left EthnoNationalism manages social construction and a hermeneutic circle, engaging the science of objective facts as need be, and maintaining its relevance among the broader hypothesis and relative interest of our group, taking broader systemic and historical perspective as well, as need be, on orientation and imaginative possibilities, or even the relief of impossibilities, as it were.

As such, it is not anti- nature or anti science, seeking to artificially apply concepts, the great stereotypes that would mischaracterize the working hypotheses of the White ethnonationalist left.

In this relative position, it provides for a freedom from the arbitrariness of Cartesian objectivism, providing individual and group accountability, coherence, agency, warrant and pervasive ecology by contrast.

And so we come full circle, where we can see why we are being told in all disingenuousness, all naivete, why there is this character perfectly consistent in its personalty and motives called the left and its doing this that and the other thing to us which is no good for us…

While the refer to gross distortions and abuses of social concepts, unionization, responsibility to workers and inclusion of marginals, social constructionism, hermenteutics, even liberalism we see…

They don’t want you to have a proper understanding, but rather the abused and misrepresented misunderstanding post modernity, as a proper understanding is a crucial idea to save our people, facilitating the negotiation of modernizing and inherited requirements,

There are many stereotypes that our enemies are propping up to provide a consistent, antagonistic and perfidious characterized opposition to our positive definition of the left, so that our people are turned off by such identification.

They tell us that the left is anti science, that hermeneutics is anti-science, when that is absolutely not true of the White Ethnonationalist Left.

They tell us that social constructionism and its correctable, participatory means of knowledge generation and agreement as to how it courts is nonsensical, that hermeneutics and its intent on verifiability is a means to evasion.

Then adherents to the right suppose that some magic hand somewhere above or buried deep within subhuman nature will provide guidance.

We supply verifiable hypotheses, maintaining that social groups, that our race and other races real, supplying the hypotheses for verifcation, and they say we are anti science; and trying not to test hypotheses, but to apply coercive, artificial concepts to nature.

As proponent of the current Jewish position attributing negative stereotypes to “The” Left defines the left right distinction, he says

Luke Ford: to be on the left is to take the perspective that human nature is almost perfectable and that people are basically good; and to be on the right is to take the perspective that human nature is deeply flawed and the natural tendency of human beings is to take the easy way out.

They want you to say that the left invariably hell bent on equality while they are soberly against it, dealing with truth, nature and reality.

That this is the essence of the distinction, that a White Left, its praxis, does not deal with reality, is not correctable, nothing could be further from the truth.

Part 11

They want you to say that you are against equality, irrespective of incommensurable symbiotic qualities.  they want you to say you are against equality, that looks odd.

They want you to say that you are against the diversity industry, and that you are for Abrahamic integration.

That you are a paleocon, like pat Buchanan, they want you to say that you are against multicultural sewer and for English speaking and Judeo Christian values for all.

That you are fore integration, multiculturalism isn’t working.

They want you to say that you are against social justice, in fact, you are against any social concern – that you are against sociology, the group unit of analysis, associating social concern with one thing, resources going to non-Whites.

Because you are not supposed to be left, the left is this stereotype of a bunch of anti natural anti factual things, propositions ….. they want you to say that the left is artificial and malevolent, social concerns are nonsense now that it serves the YKW interest to say so.

There’s another one, “the left” can’t meme, it’s not like we should have to tell people like Andy Nowicky that the YKW of Madison Ave have been cranking such supposedly funny memes for the right, outfits such as TRS…

They want their useful idiots, an Andy Nowicki to follow the paleocon line, diverting with ridiculous conspiracy theories – “pizzagate” – and their Madison Ave. marketed memes – such as, “the left can’t meme”, where as the Alt-Right can, and supposedly “dissident right” can. ..with Madison Ave. marketing firms cranking-out supposedly funny memes to the right, such as TRS.

By contrast to this nonsense, the antidote:

It has to be a White Left Ethnonational Position and not a third position, a centrist position. let alone some jewish promoted Alt left or center position, because those positions always allow entryism of destabilizing, arbitrarily leading objectivism, liberal ideology such as Christianity and the relatively good outliers of outroups such as YKW et al.

As opposed to this arbitrary foolishness, hermeneutics and social constructionism proper, White Post Modernity proper, allows for the ongoing homeostasis of White group systemics through White Left ethnoantionalism in coherence, accountability agency and warrant.

Whereas right wing objectivism or third positionism are Cartesian and naive, inherently unstable and susceptible to entryism and subversion.

Misdirection into minor and greater disasters is always a susceptibility of the right and alt right as they commit their epistemological blunder and to try to be purer and more natural than the social bracing of praxis and come off the hinges into disaster – come off the correctability into disaster.

