EthnoNations of Asia, probably our best potential allies.

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In this post we’ll look at the ethnonational circumstance of some Asian nations – and furtively, a few Middle Eastern nations as well – as potential allies to White EthnoNationalism; indeed, for the numbers and relative intelligence that these nations wield, we might see them as perhaps the best potential allies against Abrahamic imperialism and the vast destruction it imposes, together with its right wing and liberal cohorts, against the borders and boundaries that would structure the homeostasis of our species.

I don’t pretend to be an expert on these countries and their personages, but certain patterns do emerge in evidence to me and I have gleaned some insight from Kumiko.

Kumiko has her prejudices, but she does what one is supposed to do, if operating in good faith toward ethnonational coordination, i.e., she is fairly open about her prejudices so that you can work with her knowing where she stands. At any rate, perhaps I should have been more alert, for example, to her grievance that Eisenhower had part in imposing Islam on Asia in order to install Imams as comprador (financial middle-man) feudalist overlords; ready to thwart potential unionization of ethnonationals against neo-liberal exploitation of their labor and resource; and to thwart their defense against imperialist destruction of their species.

Typically through the prism of America’s (and Europe’s) right wing, imperialist perspective of  NeoLiberalism underpinned by its “moral” vehicle of Abrahamism, viz., Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the plight of EthnoNationalism in Asia has been misunderstood by Westerners; at times to catastrophic effect – as in the case of Vietnam, where right wingers engaged American boys in a horrific war in the name of fighting communism, where in fact they fought against ethnonationalism – despite the fact that it had shown willingness of to coordinate in ethnonational interests prior to the war, on a myriad of issues ranging from the trade in rubber to alliance against dangerous imperialist aggression, such as might be from China.

While we must be wary of the Asian nations as they are NOT perfectly empathetic with us, they are infused with their resentments (only warranted by the right wing/neoliberal exploits against them, by the way) and they will take advantage of us if we let them; it is also true that for their intelligence and numbers they make the best possible allies against Middle Easterner adversaries – Jews and Muslims, their fanatical, imperialistic religion laced with manichean trickery and whatever means it can to achieve its hegemony; and against Africans, their hyper-assertive aggression infused with biopower and weaponized by the Abrahamics.

With the aim of understanding the plight of Asian ethnonationals a little better then, and with hope of potential coordination of our interests as ethnonationals, lets have a look at some of the material we’ve gone through on a few of these nations.

Ethnonationalism and the maintenance of its borders and bounds is no freakishly ideal quest that must necessarily entail imperial and exploitative aspirations despite Jewry, with their right wing and liberal cohort efforts to portray that as concomitant with eithnonationalism.

The issue of citizenship is key – its privileges, responsibilities and means of ostracism for violating borders and bounds is sustained against liberal runaway by unionizing means.

Citizenship and Unionization are highly practical means for structuring and sustaining an EthnoNation and coordination with others; as they require no burdensomely constant surveillance and accountability in the case of citizenship and its entailments (accounts requested primarily occur when they are relevant); nor is it necessary to force membership by religious or psychological coercion, or by negative incentives since unionization can rather ensconce both accountability and incentive structures.

Structuring our own ethnonationalism is practical and realizable thus, while cooperation will be less the emphasis than coordination with other ethonations – but also realistic as we locate common concerns.

European & Asian Regional Alliance

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 02 January 2016 08:46.

While I am adamant about the right and oughtness of fighting when one’s own borders and EGI are being infringed upon, I am not a hawk. Geopolitical warfare has never been something that appealed to me, let alone with any sort of passion.

I’m very averse to the idea of going beyond my national boundaries to fight, particularly when my own nation is totally screwed-up, needs tending and where innovative thinking might solve problems as opposed to trying to solve them by resorting to warring abroad.

The problem is that there are valid arguments that there are vital requirements along the Silk Road, in the Middle East and in Africa – resource and population management that is indispensably necessary even to the most innovative and independent peoples. In these concerns, I’m going to invite the reader to consider with me the possibility of re-drawing ethno-nationalist and regional lines on this map.

As you can guess, conversations with Kumiko have got me taking these matters under consideration, and I hope that she will soon put up an article discussing issues that the neo-cons have failed to make in clear and persuasive terms.

Tangential to neo-con issues is an interesting philosophical question for another day: how, in detailed form, to set up a rule structure which will sort out and punish the genetic legacy of criminals; and facilitate the rebirth of those genetic components that have suffered unjustly at the hands of criminals in previous generations. In this case, I am thinking more in terms of those who have historical grievances with Russians – while it is true that I don’t feel this grievance as do some others that I’ve known, it is nevertheless only practical to set the question aside for the time being – though it is a question that can apply to any people who have benefited or suffered from historical atrocities.

Europeans, now, are asked even more fundamental questions than relative guilt and merit, but are asked to address the matter of our identity, period – that we are a people (different from Jews and others), to establish who we are, what the nature of our common moral order is, to understand that the obfuscation of that would-be peoplehood is a part of a war against us – and that there is, indeed, a war against us; finally, we are asked what is the nature of that war and what it consists over?

When considering these matters from a White Nationalist perspective, Russian people are not conceived as inherent enemies, nor, even, is the humongous expanse of their nation high on the list, if on the list at all, of things intolerable to allow to remain. At first blush, I can imagine living with it – it’s always been that way in my lifetime; its reach contracted after the fall of The U.S.S.R., but still remains bigger than Pluto.

Nevertheless, we ought to reconsider this from an Asian perspective, and from a perspective of acute European interests.

I didn’t expect to have occasion at this point to consider aloud the possibility of attempting to align formal industrial military objectives with ours as White Nationalists. Oil, resources, even absurd and brutal regimes in the Middle East and Africa inflicting harm upon their own do not stir any passion in me to fight. The function of Asian countries and Western countries do, however, have requirements and rationale to get these nations under compliance. And in hopes of facilitating the human resource of Kumiko’s military perspective, I am going to imagine empathic military geo-political objectives, so that we might envisage a grand chess board result in our victory.

From that standpoint I attend to the fact that as nationalists and as White people in particular, fighting for the survival and sovereignty of our nations, that militarization and the geopolitics of resource and population management will ultimately be necessary.

Asia and the West have things that we need from one another, including cooperation against antagonisms from the Middle East and Africa.

Not only do we need resources from these places but we need mutual help in border control and repatriation projects.

What about Russia? It is so big. Why not just work with them and allow its vast space to become a place for White people to grow into?

While it is true that another traditional passion for some war mongers is hating Russians and maybe I should hate them, I don’t hate them. Nor do I care if people want to move there; furthermore, I completely understand not wanting to fight them. I don’t want to fight Russians; the war in Ukraine has been instigated by Judaized and neo-liberal means and motives and it disgusts me.

Even so, WN tendencies to look upon Russia as the great White hope ignore the propositional, neo-liberal, mercantile and Judaized aspects of Russia – as if its political class has no corruptions analogous to The US that will wreak havoc with such projects to connect with Russia as a partner in White Nationalism.

On the other hand, while I favor Ukrainian and Belarusian sovereignty, as I favor all ethnonational sovereignty, I am opposed to a hot war approach with Russia to increase their sovereignty (I said that in 2016).

But neither am I in favor of a hot war approach to defend Russia’s humongous eastern stretch and southern conflicts.

Rather than abandon to foreign invaders the natural ethnonationalist homelands of our European evolution and engage in White flight to move into lands that apparently represent imperialist aggrandizement – beyond ethnonational mandate – on the part of Russia, to reiterate, neither am I particularly interested in fighting to protect Russia’s imperial overreach.

In a word, defending what is apparently an imperial over-reach is Russia’s problem and an issue that can be turned to our advantage as Europeans in order to gain cooperation with our EGI, its borders and vital resources.

We need Chinese, Japanese and other Asian cooperation more than we need Russia’s imperialist headaches; and China and Japan are not about to start loving Russia more than their own interests which are impacted by Russia’s Eastern and Southern interference.

We need cooperation with Asia to compel compliance with regard to resource, EGI and border management. And we might compel Russia’s compliance as well with those needs by means of the West’s regional alliance with Asia.

Thus, while we might not engage a war of maneuver in either Russia’s west nor east, we might well consider lending approval to Asian positioning in Russia’s east and south.

That is, allowing the “stick” (as opposed to “carrot”) of some of these lands as potentially sovereign Asian places: with enclaves Russian and enclaves Asian, the farther east you go, the more the general area would be Asian with fewer Russian enclaves and vis a versa – the farther West, the fewer Asian enclaves until you reach a point where it would be a Russian only ethnostate. And the carrot to Russia would be less contentious relations with its neighbors, more secure borders, and more cooperation in resource garnering, management and use. That is not necessarily a bad deal.

Toward an Asian-Atlantic regional cooperation.

1. The genetic-make-up and territorial boundaries of the European ethno-states shall be restored, maintained and protected.

2. To achieve this end we propose alignment with the Asian ethno-states and region.

3. Something like the E.U. and North Atlantic would be necessary to achieve that alliance and its success.

However, it will also involve some quid pro quo.

4. First, we see it as being in both of our interests to secure our peoples against impositions of Middle-Eastern and African populations; against imposition of the Abrahamic religions; and against interference of these peoples and religions in our vital resources.

5. Toward that end, it is in the interest of both Asians and Europeans to remove these populations to the greatest extent possible from our geo-political territories; and, again, to remove significant imposition/interference upon our mutual vital resource interests.

6.  Sacrosanct European territories in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand will likely need to become smaller at any rate in order to be maintained and defended. But with the increased manageability of defense will come an opportunity to offer cooperation to Asians to have some sacrosanct territories of their own in these places. We will respect and cooperate with one another toward the defense of our territories in diaspora, seeing African and Middle-Eastern (saliently Jewish and Muslim) populations as those who must be guarded against and compelled to as great a distance from our people as possible, removed from civic nationalization and its proximity.

7. Russia/ns will be seen as having an analogous situation to White Americans. In order to have a safer, more manageable ethno-state and something to offer in exchange with the Euro-Asian regional alliance, they will be required to contract in size considerably, particularly from its expanse eastward into Asia and its geo-political interference there and to its south, unilaterally along the Silk Road. Russia’s ethno-state will be more secure as it will be forced into a more cooperative and less antagonistic relation with the rest of the geo-polity.

The key deal is this: we will compel Russia to relinquish parts of its territory (leaving it no good choice but to comply). In exchange we will require Asian assistance in cleansing and defending our territories from imposition by non-natives – particularly Africans, Middle Easterners, Muslims and Jews. And we will require compliance in securing our vital resources and transportation routes.

The advantages to European peoples and Asians in this alliance is clear.

But what regional and national lines might you imagine and what advantages to Russia and others do you see for compliance? Discuss.

As there are no Russian cities larger than 600,000 east of lake Baikal (near the city of Irkutsk, centrally to the north of Mongolia), and only four larger than 300,000, one way of arranging the pockets, enclaves, ethno-state outposts as it were, would be to have a symmetrical “M.C. Escher-like” arrangement (as in the image called “Day and Night” above), i.e., an entering of these enclaves into the others general regional sphere – enclaves which would, nevertheless, represent sovereign states. 

The plan would emphasize deportation and re-doing citizenship in favor of native lines, viz., on the basis of ethnostates. That is unlike the Moscow – Berlin – Paris axis, which apparently seeks to reconstruct the same old right-wing, propositional/objectivist oil interests.

Note: I can see how this could create incentive for Eastern European nations to cooperate – from a position of strength and in cooperation with White diaspora (note the interview of Tomasz Szczepański under the fold).

The Eastern European nations may agree to cooperation despite history of disputes (sometimes serious), and facilitate this ethno-nationalist and regional cooperation if their borders and native populations are guaranteed. If they are a part of a plan that guarantees that and necessary resources from the Silk Road – accomplished by increased cooperation with Asia and a Russia dealing from a cooperative position; then perhaps ethnonational and regional alliance with Asia can work. I.e, Russia has to offer more than trade in natural resources garnered through its vast expanse and fist waving at anybody who doesn’t see their interests being secured inasmuch.

The area that is to be reserved as sacrosanct to the Russian ethnostate would be contracted from imperial dimensions and more in line with ethno-national proportions.

It is a contraction in concession to cooperation with other ethno-European nations that WN America will likely need to undergo as well.

This will make Russia more defensible and more worth cooperating with for the rest of Europe and Asia – as they will be required to join this Euro-Asian regional cooperation against middle eastern interference – whether Arab, Islamic or Jewish, they will be beholden to our terms and we will have the necessary resources of the Silk Road.

The other side of the deal for compliance and cooperation to garner vital resources, is that our vital EGI will be cooperated with in protection as well – including not only in border defense, repatriation and de-nationalization of the majority of non-natives from European and Asian countries, but most strictly the border defense, de-nationalization and removal of non-natives from European nations; while allowing for some accountable quota of Asians and Europeans in one another’s nations and regions.

Intermarium Alliance

* There are a few mistakes in Szczepański’s analysis below – e.g., the idea that it would be “good for Poland and East Europe if Western Europe were to suffer greatly with floods of immigration”; secondly, the supposition that “Germany has never officially given up its claim” to the Western third of Poland; finally, even I wonder about his position with regard to what is now called Kaliningrad. However, as a geopolitical argument, in many other respects it is commendable.

The Intermarium Project

First introduced as a part of ideology of the Polish state by the Chief of State Józef Piłsudski in 1918-1922.

Counter-Currents, ‘The Other Europe: An Interview on Intermarium’, 18 Nov 2015:

The Other Europe: An Interview on Intermarium with Tomasz Szczepański. Interview and translation by Jarosław Ostrogniew

Tomasz Szczepański (Barnim Regalica) was born in 1964 in Szczecin (Poland). He is a historian (Ph.D. in humanities), writer, essayist, and activist. An advocate of Zadruga (Polish pagan nationalism) and indigenous Slavic faith.

He was an anti-communist activist beginning in 1984, a member of the illegal Polish Socialist Party, and a member of the Confederation of Independent Poland since 1987. From 1987 to 1989 he edited the underground bulletin Intermarium.

After the collapse of communism he became an opponent of the democratic-liberal establishment. He was an organizer and participant in numerous anti-communist and anti-establishment patriotic and nationalist demonstrations. He taught history for 11 years and is currently an employee of the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.

Tomasz Szczepański has advocated the idea of Intermarium and worked for its realization since the 1980s. He is the founder and leader of the Association for Tradition and Culture “Niklot” (active since 1998) and the metapolitical quarterly Trygław.

    What are the theoretical foundations and origins of the Intermarium project?

The foundation of the Intermarium project is the aim of creating in Eastern Europe (or East-Central Europe), understood as the area between Russia and Germany, a pole of power able to counterbalance the power of either of these two neighbors. The aim of creating such a pole is to secure the area from imperial attempts by Russia and Germany and to create conditions for unconstrained development of the nations of the region.

The countries of the area are often divided into two sub-regions, the Carpathian Mountains being the borderline: the proper Baltic-Black Seas Intermarium (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine) and the Danube-Balkan segment. Both sub-regions are collectively called the ABC area after the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black (Czarne in Slavic languages) Seas.

In addition to geographical, economic, and cultural factors, the basic element creating unity in the area is the fact that it has been and still is an object of constant expansion by Russia and Germany, and historically also of Sweden and Turkey. And the political elites – and probably large parts, or even the vast majority, of the Russian and German nations – treat expansion into this area as legitimate, the evidence of which are their geopolitical doctrines: “Mitteleuropa,” “Lebensraum,” “the Brezhnev doctrine,” and the “near abroad.”

Attempts to realize the Intermarium project after 1918 were connected with two waves of democratization in Middle Europe (1918-1921 and 1989-1991), hence the common association of this concept with the idea of exporting the democratic state model to the East. This is not precise. It used to be this way, but it does not need to be this way, as the aim of the Intermarium project is independence, and democracy is a secondary issue. We can imagine that, for instance, a democratic counter-candidate of Aleksandr Lukashenko in Belarus could be simultaneously a pro-Moscow agent, thus in this case the advocates of Intermarium would support Lukashenko as the candidate securing – in his own interest – the separation of Belarus from Russia.

Intermarium should be also considered as a political expression of cultural distinctiveness of Central (Eastern) Europe from both its neighbors. Although politically it is a project countering primarily Russian imperialism, culturally it is rather an anti-occidentalist project.

I do not agree with the thesis that this area is a transition between the East (Eurasia) and the West, as this perspective considers the main feature of the region as simply the “attenuation” of occidental traits. Thus the uniqueness of the Intermarium is constituted only by the lack of its own features. Let us focus on what is culturally unique in this area. First, there is a powerful agrarian element in the national cultures of the area. Almost all of the nations have reconstructed their elites after a long period of time on the basis of the peasantry, or in the case of the Poles and Hungarians, and partly the Romanians, their elites consist of a nobility connected with the rural culture. However, in all of these nations the local bourgeoisie was weak, consisting mostly of ethnically alien elements. Thus, except for the Czechs, bourgeois cultural traits are very weak in the nations of this region.

Second, this is Slavic Europe. The examples of the Baltic countries, Hungary, and Romania only apparently deny this fact. Their strong connection with Slavic cultures, as well as the absorption of Slavic elements by the Hungarian and Romanian ethnos in the process of their development, is well-known.

Third, in the 20th century all countries of the region were subject to communism – the most destructive social experiment known in human history. This has unified social experience of these nations, enabling common understanding among them.

Finally, the concept of the nation understood in ethnic (anthropological) categories dominates in the whole region, contrary to Western Europe, where mere civic nationalism is more common. A member of a nation is a person who is connected with the nation by origin, language, and common culture (often also by religion); citizenship plays a much more minor role.

  How was the idea of Intermarium developed in Poland and in Europe?

Although there were historical precedents, the Intermarium project was first introduced as a part of ideology of the Polish state by the Chief of State Józef Piłsudski in 1918-1922.

It is commonly identified with Polish federalism, which is not completely true. Polish federalism aimed at creating a common federal state from all the countries of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the idea of Intermarium aims to create an alliance of independent states.

The Peace Treaty of Riga between Second Polish Republic and the USSR in 1921 meant the resignation to the political impossibility of this concept – not a complete resignation, as it remained both in the political thought and in the semi-unofficial practices of certain institutions of Second Polish Republic. The Polish army, during preparations for a war with the USSR, created the so-called “contract officers”: these were military-men from the nations conquered by the USSR, who were not Polish citizens, but who served on the terms of a contract. It was anticipated that in the case of a war with the USSR, soldiers of the Red Army who were willing to fight against Bolshevism would contact Polish Army units. The leadership of army units consisting of such soldiers (which could form the nucleus of future allied armies) would be entrusted to these contract officers. Due to their nationality and lack of Polish citizenship they would be considered more credible. Also émigré periodicals fom the USSR were supported, not only in the case of Intermarium nations, but also peoples of the Caucasus, Urals, and even the Kalmyks. Of course, Polish intelligence services cooperated with pro-independence organizations among these nations.

The concept of Intermarium was taken up by the young generation of Polish conservatives during the Interwar period. We often associate the idea of Intermarium with the Piłsudski’s political camp, and although this association is true, it is noteworthy that the Polish nationalist political camp has also embraced this concept, with one of the versions elaborated by Adam Doboszyński.

Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that up to 1939, Intermarium was on the margins of the Polish political mainstream, which rather aimed at defending the Versailles status quo. After the beginning of the Second World War, however, various concepts of a Central European federation had many influential proponents among Polish emigres.

The project has been revivified in political thought in Poland with the foundation of Confederation of Independent Poland (Konfederacja Polski Niepodległej – KPN, the first oppositional political party since the incapacitation of the Polish People’s Party in 1947 by the Communists). The KPN harkened back to the Piłsudski’s pro-independence movement, so it could not remain indifferent to its geopolitical thought. After 1980, when the collapse of the USSR and of the broader “socialist camp” seemed more and more inevitable, some of the other oppositional circles began to more or less openly refer to the Intermarium project. It must nevertheless be emphasized that this agenda was embraced by only a minority of the opposition.

In July of 1994 a League of Parties of Intermarium Countries was proclaimed in Kiev. The League consisted of pro-independence parties from six countries (Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Ukraine). The Confederation of Independent Poland, the Third Republic Movement, and the marginal Polish Republican Party–Third Power represented Poland in the League. Congresses of the League took place in 1995 (Jarosław nad Sanem, Poland), 1996 (Minsk, Belarus) and 1997 (Kiev, Ukraine). There was also an attempt to create a common bulletin, two issues of which were published. This initiative died by the end of ‘90s as a result of political changes in the countries involved – including marginalization of the main advocates of the project. It is noteworthy that some non-political social initiatives, undertaking the questions of Central Europe, have referred to this idea. These initiatives usually died after a few years, due to the lack of state support and inability to find other sponsors.

