>>>>>>>>>>>>“To ensure that Wikipedia is Zionist in nature”

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A Palestinian woman whose house has been occupied by Jewish settlers argued with Israelis who came to celebrate Jerusalem Day in the mainly Arab neighborhood of Sheikh, Jarrah, Jerusalem.

“To ensure that Wikipedia is Zionist in nature”

Against the anti-White saturation campaign of anti-“racism” featuring the accusation of White-supremacism, I came up with a counter of “Mulatto Supremacism”, which I deemed to be a true motivation out there and egregiously un-ecological in its motivation. As a concept, it has the distinct rhetorical advantage of confronting neither Jews nor blacks directly (thus bypassing their easy response of anti-Semitism or racism or a pro-supremacist position of any kind), while confronting one of the most egregious upshots of their pervasive campaign against “racism” and (usually false) attribution of White supremacism. While Mulatto supremacism has much truth value as a concept and bears serious concern, I was blocked from starting a Wikipedia article on the topic.

I was blocked from submitting an article on the obvious phenomenon of “mulatto supremacism”  – which even has notable historical precedent in Haiti’s mulatto supremacist genocide of Whites on the island. – DanielS

Wikipedia is censored to protect Jewish interests.

Proof of their influence on Wikipedia is to be found in videos which reveal Israeli boiler rooms – groups of people put up to spin wiki articles in a Jewish way.

I don’t now what Wikipedia’s policy is on creating entries on its site so I can’t comment on that it.

I heard of Jewish commentators on YouTube like to Israel but not Wikipedia.

Where are the videos?


Here you are –

Yesha Council in conjunction with “My Israel” has arranged instruction day for wiki editors. The goal is to teach people how to edit in Wiki- pedia, which is the number one source of information in the world. As way of example, if someone searches “the Gaza Flotilla” we want to be there, we want to be the guys who influence what is written there, how its written; to ensure that its ‘balanced’ and Zionist in nature.

It is so basically factual to anyone who has had dealings with Wikipedia and White activism that I don’t even feel obligated to make the case as a public service; I will leave you to further secretarial detail rather than getting caught up in your game of arguing over the obvious. Instead, I will provide just this one video example which you act as if difficult to find – a ready example of Jewish manipulation of Wikipedia.

With all the money that they have, whether through their own ways and machinations, including foreign aid, Jewish interests have plenty to fund activists on their behalf to patrol and control not just wikipedia, but to police and troll all over the internet. The ADL and SPLC are well known in this regard. Their Hasbra Fellowship is a little less well known for this. Though formally about Israeli interests, this would not be mutually exclusive to concern for Jewish diaspora as well.



We are here to empower our community of students to advocate for Israel. Through our unique Israel Training Program, we offer exclusive, accessible, and interactive practical advocacy tools to empower students to lead on campus.


Hasbara Fellowships is a leading pro-Israel campus activism organization working with over 95 universities across North America. Hasbara Fellowships brings hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as educators about Israel. So far, Hasbara Fellowships has educated over 3,000 students on over 250 campuses.

Upon returning from the program, the Hasbara Fellows receive support from our staff, as well as access to various campaigns, programs, speakers, and other materials and tools. Hasbara Fellowships focuses on college campuses, but the information and tools offered are applicable for other forums as well.


We envision North American college campuses to be a place where Zionists feel empowered to openly celebrate the Jewish State without fear or exclusion, where universities can define and fight Antisemitism in all its forms, where all Jewish students have the sophisticated education coupled with the confidence to speak up, and where the entire campus community welcomes and appreciates all students and ideas in support of Israel. We are shaping the next generation of North American leaders.


Hasbara Fellowships is a leading pro-Israel campus activism organization working with over 95 universities across North America. Hasbara Fellowships brings hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as educators about Israel. So far, Hasbara Fellowships has educated over 3,000 students on over 250 campuses. Upon returning from the program, the Hasbara Fellows receive support from our staff, as well as access to various campaigns, programs, speakers, and other materials and tools. Hasbara Fellowships focuses on college campuses, but the information and tools offered are applicable for other forums as well.

Mulatto Supremacism

Some historical ingredients for a would-be Wikipedia article.

André Rigaud,1761-1811, Haitian mulatto general.

André Rigaud, 1761-1811, Haitian mulatto general… he believed in ‘the superiority of mulattoes.

– Columbia Encyclopedia.

ChickenBones: A Journal for Literary & Artistic African-American Themes – Toussaint Chronology: “In 1799 the mulatto general André Rigaud enlisted the aid of Alexandre Pétion and Jean Pierre Boyer, asserted mulatto supremacy, and launched a revolt against Toussaint.”…the genocide of the Whites that followed on what is now Haiti is a well known event.

Toussaint Louverture, 1743 - 1803, "Father of Haiti", defeats the Mulattoes.
W.E.B. Dubois

W.E.B. Du Bois and the Dandy as Diasporic Race Man; in Miller, Monica L.; Callaloo – Vol. 26, Number 3, Summer 2003, pp. 738-765; The Johns Hopkins University Press: “W.E.B. Du Bois and the Dandy as Diasporic Race Man” argues that Du Bois’s concern with black male leadership style began before the writing of Souls and continues well after it, in his less well-known writing. While still a young scholar, Du Bois wrote about an African American “feminine man” who, in joining with the more “masculine” Teutonic would produce a common human/American civilization by a racial division of labor.”

Meta-Wikipedia tact

Raising the charge of Mulatto Supremacism is both valid regarding one of the worst effects of what Jews and Blacks are doing to the White race while confronting neither group directly so as to initiate direct response; nor failing to use the leverage of their own potential grievance as to the matter.

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