Where as the praxis of the White ethnonational left provides for the circuit breakers and correction of social group systemic homeostasis in praxis.

The White ethnonational left also incentivizes participation – we’ll help you if you help us and are accountable – as opposed to taking the right wing disposition of hey, tough luck, might makes right, pick yourself up by your bootstraps – that’s life, that’s nature, just the way it is, “tough nuggets.”

By contrast in the White, EthnoNational left:

Unionized boundaries are provided for accountability in praxis and thereby for management of compassion for a moral order, human and pervasive ecology – it’s homeostasis.

Part 12

They want you to make false comparisons, generating conflict with the disrespect of pseudo objectivity, to display it both in and out group, that stupid lack of compassion and accountability, the “just the way-it-isnness”, of right wing objectivism, that correctly turns people off and keeps a White movement from being popular and viable. ..and why on top of everything they want you to believe its a matter of sheer, right wing objective facticity that is the reason that they’re on top …. natural merit, no cooperation in relative social interests about it.

Those concerned for White interests might observe by negative inference from Taylor how right wing objectivism is encouraged to frighten and turn-off popular support – how right wing positions are encouraged as such with David Duke as well – Duke is an interesting case in how he operates – not selling out to the YKW directly but selling out to White right wingers who do sell out to YKW (he takes the pay off by means of corrupt elite support and popular support from audiences forever curbed in right-wingism, in their popular backing though seriously conflicted (in its sundry anti-social platforms) –  encouraged to coddle the dead end stigma of Nazi apologetics and exoneration, the self sacrificing Abrahamic foolery of Christianity, the forever limited in popularity platform of objectivist leit brutality, its lack of accountability and lack of compassion granted support nevertheless exactly for giving Whites that bum steer AND for taking the quid pro quo to YKW interests of late by endorsing the Zionist Donald Trump –  Prof Kevin MacDonald (except for not going so far in Nazi apologetics and exoneration) follows a near identical angle, among almost all White advocates these past few years who have adopted this altercast position as White advocates, right wing positioned against “THE Left.”

They provide just a few among a deluge of glaring examples that should not only send up red flags, but set sirens off – that there is something to look at here, not only in taking David Lane’s license to criticize and reject the Right label, not just by negative inference with Jared Taylor, Paul Kersey, or all the people who have flowed through Paul Gottfried’s Alt-Right school of anti-leftism, The TRS marketing scheme, the narratives provided by boomer sellouts like David Duke to feed generation internet bubble, that there might be something to look into there with a Left perspective, but not just the left perspective as they portray it and characterize it, as internationalist, but one that serves White interests, as White ethnonationalist, and defined by ourselves, availing ourselves of self definition as opposed to the stereotypes and misdirection that they attribute.

I could go on almost indefinitely with what are more like blatant signs than clues provided by key exponents of the Anti-Left, to those who would depict a characterized left as the enemy, in their dubious motives or misunderstanding (in the case of McDonald, the misunderstanding is a bit more naivete), I could go on indefinitely with examples of this promulgated anti-left platform for the sheer volume and dubious popularity of the “anti-left” play – an angle which, before 2008, had limited venues and a small stage, there was dubious popularity for the anti-left play, an angle which, before 2008, had a small stage with limited runs, greatly outbooked and overshadowed by shows about the enemy put on the PC and Liberal stage.

But again, negative inference is not the only source for inspiration and inference for the viability of a White Left Ethnonationalist position.


To cure this contradictory, oxymoronic definition of left as being synonymous with liberalism, we need to look at the history and go into the depth grammar, deeper still than the Alynsky-like extension of liberalism that Marxism and the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School has promoted, and go to an even deeper meaning of the left in ordinary language – which is unionization, thus delimitation and conserving of bounds and borders (the opposite of liberalization) to include a full group, such that accountability, fair sharing of resource and compassion is extended to all within the union; exploitation from liberalization of the bounds and borders, by rank and file and marginal scabbery so to speak, and betrayal by the elites is blocked – that is to say, as applied to the national level, the ethno-nation becomes one class, not a classes divided against each other, one arguing for “equality” the other on “objective merit” but rather, including all within the nation as being within the union, and all left nationalism’s within the coalition as participating in incommensurable niches, not to be falsely compared and competing, but respected as necessary for the complementary, symbiotic functioning of the whole group system and homeostasis in pervasive ecology.

How do we sort out the term Left from liberalism as our enemies have that contradiction weaponized (to over extend classic liberalism beyond upper national classes being accountable to lower nationalist classes) against our overall organizational power as a group, a coherent group? We place the term White Ethnonational before Left, so that becomes the ordinary language taken for granted – you have a White Ethnonational left which closes off the racial and internationalist liberalism and provides for the organizational powers of left activism, it also allows us the agency not only broadly, but allows us the agency to define what we mean by a White Leftism.