Although the Intermarium idea has been promoted by circles which have never exercised real state power, it must nevertheless be emphasized that some of the official policies of the Third Polish Republic (in 1989-2004) can be considered as more or less direct references to this idea. I consider the Central European Initiative (Hexagonale) and Central European Free Trade Agreement to be examples of this. The Visegrad Group is also an example to a lesser extent – mainly due to its limited potential and the declared aim of the group, which is the support of the countries of the group on the path to European Union membership, thus de facto cooperation in liquidating the sovereignty of the region. However, Polish policy after the collapse of communism was essentially aimed at entering the main structures of the Western world, that is NATO and the European Union. All alternatives to this aim – and Intermarium is such an alternative, especially in regard to EU – were fundamentally rejected by the establishment. If certain elements of the project were used, it was rather as a medium of realizing the idea of the occidentalizaton of Central-Eastern Europe. After the Third Polish Republic entered the European Union, elements of the Intermarium agenda were visible in the policy of President Lech Kaczyński.

Nevertheless, realization of the Intermarium project appears the most effective way of securing the independence of Poland.

  What possibilites for and obstacles to the realization of the Intermarium project do you see?

The entrance of most of the countries of the area into the EU has basically undone the possibility of realizing this project in the conceivable future. Although we must remember that it does not rule out creation of a regional bloc inside the Union; there are still institutional frameworks enabling cooperation in the spirit of Intermarium, created before entrance into the EU, such as the Visegrad Group, which can be filled with a new content in a new political configuration.

Discussion of the Intermarium idea makes sense, especially if we assume the collapse of the European superstate project.

The main opponents of the realization of the Intermarium project are Russian and German imperialists as well as advocates of the European superstate.

Why are the Russian imperialists? This is obvious and does not need a detailed elaboration. However, we must notice that despite the evident successes of Vladimir Putin in overcoming domestic troubles and in international relations, the systematic demographic tendency to a decreasing Russian population has not changed. Taking into consideration neighboring China and the already existing presence of not only Chinese capital, but also of a few million Chinese in Siberia (with a tendency to increase in number), the loss of a part of Siberia in favor of China, in one form or another, seems quite probable within a generation. Finally, the Russian economy, based mainly on natural resources, is dependent on the international prices of these raw materials.

Furthermore, after departing from communism, Russia has not found an alternative ideological foundation for the reconstruction of the empire. Despite official support, Orthodox Christianity has not come out of the post-communist crisis. Eurasianism could be such a foundation, but it would mean breaking with the hopes of parts of Russian elite for the occidentalization of Russia.

That Intermarium is obsolete from the perspective of German policy is also a point that probably does not need much elaboration. Let us focus on the convergence of German and Russian interests, apart from certain economic complementarity (on the one hand a developed and energy-consuming economy, on the other a provider of almost inexhaustible energy resources). If we assume that the aim of German policy is the regaining of losses – including immaterial ones, such as international position – which the country suffered after the defeat in the Second World War, it is difficult to conceive Germany regaining territory in Central Europe if the region creates a strong political structure. And such a structure would also not be in favor of Russia, thus the German-Russian cooperation against the countries of Intermarium (especially against Poland as a potential leader of the region) is completely natural.

Thus we arrive at the last group of opponents of the Intermarium project: the advocates of the EU as a superstate. Contrary to the previous ones, they do not represent interests of a certain state or nation, but a certain ideological project, for the EU is also an ideological project. It is a democratic-liberal scheme, aimed against all strong national and religious identities, striving to create a “European” identity by uprooting national identities. The Intermarium project must provoke dislike in these circles for at least two reasons.

First, are “cultural” reasons: nations inhabiting the region, due to the common experience of communism, are more attached to their identities which have so often been threatened. Thus, they are unwilling to renounce these identities for the sake of a European mirage, especially when they see that it is often a tool hiding national interests of the old members of the EU. Second, the Intermarium nations have also the experience of Russian hegemony. It induces them to cooperate with the United States, which – even if the US provokes some objections – is nevertheless appreciated as an ally possessing not only real strength but also the will to use it. And the EU as a geopolitical project aims at pushing Americans out of Europe.

  What possibilities do you see of persuading the closest neighbors of Poland to become involved in realization of the Intermarium Project?

The alliance of two of the strongest countries of the region, Poland and Ukraine, is the spine of the geopolitical concept of Intermarium. One needs only to take a look at any map and calculate the potentials to know the reasons.

Ukraine — or rather a large part of the Ukrainian elite arising from the anti-communist tradition — never had to be strongly persuaded to get involved in this project. The prejudice against Poles is very weak, as Ukraine is simply a large country and will remain such, even without Crimea. And a new generation has already grown up for whom an independent Ukrainian state is something obvious. Furthermore, the war in Donbass has strengthened Ukrainian distinctiveness (including the Russian-speaking Ukraine). Simply put: war favors clear self-definitions.

Belarus – here, when it comes to anti-communist elites, the situation is similar, despite larger fears of Polish revisionism. The problem however is that these elites are sparse, which is connected with the weakness of Belorussian state traditions. Furthermore, the “pro-Western” elites supported by the grant system have a tendency to support the cultural postulates of the sponsors, which will not bring success in the Belorussian society. (There is some analogy to the supposedly anti-Putinist actions of Femen, which have done far more to help than harm Putin.) It seems that some hope may be pinned on the evolution of the “Lukashenkian” elites, which are rather willing to rule their own state, not to be functionaries of the Muscovite empire. This of course applies also to Lukashenko himself.

Lithuania is the most difficult element of the puzzle, because the Lithuanian elites have defined Poland and Poles as the worst threat, and the Lithuanization of Poles of the Vilnius Region is a demand of the Lithuanian raison d’etat. We cannot consent to this, and this has nothing to do with Polish revisionism. Besides, participation in the EU and NATO gives them a sense of security, which makes it easier to quarrel with Poland.

We surely share a fear of German revisionism with the Czechs. The question is: how much have the Czech elites made their peace with German domination? If they go much further, it would almost constitute consent to becoming some kind of a new Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia – with a similar territory. Acceding to the demands of Sudetenland Landmaschafts can lead to this. I cannot answer this question. But the reaction of our elites on the issue of German demands toward the Czech Republic was surely petty-minded, if not even cowardly. After all, in this issue we are in the same boat.

The question is whether Polish policy can influence and moderate the relationship of Hungary with her neighbors, which is a key issue for the peace in the region. Hungarians have the right to defend their minorities in other countries, but it must be clearly stated that one glance at the ethnic map proves that Transylvania just cannot be regained by Hungary. Anyway, Poland should act in an mitigating way as much as we can, as the quarrels in our region will be used by external factors.

It is even possible to establish positive relations between the Intermarium and Russia – but with a Russia which is reconstructed mentally, not only politically and socially.

This would be (speaking in certain mental shortcuts) a Russia of Boris Savinkov or Alexiey Shiropayev. By the way, the latter should be promoted in Poland. It is noteworthy that nobody is doing it, perhaps because of Shiropayev’s opinion on the role of Jews in the history of Russia.

The problem with Russian imperialism is that it is not only a geopolitical concept, something serving the national interests and thus something which can be rejected if it does not serve them anymore. It is an effect of mentality shaped by Orthodoxy synthesized with the Mongol tradition and German bureaucracy: “the Knouto-Germanic Empire” as it was once brilliantly stated by Mikhail Bakunin. If Russia is the “Third Rome” (and this was the official doctrine of Muscovite Orthodoxy, to which Russia is now returning), then it even has an obligation to be an empire. Preventing this means the breaking of not only the physical (which is currently already taking place in Russia through its demographic crisis), but also the spiritual foundations of Russian imperialism.

And that is why with great fondness I welcome the current renaissance of Slavic religion, which does not have a “Weltmacht” aspect. Some hope lies in the rebirth of the tradition of Novgorod as an alternative model of Russian development to Moscow. But all those anti-imperial currents of Russian thought are marginal, at least at the moment.

However, all hopes that this problem can be dealt with through the officially proclaimed reconciliation of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland with the Moscow Patriarchy of the Orthodox Church, which is one of the pillars of imperialism, are in my opinion without sense.

Let us add that dealing with the Königsberg question must be a certain element of the normalization of Polish-Russian relations. This geopolitical absurdity threatens us by its mere existence, not only as a base for possible aggression. It also creates a field for Russian-German cooperation, which is always a lethal threat for Poland. Nobody can guarantee that Moscow would not be willing to give it back to Germany, for instance by simply selling it. Thus, we must search for such a solution for this Oblast, which will not be connected with its belonging either to Russia or to Germany.

What is your view of the possibility of realizing the Intermarium project in light of recent events: armed conflict in Ukraine, the immigration crisis in Europe, or the recent Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Poland?

Russian aggression in Ukraine has proven to all interested parties the durability of Russian imperialism, and it is far less significant whether the leaders in Moscow honestly wish to rebuild the empire or if it only uses imperialism as a tool of internal politics. For if it is only an example of the latter, it speaks a lot about Russian society itself. Without a doubt the ruling Law and Justice party and President Andrzej Duda are better prepared for this imperialist recidivism of Moscow, about which they have actually warned others before. From this point of view the last elections in Poland are a good change.

Regarding Ukraine, the war has strengthened Ukrainian identity; an enemy easily cements a community and defines the political horizon, which we already know from Carl Schmitt.

The war has also been an alarm bell for other states of the post-Soviet area, which is also useful.

It has also hampered the actions of the pro-Moscow lobby in Western countries, especially in Germany, Italy, and France, although I have no illusions regarding position of these countries; they want to do business with Russia, and they are ready to sell our independence for this business, just as Roosevelt and Churchill sold us out in Teheran and Yalta. Regardless of that, they had to do something; hence the sanctions.

The immigration crisis weakens Europe, but from our perspective this is good, as the contingent pressure which can be put on us – especially by Germany – will be weaker. Please remember that Intermarium is supposed to secure us not only from Russia but also from Germany, and the German constitution still states that the legal borders of Germany are those from 1937. From our perspective it is good that our historical enemies have internal problems.

The annexation of Crimea had a side-effect: it has complicated relations of Russia with the Muslim world (the issue of Crimean Tatars), and the Russian involvement in Syria has complicated them even more.

In Russia: Russian opposition against imperialism has emerged, this time of a nationalist, not demo-liberal character (for instance: Russians from the Russian Federation, who are volunteers fighting on the Ukrainian side, and I am not speaking about mercenaries). Although the information about this is, due to various reasons, unclear in regard to the number and extent, it is still an interesting phenomenon.

I don’t want to play a prophet here, but the initial successes of Moscow in the Crimea and Donbass (although the latter is quite limited) might be a beginning of very serious problems.

*There are a few mistakes in Szczepański’s analysis – e.g., the idea that it would be “good for Poland and East Europe if Western Europe were to suffer greatly with floods of immigration”; secondly, the supposition that “Germany has never officially given up its claim” to the Western third of Poland; finally, even I wonder about his position with regard to what is now called Kaliningrad. However, as a geopolitical argument, in many other respects it is commendable.

Reuters, ‘Putin names United States among threats in new Russian security strategy’ 2 Jan 2016:

MOSCOW (Reuters) – A new appraisal names the United States as one of the threats to Russia’s national security for the first time, a sign of how relations with the west have deteriorated in recent years.

The document, “About the Strategy of National Security of Russian Federation”, was signed by President Vladimir Putin on New Year’s Eve. It replaces a 2009 version, endorsed by then- President Dmitry Medvedev, the current prime minister, which mentioned neither the United States nor NATO.

It says Russia has managed to heighten its role in solving global problems and international conflicts. That heightened role has caused a reaction by the West, it says.

“The strengthening of Russia happens against the background of new threats to the national security, which has complex and interrelated nature,” the document says.

Conducting an independent policy, “both international and domestic” has caused “counteraction from the USA and its allies, which are striving to retain their dominance in global affairs.”

That in turn is likely to lead to “political, economical, military and informational pressure” on Russia, the document says.

Relations between Russia and the West reached a low after Russian forces annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in March 2014, after protests in Ukraine forced its pro-Moscow president to flee to Russia.

Since then, the West has accused Russia of aiding insurgents in eastern Ukraine. Moscow denies actively assisting the rebels.

The United States and the European Union have since imposed wide-ranging sanctions against Russian individuals and companies. Moscow has reacted by restricting food and other goods from the EU.

The document says that the United States and the EU have supported an “anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine”, which led to a deep divide in Ukrainian society and a military conflict.

It also names the expansion of NATO as a threat to Russia’s national security and said that the United States has expanded its network of military-biological laboratories in neighboring to Russia countries.

The document, which serves as a basis for planning strategy related to national security by different state bodies, does not mention Syria. On Sept. 30, Russia began air strikes against anti-government rebels opposed to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally.

(Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin)


 Posted by Nobody on Sun, 03 Jan 2016 23:18 | #

The US a threat?  Not much of one.  The US will be an irritation at most.  And the schmucks in Washington know this as well.  Not that they won’t try stupid shit, but that’s about it.


 Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 04 Jan 2016 23:43 | #

Daniel, we are a Master Race.  We do not deign to give land and resources to our racial inferiors in exchange for brownie points.


 Posted by DanielS on Tue, 05 Jan 2016 00:52 | #

It’s not brownie points, it’s quid pro quo.

They have a great deal of manpower, incentive etc. to cooperate in alliance.


 Posted by Critical Resources Institute on Tue, 05 Jan 2016 22:51 | #

Critical Resources Institute

The rare earth elements (REE) are widely used in modern technologies varying from wind turbines to hard disk drives, low energy lighting to electric cars. They are recognised as critical raw materials by the European Commission and other authorities, because of security of supply concerns. Recent work has highlighted neodymium (Nd) and the heavy rare earth elements (HREE) as being most at risk of supply disruption in the near future.

The major challenge is to develop new Nd and HREE deposits that can be exploited in an environmentally friendly and economically viable way, so that the use of REE in new technologies can continue to expand.

The SoS RARE project aims to understand the mobility and concentration of Nd and HREE in natural systems, and to investigate new processes that will lower the environmental impact of REE extraction and recovery. It brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers to look at aspects of REE geology, chemistry and metallurgy, and will study both conventional REE deposits and ion adsorption clays (currently the world’s major source of HREE).


 Posted by miltary dictatorship, imperial overstretch on Wed, 06 Jan 2016 01:39 | #

…inability to reform.

fall of Soviet Union and similarities in The US.

Paul Gottfried

I think that the most critical issue in our society was the October of 2002 vote by our Congress to give the President the right to go to war when he wanted-to on his decision alone, including the use of nuclear weapons.

John Adams, easily the most important author of our constitution, said that the clause in the Constitution reserving the right to go to war to the elected representatives of the people is the single most important clause in the Constitution. Never, ever should such a power be entrusted to a single man. In October of 2002 our Congress, bot parties, kissed-off the Constitution. And that’s the issue today.

That’s what’s at stake today.

Perhaps our most prominent critical philosopher in this country in the post war period was Hanna Arent, who once made the case in ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism’ that:

“Tyranny can always prevail over others because it doesn’t require consent. Its only cost is the destruction of its own society.

But even if you had an honest congress, you can’t do honest oversight when 40 percent of the defense budget is secret from everybody.

Two military generals who became President famously warned in their farewell addresses of the use of unauthorized military power; with that, the tendency to distort Republican government; I believe this distortion is now so advanced that one could wonder if it could be reversed in any such circumstances.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:25 | #

Captainchaos wrote:

We do not deign to give land and resources to our racial inferiors in exchange for brownie points.

Captainchaos, it’s not really about anyone ‘deigning’ to ‘give land and resources’ for ‘brownie points’. It’s not a moralistic argument, it’s an argument which I would say is scientific, scientific in the sense that the world is interconnected and so there are scenarios in which you have to help—or at least support—others in order to help yourself.

The countries which you would want placed under Russian dominance would only remain backwaters as a result. Any hypothetical alliance between Europe and Russia (there are many who fantasise about such a thing, unfortunately) in a scenario where Russia would be permitted to re-integrate itself with the international markets, to try to maintain Russian dominance over the Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia, would in fact arrest the development that could otherwise take place in those regions, and perpetuate super-exploitation, which would in turn act as a shot in the arm for global capitalism.

Assuming that you want to avoid giving global capitalism a shot in the arm later on, you ought to in fact support the eventual national liberation of the nations which have historically been held captive in the Russian sphere.

If those nations remain captive, they would only be used by Russian companies as places of super-exploitation. Super-exploitation is a term that describes how an imperial power can create a ‘satisfied’ strata of labourers inside the first world by selling and exchanging products in dollars or euros, after those products were first purchased or produced under comprador regimes which use weaker currencies. Upon bringing such products to the first world store shelves, the selling price is increased in order to give all the intermediaries the level of profit they desire.

First, the comprador factory owner in the producing nation, the corporation whose branding is being used, and the store owner in the first world destination, all are seeking to profit from the enterprise. The excess which the capitalists choose not to allocate to themselves, is then allocated to the first world service workers who are selling the item in the store (not so much the producers!), indefinitely.

Secondly, a result of this process is that the first world service workers would, despite the plateauing wages over the past 30 years, still be able to easily afford a decent standard of living as a result, despite being in that plateau, because the ‘economic punishment’ is being geographically shifted onto the back of the third world worker through enforced stagnation.

Thirdly, the result of this shift or displacement of ‘economic punishment’, means that the social and material conditions which would normally produce an environment in which revolution could take place, are forestalled in the west for as long as that situation continues.

In other words, the call for an ‘Imperium spreading from Lisbon to Vladivostok’, is actually a retrograde call for an extension of liberal-capitalism’s life-span, through allowing European and Russian finance capital to ‘make nice with each other’ and agree on totally retarded policies in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Siberia.

On the other hand, supporting tendencies that lead to Russia losing its preponderance over those territories, creates the circumstances under which they might be able to take the path of national liberation, and gradually raise their wages until they cannot so easily be used as part of a framework of super-exploitation.

Absent the framework of super-exploitation, the ‘bread and circuses’ would be a less viable economic strategy in the west, and thus, the ideological opponents which we are all struggling against would not be able to buy their way out of every economic crisis by milking the Third World harder.

 Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 07 Jan 2016 10:33 | #

What is the view in Asia of China’s treatment of the Tibetan people:


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 07 Jan 2016 10:57 | #

I think it depends ideologically on who is being asked.

For those who are okay with the annexation of Tibet, they will say that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism produced an objectively productive outcome because it removed the feudal Lama-led bureaucracy and replaced it with a progressive state that walked toward modernisation and the introduction of modern labour laws and mandatory public schooling and so on. They’ll also tend to add the opinion that had any other nation overtaken Tibet, they would have done nothing fundamentally different from what the Maoists did.

For those who remain opposed to the annexation of Tibet, they will say that there has been no real border controls maintained across the boundary between Tibetans and the rest of China, and that this has resulted in Chinese people basically moving into Tibet. They’ll also submit the opinion that the movement of Chinese into Tibet actually confuses the figures that are used to gauge Tibet’s progress, and that what is really happening is a defacto imposition of Chinese bodies into the territory so as to ensure that a demand for a removal of Chinese government there could not be easily actualised, and that even if it did occur, the demography would be such that countries like Japan, Korea, or the US, could not unify Tibet against China. In other words the imposition of Chinese bodies into Tibet would function as an ‘insurance policy’ in case any other geopolitical player gets any funny ideas.

My own view of it is that the truth is somewhere a mixture between the two views.


 Posted by DanielS on Thu, 07 Jan 2016 12:43 | #

Yes, with ethno-nationialist thinking, the Tibet question was the first to occur to me as well. Of course I’m for Tibetan sovereignty.

Interestingly and hypocritically by its own borderless liberalism, Western media expresses concern for the national sovereignty of Tibet.

But when do we ever have occasion to contemplate VladivastoKorea?

Since when is Vladivastok a natural and rightful place of Russian ethno-nationalism?

Russia has apparently been playing nasty games with North Korea for some time in terms of ideology, geopolitics, military strategy and exploitation of its labor.

 Posted by Just Sayin’ on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:19 | #

Kumiko’s presence has taken this site in an odd, neo-connish direction, which I guess is not surprising given her connections to ZOG.

More wars in the middle east, grand strategic plans for containing Russia, not the white left we need, but the left we already have.


 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:52 | #

I told her that she was going to get comments like this. I’d hoped that she would, for starters, elaborate with a comment about the situation of the Vladivastok – North Korean area…

That comment might have gone up this evening but apparently she got called away.

She needs to build her case so that people like you don’t try to hang the “neocon” label on her. She isn’t as familiar with the landscape of White nationalism, what they think they know and what they don’t know – particularly regarding legitimate grievances about Russia.

I am actually a good mediator in that regard, as I am not inclined to look at Russia very negatively – am inclined to look at them favorably.

In fact, the ‘grand view’ of the map of bloated Russia was my idea.

She needs to make her case because there will be people who either don’t know what they are talking about or do not want other people to know what is going on, who’ll look for opportunities to portray her as a ZOGbot.

Until she can make her case, quiet (I know where you are coming from and it isn’t a friendly place to MR’s platform). This comment is useful nevertheless, as it provides occasion to take on issues she’ll be confronted with by the same old WN Right Wing of America.

I’ll try to make sure that she starts with a comment about that (Vladivastok) area in the morning…

It is a good place to start.


 Posted by Nobody on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:33 | #

“Since when is Vladivastok a natural and rightful place of Russian ethno-nationalism?”

Russia is an empire, they took it.  Just like the way the Han took Tibet.  Natural and rightful have nothing to do with it. 



 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:38 | #

A point of departure for discussion about claims to injustices in those areas is the point. 1860 (the year Vladivastok was founded) is not a long time ago.

And, natural evolutionary claims to an area do have something to do with warrant.


 Posted by Nobody on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 03:57 | #

—A point of departure for discussion about claims to injustices in those areas is the point. 1860 (the year Vladivastok was founded) is not a long time ago.

And, natural evolutionary claims to an area do have something to do with warrant.—

A tough call.  Lenin ain’t all european.


 Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 08:20 | #

The upshot of all of this is to enable China as an expansionary power.  Why must we cooperate in awarding these chinks lebensraum across the globe?  Because we need to subcontract our border security to them!  Lulz What a crock of shit.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 08:26 | #

Just Sayin’ on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:19 wrote:

Kumiko’s presence has taken this site in an odd, neo-connish direction, which I guess is not surprising given her connections to ZOG.

What ‘connections to ZOG’? How is anything that I’ve been saying even slightly beneficial to ZOG?

I think that you are the one that is unwittingly defending a ‘ZOG’ here, given that Russia is essentially a very Jewish government.

On the flip-side the nations of East Asia have exactly 0% Jews in government.

You basically could not ask for less than 0%.

Furthermore, almost 100% of the forces that have arisen in opposition to Russia in this era have been not only objectively antisemitic, but in fact often subjectively antisemitic as well. A fact that Russia itself does not hesitate to point out on a perpetual basis in all of its whiny propaganda.

My position is probably the most antisemitic position on the earth, strategically speaking.

Just Sayin’ on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:19 wrote:

More wars in the middle east,

I have not called for anything more than there already is, I think.

The only persons who are presently calling for ‘more wars’, which is to say, the opening of new fronts, are the people who support Donald Trump, given that Donald Trump’s advisors are in favour of opening an insane, idiotic, and suicidal front against Iran while making peace with Russia.

I’m against any war in Iran, and I’m against Donald Trump. I’m also against pandering to Russia.

Just Sayin’ on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:19 wrote:

grand strategic plans for containing Russia,

Such plans have existed since the year dot. Various European countries have been struggling against Russia for about 400 years now, and East Asian countries have been dealing with Russian nonsense for about 700 years now.

Was there ever a sensible non-Russian on earth that didn’t want to contain Russia? What do you think would happen if you didn’t contain them? Russia has historically had designs on basically everything you care to name. Russia is a country that even seriously had designs on India, and was only halted because the British Empire frustrated them in Peshawar province. Even the roots of the conflict in Afghanistan actually stems back to a need to prevent Russian dilettante meddling.

Any conscientious reading of military history will reveal Russia as a deadly opponent.

Russia is also a country which has fought four wars against Japan and Korea in the 20th century. First was the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905, second was the war in Manchuria in 1938-1939 which they provocatively waged right under the very nose of the whole world, and then thirdly Russia’s invasion of Manchuria and Korea in 1945, and fourthly Russia’s participation in the war in Korea in 1950-1953. I’ll say more about this later, but it’s not like Russia is just sitting there doing nothing.

On a meta-level also, it seems strange to me that I’m constantly being accused of being anti-Russian like if that is supposed to be some kind of shameful thing. Why should it be shameful to be anti-Russian? Bringing harm to Russia is both strategically sensible, and would be enjoyable.

Just Sayin’ on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:19 wrote:

not the white left we need, but the left we already have.

Is it really, though? Because last I checked, the ‘left you already have’ (which looks something like Code Pink), is a left that would like to cancel all the presently-running wars in the Middle East, let ISIL take over all the oil refineries and jack up the oil prices globally, and then after that they’d also like to make peace with Russia because ‘war is bad mkay’, and then after that they’d also like to cancel all the FTAs with Korea, stop the FTA with Japan from being signed in the EU, and cancel the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because ‘dey took our jobs’, and then when there is an inevitable shortage of economic demand, they’d like to address that by inviting half the population of the Middle East to enter the EU just out of some weird anti-European spite because supposedly ‘refugees are welcome’, even though that has only a negative effect.

That’s the ‘left’ you already have. I sometimes call it the ‘opposite day left’, because it’s a left that is just automatically against everything no matter what it is.

Nobody on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 03:57 wrote:

Russia is an empire, they took it.

And it can be taken back. Sometimes crises come, and empires eventually find themselves breaking up slowly over time. Russia’s economy is pretty ossified, and they haven’t really engaged in the reforms that would have been needed since the early 2000s in order for them to compete on the global stage in the long term, so that gives an opening where Europeans can make Russia’s economy scream simply by refusing to trade normally with them, and by letting Russia’s rivals economically penetrate the regions surrounding Russia.

Another good move would be to have China build a transit route for goods, that connects to Central and Eastern Europe whose path goes around Russia. Which is already happening of courseVictor Orban also seems to agree with all of this, and he seems to be a pretty reliable person too, so it’s not like this is a viewpoint that is confined to the ivory tower or something. Sometimes it’s just common sense.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 09:16 | #

Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 08:20 wrote:

The upshot of all of this is to enable China as an expansionary power.  Why must we cooperate in awarding these chinks lebensraum across the globe?

No livingspace is being awarded to anyone at the expense of Europeans. China is also not even the sole country concerned with this. Also, if East Asian countries enter mutually-beneficial security arrangements with the EU and USA, regarding border enforcement in the way that Daniel is providing an example of, one of the first places that would have to be dealt with is actually Libya. Would anyone really be opposed to having East Asian countries deal with Libya alongside Europeans in a multinational array of forces?

Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 08:20 wrote:

Because we need to subcontract our border security to them! Lulz What a crock of shit.

It’s not like it hasn’t been done before. When the Italians were looking for new partners to help them jointly patrol East Africa’s coast to facilitate the flow of oil tankers without interruption, they chose to ask China and India to join them in doing that, and they had a lot of productive and friendly military-to-military contact from that, and there was plenty of talk about best-practices. There’s only a matter of time before someone decides to invite Korea and Japan to that scene, I think.

Also, Japan literally has a base in Djibouti, which is in the American sphere, which Japan uses for collaborative efforts alongside the USA, for taking actions against threats arising in Africa.


 Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 18:20 | #

I’ve got a better idea – use Japan and Korea to keep China boxed in.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 18:30 | #

It’s not too difficult to keep China in check in the South China Sea, since that’s a matter of ‘good fences make good neighbours’, and JADGE being really well-maintained.

But Japan and Korea have no capability to prevent China’s westward movement (for obvious geographical reasons), nor is there any reason to prevent such a thing.


 Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 23:09 | #

I wish China good luck moving westward against nuclear armed Pakistan and India!


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 05:25 | #

And here I was thinking that you were complaining about the expansion of Chinese influence into Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

Given that those things are west of China’s position.


 Posted by Tom on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 05:40 | #

The problem is government policy, not lack of border guards. There’s a lack of will on the part of European governments to prevent migration, and even a desire to invite and accept migrants. If we were ever in a position to hire Chinese border guards to prevent to prevent migration, we wouldn’t need to. With government policy changed to focus on preventing migration, domestic border guards would be sufficient.

At any rate, all this seems to be fantasizing to me, no different from playing the board game of Risk. What is the point of fantasizing about these thing when even being in a position to orchestrate these sorts of things would require many challenging intermediate steps like winning power domestically?


 Posted by DanielS on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 06:27 | #


The very nature of the very real ‘game’ is international coordination.

The matter already goes beyond national governments, even beyond EU enforcement – which is itself International from the onset.

There is more border than just our own in Europe, say, along the Mediterranean.

There is the border in North Africa and all along the Silk Road.

Our common interests are not at all fantasy, they are very real.

Moreover, there is the fact that we would be working with a group – Asians – who have sufficient skill and manpower against hostile, hard-to-deal-with and/or incompetent groups – Middle Easterners and Africans.

As Kumiko said, there are already motivations and arrangements of this sort in place on the basis of these realities – which need to be better orchestrated.

With regard to manning our borders with some foreign delegation, well, inasmuch as we don’t need them, we wouldn’t have to use them – foreign and domestic delegations are meant to fill a need; but they could conceivably help; where they were to exist, we already have models of insular foreign towns, such as Chinatowns, in Europe; which tend to preserve their own kind and ways; and might be of service, having a common interest to preserve the European type and having capacity and motivation in a negative sense to deal with Muslims, Africans and Jews.


Not only Chinese, but Indians (Hindus) are potentially a valuable Ally as they are ideologically opposed to Islam – Pakistan, e.g.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 07:24 | #

I also think it’s pretty strange to see accusations of ‘playing risk’, given that all I’ve done in this thread really is defend things that are already happening.

1. Russian containment is already happening.
2. China being an economic component of that containment is already happening.
3. EU FTA with Japan is already being negotiated.
4. EU FTA with Korea already happened.
5. Trans-Pacific Partnership is already happening.
6. Joint patrols with Europeans and Asians in the Indian Ocean near Africa, already happening.
7. Central and Eastern Europe working together with China on infrastructure projects including rail-based train routes connecting Asia to Central Europe, already happening.
8. Chinese RMB currency accepted as part of the SDR basket by the IMF, already happening.
9. China making strategic gains against Russia in Central Asia by using SCO, already happening.
10. India, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines working with the United States on maintaining balance in the South China sea in case China suddenly does something weird or unexpected, already happening.
11a. Establishing a nuclear deal with Iran and scaling back sanctions so that trade can proceed normally, and [b.] so that Iran can act as an alternate energy source for the EU to offset Russian preponderance, and [c.]so that Asia can take its pick from a whole range of suppliers at cheap prices, and so that [d.]Iran can be tempted to act as a swing-power in the Caucasus sponsoring political developments that may be disadvantageous to Russia.

If there’s anything that I could be accused of, it’s of not advocating anything different from what has already been set in motion, but I can’t be accused of ‘playing risk’. I did of course support all of those things before they started happening as well, but the point remains.


 Posted by DanielS on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 09:00 | #

Kumiko, can you elaborate on how North Korea is a Russian doing?


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 13:12 | #

Well, that was already explained in one of the earlier links. One of the easiest and most straightforward ways to understand North Korea is basically that it is a total wasteland which has been situated in the Korean peninsula because Russia desired that it should be there.

North Korea tends to be a pretty complicated subject, so that’s the best concise statement that I can give without it diverting the entire topic onto the subject of North Korea.


 Posted by North Korea on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 18:17 | #

I know that you don’t want to open-up a can of worms about North Korea, but I am looking to adumbrate the critical view, a working hypothesis, of it as a proxy interest and exploitation of Russia:

1. Russia wanted to take over the whole peninsula but was prevented from taking over completely; South Korea has, in effect, become like an island nation as it does not have free travel by land through North Korea. Nevertheless, South Korea has, by contrast to North Korea, shown what these people are capable of with the correct leadership and politico/economic system (third way) as opposed to North Korea’s quasi-Sovietism inculcated of Russia.

2. With the geo-political menacing from that in-your-your face imposition, Russia has destabilized the native area, creating a notoriously dangerous, volatile regime and circumstance though its impositions.

3. They and the corrupt regime that they prop-up exploit the North Korean people as veritable slave labor – Russia is the prime beneficiary and it provides no approximate value in return.


 Posted by Nobody on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 02:26 | #

I wish China good luck moving westward against nuclear armed Pakistan and India!

As do I.  And before they move westward, I hope that they hit both those shithole “nations”  with nuclear weapons and fry those stunky bindis ASAP.


 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 08:55 | #

So, your angle here, “Nobody”, is to not take your thoughts seriously.

The status quo and where things are headed on its trajectory is very good for you, I suppose


 Posted by Nobody on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 14:38 | #

The status quo and where things are headed on its trajectory is very good for you, I suppose

Daniel, I find subcontinentals disgusting.  The less the better.  I just happened to like the Captain’s idea of a war with the Han crushing them like the maggots they are.  BTW, I like what you write, cool stuff.  When the SHTF in the US, the issues of the Chinese ripping the subcons to pieces will be on page 58 of the NYT.


 Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 21:40 | #

The only ally the White man needs to wrangle the 85 IQ shitskins that constitute “Islam” is his own balls.  That being the case – and it manifestly is – why should Whites make unnecessary concessions to gooks to facilitate an unneeded alliance?  There is no good reason.


 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 21:59 | #

Though you are capable of very intelligent comments, CC, that wasn’t a particularly good one. Furthermore, it’s a straw man.

85 I.Q. Muslims in the Middle East aren’t the only people that we need to contend with.

Then there is the matter of vast populations and their biopower in places beyond Europe, along the Silk Road and elsewhere.

Asians are the best possible allies among the non-Whites to help secure and cultivate resources and get these populations under control.

As for what might be “conceded to them”…that’s supposed to be the point: to open discussion of what cooperation already exists, where we could use help, what we need and what we don’t need.

Quite to the contrary of having set anything in stone and having given them anything, I am opening the topic of negotiating alliance and requirements thereof for discussion.


 Posted by property tax funding the free corps on Mon, 11 Jan 2016 12:42 | #

Lest someone accuse me of trying to transform “Euro man” and his individuality into an a-sexual and eusocial insect (or turn us directly over to control of the Chinese red army ants), Bowery has made his by-now standard recommendation over at Occidental Observer.

There is merit to it (though, as usual, it probably veers too much away from praxis and goes “scientistic” in not differentiating humans quite enough, for their “human nature”, from other natural forms):

James Bowery, January 10, 2016 – 7:45 am | Permalink

Mercenaries such as the Freikorps need payment. Governments control the money supply and they are paying foreign mercs to come to Europe and gang rape European women. The cost of importing legitimate refugees may be seen as the cost of disinformation. The European “police” are local mercs paid to protect the foreign mercs as they get their sexual compensation — protect them from men who would kill the foreign mercs, and probably the local mercs aiding the foreign mercs and maybe even the government leaders responsible.

The government leaders are too clever by half in all this because they forgot 2 founding principles of civilization:

1) Civilization (as we know it at least) can form only by the consent of men who agree to give up their natural right to challenge any “leader” to natural duel to the death — a natural right enjoyed by individual males of all sexual species.

2) This consent can only be attained only by the government, in turn, guaranteeing _collective_ territorial defense to the men as well as material rights accruing from the network externalities created by property rights — the protection of which is a service of the government paid for by those enjoying said property rights.

When governments not only shift the tax base from property rights to economic activity (such as income, value added, etc.), but cease performing the primordial function of territorial defense, they are asking for a new monetary base to be formed by men who agree to reinstitute those 2 founding principles.

It is simple enough, really:

Just issue Freikorps currency backed by the property rights respected by the Freikorps. Cease respecting all other property rights. Charge the owners of respected property rights an insurance premium and distribute the revenue evenly to all members of the Freikorps — with the understanding that they are to arm themselves, train and protect those legitimate property rights — even coming to the aid of property owners to indemnify them against loss.

Smart as they are, these guys who formed “Atavistic Intelligentsia” are saying some stupid things – e.g., “Being is for girls”, and not, say, the very essence of what White males do not have sufficiently and what they need as an essential warrant to the survival of our race – seems strikingly similar to the opinions of those who want to oppose things that I say…well, just because, you know…


 Posted by DanielS on Tue, 12 Jan 2016 14:45 | #

Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 21:40 | #
The only ally the White man needs to wrangle the 85 IQ shitskins that constitute “Islam” is his own balls.  That being the case – and it manifestly is – why should Whites make unnecessary concessions to gooks to facilitate an unneeded alliance?  There is no good reason.

Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2016 08:20 | #

The upshot of all of this is to enable China as an expansionary power.  Why must we cooperate in awarding these chinks lebensraum across the globe?  Because we need to subcontract our border security to them!  Lulz What a crock of shit.

Captainchaos (from Johnfriend talk at Age of Treason), 2 January 2016 at 5:11 pm
I’m sure the Jews will try to subvert a WN revolution, or at least attempt to blunt its impact. How can that be prevented? How can it be assured that the 14 words are achieved? There must be an idea which forms the steely core of WN thought that is, by its very nature, not capable of being compromised. That idea is the creation of the Northwest American Republic; within its boundaries there will be total politically sovereign and territorial separation from muds and Jews. Only White people will be allowed to reside there.

CC, you say that you don’t want to make any concessions to “chinks, gooks” etc.. and that we should not give them “liebensraum.”

Aren’t you making concessions with your Northwest ingathering concept?


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 12 Jan 2016 14:58 | #

Yes, it would seem that he’s making concessions to basically every African-American person in the United States.

How does Captainchaos even have the time to hate Asians this much, or the audacity, given that he is in fact the one making the concessions?


 Posted by DanielS on Tue, 12 Jan 2016 15:14 | #

Can you imagine giving-up California, Colorado, West Virginia, Florida, South Carolina, Mississippi, the Caribbean Islands, etc. to blacks?

You are giving them paradise. Who are the losers?

CC, you have some life experience…when as a child you watched red army ants fight black ants, which won?

I have 1,406,477,219 billion red army ants on my side. I’ll take them, on my side, the “gooks” and “nips” too: they have the volume, I.Q. and the ethnocentrism to assist in holding up to our enemies ranging from Jew cleverness and Muslim fanaticism to black biopower.


 Posted by 19 largest cities east of Baikal on Wed, 13 Jan 2016 01:37 | #

While there are cities and regions to the West of Lake Baikal which may be contestable as to whether or not they should be Russian or, in fact, enclaves of other peoples; cities and regions along the South and Western borders of Russia that may be similarly contestable; and we will look into those disputable territories, whether or not they should be enclaves; and we will also look into some interesting stories that go along with these places later; to begin, lets take a look at the largest cities East of Lake Baikal, as of the 2010 census:

Of 319 Russian cities larger than 50,000, there are only 19 East of Lake Baikal. None of these cities East of the lake were as large as 600,000; only four were larger than 300,000; only three were larger than 400,000.

The largest is Vladivastok, which is Russia’s 22nd largest city at 592,034 022

1) 22 Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, 592,034

2) 26 Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Krai 577,441

3) 45 Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia 404,426

4) 56 Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai 324,444,_Zabaykalsky_Krai

5) 68 Yakutsk, Sakha Republic 269,601


6) 70 Komsomolsk-on-Amur Khabarovsk Krai 263,906

7) 87 Blagoveshchensk, Amur Oblast 214,390

8) 99 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast 181,728

9) 100 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Krai, 179,780

10) 110 Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai 159,719

11) 111 Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, 158,004

12) 158 Artyom, Primorsky Krai 102,603,_Russia

13) 178 Magadan, Magadan Oblast 95,982

14) 215 Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast 75,413

15) 229 Belogorsk, Amur Oblast 68,249,_Amur_Oblast

16) 260 Neryungri, Sakha Republic 61,747

17) 281 Svobodny, Amur Oblast 58,778,_Amur_Oblast

18) 291 Arsenyev Арсеньев, 56,750

19) 295 Krasnokamensk, Zabaykalsky Krai 55,666,_Zabaykalsky_Krai


Of geographical note:

146 Kyzyl, Tuva Republic 109,918 claims to be located in central asia.

But a good place to draw a Western line in the sand to begin critical territorial dispute might be Ulan-Ude, just South East of Lake Baikal.

45 Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia 404,426:

Interestingly, regarding this, the third largest city East of Lake Baikal:

The first occupants of the area where Ulan-Ude now stands were the Evenks and, later, the Buryat Mongols. Ulan-Ude was settled in 1666 by the Russian Cossacks as the fortress of Udinskoye. Due to its favorable geographical position, it grew rapidly and became a large trade center which connected Russia with China and Mongolia and, from 1690, was the administrative center of the Transbaikal region.

The Evenks (also spelled Ewenki or Evenki) (autonym: Эвэнкил Evenkil; Russian: Эвенки Evenki; Chinese: 鄂温克族 Èwēnkè Zú; formerly known as Tungus or Tunguz; Mongolian: Хамниган Khamnigan) are a Tungusic people of Northern Asia. In Russia, the Evenks are recognized as one of the Indigenous peoples of the Russian North, with a population of 35,527 (2002 Census). According to the 2010 census, there were 37,843 Evenks in Russia. In China, the Evenki form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People’s Republic of China, with a population of 30,875, as per the 2010 Census. There are also 535 Mongolized Evenki in Mongolia, referred to as Khamnigan.

The Buryats (Buryat: Буряад, Buryaad; Mongolian: Буриад/Buriad), numbering approximately 500,000, are the largest indigenous group in Siberia, mainly concentrated in their homeland, the Buryat Republic, a federal subject of Russia. They are the major northern subgroup of the Mongols.


 Posted by Ulan-Ude on Wed, 13 Jan 2016 13:05 | #

That’s Ulan-Ude here, to the South-East of Lake Baikal in the upper left hand corner of this map image.

Ulan-Ude is the third largest city in Russia east of Lake Baikal, while Vladivastok (red arrow) is the largest Russian city east of Lake Baikal.

Posted by Thorn on Thu, 14 Jan 2016 00:44 | #

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Throwing Russians Under the Bus, Part 1


Majority Rights jumping the shark.

I have previously written about the despicable Silver’s contribution to the destruction of Majority Rights.  What’s going on in the rubble of MR land? They have an East Asian female (female – of course) – which, despite the Japanese-sounding anime name may well be that “Chinese Nationalist Maiden” creature haunting pro-White blogs in recent years – making such wonderful contributions such as this:

Read more>>


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 14 Jan 2016 11:17 | #

Thorn wrote:

Read more>>

I see that Thorn is making several delirious demands as well, as though he has the right to demand anything from Japanese people at this point.