With that closing off, that unionization as it were, borders are secured, unwanted immigration is seen as a form of scabbing as it were, while racial imposition is seen for what it is: supremacism and exploitation headed-toward slavery.

But with that agency, social construction, hermeneutics and movement social unionization we begin to take away the stereotypes of this anthropomorphized character, this characterization that our enemies find most useful now, this mischarachtarization of the so called left and the things that IT is supposed to us, not our enemies, not our naive, not our traitors.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: Attributing a stereotype misrepresentation of our agency in social construction, the gross perversions of said theory in YKW academia, alleging that we claim that we can make just anything of our emergent qualities…  ignoring that we say that race is real; that differences between people are real and important, they claim that we say that race is just some sort of optical illusion.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: Taking our verifiable and correctable hypotheses that our nation and race are real and attribute instead a false stereotype, giving us an altercast into right wing irresponsibility and saying that we are trying to impose artificial concepts upon nature and upon people, trying to coerce them.

The truth is anti racism is just this anti classification, just this anti social classification and discrimination on the basis of those classifications – denying us our working hypotheses: it is Cartesian, it is clearly not innocent, it is prejudice, it is hurting and it is killing people.


They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: That the heremeneutic circle that we use to negotiate that Cartesian divide between the empirical, and principle and concept, managing the empirical emergent factual world with broader systemic, historical hypothesis conceptualization and account is the means to deny science and reality when it is just the opposite, it is a means to manage our inherited forms and and ways and possibilities for improvement competently, as White Post Modernity provides for, against arbitrary input and in recognition of engagement of relative, group interests – social classifications which are not a fiction of the mind, as the empiricist Locke, had conceived.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: But we don’t allow them to put us in a position of being “against equality” and “social justice”, as objectivist, no account, “might makes right supremacists” when in fact we recognize incommensurate qualities and abilities in and between groups that are not to suffer quantifying false comparison and the reciprocal hostility it generates, but rather are to be appreciated and respected for their complementary symbiotic function of in-group homeostasis and inter-group coordination.

We are anti-supremacist and exploitation.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: But we don’t allow them to characterize us as being against diversity and multiculturalism and therefore, in ordinary language, for integration in their Mulatto Abrahamic following.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: That we supposedly deny individualism when we in fact provide for its authentic means.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: That we are supposedly against private property and wealth, we are supposedly jealous, when in fact we provide for its means and the justice that would maintain it proper, and great reward in life.

They apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: That we are supposedly in favor of immigration, when that is directly opposed to our unionized interests, scabbing our labor, usurping our social capital and resource; destroying the carrying capacity and pervasive ecology, rather we favor social accountability starting from our particular White unionized interests and coalitions, population and land resource carrying capacity management.

They apply the stereotype that we want the state to do everything: no, we most fundamentally want to control the borders, after that there is significant of flexibility as to what is best handled by the state or privately.

And they apply a stereotype of left conceptualization to us: A negative stereotype, that we are supposedly anti-nature, applying artificial constructs with absurd levels of individual agency, but they don’t know us, our fantastic properties of collective negotiation are just beginning:

We Are The White Class.

Addendum one

And wouldn’t you think it would occur to people that this thing called “the left”, this anthropomorphized character who is perfectly consistent in these things it does and wants, these artificial constructs that it wants to impose on us in perfect villainy emerged coincidentally, raising its ugly head to be beaten like a bobo doll by right wing reaction around 2008 and more and more ever since…  they don’t want us to talk about I.Q. because we all know that’s why the YKW are on top, these jealous lefties can’t handle the race reality that the YKW have the highest group I.Q.

Now, there’s this anthropomorphized thing called THE LEFT and coincidentally since about 2008, more and more defenders of huWhite people have diagnosed this as the problem and coincidentally, so too have more and more YKW and well, just about anyone else who wanted to be promoted, to be popular….. where as in the days before 2008 and before the Internet, this was not so much recognized, there wasn’t so much recognition of the left as the problem, once in a blue moon there was someone who’d accuse an opponent of being far to the left, but communist, of course not, that was long ago laughably defeated, maybe a socialist, but then, to become popular that way was only to the status signalers and as a dog-whistle-legitimate-cause for Whites who didn’t want to be called racist for not voting democrat…of course you could risk coming out as just preferring the Republicans.. people would be bold enough to admit that they didn’t like the Democrats because they were the black people’s party but to admit that you voted Republican even though they only dog whistled to Whites and didn’t act in your interests was to admit that you were still a fool and that took even more guts.