I stand by everything I’ve said. Him quoting myself back to me is not going to make a difference.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 14 Jan 2016 11:24 | #

Also, it’s interesting how Thorn couldn’t make his response inside of the thread that the conversation was actually occurring in, because the arguments going on there were too strong. I find it really interesting that all of the pro-Jewish unstable lunatics also happen to be Christians who want to cuddle with Russia at the same time. It’s almost like these things are really correlated.

Population density by Russian Federation “Oblasts” (subregions)

 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 15 Jan 2016 13:20 | #

Kumiko, I moved Thorn’s comment here because, as you note, this is where it belongs, if anywhere besides the trash.

Thorn is a long standing troll on behalf of Jews, a man dedicated to sucking Jewish cock. Hence, his new found “affinity for Russians” has everything and only to do with a Jewish strategy of tying to counter a European-Asian alliance.

He and his Jewish masters know that this alliance will crush the hegemony of his Jewish god, will not only put an end to their hegemony, but will put an end to his faggot, Jew sucking self.

He will only tactfully distance himself from Jews in an attempt to not be too obvious in his allegiance. But at bottom, Thorn is a man dedicated to sucking Jewish cock and that is what is behind his concern for Russians as White – i.e., he wants to see Jews as White too and mix them up with Russian interests as much as possible in order to play them off of a European-Asian alliance.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Throwing Russians Under the Bus, Part 1


Majority Rights jumping the shark.

I have previously written about the despicable Silver’s contribution to the destruction of Majority Rights.  What’s going on in the rubble of MR land? They have an East Asian female (female – of course) – which, despite the Japanese-sounding anime name may well be that “Chinese Nationalist Maiden” creature haunting pro-White blogs in recent years – making such wonderful contributions such as this:

Read more>>

Kumiko is Japanse.

I am not against Russians, I wish them health, happiness and home – a sound and safe ethnostate.

However, looking at the map and history from an ethno-national standpoint, it appears as if the Russian Federation may be more of an empire than an ethnostate. Therefore, it is worth considering if they are occupying / controlling lands that should be the ethnostates of other peoples. If they have aggrandized land wrongly at other people’s expense, have killed and are exploiting people in those places, I see no obligation to stand by them in that over-reach, “no mater what”. And particularly not in as much as it expresses Jewish power and influence (which Thorn sucks).

Japan Today, ‘No. of crimes in Japan falls to postwar low in 2015’ 15 Jan 2016:


The number of crimes in Japan in 2015 hit a postwar low, the National Police Agency said Thursday, citing an increase in security cameras as well as raised public awareness of crime prevention.

Overall penal code violations decreased 9.3% from the previous year to 1,099,048, falling below the previous record of 1,190,549 set in 1973, the agency said in a preliminary report.

All categories of crimes marked declines from 2014.

The number of thefts, which account for more than 70% of crimes in Japan, dropped to 807,605 from 897,259. Murders fell to 933 from 1,054 with fraud cases down to 39,439 from 41,523.

The crime clearance rate, or the ratio of cases solved by police to total reported crimes, improved to 32.5% from 30.6%, with the ratio for murder and other violent crimes rising to 72.3% from 68.2%, topping 70% for the first time in 16 years.

By age of those subject to police action, the number of juveniles aged between 14 and 19 sharply fell to 39,501 from 142,594 in 2002, when the total number of penal code violations peaked.

That of the elderly aged 65 or older, meanwhile, nearly doubled to 47,643 from the 2002 figure of 24,241, reflecting Japan’s graying society.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 09:20 | #

Interesting development, Daniel, but that fall in the crime rate could be because there are less young males in Japanese society, as the population seems to be contracting with an aim to go back to the level it was at in the 1860s or something. That’s not bad of course, every boom ought to be followed by a bust, and it’s better to let the air out of the population bubble slowly than to do it suddenly.

I see over at Thorn’s blog, Thorn (or whoever he’s co-writing it with?) is still trying to elicit some kind of angry response from me with his verbal attacks against East Asia as though I’m going to be offended. He’s also openly declared himself to be in the tank for Russia in all contexts, which would explain why the attacks are coming, and would also explain why the execution is so hamfisted. I’d also like to see at some point how he plans to explain or justify the fact that he is supporting Russia against himself, because it really just looks like he’s come down with a case of ‘opposite day’.

He asks why it is that Asians came to western countries. It’s easy, someone decided to build a ‘multiethnic empire’ and a collection of interlocking defence agreements based on utilising the skills and talents of an array of partners so that the Soviet Union could be contained during the Cold War or whatever other war they felt like having, and some enlightened people in Asia (and mercenary types also) found it lucrative and convenient to support the Anglo-American order after losing the Second World War. While it ostensibly was all about doing whatever Anglo-Americans wanted, the open world economic structure that was created to facilitate containment of the Soviet Union provided economic benefit to those who participated in that containment, and was wisely used to accelerate development of Asian economies. The ability of ‘job creators’ (or just high IQ people in general) to migrate from one place to another simply allowed people to get closer to the centre of the action. Of course, to some extent this logic is still playing out today with the TPP. If Thorn hasn’t read the article and comments on the TPP, he ought to.

Anglo-Saxon geostrategists have a storied history of asking other population groups to make Faustian pacts with them under certain circumstances, pacts which usually involve hurting Russia. I can’t imagine why that’s mystifying to Thorn at this stage. He only needs to know the military history of the UK to know that ‘Anglos are gonna Anglo’, and that usually it’s not a bad thing.


 Posted by Thorn on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 22:19 | #

“I see over at Thorn’s blog, Thorn (or whoever he’s co-writing it with?)….”

For the record: Thorn is neither the owner nor a co-writer/contributor at EGI Notes. My interest in EGI Notes is that of readership only. The owner of EGI Notes is JWH a/k/a [Thorn gives a name but MR knows him as Sallis] used to be a regular contributor/commenter to

The main purpose of my post was to let you guys and gals know people in the alt right blogosphere are critiquing MR. Unfortunately for y’all the reviews aren’t very favorable. HEH! 


 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 17 Jan 2016 07:48 | #

“I see over at Thorn’s blog, Thorn (or whoever he’s co-writing it with?)….”

For the record: Thorn is neither the owner nor a co-writer/contributor at EGI Notes. My interest in EGI Notes is that of readership only. The owner of EGI Notes is JWH a/k/a Michael [MR is withholding name – pen name is Sallis] used to be a regular contributor/commenter to

Thorn is neither the owner nor a co-writer/contributor at EGI Notes.

Perhaps not, but Thorn is a piece of shit troll who wants to suck Jewish cock. He has nothing constructive to say at Majorityrights and his only purpose here is to try to harass MR and to try to discredit it in any way that he might. However, he cannot, because he cannot even assimilate the skills to do so.

The Thornblossom remarks further:

The main purpose of my post was to let you guys and gals know people in the alt right blogosphere are critiquing MR. Unfortunately for y’all the reviews aren’t very favorable. HEH!

Oh really? Well let me turn attention then to “the alt right blogosphere”, i.e., Sallis, then.

I have never talked with [ ], a.k.a. “Ted Sallis”

I have not thought a great deal about him, but I will put forth what I know about him, as I understand him at present:

He left Majorityrights before I came here.

He went on and has published a few articles at Occidental Observer and even more at Counter Currents.

He is a genetecist or in some ancillary vocation of genetic science.

He worked at The Max Planck Institute and knows Frank Salter from there.

Without having made a study of his political outlook, I cannot vouch for where I agree or disagree with him; but the funny thing to me, generally, about whatever complaints that he may have with MR, and with me, is that I have tended to generally like his articles, as I recall them, finding them to be logical and sincerely motivated defense of European people.

Speaking out of hand, my criticisms would be things that he could easily correct, if he wanted to. He doesn’t seem to like my re-casting of the term and content of the term “the left”, to the “White left”, and he seems to be among the first to write articles doubling-down on casting “the left” as the enemy (I have criticized that on his part, and I still do); although content-wise, it seems that I can usually agree with most of what he says besides that difference on rubric. Along with that insistence on remaining in the right-wing box, or the “right-left is not a useful paradigm” box (yes, a no box-box of itself) he seems to be a bit stuck in a conservative mindset altogether. It’s a little disappointing and a minor frustration to me in regard to a guy who writes some good articles. Again, I tend to like his stuff; and he’s quite intelligent; quite logical.

It isn’t like Thorn, who there could be no point talking-to because he has no other motive than to disparage; because one might hope that constructive conversation could be had with Sallis, who seems to be acting in good faith. Maybe he is. Maybe he is operating under some false assumptions and reacting to them.

That would seem to require a bit of background, however.

Here is what jumped out to me with regard to Sallis’ motivation.

When GW and I were trying to propose an interview of Frank Salter, GW sought Sallis’  advice because Sallis knew Salter from the Max Planck Inst.

Sallis fired-back an angry e-mail, saying that he would implore Salter to not talk to Majorityrights.

GW was surprised and asked me what I thought. Knowing far less about this man than GW, my guesses could only be more wild as to what his misgivings might be.

MR is too “anti-Semitic”? That could be a motivation – don’t know. Or was it that MR is not too anti-Semitic, but Salter can’t risk his professional reputation because we’re too blatant in our position? Plausible. That could be a reason, but then why would Salter talk to Red Ice, who are not only anti-Semitc but pro-Hitler, which neither MR nor Salter is – Salter has been careful and clear about that.

What is emerging as my best guess is that Sallis (who is at least part Italian/American) is still sore at MR from its days when there were quite a few Nordicists here, such as Desmond Jones, et al. People like that could be caustically anti-Southern and Eastern European; and especially because I am half Italian and half Eastern European, I can understand the frustration of being attacked and vilified by people who you are treating as being on your side and are trying to help.

That’s just a guess, but why it is my guess is because when I was talking with GW and Per about an author named McCullough (I think that’s how you spell it), GW mentioned that he had been discussed at MR at one time but Sallis freaked-out big time because he found McCullough to be too Nordicist and disparaging of Southern Europeans; and that “this kind of perspective was one of the major problems with the struggle.”

Funny thing, I can relate to Sallis’ frustration – though I don’t perhaps feel it quite so acutely, being half “Northern European”, I still don’t think Northern Europeans should throw Southern Europeans under the bus – not only a sentiment, but a term that I’ve used exactly.

Always being conscientious to include all people of European extraction in my EGI defense group thus, it is mildly disconcerting to be falsely accused by him of “throwing Russians under the bus”  – which I am not doing.

What I am saying is, while Sallis may have had a legitimate grievance with MR at one time for its being anti-Southern or Eastern European, he should not be against it for those reasons now: because it has taken on a more distinctly ethnonationalist direction as opposed to the Nordicist/or strictly NW European position it once trafficked-in more frequently.

Nevertheless, that of itself would not explain his beef with Silver, who claimed to be Southern European mixed with Middle Eastern parentage.  Lets set-aside the fact that if Sallis is sincere about White/European interests then he should recognize that Silver is not sincere about European interests – he was no less a troll than Thorn.

But none of this explains Sallis defending Dr. Frank Salter, or those who hold fast to Salter’s EGI framework which apparently sees Italians and Greeks in the same family of genetic interests as Jews and other Middle Easterners and clearly distinct from Northern European EGI.

If Sallis’ grievance is with Nordicism then, why be so defensive of Salter?

Or perhaps he does not want to equip us with Salter, thinking that we are Northwestern European bigots?

That could be, because he is quite defensive of Russians, alleging that I am throwing them under the bus.

But I am not throwing Russians under the bus and I am not against them.  I am considering the strategy of looking at their huge Federation as problematic from an ethnonationalist point of view; and considering the Asian point of view on its vast expanse, empathizing with it as a part of a program for what I see as a necessary alliance with Asians.

I have not done more than give a cursory glance at his blog and I barely feel obliged to address charges that I am inviting China into Europe, when in fact I am considering, just considering at this stage, a discussion of the possibility, among other possibilities, of using Asian regiments among others in border garrisons. The idea, at any rate, is to protect European EGI – which Sallis purports to be concerned about.

I am told his blog has posts making negative accusations about MR. The bits that I saw briefly were blatantly false, with little or no attempt to be accurate to what we are saying here and so I am not inclined to bother reading through, though I might later, I don’t know.

However, Sallis is not Thorn. From what I know of his articles at Counter Currents, Sallis has half a brain. If he wants to come here and discuss things, criticize, offer suggestions, I am open to that. If he wants to talk with us in a podcast, I would welcome that too. He should see that he should not have a beef with us after all.  Either that or we will find that he is a rat.​


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 17 Jan 2016 13:07 | #

Thorn on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 22:19 wrote:

My interest in EGI Notes is that of readership only. The owner of EGI Notes is JWH [Sallis]

Okay, that makes things more clear. I wasn’t able to recognise that the initials were those of a past contributor, since unfortunately no one provided me with that context.

Thorn on Sat, 16 Jan 2016 22:19 wrote:

The main purpose of my post was to let you guys and gals know people in the alt right blogosphere are critiquing MR. Unfortunately for y’all the reviews aren’t very favorable. HEH!

You have one person who is clearly a disgruntled past contributor. In his lastest post he is ‘now becoming serious’ by:

1. Asking ‘who would you support’ and presenting the dichotomy of supporting the USSR on one hand or the PRC on the other.

The answer to that question is already known, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford supplied that answer. In the circumstances that had come to exist at the time, that was the best possible choice that could have been made.

2. He also is fulminating against the Anglo-Japanese Alliance from around 1914, the terms which were laid out by Japan at that time, which I of course 100% agree with, was basically a coded message that either the British Empire would allow Japanese people to migrate into British colonies in the Eastern hemisphere, or otherwise ‘it would be unsafe’. Uneven economic development caused by previous accumulation in a competitive world can often be pretty unsafe for many people. And unsafe it was, as Britain first did not allow co-operation to take place, and then secondly the British Empire chose to side with the United States and its interests, as well as the interests of international finance in the City of London in the Second World War that was coming. Realistically, by the time of 1935, it was abundantly obvious to everyone that it would be war. All other roads were excluded because the BUF was unfortunately prevented from being able to make the internal structural changes to British society which would have been required to move Britain into the Axis camp.

Is that supposed to be Japan’s fault? If Sallis is so upset, maybe he should be asking why it had to be that way, why Britain chose to join the Allies rather than Axis, and he should not be asking why an Asian nation which espoused pan-Asian ideology was trying to create the circumstances for the realisation of pan-Asian goals.

ALSO: Given the rhetoric that he is throwing around, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sallis will next declare that Adolf Hitler and the entire general staff of the German Army in NS Germany, as well as Benito Mussolini and the whole PNF, were somehow magically ‘race traitors’ to the European peoples because they chose to work with or enable the following militant groups of people against certain European groups:

Japan, Korea (yes, large sections of Korean society fought in the IJA and collaborated with Axis), the Burmese National Army, the Indian National Army, Indonesian National Army, Young Malays Union, Thailand, the Philippines, Formosa (non-KMT Han in Taiwan and Taiwanese aboriginals), Mongolia, Crimean Tatars, Hmong tribes, Khmer Issarak (Cambodian and Khmer), Cambodia, Laos, Cochinchina (later part of Vietnam), Annam (later part of Vietnam), Tonkin (later part of Vietnam), Manchuria, Tibet, Assam, Bengal.

I can’t wait to see the rationalising or perhaps the spinning that will happen next.


 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 17 Jan 2016 13:18 | #

The answer to that question is already known

While Sallis apparently bemoans the Soviet sufferings in the example of the Sino-Soviet border conflict of 1969, the normal answer/position for anyone who cares about Europeans and European EGI: with regard to which side to take in the Sino-Soviet conflict is of course the Chinese side.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 17 Jan 2016 13:38 | #

DanielS on Sun, 17 Jan 2016 13:18 wrote:

While Sallis apparently bemoans the Soviet sufferings in the example of the Sino-Soviet border conflict of 1969, the normal answer/position for anyone who cares about Europeans and European EGI: with regard to which side to take in the Sino-Soviet conflict is of course the Chinese side.

This is like a case of chess vs. checkers. If you are playing checkers (which apparently Sallis is doing) then you’ll scream, “Russians are white and therefore they should be blindly supported no matter what they do, because their skin is very white!”

Or, you could play chess and realise that the Sino-Soviet split was one of the most exploitable things that ever happened for people who were struggling against the Soviet Union.

With regards to Japan, ‘coincidentally’ (actually it is no coincidence), Japan immediately sought to re-establish diplomatic relations with China in 1972 at the same time that the United States was doing it, and by 1976 Japanese investment in China was rising, and by 1978 Nitchu Heiwa Yuko Jouyaku was signed, while the USSR was panicking. Japan benefited from that choice.

For the United States and for countries in Europe, the geostrategic benefit of maintaining the Cold War as a three-way struggle (West-Aligned vs. Soviets vs. China) instead of a two-way struggle (West-Aligned vs. Red Flags), is just obvious, and the business opportunities were also obvious.

In the end, who failed and who survived? The Soviet Union is the one that ended up in total economic collapse. And it indeed ought to have collapsed.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 17 Jan 2016 23:42 | #

Sallis is back again with [1]another post in which he believes he’s ‘fisking’ MR, and one where [2]he accuses Daniel of just about any and everything imaginable. So let’s see what’s in store this time!

I have tried to cut through to the elements that I think are most in need of correction or questioning, rather than doing some kind of line by line response. All quotes are from those two links as they appeared at 2330 today:

Sallis wrote:

That’s right. I’m clearly no damn good.  How about removing my EGI PDF from your anti-White Yellow Supremacist website?  How many goddamn times do I have to ask, Madame Butterfly?

I’m not aware of any ‘yellow supremacy’ going on here. Furthermore, this is the second time you’ve asked me to remove it, if I count your first request as being the one that was sent via Thorn in a comment here that has since been removed.

But wait, you don’t know who Thorn is, I thought?

Sallis wrote (emphasis added):

It seems like the geniuses at MR have discerned that I am not “Thorn” (whoever the hell that is) – and only because “Thorn” himself told them.

So you don’t know Thorn, but he’s carrying messages for you? I don’t know whether to marvel at Thorn’s ability to find and latch onto anyone who is criticising Majorityrights, or whether to marvel at your ability to deputise a guy who you don’t even know.

Sallis wrote:

By the way, anyone familiar with my work knows full well I do not conflate race to skin color.

I know you don’t, but I was if anything only doing to you what you’ve been doing to my words for this entire exchange. I have a sense of humour too!

Sallis wrote:

Or you can play “chess” and realize that the Yellow Peril is the ultimate long-term threat to the White race,

I’m quite flattered, since it is true that Asians—being as we are—have been the only people so far to have given Western Europeans a run for their money (both literally and metaphorically) on anything, and we are presently the only people on this planet with the potential to do so again.

Of course, because of the way that the world has developed, we can’t spend our time constantly trying to kill each other for frivolous reasons, when co-operation in areas of shared interest is so much more lucrative. The threat to the integrity of European population groups is a serious threat with implications that stretch beyond Europe’s borders, and so it’s only natural that many Asian people would have an interest in working with Europeans. I have a feeling that you won’t quote this paragraph when/if you respond to me, but surprise me and do it.

It’s like when powerful mafia families decide to stop fighting each other. It’s understandable that some people may have fears and uncertainties, but what you do is create economic frameworks which reduce the propensity for war between the participants.

Sallis wrote:

Don’t seem to remember either individual (Adolf or Benito) proposing Chinese colonization of White lands so that White faglets can be protected by buck-toothed, flat-chested Chinese girls with guns.

I don’t seem to recall anyone at Majorityrights arguing in favour of Chinese colonisation of white lands either. Unless you happen to be talking about ‘Russian’ so-called ‘land’, which is just ridiculous.

Sallis wrote:

And I note that Hitler quashed von Ribbentrop’s triumphalist announcement of the Fall of Singapore (which Hitler regretted)

Yet it fell anyway, much like everything else around it was going to fall. Oh, sorry, I meant, rise, it was rising because the actual people who lived on that land were working together to deter aggression from a ridiculous colonial elite which had de facto placed itself in the service of international finance at a key conjuncture in history.

The UK had a choice, it made the wrong choice that time.

Sallis wrote:

The alliance with Japan was due to the UK’s refusal to see reason,

Yes, the UK’s leadership deliberately and consciously siding with international motherfucking Jews, Soviets, and Americans led by Franklin D. Roosevelt, when given a chance to choose otherwise, does tend to cause a Hitler to want to look for friends further afield.

And given that Japanese fascist ideology—more accurately ‘Japanese Right-Socialism’—had been developing since at least the late 1920s, it was pretty easy to find that friend.

Sallis wrote:

the crafty nips stabbed Adolf in the back by signing a non-aggression treaty with the USSR,

Or, we ‘craftily’ realised that after the undeclared border war in 1938—1939 in Manchuria, it was going to be impossible to actually win against the Soviet Union unless Japan could first carve out and secure an economic zone to the south, the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, which necessitated the removal of the United States Navy and the myriad British installations in that region, so that the liberal international cunts couldn’t just shut down all of Japan’s productive capacity in a day.

The fight for the south, was the fight to attain and integrate a supra-national body that would be capable of eventually taking on the Soviet Union with reasonable chances of success. Japan signed a non-aggression treaty and went south first, for the same reason that Germany signed a non-aggression treaty and went west first.

The intention of Japan was absolutely to violate the non-aggression treaty, as soon as the objectives in the south were completed. Unfortunately it was there that all of the problems would manifest.

Sallis wrote:

but – again, of course – expected German support after Pearl Harbor (which they got, proving again that Euro-Asian alliances are for the benefit of Asians only).

Actually, here’s a whole article about the number of ways in which Germany was carrying out a disproportionate number of self-serving actions, many of which actually impeded the progress toward fulfilling strategic objectives in the war: [Link]

Sallis wrote:

Further, both sides in both world wars made use of colored auxiliaries;

Yes, welcome to life.

Sallis wrote:

both sides were at fault,

Are you fucking kidding me?

Sallis wrote:

and both are worthy of condemnation, you mendacious Asiatic.

Hahaha, wow, you are seriously drawing an equivalence between the two sides? Are you all seeing this?

Sallis wrote:

By the way, one can make all sorts of excuses for arrogant Japanese behavior, re: 1914 and English overseas colonies.

We don’t make excuses for being arrogant, it’s part of being arrogant.

Sallis wrote:

I can’t wait for the “spin and rationalizations” for the protests of Asian nations, including Japan, for America’s Asian exclusion acts.

There is no spin or rationalisation. If you are prancing around in Asia acting like you own the place, for example, then you should expect some international trolling to be directed your way.

Sallis wrote:

Oh, you see, White lands are obligated

Nope, you are not forced to say ‘yes’ to every request made by other countries!

Sallis wrote:

Perhaps, gook, we’ll know what the “right choice” was when the final information is at hand.

We already do know what the ‘right choice’ is. The USSR was destroyed, and then it degenerated into a capitalist restoration federation staffed by a collection of bloated ex-Stalinist thugs, who we will also systematically destroy.

Sallis wrote:

Me, I think Nixon should have agreed to let the USSR nuke China.

Too bad for you that Richard Nixon was too much of an antisemite to allow the humongous filthy Russian-Jew USSR to get away with anything like that. Just kidding, I doubt that Nixon’s foreign policy preferences were motived by anti-semitism, but he achieved objectively antisemitic results in 1972, so it’s marvellous.

Sallis wrote:

If the White world ends up buried under a Yellow mudslide

I’ll take “shit that absolutely won’t happen” for 800 dollars, please. Japan, China, and South Korea are literally giving out free money to South East Asians in ODA and FDI so as to create jobs there and prevent them from exiting their countries, and you are hyperventilating about the tiny to negligible number of business-orientated and well-educated Asians who are inside the western world right now?

I don’t know if you fucking noticed, but there’s a literal swarm of crazed Arabs and Africans rampaging around in continental Europe right now like diseased gibbering monkeys, and you are meanwhile complaining about Asians?

Sallis wrote:

Therefore, prudence and plain common sense (or as Danny puts it, “half a brain”) would strongly suggest that you do not publicly post any information that is not already online someplace.  In other words, nothing new. So, yes, my MR debates with the likes of Desmond Jones and Silver are a matter of public record (and a waste of digital pixels for all the good it did); on the other hand, my private correspondence with GW, or anyone else, is not, and should not be, a matter of public record.

And yet it is a matter of public record: [Link]

At the end of that comment on 01 Apr 2015, DanielS apparently makes reference to the Salter interview issue that you’re talking about. That only took me five minutes to find, and it clearly was indeed a matter a public record.

Sallis wrote:

If you guys post intimate personal details on public forums

Ever since I’ve been brought on to Majorityrights, I’ve done everything to ensure that such things cannot happen. In fact, your supposed friend who you don’t know, Thorn, actually tried to post your real name in a comment here, and we decided to censor that attempt.

Why? Because despite everything, we adhere the basic principle of trying not to be leaky.

Sallis wrote:

The “movement” claims that they are “in a war to the death with ZOG” and they agonize over “NSA surveillance” and then they proceed to use “movement” blogs, websites, and meetings as the equivalent of social media, spewing forth personal information with all the enthusiasm of a blushing schoolgirl.

I’ve spoken out against this trend numerous times as well. In the context of Majorityrights, the transition to using HTTPS, the refusal to take on any advertising CDNs, and a refusal to integrate any social media APIs, a refusal to use Disqus, and even a refusal to use Cloudflare, along with a refusal to even use Google Analytics, are all decisions that were made by me in light of the fact that I really do believe that words should be backed up by at least basic actions.

Majorityrights is possibly the only ethno-nationalist site where if you choose to make a post anonymously, it is actually anonymous.

We’re also the only ones who have a privacy policy which allows users to request removal of personal information capable of identifying a user to be removed if it should happen by some unfortunate accident to become exposed and the person had not intended it to be exposed.

Sallis wrote:

Silver screeching about “shiteaters”

I’ve asked Daniel about that, to see what he knows of Silver. He says that he drove Silver away eons ago.

Sallis wrote:

J Richards’ crude anti-Semitic cartoons

J Richards is gone and he’s never coming back. Most of his really questionable webdesign choices are also gone!

Sallis wrote:

I’ll pass on the invitation to a podcast.

Oh come on, podcasts are given an SHA-1 checksum before they get uploaded to the site, so we can’t re-edit the podcast after it’s been put up even if we wanted to. We’re completely transparent.

Don’t be a chicken!


 Posted by DanielS on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:57 | #

Ok, it is clear that I gave Sallis an overly charitable altercast. Much too charitable, in fact.

He plainly ignores what I am saying, the facts here and simply dumps false accusations and attributions on me/us without any concern for truth, but only for the purpose of trying to distract from and discredit what I/ we say at Majorityrights.

He tries, but the truth, which he will not confront by speaking with us directly, is plain for anybody who looks at what has been said here, who has said it, and in what sequence.

I am forced to change my assessment of Sallis: I no longer respect him as a sincere actor in concern of European interests.

If it were the case that he was sincere, he could not render the conclusions that he does, say the things that he does, and refuse to talk with us in order to arrive at a correct understanding.

Not only do I no longer trust his judgment and assessment, but I do not recommend that others treat his motives as sincere – particularly on the Jewish issue.

In confirmation of what Kumiko says, there are concrete accusations that he uses to distract, which I will quickly disabuse for anybody who bothers to look at his chimera:

First, he charges that I exposed his privacy unnecessarily. In fact, Thorn had posted a comment with Sallis’ real name and I took care to take it out and replace it with his pen name – Ted Sallis, where I used his name at all.

What I did expose and would do again, was not the email but his ill motivated malice expressed in an email in concern to Majorityrights, i.e. for some reason (no good reason that we could tell) that he would try to prevent Salter from speaking with us.

I took some small issue with that, made it public long ago, and do readily again make known his effort to dissuade Salter from speaking with us, because there is no good reason why Salter should not speak with us. To try to prevent that was a disservice to advocacy of European EGI and unnecessary. Particularly given the fact that Salter is not so sensitive about his reputation or concerned that his interviewing interlocutors share his platform so as not to speak with Red Ice – he did speak with them, despite the fact that they traffic in Holocaust denial and the denial that Hitler/Nazi Germany could do anything particularly wrong – positions that Salter is careful to reject, seeing these claims as “unnecessary to ethnonationalism” – a position with which I concur.

As for my reserving epithets, profanity and vitriol for particular people, in places they deserve it, yes – I’ll do that with post modern prerogative, a means of coherence that will not leave us rigidly defenseless in adherence to tradition and protocol while our enemies will get down, dirty and play unfair with us. Rather, I will treat people as adults and when they need to know simply and clearly, without unmerited attention to detail and elaboration, that someone like Thorn is not acting in good faith to arrive at the truth and defense of White people, but is just trying to subvert our position (just as I now believe Sallis to be doing), I will make the quick work of him that he deserves done: Thorn is not strictly concerned with the interests of European peoples; he wants to subvert our defense – in shorthand terms, he is a man wants to suck Jewish cock. I don’t use such vulgarisms lightly and commonly, but Thorn has harassed me for years, with an aim toward subverting the most important, grounded defense of European peoples. Thorn is operating in Jewish interests.

Next, Sallis talks about Richards and Silver as if I am in unanimity with them, and as if MR remains in unanimity with them. We had to distance ourselves from Richards years ago because he came unhinged in speculation, particularly about the Jew thing. As for Silver, he was a troll who was antagonistic to me and antagonistic to true White interests. His whole angle was to try to associate MR with a ‘moderate and tolerant” position toward other races, with regard to Jews and other middle Easterners particularly; and to associate White advocacy with a pro-Hitler, pro-Christian position. I had to drive him away. He would not leave me alone for not accepting those positions.

On a more significant level of how it is looking now, Sallis has been spinning a very subtle yarn to say that yes, Jews are White, but they do not identify as White. However, while he will acknowledge that Jews, particularly organized Jews, can be destructive to Whites, and that they do not identify as White, what he seems to be doing with this idea that “Jews are White” is to be creating enough theoretical ambiguity, if not confusion, in order to provide for a way in which at least partial Jews can wangle their way into circles identifying as White. The rest can potentially be collaborative advisers “in good faith” from a distance, I suppose. If you don’t already know about how letting Jews into your circle ends up, you should know (try reading Mullins’ The Biological Jew).

On a broad scale in that regard now, Sallis wants Jews and Russian Whites to be confused as one, so that he can use “Russian advocacy” to try to head-off the European / Asian alliance. He not only tried to say that I was trying to provide for Chinese and other Asian colonization of White lands (rather than what I was saying, i.e., better Asians than blacks in disputed territories; and Asians in Asian territories), but that I was “throwing Russians under the bus” – and not that I was disputing the borders of Russia, aggrandized at the expense of other peoples; with a keen eye as to where these expansions and exploitations express Jewish interests and the interests of internationalists sell-outs. As the White Left, we do not see fit to approve and stand-by exploitation by any elite “objectivist”, internationalist sell-outs, not Russian ones either, nor do we stand-by undue exploitation of other peoples, let alone ours.


 Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 22:11 | #

R[ ] should guard against so easily getting his panties in a twist.

Not one square inch of Russian territory will be given to the yellow hordes unless it is over Putin’s dead body.

Silver is a kike with keyboard.  Why should R[ ] care if Silver facetiously accuses him of eating shit unless…there is just enough truth in the accusation to hurt? 

Northern Europeans are racially superior to all other branches of the White race and hence would be fools to breed en masse with those other branches.  Nordicism is only good sense on the part of Northern Europeans.  If R[ ], his panties, or anyone else has a problem with that, that is tough shit for them – the shiteaters!  Lulz


 Posted by DanielS on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 22:50 | #

One thing at a time, CC.

R[ ] should guard against so easily getting his panties in a twist.

With regard to the name thing, I blanked it this time (at least) because I don’t know if he willingly reveals it at this point. Why would he call himself Ted Sallis otherwise? Maybe he cares, maybe he doesn’t care, but I don’t know.

Not one square inch of Russian territory will be given to the yellow hordes unless it is over Putin’s dead body.

My position is that it’s not my problem. Cooperation with Asia is the better option than trying to protect the Russian Federated Empire – which is propositional by definition anyway (in addition to being how much Jewy?), not White by definition. Not my problem anymore than say, if some Western leader, operating in propositional and collaborative Jewish interests, took over vast territories and nations of native others, exploited and killed them, while allowing long established if not native European territories to go to hell. Its Putin’s problem; while Native European territories and consolidated territories established as White in the America’s and Australia/NZ are our problem. I’ll grant, without dispute, that Western Russia – “Muscovy” – is native Russian; in the West, up to the borders of Belarus and Ukraine (I wouldn’t endorse a hot war method of achieving greater – though correctly increased – autonomy for those nations). As a hypothesis Eastward, I won’t dispute Russia’s claim up to The Urals; certainly not up to the 55th Meridian East; the 85th Meridian would include Russia’s third and fourth largest cities; and to begin quite charitably, I would not contest their reach to include Lake Baikal, i.e., up to around the 111th Meridian. Though really, these places apparently start to become more of a natural Asian habitat, at least after that point. As I’ve said before, there is some ambiguity in those areas. Somewhere around Kazakhstan a proto-Asian-European people (both) evolved. I’d handle disputes with increasingly sovereign enclaves and finally sovereign ethno nations where possible.

Silver is a kike with keyboard.  Why should R[ ] care if Silver facetiously accuses him of eating shit unless…there is just enough truth in the accusation to hurt?

LOL. Silver said he wouldn’t be surprised if he were part Jewish. He refused to identify as White even when offered the altercast by dint of being “European enough.” Besides saying that he had an affinity for Anatolia and the Levant, he was constantly giving bum steers and acting like a Jewish middleman. A kike with a keyboard, quite possibly partly enough, an entire cunt with a keyboard, definitely.

Northern Europeans are racially superior to all other branches of the White race and hence would be fools to breed en masse with those other branches.  Nordicism is only good sense on the part of Northern Europeans.  If R[ ], his panties, or anyone else has a problem with that, that is tough shit for them – the shiteaters!  Lulz

It’s probably the case as with all races and subcategories that they are better in some ways and not in others.

When I see Northern European women walking around with niggers, and Northern European men making every cucked excuse in the world as to why it is not a problem, or even “good”, that is not a reflection of superiority. And when I see them writing-off Southern and Eastern European mudsharks as not their concern, that does not express superiority either.

If they don’t have the judgment to cooperate with their European neighbors and allow them to serve buffering and cooperative functions, but rather war with them, try to exploit or throw them under the bus, that is not superiority.

The 111th Meridian passes through the Chinese city, Hohhot.

In Russia, it is to the East of Lake Baikal.

Vladivastok (592,034)  and Khabarovsk (577,441) are the largest Russian cities to the East of that Meridian.

Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, 592,034

Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Krai 577,441

Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai 324,444,_Zabaykalsky_Krai

Yakutsk, Sakha Republic 269,601

Komsomolsk-on-Amur Khabarovsk Krai 263,906

Blagoveshchensk, Amur Oblast 214,390

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast 181,728

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Krai, 179,780

Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai 159,719

Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, 158,004

Artyom, Primorsky Krai 102,603,_Russia

Magadan, Magadan Oblast 95,982

Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast 75,413

Belogorsk, Amur Oblast 68,249,_Amur_Oblast

Neryungri, Sakha Republic 61,747

Svobodny, Amur Oblast 58,778,_Amur_Oblast

Arsenyev, Primorsky Krai 56,750

Krasnokamensk, Zabaykalsky Krai 55,666,_Zabaykalsky_Krai

 Posted by Strategic location Birobidzhan on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 10:40 | #

Strategic location BirobidzhanJewish autonomous Oblask.

It conveniently protrudes, gerrymandering to border on Khabarovsk, the second largest city in the Russian Far East, after Vladivostok; as of the 2010 Census, Khabarovsk having a population was 577,441 - and sea access

Amur River

The Amur River (Even: Тамур, Tamur; Russian: река́ Аму́р, IPA: [ɐˈmur]) or Heilong Jiang (Chinese: 黑龙江; pinyin: Hēilóng Jiāng, “Black Dragon River”; Manchu: ᠰᠠᡥᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠨ
ᡠᠯᠠ; Möllendorff: Sahaliyan Ula; Abkai: Sahaliyan Ula, “Black Water”) is the world’s tenth longest river, forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China (Inner Manchuria).

The river rises in the hills of western Manchuria at the confluence of its two major affluents, the Shilka River and the Ergune (or Argun) River, at an elevation of 303 metres (994 ft). It flows east forming the border between China and Russia, and slowly makes a great arc to the southeast for about 400 kilometres (250 mi), receiving many tributaries and passing many small towns. At Huma, it is joined by a major tributary, the Huma River. Afterwards it continues to flow south until between the cities of Blagoveschensk (Russia) and Heihe (China), it widens significantly as it is joined by the Zeya River, one of its most important tributaries.

History and context

In many historical references these two geopolitical entities are known as Outer Manchuria (Russian Manchuria) and Inner Manchuria, respectively. The Chinese province of Heilongjiang on the south bank of the river is named after it, as is the Russian Amur Oblast on the north bank. The name Black River (sahaliyan ula) was used by the Manchu and the Ta-tsing Empire who regarded this river as sacred.[citation needed]

The Amur River is an important symbol of, and geopolitical factor in, Chinese–Russian relations. The Amur was especially important in the period following the Sino–Soviet political split in the 1960s.[citation needed]

For many centuries the Amur Valley was populated by the Tungusic (Evenki, Solon, Ducher, Jurchen, Nanai, Ulch) and Mongol (Daur) people, and, near its mouth, by the Nivkhs. For many of them, fishing in the Amur and its tributaries was the main source of their livelihood. Until the 17th century, these people were not known to the Europeans, and little known to the Han Chinese, who sometimes collectively described them as the Wild Jurchens. The term Yupi Dazi (“Fish-skin Tatars”) was used for the Nanais and related groups as well, owing to their traditional clothes made of fish skins.

Goldi village along Amur, north of Khabarovsk

Russian Cossack expeditions led by Vassili Poyarkov and Yerofey Khabarov explored the Amur and its tributaries in 1643–44 and 1649–51, respectively. The Cossacks established the fort of Albazin on the upper Amur, at the site of the former capital of the Solons.

The Amur River (under its Manchu name, Saghalien Oula) and its tributaries on a 1734 map by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville, based upon maps of Jesuits in China. Albazin is shown as Jaxa, the old (Ming) site of Aigun as Aihom and the later, Qing Aigun, as Saghalien Oula.

At the time, the Manchus were busy with conquering the region; but a few decades later, during the Kangxi era, they turned their attention to their north-Manchurian backyard. Aigun was reestablished near the supposed Ming site in about 1683–84, and a military expeditions was sent upstream to dislodge the Russians, whose Albazin establishment deprived the Manchu rulers from the tribute of sable pelts that the Solons and Daurs of the area would supply otherwise. Albazin fell during a short military campaign in 1685. The hostilities were concluded in 1689 by the Treaty of Nerchinsk, which left the entire Amur valley, from the convergence of the Shilka and the Ergune downstream, in Chinese hands.

The Russian proselytization of Orthodox Christianity to the indigenous peoples along the Amur River was viewed as a threat by the Qing.

The Amur region remained a relative backwater of the Qing Empire for the next century and a half, with Aigun being practically the only major town on the river. Russians re-appeared on the river in the mid-19th century, forcing the Manchus to yield all lands north of the river to the Russian Empire by the Treaty of Aigun (1858). Lands east of the Ussury and the lower Amur were acquired by Russia as well, by the Convention of Peking (1860).

The acquisition of the lands on the Amur and the Ussury was followed by the migration of Russian settlers to the region and the construction of such cities as Blagoveshchensk and, later, Khabarovsk.

 Posted by Putin welcomes Jews to Russia on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 14:26 | #

Putin Welcomes Jews to Russia. Geo-strategic aims evident.

Kantor expresses concern of persecution in host Europe. Putin welcomes them to flee back to Russia

The president of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor said the number of Jews fleeing Europe is on the rise.

“The situation with the Jews in Europe is the worst it has been since the end of the Second World War,” said Kantor. “The Jews are again in fear and a Jewish exodus from Europe is quite real. There are more Jews fleeing France, which is considered very secure, than from civil-war-torn Ukraine.”

“Let them come here,” said Putin. “They emigrated from here under Soviet Union, but now they can come back.”

Posted by Eastern Europe defending Western civilizaiton on Wed, 17 Feb 2016 07:34 | #

As it is able to maintain its ethno-states, perhaps in an Intermarium coalition that staves-off Eastern and Western imperialism, East Europe can become they keystone to defending Western civilization

TNO, ‘Eastern Europe “Defender of Civilization” 16 Feb 2016:

There is little doubt that within the very near future, Eastern Europe will take on the mantle of defender of European civilization, and, ultimately, the European heartland which will serve as a homeland and regeneration point for the European people, according to a new article on the Project Nova Europa website.

Eastern Europe “Defender of Civilization”

There is little doubt that within the very near future, Eastern Europe will take on the mantle of defender of European civilization, and, ultimately, the European heartland which will serve as a homeland and regeneration point for the European people, according to a new article on the Project Nova Europa website.

The Project Nova Europa website is part of the Nova Europa movement, which seeks to offer a solution to the impending crisis facing white people all over the world by creating a European homeland, or ethnostate.

Titled “Eastern Europe Comes into Focus,” the article goes on to point out that in the face of the mass nonwhite invasion of Europe, the reactions of the Eastern European nations has been dramatically different to those of Western Europe.

“Eastern Europe is, as predicted in Nova Europa, rapidly coming to the fore as a bastion for the preservation of European civilization. For this, we can ironically thank western European liberals and Angela Merkel in particular, who, for reasons of their own, have decided to dramatically accelerate the nonwhite invasion of Europe,” it starts off by saying.

“As pointed out in Nova Europa, Western Europe, for the last thirty years, has been steadily taking in an increasing number of Third World immigrants, driven by their deliberately race-blind worldview.

“The same process has been underway in the US ever since the 1965 Immigration Act, and shortly after that, in Australia as well, where immigration policies were deliberately shifted away from their previously European origins to allow mass Third World immigration.
READ The Antithesis of Apartheid

“This steady stream of Third World immigration has been much like the proverbial ‘frog in the boiling water’ analogy—where, as the theory goes, a frog in a pot of water which is slowly heated up is cooked before it realizes it is in trouble, having steadily adjusted to the gradual temperature change.