Then it became PC that was the enemy, and indeed Marxist Left roots were recognized but the general moniker for the enemy remained, PC, but with increasing disclosure of Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt school in its Jewishness, it was incumbent upon the Horowitzes to call those Jewish leftists to begin to help the paleocons to develop a new angle – against the Left entirely since PC was cutting too close to the bone.

There were some people who were more bold still, more honest, who would cite liberals as the problem –  though it was a more accurate a designation of the enemy behavior and program as it applied to White group interests, it made you look funny, putting you and all your cool tastes aside and placing you in a pew along side people who wore bow ties and went to some weird denomination Christian church, or people who had these convoluted arguments to conserve liberalism – because the constitution was liberal – at least in its amended form, ad or its anti social classification Lockeatine civil rights, it certainly is, and certainly by way of civil rights – at that point it was all about liberal prerogative and nothing about conserving your group interest’s borders and boundaries, not for White people anyway; there are famous provisos for blacks and other minorities.

Addendum 2

So, as an implicit White advocate, you might cite liberals as the enemy’s behavior most accurately proscribed and described, but you were advocating a position that conserved and objectivist constitution whereupon you could only hope, whistling in the dark right back at the fainter and fainter dog whistles amidst howling torrents of anti-White audacity that kept increasing despite the fact that you always thought it couldn’t get worse.

You just had to hope that you and the rest of the White guys were objectively better on all metrics, in all episodes despite the (increasing non-White competition that was illegal to discriminate against, depute the fact that they were going to be better and rewarded lavishly on some popular metrics that did not measure your best attributes as a White man… attributes for which you might even be punished) competition for the Constitution’s individual rights taken hyperbolic by anti-racism’s prohibition of group classification and discrimination, hush hush about dependence upon Unions that’s a concern for the black people’s party.

So, you could rail against these liberals and be a “conservative,” conserving the very liberal notion of rights which translated into making it virtually illegal to do anything about this, to discriminate on the basis of classification, especially with added hyperbolic YKW measures.

America, the land of liberal opportunity, self maximization for all – a competition of all individuals against all, isn’t that great? Its natural, like the right says, competition is natural and what makes us great and generates all accomplishments….. isn’t it?

How could you be such a communist, a collectivist, against the capitalist opportunity given you to free individual enterprise, that so many brave men have fought and died for?

Addendum 3

What is your ethnic genetic interests, aren’t you an American?

How dare you not love America, as a man, not take advantage of its wonderful opportunities to achieve according to your objective merit as measured against everyone’s objective merit? How dare you not love the Constitution and its Amendments? Individual rights, Civil rights?

It’s impossible, Marxism is dead. Your position as a White American man is the envy of the world…. meanwhile your noticing something that you never used to see back in the seventies and mid 80s …

And you had to whistle in the dark, and hope that White girls would do the right thing, and date and marry White guys as they always had, despite the howling din of feminism and its increasing correspondence with anti-White man criticism throughout the seventies and 80’s, its implications finally bursting through the damn of popular acceptance/enforcement with Madonna’s Like a Prayer Video and the race-mixing propaganda, a nightmare of ever increasing White woman/black pairings modeled more and more through media, from porno, to movies and TV and even commercials.

Now by the 90s there were some people on our side… people who’d figured it out real good, like Pat Buchanan – we just needed to be done with this multicultural sewer, all speak English and adhere to our Judeo-Christian faith – be a paleocon!

Ok, Ok, so you couldn’t identify with Pat Buchanan any more than you could identify with any of the right wing groups that you were supposed to identify with if you didn’t want blacks imposed on you – KKK, regular Christians, weirder Christians still, Nazis, some sort of crazy militia men… hell, some of these people were calling women you could dream about not White because they had brown hair, a vowel on the end of their name and didn’t speak English….

Nevermind that a confederation of left ethnonationals preserves our differences, including among Whites.

When paleocon integration needs redressing and augmentation against the “left, its mulitculturaliams and diversity industry” call in bracket Frank Meyer’s paleocon heir, Paul Gottried to give it augmentation and a new look, Anything, Anything but the Left – lets call it that Alt Right and include anyone who has anti-social ideas – that will make sure White organization never goes anywhere…so when that fails as it inevitably would for the inherent instability of the right, its proneness to infiltration, anti-social reaction, etc, hail gait, unite the right, we’ll look for a real right then a real, real right ..  allow for a bit of tears for Uncle Adolph, call in Frame games and his, quote heart right, Anything….

To maintain the crazy and stupid epistemological blunder lacking the social accountability and correctability of praxis, of

The White Class.