“The parallel being that Europeans—and Americans—have gradually adjusted to Third World immigration to the point where they now stand at the point of becoming minorities in their own countries.

“Eastern Europe has, for a number of reasons, been largely spared this process: firstly, due to the fact that until 1990 they were locked down behind the Iron Curtain, and secondly, because the richer west of Europe offered better pickings for the Third Worlders.

“The sudden mass invasion of Europe which started in 2015 when Merkel officially opened Germany’s doors has disturbed this frog in the boiling water scenario. Now, no longer is the water slowly heating up, but it is suddenly scalding.

“Eastern Europe has reacted as one would expect all healthy life forms to react: with horror at the thought of being boiled alive, or, in real terms, being overrun by the Third World within a generation (as Germany seems intent on doing).

“It is the Eastern European nations which have built the fences to keep out the invaders.


 Posted by problem of manning Russia on Thu, 17 Mar 2016 03:27 | #

Putin Country

Some interesting insights into Russia, even if by a liberal American correspondent: Ann Garrels talks about events from the Soviet era in the early 1980’s to the present day in Russia, with a special focus on the Chelyabinsk region – a remote industrial region (on the border of Kazakhstan) which suffered particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union; but which remains important to Russia in particular as the seat of a significant part of its nuclear weapons arsenal. It bounced back under Putin and like most of Russia, remains quite loyal to him despite his corruption; and what is particularly noticeable in that region – a return to some KGB style clamp-downs on the population.

The most relevant point of the interview for this thread, however, was Garrels remark that Russia was going to have a great deal of difficulty manning the vast territories of its Federation.

Radioactive contamination:

Aral Sea catastrophe

Posted by If you can’t get away from it in fucking Omsk.. on Wed, 15 Jun 2016 16:26 | #

Russia Beyond The Headlines, “Photo of the day” – June 15, 2016:

Posted by UYGUR DNA on Thu, 16 Jun 2016 21:47 | #



 Posted by Russian colonization of central Asia on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 04:10 | #

Atavistic Intelligentsia, “The Gates of Siberia- The Russian City of Tyumen” 8 July 2016:

– Vincent Law

I’ve heard this myth a lot. And it goes that there are these “Soviet” peoples that are part of the Russian experience. The truth is that Russia reduced these people to dhimmitude and expends considerable resources on making sure that they stay that way now as well. Whereas France colonized Africa, Russia colonized Central Asia, with different, but arguably similar results. Resentment towards the Russians, coupled with mass migration into the Russian Federation characterized much of the 90’s and 00’s. Many Russians fled the stans and returned to the motherland because of local intolerance and discrimination policies. Naturally, the upper classes got out first, leaving behind many of their co-ethnics to rough it out. This prompted Solzhenitsyn to make calls for the annexation of Western Kazakstan, on the same grounds that many called for the annexation of Novorussia now. There has been a stabilization of the situation, however. And things have markedly improved from the Брат, or the Exile’s depiction of Russia in the 90s.

A short story told to me by a local married (sigh) Patriot Russian girl: there was a Chechen woman that parked right over a tramway rail in Ekatirinburg one day and caused a massive traffic backup. Some Russian volunteer teenagers that shame bad parkers and drivers by stickying their cars with an insulting monicker- “Road Hog”-came up to sticky her car. She freaked out and called in the cavalry. About 40 Chechens showed up and beat up the zealous Russian student do-gooders.

This racewar situation however was promptly diffused by the personal intervention of Ramzan Kadyrov. It turns out the Chechen woman was the wife of a regional governor. Kadyrov summoned the woman’s husband, dressed him down and fired him on the spot- at least the story goes. And its part of this greater trend, the stabilization of relations between Russians and Chechens. Kadyrov punishes anyone who steps out of live in the Chechen diaspora by torturing or killing their family members left in Chechnia or ordering hits on them by loyalist Chechens.

And he manages to keep the peace.

Funny enough, the liberasts of course condemn this, and the country of Chechnia. They want to do the White Nationalist approach and let the Chechens succeed from the RF.

These are the same liberasts that were calling foul and howling about human rights abuses when Russian forces invaded first under Yeltsin and then Putin. They want to do the same for Tatarstan. But now they’ve changed their tune and agitate for the further break-up of the Russian empire by reminding people about the criminality of these “nations of criminals.”

I’m all over the place today, but a few more thoughts on the ethnic diasporas. The Chechens have been tamed, the Armenians are loyal. The Georgians too. The Kazaks that move to Russia are the upper classes- the “sovietized” families, and the Russian tribal peoples continue to drink themselves to death and cause little trouble.

The problem is the Uzbeks and the Tajiks, for the most part. I have yet to find anyone, liberal or other, that can tolerate them. But most Russians do not reject them on any HBD grounds or any Alt-Right idea. Mostly its just this personal dislike of them and a belief that Russia should take care of its own first. Still, they have no rights here and they behave for the most part. I enjoy the spectacle of seeing them get harassed by the police in St. Petersburg on a bi-weekly basis…


 Posted by Putin: Russia’s Borders Don’t End Anywhere on Sat, 26 Nov 2016 22:04 | #

Breitbart, “Putin’s Geography Lesson: ‘Russia’s Borders Don’t End Anywhere”, 25 Nov 2016:

Appearing at an awards ceremony for young students at the Russian Geographical Society, President Vladimir Putin took issue with nine-year-old Miroslav Oskirko’s statement that Russia’s borders “end at the Bering Strait with the United States.”

“Russia’s borders don’t end anywhere!” Putin corrected the boy, giving him a hug.

“That is a joke,” he clarified a moment later.

Somehow the citizens of Ukraine and of nervous Baltic republics circling an increasingly adventurous Russia managed to contain their mirth.

The UK Daily Mail quotes Twitter user Dmitry Kasatkin asking Putin, “Are we talking about culture here, or the S-400?” The S-400 is a Russian air defense missile that has lately been turning up in all sorts of interesting places.

As the UK Independent notes, “Russia’s borders” became a top trend on Twitter within minutes of Putin’s geopolitical standup comedy routine.

The BBC points out that Putin has seriously argued Russia has no borders, at least when it comes to defending what he called, “the rights of Russians, our compatriots abroad.”

BBC also picked up on a more subtle example of Putin’s wit: when he asked five-year-old Timofey Tsoi to name the country whose capital city is called Ouagadougou:

  Timofey correctly answered “Burkina Faso”, but struggled when asked what the country’s old name was. Mr. Putin helped him out, saying: “Upper Volta! Good lad!”

  In its dying days, the Soviet Union was sardonically described as “Upper Volta with rockets.”

Posted by Japan dispatches largest naval vessel since WWII on Mon, 01 May 2017 11:59 | #

DM, 1 May 2017:

“Japan dispatches its biggest warship since WWII to protect a US supply ship from Kim Jong-un’s missiles”

Izumo, a helicopter carrier, is being sent by Japan to protect a US supply ship The American vessel is thought to be supplying the USS Carl Vinson strike group Deployment marks the first time Japan has used new powers allowing its military to carry out actions that are not strictly in self-defense Comes as North Korea threatened to carry out a sixth nuclear test at ‘any time’

The 800ft Izumo, a helicopter carrier, left its port near Tokyo on Monday and is thought to be making a 400 mile trip to the waters near Shikoku alongside the US vessel

Japan has deployed the Izumo, its largest ship built since the Second World War, to escort a US supply vessel which is believed to be supporting the carrier USS Carl Vinson.

The Izumo’s deployment marks the first time Japan has used new powers which allow its military to carry out actions that are not purely in self-defense

Posted by Thousands of abandoned Russian villages on Mon, 12 Jun 2017 07:43 | #

NBC News, “A Look at One of Russia’s Thousands of ‘Ghost Villages”, 11 June 2017:

The Russian countryside was once a symbol of the Soviet Union’s agricultural might. Today, according to the latest census, 20,000 villages are completely abandoned. Another 36,000 have fewer than 10 residents.

Posted by Chinese buying land on Lake Baikal on Thu, 04 Jan 2018 14:12 | #

Financial Times, “China land grab on Lake Baikal raises Russian ire”, 4 Jan 2018:

A sleepy tourist town on the shores of Siberia’s Lake Baikal has become an unlikely lightning rod among Russian nationalists after Chinese investors bought up properties on town’s lakefront.

Russian newspapers have inflamed public opinion over the town of Listvyanka, running headlines about a Chinese “invasion”, “conquest” and even China’s “yoke” — a reference to the Mongol invasions of the Middle Ages.

An online petition with 55,000 signatures (Listvyanka has a population of less than 2,000) claims that Beijing is seeking to transform the area into a Chinese province, and asks Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to ban land sales to the Chinese there.


The message fuels familiar Russian fears about its more prosperous and populous neighbour — the sparsely populated and economically undeveloped eastern third of Russia is seen as vulnerable to large scale Chinese immigration.

But these local tensions are at odds with the diplomatic efforts of both countries’ leaders, and threaten to frustrate grand designs of a budding Russian-Chinese pseudo-alliance.


Russia needs investment by China to help its economy, which has been hit by western sanctions in the aftermath of its invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, China has made a priority of investing in Russia and other Eurasian countries as part of its Belt and Road strategy of building infrastructure across the region.


“People really are worried about the Chinese buying everything here. They build huge hotels. They tear down and change the façades,” he said. “Their advertisements are everywhere, hanging from fences.”


But he said that Chinese tour groups made a point of telling visitors that Lake Baikal — the world’s deepest freshwater lake — was part of China during the Tang and Han dynasties. “People here say this means they want it back,” said Mr Sin’kov.

Indeed, Chinese tourism websites claim that Lake Baikal was once part of China.

Cassia, a Chinese travel agency, advertised trips to Lake Baikal recalling its Chinese past: “It was called the Northern Sea during the Han Dynasty . . . it had been China’s territory for a long time in history.”


Full story at source, FT


 Posted by Native Siberians and Americans on Sun, 11 Feb 2018 09:51 | #

The Connection Between Whites and Asians? Genetics of the Sami, Ainu and Siberian Peoples

Who are the REAL Native Americans Indians? Exploring the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas:

When black ants are confronted by red ants, which species wins?

 Posted by Adapt not Adopt on Thu, 13 Sep 2018 07:53 | #

Diversity Macht Frei, “Hardcore racist Chinamen leave weak-willed whites floundering in the dust”, 11 Sept 2018:

By Czakal

Ruthless Chinamen are amazing the world with their hardcore, unabashed racism. These Chinks just don’t care.

What are they up to now?

Brainwashing Muslims to make them forget their faith.

Western countries need to study these Chinese techniques and adopt them.

The Chinaman was then grabbed and deported for “racism”. Africans may soon be getting nostalgic for the soft and benevolent racism of Whitey.

…and beating the natives with sticks whenever they don’t work hard enough.

The kind of ruthless racial self-assertion that these Chinks engage in is world-beating. Whites can’t compete with it. Not now that we have sunk into the abyss of altruism.

As Baudelaire said: The world belongs to the one who doesn’t care. These Chinamen don’t care.

They don’t care about human rights. They don’t care about decency. They don’t care about the fucked-up moral standards the Jews have imposed on us. That’s why the world will soon be theirs.

It wasn’t that long ago that Whites were as hardcore as these Chinamen. Ask yourself: is the world really a better place now that they’re not?

“Western countries need to study these Chinese techniques and adopt them.”

Not adopt them. Whites need to adapt ruthless ferocity to the ethnonationalist cause. In the two examples, one would be correct, and one would not.

Where Islamic incursions are quelled, that is correct.

Going to an African country, enslaving them, beating them and so on – when it is not sheer self defense – is not.

But of course, such bad advice (e.g., that we should be brutal slave masters over Africans) is typical of right wing reactionaries – to look for a foundation in natural fallacy, in sheer might makes right supremacism beyond the complexity of social praxis. …and of course, when praxis is ignored, then broader patterns of nemesis correction are in store for the hubris.

 Posted by Spheres of Influence on Wed, 21 Nov 2018 20:35 | #

Stephen Kotkin: Sphere of Influence III – The Chip on the Shoulder

 Posted by right and wrong way to Everest Summit on Fri, 04 Jan 2019 17:24 | #

Although Kumiko has a great story on her back burner about how Nepalese women have organized into an effective ethnonational guerrilla force, there are no relevant Nepalese posts yet under which to place this – so I’ll put it here – a video journal of American travelers to Everest. It is a video noteworthy for capturing the natural beauty of the setting and showing respect for the locals (summiting is dangerous for the Sherpa too).

Given the death rate (the odds of dying are high) and the expense ($11,000 for a summit permit), it seems aspiring to Everest summit is pretty stupid (the Sherpa think so too). It’s not like its never been done and now there are literally queues to hike to the summit.

These people did it the right way. Take a plane up there after getting to base camp.

 Posted by Protests in Russian Far East: KHABAROVSK on Sun, 26 Jul 2020 05:11 | #

Tens of thousands protest against Putin in Russian far east

KHABAROVSK/MOSCOW (Reuters) 25 July 2020 – Tens of thousands marched in the Russian far east on Saturday, the third such weekend protest in a row, to express their anger over what they say is President Vladimir Putin’s mishandling of a local political crisis.

Residents of Khabarovsk, around 3,800 miles (6,110 km) and seven time zones east of Moscow, are unhappy about the detention this month of the wider region’s popular governor, Sergei Furgal, who was arrested on murder charges he denies.

His arrest, which his supporters say was politically motivated, triggered the protests and created a headache for the Kremlin which is trying to troubleshoot a COVID-19-induced drop in real incomes and keep a lid on unrest.

Protesters chanted “Putin resign!” and “Putin is a thief!”. Demonstrators say they want Furgal, who they think has been set up, to be flown back from Moscow and put on trial in Khabarovsk.

City authorities estimated around 6,500 people had taken part. One local media outlet put the number at up to 20,000, while other outlets and opposition activists said upwards of 50,000 had attended and that it was the biggest protest of its kind so far.

“Give us our Furgal back,” said a local businesswoman called Viktoria. “This is our choice.”

The protests have highlighted anger among some over what they see as policies emanating from detached Moscow-based authorities.

Supporters of Furgal, a member of the nationalist LDPR party, feel he is being belatedly punished for defeating a candidate from the ruling pro-Putin United Russia party in 2018. The Kremlin says Furgal has serious charges to answer.

Such sustained demonstrations are unusual for Russia’s regions, as is the fact that the authorities have not yet moved to break them up.

In an apparent move to defuse tensions, Putin on Monday named a new acting governor. But protesters said they felt insulted by the choice of Mikhail Degtyaryov, who has no connection with the region, and have demanded he step down.

Reporting by Yury Zolotarev and Andrew Osborn; Editing by Louise Heavens and Grant McCool

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Sergey Furgal
Photo By, CC BY 4.0

 Posted by The moment Europeans / Asians split on Sat, 13 Apr 2019 19:20 | #

Towards a New History and Geography of Human Genes informed by Ancient DNA

Interesting lecture which includes discussion of the moment when Europeans split from Asian populations.


On the same side to begin with, ethnonationalists right and left against Abrahamic imperialism.

It’s been a while since I’ve looked at what is happening in this nation, but I’ve had Aung San Suu Kyi penciled in as “a good guy”, i.e., a Left Ethnonationalist – a leader who knows the issue is to provide boundaries to genetic interests and had the basic concept as to maintain them.

When I learned of a military coup, I was suspecting neo-liberal, internationalist forces to be behind it; but it turns out that Min Aung Hlaing is a right wing ethnonationalist who has taken power in order to save his military rule and himself from international persecution for the cleansing of the Muslim Rohingyan from Myanmar.

Now, being a left ethnonationalist, Suu Kyi maintained the calibration as she should and allowed for the instrumental feedback of Min Aung Hlaing in his campaign to rid Myanmar of this rapacious imperialist beachhead of Islam, committing atrocities against Myananmar natives.

Abrahamic and NeoLiberal forces pressured Suu Kyi to expose whatever means of entryism that they could in order to maintain the imposition of Abrahamism and NeoLiberalism and to prosecute Min Aung Hlaing for war crimes against the the Rohingyan in international court. 

While Suu Kyi won overwhelmingly in a democratic election, soft  points in her democratic obligation were exposed under neoliberal international pressure and the right wing Military dictatorship of Min Aung Hlaing felt compelled to take over by coup, for his own sake; and at this point, it is hard for me to say, maybe even with some legitimate concern to shore up weak points in Myanmar’s ethnonationalism. The problem is, its fixes are not likely to last given the inherent instability of the right for its imperviousness to popular correctives – even where those correctives are in the interest of ethnonational homeostasis.

The right wing is supposed to be an instrument of feedback, attending to finer and non-human points of necessary correction, not calibrative leadership of praxis and phronesis (judgment). Suu Kyi has a sense of this proper order having come from a background where her father was a military leader known as the father of what is now Myanmar’s ethnonational sovereignty.

Aung San Suu Kyi's father was both a military leader and considered to be the father of Myanmar's national sovereignty; so it's not as if she is unaware of necessary requirement to heed right wing, objectivist feedback in requirement of ethnonational homeostasis.

But hence the right, with its inherent instability for lack of anchoring in the broad social systemic corrective, is instigated back into power; rigid and manipulable, it can be maneuvered by the enemies of ethnonationalism, left ethnonaitonalism as it must be, if it is to be stable and homeostatic. The Abrahamics have applied enough pressure to force the stable left ethnonationalist element out, its proper calibrative judgment to utilize the feedback and finer instrumentation of the right to fight off Abrahamic imperialism is ousted in favor of over the top, headlong military dictatorhsip…

Though not wholly explaining and justifying the ethnonational perspective, here are two videos which will provide an overview not totally obscuring the situation of Myanmar either, albeit from a perspective edited to be safe from a western/abrahamic perspective:



We can add the ethnonnational persepective on this…

While both the military and Suu Kyi have part in the oust of the Muslims, what the Jewish, or shall we say of their more comprehensive imperialist reach, what the Abrahamic controlled media is not reporting-on is the legitimate reasons to rid their nation of this terrible plight that is Islam.
Islam, a vehicle of Abrahamic neo-Feudalism, as its Imams are installed as compradores – neo-Feudalist lords in place to thwart ethnonational unionization and uprising.

Now this right wing element of ethnonationalism, with all its inherent instability for lack of anchoring in broad, popular will and corrective, is there, in reaction, as the West’s Abrahamic imperialism has weighed down on the left ethnonationalist, Suu Kyi – and while both she and Min Aung Hlaing are ethnonationalists against Abrahamic imperialism, she was “manning,” as it were, the ethnonational calibration, while Min Aung Hlaing was manning the instrumental right wing feedback element…

Lets now turn to look at their mutual concern over the persecution of Myanmar’s natives by the Muslims and Suu Kyi’s attempts to deal in nuance with “the international community’s concern” regarding any over-correction by the Maynmar military.

First a word about disingenuously liberal versions of the democratic instrument which allow for subversion of the ethnonstate, which the Abahamic, neo-liberal west has pressured and attempted to exploit of Suu-Yi’s government.

Democracy runs the risk of being interpreted as not a means of ethnonational corrective, i.e., homeostasis, but just the opposite, particulalry as weaponized disingenuously in the hands of the Abrahamics and NeoLiberals, as a means to increase liberalism of borders and boundaries to runaway, beyond their capacity for homeostasis.
And infamously, a strong element of feminism can be pandered-to in this disingenuous interpretation, infused with indignation over historical grievances they can make a better deal for their individual selves at the expense of the ethnostate and at the expense of the 80 percent or so of beta males who would otherwise serve homeostasis; but are rather destroyed, along with the homeostasis, now gone to runaway for the female incitement to genetic competition that is pandered-to by the opportunists of NeoLiberalism. Fortunately, for the situation, Islam does not present an appealing recourse in that sense.
These concerns taking into account, if it is a limited democracy, limited to those with the age to give them experience, the demonstrated knowledge and capacity to understand the requirements of homeostasis, the constraint of maintaining borders and bounds, having the intelligence to appreciate objectivist feedback, i.e., that it not be a matter of the clunky and quantifying matter of voting, but rather be in service of homeostasis, not “winning” against the other but winning for the homeostasis, then democracy is good, it is the corrective instrument of homeostasis.
How far Suu Kyi might have been taking the country in a vulnerable interpretation of democracy which would endanger the nation and be impervious to homeostatic corrective is uncertain… but it is certain that the Abrahamic, NeoLiberal West, the Bidens etc. would put massive pressure on Suu Kyi, and subsequently the Myanmar military.
…and they won’t tell the other side of the story…
Which we, as those concerned for human and pervasive ecology, must do.. against this Abrahamic imperialisms, divorced from earthly concerns as it is and so very destructive of human and pervasive ecology as it is.

Hindu women forced to convert to Islam while mass graves of their Hindu men discovered in Rakhine

India Today reports on the forced conversion to Islam of Rakhine Hindus in the Bangladesh refugee camps and the discovery of Hindu mass graves in Rakhine by the Myanmar security services. This report dates from September and has gone unnoticed in the West. I found it as the latest entry on the Facebook account of Shwe Eain Si, so the girl obviously hasn’t given up the fight. Good for her.

                    – Mancinblack

Her husband among the Hindu men identified as massacred.

“Miss Grand Myanmar”, Shwe Eain Si, stripped of her title for telling truth about crisis in Rakhine

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 03 October 2017 14:24.

“Miss Grand Myanmar”, Shwe Eain Si, has been stripped of her title just days before she was due to compete in a leading international beauty pageant by organizers Miss Grand International. The nineteen year old had released a video statement in which she basically told the truth about the cause of the crisis in Rakhine State – Mancinblack


1 Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 05 Nov 2017 11:26 | #

“Thailand backs Myanmar on Rakhine, vows to get truth out”.

“Thailand fully understands and supports the actions of Myanmar on the festering problem in northern Rakhine State and the kingdom would help explain the true situation to the international community” reports the Myanmar Times.

Full story

2 Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 11 Dec 2017 17:31 | #

“China’s soft power initiatives in Myanmar and the Rakhine State seems to be delivering benefits, in contrast with the West’s approach that surrenders influence in a region holding significant importance. It now seems inevitable that Myanmar will grant the deep water port (at Kyuak Phyu, Rakhine) to China, despite community concerns that may be held.

Once this happens, China will have secured its West coast, divided the U.S military capability in Asia and achieved a significant milestone in rebuilding the Chinese Dream.”’s-belt-road-initiative

3 Posted by Modernity’s road and Myanmar on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 11:22 | #

The west has a mistaken notion that Buddhism is a pacifist religion. Actually, they put up an ardent fight, markedly against Islam. A vote of support from Majorityrightgs to their devout.

Burma’s Open Road (Myanmar History Documentary)

Not the look of a burgeoning pacifist to be trifled with.

Posted by Aung San Suu Kyi on Tue, 19 May 2020 12:56 | #

BBC News and it’s poetic propaganda of Aung San Suu Kyi

Dangerfield 19 May 2020:

The BBC who once so much adored Aung San Suu Kyi now trots out poetic propaganda about what an evil woman she is for defending her nation – which is all she ever wanted to do.



1 Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 12 Dec 2019 00:40 | #

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s ICJ speech. The full text, something you are highly unlikely to read in the Western press.

2 Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 29 Dec 2019 11:07 | #

Japan has become the first country to voice support for Myanmar since the Southeast Asian country’s legal team testified at the World Court, where The Gambia filed a case of genocide over the Rohingya crisis. Other countries, including the Netherlands and Canada, have stated that in order to uphold international accountability and prevent impunity they “consider it their obligation to support The Gambia before the ICJ, as it concerns all of humanity”.

“I don’t think that the Myanmar Tatmadaw committed genocide or intent of genocide” said Ichiro Maruyama, the Japanese ambassador to Myanmar, on Thursday. He said the actions by the Tatmadaw came in response to a series of attacks by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army on police outposts in 2016 and 2017.

Full story…

The Gambia acted as a front for other Muslim countries when presenting its case for genocide to the ICJ. Given that the Turkish ambassador to Myanmar, Kerem Divanhoglu, had previously stressed that Ankara keeps the problems of the Rohingya on the agenda of the UN and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, it is likely that Turkey is the main sponsor of Gambia’s case against Myanmar ;which would make Ankara the hypocrite of the year, wouldn’t it ?

Excerpts of transcript: Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech at the ICJ:

Al Jazeera, 12 Dec 2019

Aung San Suu Kyi has defended Myanmar’s military against genocide allegations at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), amid accusations of mass killings, rape and expulsion of the mostly Muslim Rohingya minority.

In her opening statement in front of judges in The Hague on Wednesday, the former human rights icon rejected the case at the United Nations’ highest court – which was filed by the Gambia with the support of the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – alleging Myanmar violated the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.


“In the present case, Mr President, the Court has been asked to apply the 1948 Genocide Convention, one of the most fundamental multilateral treaties of our time. Invoking the 1948 Genocide Convention is a matter of utmost gravity. This is the treaty that we made following the systematic killing of more than six million European Jews, and that my country wholeheartedly signed as early as December 30, 1949, and ratified on March 14, 1956. Genocide is the crime that the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda applied in response to the mass-killing of perhaps 70 percent of the Tutsis in Rwanda. It is the crime that was not applied by the Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia to the displacement of approximately one million residents of Kosovo in 1999. Neither was it applied by that Tribunal nor by this Court when deciding upon the exodus of the Serb population from Croatia in 1995.

“In both situations, international justice resisted the temptation to use this strongest of legal classifications because the requisite specific intent to physically destroy the targeted group in whole or in part was not present.

“Regrettably, The Gambia has placed before the Court an incomplete and misleading factual picture of the situation in Rakhine State in Myanmar. Yet, it is of the utmost importance that the Court assess the situation obtaining on the ground in Rakhine dispassionately and accurately. 

[…]“Mr President, on October 9, 2016, approximately 400 fighters of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army – known as ARSA – launched simultaneous attacks on three police posts in Maungdaw and Rathedaung townships in northern Rakhine, near the border with Bangladesh. ARSA claimed responsibility for these attacks, which led to the death of nine police officers, more than 100 dead or missing civilians, and the theft of 68 guns and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

“This was the start of an internal armed conflict between ARSA and Myanmar’s Defence Services which lasted until late 2017. The selective factual propositions contained in The Gambia’s Application actually concern this conflict.

“In the months following the October 9, 2016 attacks, ARSA grew in strength in the Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung townships in northern Rakhine. It resorted to threats and intimidation against local villagers in order to gain support and allegiance, executing suspected informers. According to, among others, the International Crisis Group, ARSA received weapons – and explosives – training from Afghan and Pakistani militants.

“In the early morning of August 25, 2017, several thousand ARSA fighters launched coordinated attacks on more than 30 police posts and villages, and an army base in northern Rakhine. Most of the attacks took place on the narrow Maungdaw plain, which is framed by densely forested hills to the east, and the border with Bangladesh to the west. Indications are that ARSA’s objective was to seize Maungdaw township.

“It may aid the Court to briefly consider the historical significance of Maungdaw. When Britain made Burma a colonial entity separate from British India in 1937, the border between Burma and India was drawn along the river Naf, where we find today’s border between Bangladesh and Myanmar. The historical Kingdom of Arakan had extended much further to the north than the river Naf, including most of what is today Chittagong District in Bangladesh.

“Members of some Rakhine communities, therefore, felt that the border drawn by the British was too far south; others, that it was too far north. Myanmar has never challenged this border since independence in 1948.

“Britain did not lose control over what is today Maungdaw township during World War II. From September 1942, a number of local Muslim families offered fighters to the British irregular V-Force set up to collect intelligence and to initially absorb any Japanese advance. Many Muslims gave their lives in combat against the Japanese in Rakhine.

“The sacrifices made by Muslim fighters motivated a call for the creation of an autonomous Muslim space in northern Rakhine, centred on Maungdaw. Whether or not this was encouraged by British officers, Britain rejected this call as soon as it had reoccupied Burma, before independence in 1948. The Muslim-Buddhist intercommunal violence of 1942 recurred in 1948 and several times after that. This cycle of violence has negatively affected life in northern Rakhine, making it the second poorest state in Myanmar.


“Mr President, allow me to clarify the use of the term ‘clearance operation’ – ‘nae myay shin lin yeh’ in Myanmar [language]. Its meaning has been distorted. As early as the 1950s, this term has been used during military operations against the Burma Communist Party in Bago Range. Since then, the military has used this expression in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations after attacks by insurgents or terrorists. In the Myanmar language, ‘nae myay shin lin yeh’ – literally ‘clearing of locality’ – simply means to clear an area of insurgents or terrorists.

“It is still not easy to establish clear patterns of events in these 12 locations. Many ARSA fighters died. There may have been several hundred casualties in some of the 12 locations. There was some inter-communal violence. Buddhist and Hindu minority communities also feared for their security after the original ARSA attacks and many fled from their homes.


“Mr President, it cannot be ruled out that disproportionate force was used by members of the Defence Services in some cases in disregard of international humanitarian law, or that they did not distinguish clearly enough between ARSA fighters and civilians. There may also have been failures to prevent civilians from looting or destroying property after fighting or in abandoned villages. But these are determinations to be made in the due course of the criminal justice process, not by any individual in the Myanmar Government.

“Please bear in mind this complex situation and the challenge to sovereignty and security in our country when you are assessing the intent of those who attempted to deal with the rebellion. Surely, under the circumstances, genocidal intent cannot be the only hypothesis.

“Under its 2008 Constitution, Myanmar has a military justice system. Criminal cases against soldiers or officers for possible war crimes committed in Rakhine must be investigated and prosecuted by that system. On November 25, 2019, the Office of the Judge Advocate General announced the start of a court-martial for allegations linked to the Gutar Pyin village incident, one of the 12 main incidents referred to earlier. The Office also let it be known that there will be additional courts-martial if further incriminating evidence is brought by the Independent Commission of Enquiry. The ICOE is an independent special investigation procedure established for Rakhine allegations by the President of Myanmar, chaired by a former Deputy Foreign Minister from the Philippines, with three other members, including a former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations from Japan.

“On November 26, 2019, this Commission announced that it had taken about 1500 witness statements from all affected groups in Rakhine and that it has interviewed 29 military personnel who were deployed to the affected townships in northern Rakhine during the military operations from August 25, 2017, to September 5, 2017, as well as 20 police personnel who were stationed at the police posts that were attacked on August 25, 2017. There is currently no other fact-finding body in the world that has garnered relevant first-hand information on what occurred in Rakhine in 2017 to the same extent as the Independent Commission of Enquiry and the Office of the Judge Advocate General in Myanmar.

“This fact reinforces my sense that I should refrain from any action or statement that could undermine the integrity of these ongoing criminal justice processes in Myanmar. They must be allowed to run their course. It is never easy for armed forces to recognise self-interest in accountability for their members, and to implement a will to accountability through actual investigations and prosecutions. I respectfully invite the members of the court to consider for a moment the record of other countries. This is a common challenge, even in resource-rich countries.

“Recent cases in the news headlines illustrate that even when military justice works, there can be reversals. This can also happen in Myanmar. As part of the overall efforts of the Myanmar Government to provide justice, a court-martial found that 10 Muslim men had been summarily executed in Inn Din village, one of the 12 locations of serious incidents referred to earlier. It sentenced four officers and three soldiers each to ten years in prison with hard labour. After serving a part of their sentences, they were given a military pardon. Many of us in Myanmar were unhappy with this pardon.

“Other cases are undertaken without controversy. In the Mansi case, for example, a court-martial sat close to the location in Kachin State where three internally displaced civilians were killed. It sentenced six soldiers, each to 10 years in prison, in January 2018. Relatives of the victims and local civil society representatives were invited to the sentencing.


“Can there be genocidal intent on the part of a state that actively investigates, prosecutes and punishes soldiers and officers who are accused of wrongdoing? Although the focus here is on members of the military, I can assure you that appropriate action will also be taken against civilian offenders, in line with due process. There will be no tolerance of human rights violations in the Rakhine, or elsewhere in Myanmar.

“Mr President, there are those who wish to externalise accountability for alleged war crimes committed in Rakhine, almost automatically, without proper reflection. Some of the United Nations human rights mandates relied upon in the Application presented by The Gambia have even suggested that there cannot be accountability through Myanmar’s military justice system. This not only contradicts Article 20(b) of the Constitution of Myanmar, it undercuts painstaking domestic efforts relevant to the establishing of cooperation between the military and the civilian government in Myanmar, in the context of a Constitution that needs to be amended to complete the process of democratisation. That process is now underway at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Union Parliament.

“The emerging system of international criminal justice rests on the principle of complementarity. Accountability through domestic criminal justice is the norm. Only if domestic accountability fails, may international justice come into play. It would be inconsistent with complementarity to require that domestic criminal justice should proceed much faster than international criminal justice. A rush to externalise accountability may undermine professionals in domestic criminal justice agencies. What does the appearance of competition between domestic and international accountability do to the public’s trust in the intentions of impatient international actors?

“No stone should be left unturned to make domestic accountability work. It would not be helpful for the international legal order if the impression takes hold that only resource-rich countries can conduct adequate domestic investigations and prosecutions, and that the domestic justice of countries still striving to cope with the burden of unhappy legacies and present challenges is not good enough. The Gambia will also understand this challenge with which they too are confronted.

“Mr President and members of the court, these reflections are relevant to the present hearing because the Applicant has brought a case based on the Genocide Convention. We are, however, dealing with an internal armed conflict, started by coordinated and comprehensive attacks by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, to which Myanmar’s Defence Services responded. Tragically, this armed conflict led to the exodus of several hundred thousand Muslims from the three northernmost townships of Rakhine into Bangladesh – just as the armed conflict in Croatia with which the Court had to deal led to the massive exodus of, first, ethnic Croats and later, ethnic Serbs.


“Mr President, how can there be an ongoing genocide or genocidal intent when these concrete steps are being taken in Rakhine?

“To conclude, Mr President and members of the court, Rakhine today suffers an internal armed conflict between the Buddhist Arakan Army and Myanmar’s Defence Services. Muslims are not a party to this conflict, but may, like other civilians in the conflict area, be affected by security measures that are in place. We pray the Court to refrain from taking any action that might aggravate the ongoing armed conflict and peace and security in Rakhine. Right now, in northern Rakhine, an army base near Paletwa is under attack by a group of more than 400 Arakan Army fighters, and some 200 insurgents have surrounded a military column near Ann City in Rakhine.

“Since Myanmar gained independence in 1948, our people have not known the security of sustainable development that is the fruit of peace and prosperity. Our greatest challenge is to address the roots of distrust and fear, prejudice and hate, that undermine the foundations of our Union. We shall adhere steadfastly to our commitment to non-violence, human rights, national reconciliation and rule of law, as we go forward to build the Democratic Federal Union to which our people have aspired for generations past.

BBC, 2 April 2021:

Myanmar coup: More than 40 children killed by military, rights group says

Protesters with cover their mouths and eyes in a “silent strike” on 24 March 2021, to protest the military shooting dead a sevem-year-old girl.

Protesters held a “silent strike” in Yangon after a seven year old was shot dead in Mandalay.

At least 43 children have been killed by armed forces in Myanmar since February’s military coup, according to rights organisation Save the Children.

The group said the South East Asian country was in a “nightmare situation”, with the youngest known victim just six years old.

A local monitoring group puts the overall death toll at 536.

Meanwhile, ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been charged with violating the country’s official secrets act.

Ms Suu Kyi, along with four of her allies, were charged last week, but the alleged crime – which carries a prison term of up to 14 years – has only now come to light.

The new charge against Ms Suu Kyi is in addition to earlier charges of possessing illegal walkie-talkies, violating Covid-19 restrictions during last year’s election campaign, and publishing information that may “cause fear or alarm”.

The victims of Myanmar’s deadliest day

Myanmar coup: What is happening and why?

The UN’s envoy to Myanmar has warned of the risk of an “imminent bloodbath” as the crackdown against pro-democracy protests in the country intensifies.

The warning follows a flare-up in fighting between the army and ethnic minority militia in border areas.

The UN has become the latest organisation to urge the families of its workers to leave, but has said that some staff will remain in the country.

The unrest in Myanmar began two months ago, when the military seized control of the country after an election which Ms Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party won by a landslide.

When tens of thousands of people took to the streets nationwide to protest against the coup, the military used water cannon to attempt to disperse them. After a week, the response escalated, and rubber bullets and live ammunition were used.

The deadliest day of the conflict so far came on Saturday, when more than 100 people were killed.

Who is Aung San Suu Kyi?

Lawyers representing Ms Suu Kyi said on Thursday that it was unclear whether their client was aware of how events were unfolding across the country.

“We couldn’t say whether [Ms Suu Kyi] knows about outside situations or not – she may or may not know,” lawyer Min Min Soe told Reuters news agency, adding that the ousted leader “seems to be in good health”.

The violence has sparked an international outcry, with various countries – including the US and UK – announcing sanctions against the coup leaders and military-linked companies.

On Thursday, the UK announced further measures against the Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC), a conglomerate that has provided funds to the Myanmar military.

“The Myanmar military has sunk to a new low with the wanton killing of innocent people, including children,” Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said. “The UK’s latest actions target one of the military’s key funding streams and impose a further cost on them for their violations of human rights.”

When Ms Suu Kyi was ousted, military commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing took power.

Myanmar coup: How did we get here?

Myanmar profile

Myanmar, also known as Burma, became independent from Britain in 1948. For much of its modern history it has been under military rule

Restrictions began loosening from 2010 onwards, leading to free elections in 2015 and the installation of a government headed by veteran opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi the following year

In 2017, Myanmar’s army responded to attacks on police by Rohingya militants with a deadly crackdown, driving more than half a million Rohingya Muslims across the border into Bangladesh in what the UN later called a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”


The Rohingya crisis

Since becoming Myanmar’s state counsellor, her leadership has been partly defined by the treatment of the country’s mostly Muslim Rohingya minority.

In 2017 hundreds of thousands of Rohingya fled to neighbouring Bangladesh due to an army crackdown sparked by deadly attacks on police stations in Rakhine state.

Myanmar now faces a lawsuit accusing it of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), while the International Criminal Court is investigating the country for crimes against humanity.

Ms Suu Kyi’s former international supporters accused her of doing nothing to stop rape, murder and possible genocide by refusing to condemn the still powerful military or acknowledge accounts of atrocities.

A few initially argued that she was a pragmatic politician, trying to govern a multi-ethnic country with a complex history.

But her personal defence of the army’s actions at the ICJ hearing in the Hague was seen as a new turning point for her international reputation.

At home, however, “the Lady”, as Ms Suu Kyi is known, remains wildly popular among the Buddhist majority who hold little sympathy for the Rohingya.


Ho Chi Mihn first tried to enlist U.S. support in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference. He sent an appeal to Soviet Premier Josef Stalin in 1945-46 very similar to the one he sent to Truman. He had long known his small country would need allies to win independence from the French.

Hearts and Minds (1974) – Best Vietnam War Documentary

Phan Thi Kim Phúc, already severely burned, tore off her clothes burning of a napalm strike.

Massacre of My Lai, Vietnam, life, land, expresses incitement against White male being/midtdasein

My Lai Vietnam massacre and the massive, general destruction of life and land – agent orange poisoning and remnant, unexploded munitions: manifestation of didactic incitement against White male being/midtdasein.

Fifty years ago, on 16 March 2018, U.S. soldiers attacked the Vietnamese village

– My Lai Massacre. The GI Resistance Continues: Vietnam Vets Return to My Lai – Vet Activists Discuss the My Lai Massacre and the profound after effects of the war, bombing, agent orange.

Capt. Ernest L. Medina

US Army Captain Ernest L. Median is accused of overall responsibility for his training tactics.

The officer who’s severe training of recruits directed the rule structure and corollary mindset of the My Lai Massacre.

Capt. Ernest L. Medina (81) US Army captain who was accused of overall responsibility for the March 1968 mass killings of unarmed South Vietnamese men, women, and children by troops he commanded in what became known as the My Lai massacre but was acquitted at a court-martial. On March 16, 1968, six weeks after North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces launched the Tet offensive, wide-ranging attacks that stunned the American military command in the Vietnam War, Medina and the three platoons of his infantry company entered the village of My Lai in South Vietnam’s south central coast region. What happened over the hours that followed became one of the darkest chapters of American military history. An Army inquiry ultimately determined that 347 civilians were killed that day—shot, bayoneted, or blasted with grenades. Medina died in Peshtigo, Wisconsin on May 8, 2018


Morgoth’s Review, “Lessons From The Vietcong”, 31 Mar 2018:

I’ve recently noticed an increasing pessimism and despondency among prominent people within the ‘‘Alt-Right’’ with seemingly everyone on their various platforms lamenting the lack of direction of the movement and wincing under the increasingly draconian censorship, whether by the various internet companies or our political adversaries themselves.

To be surprised and shocked that our enemies are using their power to cripple us is itself a sign that the dissident right is not very adept at placing itself within a larger context or ideological framework. Our movement loves romantic images of Spartans, Roman Legions and the Wehrmacht, and I understand why, but in a modern context we’re more like the Vietcong. The Vietcong were of course Marxists, Vietcong literally means ‘‘Red Vietnamese’’ but nevertheless, what they did was fight a vastly superior enemy with scant resources, and win.

The irony is of course it could be argued that we’re engaged in conflict with the same enemy as the Vietcong were, that enemy being Global Capital using America as its fist, what the jungle was to the North Vietnamese the internet is to the dissident right and nationalist populism in general. The aim of Global Capital in the Vietnam war was to prevent Marxism spreading from North Vietnam to South Vietnam, the aim of Global Capital today is to prevent nationalist sentiment rising within its own host populations.

The men in the black pajamas are synomyous with guerrilla warfare, however, there’s more to guerrilla tactics than popping out of a rice basket and emptying an AK-47 into a passing G.I, they were also highly successful in ideological subversion. I shall dispense with trendy terms such as ‘‘Red-Pilling’’ here and use terms such as subversion because when we get down to it that is what the dissident right is engaged in.

The operational guidelines of the Vietcong were Organization, Agitation, Insurrection. You’ll note that insurrection is the final phase of the plan, in my opinion nationalist movements of the past failed because they bypassed the agitation phase entirely, rather they organized a party, then marched the party straight up against the entire system at its strongest point.

The Vietcong agitated the U.S military into distraction by being ‘‘everywhere and nowhere’’ at the same time. A packet of cigarettes would be wired to an explosive, wooden spikes were smeared in excrement, 16 year old girls on bicycles would toss grenades into bars where soldiers were relaxing. Non of these activities constituted a lethal blow to the American colossus, but the overall effect was to psychologically drain the troops and drive the High Command into a rage.

The American military responded by leveling entire villages and swathes of jungle with napalm, randomly gunning down peasants going about their business, they were in the predicament of the elephant trying to stamp on ants. The Vietcong were then left with the opportunity of going among the peasantry with texts from Marx and Ho Chi Minh and explaining that here, before their very eyes, was the Capitalist beast slaughtering them in their fields and homes.This, then, is an example of the weight and strength of an opponent being used against it, American might was thus leading directly to the spread of Marxism and Communism in South Vietnam.

Many within the nationalist sphere have reacted with dismay at the levels of censorship being deployed against us, and yet this must happen! the trick is to stay underground, weather their fury and then reappear to mingle among the general population and explain why this is happening and that we were right all along.

Agitation: Needle, harass and undermine the system ceaselessly, await the furious reaction, use that reaction to further subvert and indoctrinate the general populace against the system.

The Vietcong had a vast network of underground tunnels, I suppose it would be the equivalent of their internet as much as the jungle was. From there they’d organize and sit in safety as the bombs rained down above, afterwards moving among the general population. And here once again we see a new problem from the perspective of the system, when you’re dealing with a foe who looks and sounds like everybody else, who is ‘‘hiding his power level’’ the system doesn’t know who to attack, and so the general population as a whole invoke paranoia and suspicion.

In their annual report for 2018 the anti-white Globalist charity ‘‘Hope Not Hate’’ claimed:

  ‘‘However, just as it has reshaped our social, economic and cultural lives, the internet and the explosion of social media in the past decade has also created momentous shifts in the political world.

  This is especially true for the far right with social media and an array of emerging technologies and platforms offering new ways for it to engage in activism outside the confines of traditional, organisational structures.

  This many-headed hydra approach makes it harder to combat in a traditional sense as it cannot be decapitated like a political party or traditional far right organisation.

  If we wait for a period of far right unity so that we can once again mobilise en masse against this enemy, we risk society being changed by thousands of people gnawing away at it and propagating the whole package of far right ideas in the meantime.’‘

The message they’re sending to their bosses in the elitist think tanks and lobby groups in Washington, New York and London is that if the agitation phase is not halted the insurrection phase will be nigh on inevitable.

Speaking at the Council of Foreign Relations (no less) Jewish historian Max Boot on his book “Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present,” Boot claims that:

  Public relations is 80% of modern warfare

The choice before the architects of ‘‘Liberal Democracy’’ is to allow the free exchange of ideas which undermine it and which will, eventually, manifest in real world politics, or attempt to disrupt and destroy the ability of those ideas to gain traction and thereby undermining their own legitimacy, and they’re choosing the latter. As such the dissident right will have to see this through and assist the system in radicalizing itself before an increasingly horrified public.

Or to adapt one of the most famous quotes of the Vietnam war:

  ‘‘In order to save Liberal democracy they will have to destroy it’‘

In the end what the Vietnamese did brilliantly was utilize whatever resources they had to maximum effect, nothing went to waste. In my opinion the problem with the nationalist movement is that too often it descends in a self referential subculture which nobody on the outside understands or is interested in. Consider the idiocy of ‘‘Thot-Patrols’’ for example, here we have pretty girls being used as ideological tools to spread subversive propaganda from popular YouTube channels and they’re actually attacked from within because of it, movement men are thereby willingly disrupting and purposefully hampering our means to reach and convert larger numbers of people. The Vietcong would have taken men who worked so blatantly against the wider goals of the movement into a field and shot them through the back of the head.

What revolutionaries of the left did very well was instill a sense of romance and adventure within their ranks, camaraderie and unity in the face of danger and uncertainty, glorifying their struggle. And they managed this despite their ideology being the turgid, materialistic trash of Marx.

Defiance is not just actual activism of course, it’s meeting up and having a few beers, meeting a pretty girl from the movement or discussing politics and ideology over long walks.

There’s a new fifth column in the West, and we are it, we must now internalize that reality.

Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 01 Apr 2018 14:42 | #

I suppose it’s worthwhile quoting Vietcong veteran Hoang Thi No of the Perfume River Squad again – “We were young and weren’t afraid…Once we had a strong ideology, we could do anything”.

“A strong ideology” is precisely what the Alt-Right lacks. As Morgoth once said after his off-hand dismissal of the concept of a “White Left”, “Nationalism is what it says on the tin” needing no further qualification. In which case it’s an empty tin, ready to be filled with all kinds of rubbish, which is exactly what’s been happening these last few years. Trump, Putin, Hitler, Christianity, White Sharia – by – another – name…and repeat, all of which has very little traction with the age demographic that needs to be reached.

No matter. The Alt-Right is evaporating like stale piss on a summer afternoon. I for one will not mourn its passing.

Fuck You Right Wing. Fuck You Alternative Right. The White Class Will Prevail and is Here to Stay.

Hearts and Minds is one of the best, if not the best, Vietnam War documentary - sent our way courtesy of TT.

When I hear blanket criticisms (most recently by Scott Roberts) of those who protested and rebelled against habits of imperial warfare and sought a different way during that era, it sickens me. I have spoken many times of how the era’s essence of midtdasein is not understood – it is not a universal call for peace. It is rather a gauge of one’s folk and one’s place among them – a gauge which allows for assessment of clear and present danger to authentic interests – thus, a legitimate fight or not. Vietnam and its circumstance were not a clear and present danger to White Americans or their interests – though you’ll hear an echoing (((Walt Rostow))) in the film proclaiming otherwise; and through his kind of mis-assessment, a draft was required, authentic being violated. Hidden thus, beneath the overt expression of the times is an extremely meaningful gauge to authentic male being as opposed to their being used, say, in corporate or Jewish wars.

This is a documentary that puts Michael Moore’s efforts to shame. If it does not fill you with disgust there is something very wrong with you. In a truly heartbreaking scene, a Vietnamese woman tries to get into a grave with what is her dead son; his child cries in agony over his photo; the scene then cuts ironically to General Westmoreland proclaiming that “The oriental doesn’t put the same high price on life as does the westerner. Life is plentiful, life is cheap in the orient..” 

One American Vietnam vet comments throughout but we don’t find out until late in the film the price that he’s paid. Another American vet is shown as a returning hero, a released POW. Early-on in the documentary, he’s shown addressing audiences in his hometown of Linden, New Jersey – all White then, it is something frightfully different now, a black nightmare; a true case for flight of fight – domestically.

(((Walt Rostow)))

Hearts and Minds is a 1974 American documentary film about the Vietnam War directed by Peter Davis. The film’s title is based on a quote from President Lyndon B. Johnson: “the ultimate victory will depend on the hearts and minds of the people who actually live out there”.[1] The movie was chosen as Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 47th Academy Awards presented in 1975.[2]

The film premiered at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival. Commercial distribution was delayed in the United States due to legal issues, including a temporary restraining order obtained by one of the interviewees, former National Security Advisor Walt Rostow who had claimed through his attorney that the film was “somewhat misleading” and “not representative” and that he had not been given the opportunity to approve the results of his interview

Walt Rostow (also known as Walt Rostow or W.W. Rostow) OBE (October 7, 1916 – February 13, 2003) was a United States economist and political theorist who served as Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to US President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966–69.

Prominent for his role in the shaping of US foreign policy in Southeast Asia during the 1960s, he was a staunch anti-communist, noted for a belief in the efficacy of capitalism and free enterprise, strongly supporting US involvement in the Vietnam War. Rostow is known for his book The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto (1960), which was used in several fields of social science.

His older brother Eugene Rostow also held a number of high government foreign policy posts.

Early life

Rostow was born in New York City to a Russian Jewish immigrant family. His parents Victor and Lillian Rostow, were active socialists, and named Walt after Walt Whitman. His brother Eugene, named for Eugene V. Debs, became a legal scholar, and his brother Ralph, after Ralph Waldo Emerson, a department store manager.

Rostow entered Yale University at age 15 on a full scholarship, graduated at 19, and completed his Ph.D. there in 1940. He also won a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Balliol College, Oxford, where he completed a B.Litt. degree. In 1936, during the Edward VIII abdication crisis, he assisted broadcaster Alistair Cooke, who reported on the events for the NBC radio network. After completing his education, he started teaching economics at Columbia University.

Professional and academic career

During World War II, Rostow served in the Office of Strategic Services under William Joseph Donovan. Among other tasks, he participated in selecting targets for US bombardment. Nicholas Katzenbach would later joke: “I finally understand the difference between Walt and me […] I was the navigator who was shot down and spent two years in a German prison camp, and Walt was the guy picking my targets.”

In 1945, immediately after the war, Rostow became assistant chief of the German-Austrian Economic Division in the United States Department of State in Washington, D.C.. In 1946–1947, he returned to Oxford as the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professor of American History. In 1947, he became the assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, and was involved in the development of the Marshall Plan.

Rostow spent a year at Cambridge University as the Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions. He was professor of economic history at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1950 to 1961, and a staff member of the Center for International Studies at MIT from 1951 to 1961. In 1954, he advised President Dwight Eisenhower on economic and foreign policy, and in 1958 he became a speechwriter for him. In August 1954, Rostow and fellow CIA-connected MIT economics professor Max F. Millikan convinced Eisenhower to massively increase US foreign aid for development as part of a policy of spreading American-style capitalist economic growth in Asia and elsewhere, backed by the military.[1][2]

Involvement with the Israeli nuclear program

While working as national security advisor, Rostow became involved in setting the United States’ posture towards Israel. Although he supported military and economic assistance to Israel, Rostow believed that increased public alignment between the two states could run counter to US diplomatic and oil interests in the region. After reviewing the May 1967 report from the Atomic Energy Commission team that had inspected Dimona along with other intelligence, Rostow informed President Johnson that, though the team found no evidence of a nuclear weapons program, “there are enough unanswered questions to make us want to avoid getting locked in too closely with Israel.”

Concerns about Israel’s nuclear program were tabled by the United States during the build-up to the Six-Day War and its aftermath. Though Rostow, Johnson, and Secretary of State Dean Rusk tried to convince Israel not to resort to military force, they supported Israel once the war began. When the nuclear issue resurfaced in January 1968, just prior to Prime Minister Levi Eshkol’s visit to the United States, Rostow recommended that the president make it clear that the United States expected Israel to sign the NPT.[3]

The Stages of Economic Growth

In 1960, Rostow published The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, which proposed the Rostovian take-off model of economic growth, one of the major historical models of economic growth, which argues that economic modernization occurs in five basic stages of varying length: traditional society, preconditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, and high mass consumption. This became one of the important concepts in the theory of modernization in social evolutionism. Rostow’s thesis was criticized at the time and subsequently as universalizing a model of Western development that could not be replicated in places like Latin America or sub-Saharan Africa.

The book impressed presidential candidate John F. Kennedy, who appointed Rostow as one of his political advisers, and sought his advice.[4] When Kennedy became president in 1961, he appointed Rostow as deputy to his national security assistant McGeorge Bundy. Later that year, Rostow became chairman of the US Department of State’s policy planning council. After Kennedy’s assassination, his successor Lyndon B. Johnson promoted Rostow to Bundy’s job after he wrote Johnson’s first State of the Union speech. As national security adviser, Rostow was responsible for developing the government’s policy in Vietnam, and was convinced that the war could be won, becoming Johnson’s main war hawk and playing an important role in bringing Johnson’s presidency to an end.

When Richard Nixon became president, Rostow left office, and over the next thirty years taught economics at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin with his wife Elspeth Rostow, who later became dean of the school. He wrote extensively in defense of free enterprise economics, particularly in developing nations.

“You’re not appreciating something.” President L.B.J. delights in Nicholas Katzenbach reprimanding Vietnam war opponent, Robert Kennedy.

Posted by Down with Dow / Monsanto on Wed, 05 Oct 2016 16:22 | #
3 Posted by Dr Doom on Sun, 09 Oct 2016 23:31 | #

Most people don’t know why we went to The Nam.  There have been countless theories and many excuses, but the reality is far sickening than this documentary I assure you.  What if I told you we went there for drugs?  Would you think I was a conspiracy nut like Alex Jones?  Well let me tell you, its true.  South Vietnam is where The Golden Triangle was, and it was run by the Montagnards, now known as the Hmong or boat people.  JFK was dirty like his old man.  His family is a crime family.  His Daddy Joe ran Rum during Prohibition and I hear they run drugs now.  One of his pals was Aristotle Onassis, once the Richest Man in the World.  People say he made his fortune with shipping, but they leave out the part about what most of his shipments were illegal drugs.  When the French were fighting Ho Chi Minh, they lost at Dien Bien Phu.  Old Man Onassis, who ended up screwing and marrying Jackie, JFKs widow, called up his old pal Joe’s son JFK, and asked him to protect the Golden Triangle for him from the Communists.  At Paris, they ripped of Ho Chi Minh and the Commies by giving them the North and not any piece of the lucrative heroin trade.  The Golden Triangle made China White, the purest and finest heroin in the World.

You might be interested to know the real reason we’re in Afghanistan now is the poppy fields.  They used to make that shit into Opium during the days of The British Empire.  Baron Rothchild used his dirty Opium dens and the whores he recruited by getting them hooked on Opium to finance the Whole Fucking British Empire.  Today they make the poppy grown in Afghanistan into heroin.  That’s why we’re really there.  Its not the Taliban and Al Queda is actually a CIA operation like ISIS.

Sickening huh?  Our guys think they’re fighting Commies and Terrorists, but actually they’re protecting illegal heroin brought in by CIA.  Both Old Man Bush and Bubba Clinton are big drug guys.  Old Man Bush was CIA director running drugs, and Bubba was the Governor of Arkansas where the drugs on CIA planes land.  There’s a big airport in the middle of nowhere in Silver Springs, Arkansas, that has almost no commercial passenger traffic, but 24/7 cargo planes loaded with CIA run drugs coming in there.


 Posted by Just Sayin’ on Tue, 11 Oct 2016 12:54 | #

Is this whole thing about rationalizing a case of yellow fever?

For a “White Nationalist” blog the whole thing has become oddly Asia-philic.

I don’t really recognize this blog from where it was a few years ago.



 Posted by DanielS on Tue, 11 Oct 2016 15:26 | #

Posted by Just Sayin’ on Tue, 11 Oct 2016 12:54 | #

Is this whole thing about rationalizing a case of yellow fever?

For a “White Nationalist” blog the whole thing has become oddly Asia-philic.

I don’t really recognize this blog from where it was a few years ago.


Stupid comment.

The Answer is no.

In the particular example, the Vietnam war was neither popular nor highly defensible on the part of the elite – even they tend to recognize it as a mistake; they thought they were fighting communism but were really fighting Vietnamese ethnonationalism.

As for the site’s geo strategy in general: We seek to align European and Asian ethnonationalism against Jews, Muslims and Africans.

Nothing sad about that, it is a very promising outlook.


 Posted by DJF on Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:39 | #

Not all the “right” was in favor of the Vietnam War, the John Birch Society came out against it in 1965

Robert Welch thought that it was a no win war which was just going to cost the US lives, blood and money while at the same time distracting everyone while LBJ pushed through his “Great Society”

Buckley made a final break with JBS after this and tried to destroy them.  Unfortunately with Buckley getting the support from the MSM he was made “Mr Conservative” and the rest is history


 Posted by DanielS on Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:56 | #

That’s true, but through time, the idea that the right was against the war has been mythologized in David McGowan’s conspiracy theory that indeed the right was against the war, and therefore the CIA and military industrial complex had to concoct a false opposition “so ugly” and distasteful to normal Americans, that they would be turned off by the anti war movement and its right wing proponents.

It is a ridiculous theory of course. And it seems McGowan was hypnotized to create a story to put attention and blame on hippies and to distract from the YKW and racial consciousness.

This is more the right wing that I am addressing when I say “fuck you” – the right wing of today,which accepts the sundry Jewish stories to misrepresent what hippies of the Vietnam war time were about. They did have an organic motive (which McGowan and right wingers deny) which was midtdasein – being amidst their folk (as opposed to non being in utility of the draft)..the right wing which tries to accept Jewish affectations associated with the White kids of the era – “Free Love”, “Civil Rights”,  liberal feminism, universal openness and peace..

These were Jewish affectations….ruses to be associated with the hippies by Jewish media…

In this way, they get a new generation of right wing kids to blame “hippies”, i.e., White people, males in particular – distracting from their important organic motive – midtdasein and away from the fact that Jews and right wingers, were mostly to blame.

The hippies were inarticulate of their organic motive, but they did not have the Internet and other experience to help them articulate their motive. I am particularly suspicious when right wing or alt right girls blame our problems on “hippies.”

 Posted by My Lai massacre on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 20:11 | #

My Lai massacre

Posted by Tet offensive turning point: battle of Hue on Mon, 12 Jun 2017 21:13 | #

The “Tet offensive” was a surprise holiday (Tet is a holiday) attack by the Viet Cong all throughout South Vietnam in early 1968; an additional part of the surprise was that they brought the fight to the cities in the South. It had been assumed that the Viet Cong were only jungle fighters: The urban battle for the ancient imperial city of Hue, Vietnam was highly significant, and marekd a precipitous downward turning point for American morale – after that, the question became, not “will America win?” but rather, it was understood that it wouldn’t, and the question became instead, “what’s the best way to get out of Vietnam?”

“Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam.”             

Led by the unqualified to kill the unfortunate:

Speaking of the unqualified, the uniquely unqualified Ken Burns, film maker of “Baseball,” a sanctimoniously anti-racist “documentary”, has also applied his incompetence and liberal sanctimony to The Vietnam War.

 Posted by Vietnam war documentary by Ken Burns on Fri, 22 Sep 2017 00:48 | #

Documentary film maker Ken Burns is even more obnoxious and self righteous than the standard liberal (Terry Gross coaxes some of that out of him later in the interview; try to ignore it), but he’s made a documentary about the Vietnam war which includes interviews from different perspectives on the war along with footage not seen before – bound to be interesting and provide some insight.

NPR, “In ‘Vietnam War,’ Ken Burns Wrestles With The Conflict’s Contradictions”, 21 Sept 2017:

Much as I dislike black bio-patterns and detest their being imposed upon me and mine, I would not advocate their being sent to Vietnam either. Thus, I will resist the bad taste of making one of my favorite jokes: "Why did so many blacks get killed in Vietnam? Because when the seargent yelled 'get down!' they started dancing. - lol.

 Posted by Vietnam vets: Alioto, Honan, Lucas on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:37 | #

Vietnam Veteran: Michael Alioto

Vietnam Veteran: Thomas Frederick Honan

Vietnam Veteran: Steven M. Lucas

Vietnam Veteran: | Tom Hagel

Monument featuring dog-tags for each of the 58 + thousand Americans killed in Vietnam.

Posted by mancinblack on Wed, 07 Feb 2018 14:09 | #

“As a nineteen year old scout and spy for the communist forces in South Vietnam, Hoang Thi No remembers the determination and spirit of her eleven member team of young women who took part in the audacious Tet Offensive that turned the tide of the Vietnam war fifty years ago.

“If we didn’t fight the enemy, they would destroy us all” she said “We were young and weren’t afraid, once we had a strong ideology, we could do anything”

Her unit was known as the Perfume River Squad for the river that runs through Hue, Vietnam’s cultural capital and third biggest city. Four of them died during the fighting that raged through the city for most of that February, two died later in the war.”


(try the link again..)

This Vietnam Vet, Paul Kallas, was drafted in ‘69 and lost his arm (among other catastrophic injury) in 1970. .. a daughter born with spinal bifida (wheel chair bound) as well due to his agent orange exposure. It’s particularly moving that he describes the Vietnamese as good people. He went back to visit in 96.

It is utterly sickening to hear millenials and so on when they blame “hippies” for all the problems we have now..  oh yeah, like they shouldn’t have been resisting the draft….

 Posted by Lonejack on Thu, 08 Feb 2018 21:17 | #

I always like to be reminded that my assessment of the times and its meaning as opposed to what we’re told it was about by MSM found agreement in the following comment by a Vietnam vet – it was written in the context of an article by Richard Spencer at the original Alternative Right site. Needless to say, Richard’s assessment of the times wasn’t very deep –

A Vietnam vet calling himself Lonejack agreed with my assessment:


As a VN vet, I can attest to most of what you say. The effects of the VN-era conscription – that is, having been forced into slave-soldiering in a non-White country’s civil war orchestrated by bankers and corporations, having absolutely nothing to do with the actual defense of a White homeland, and calculatingly prosecuted by LBJ and his Ivy League YKW intelligentsia with absolutely no intent of military victory – reverberate to this day among the White guys who were in our late teens and early twenties during the 60’s, more than 50 thousand of whom died in combat, many of whom were captured and tortured, and hundreds of thousands of whom returned maimed, grossly disfigured, and/or dysfunctional only to be vilified, upon their return, by many elements of the society which sent them.

When I returned from overseas, my drop-out from family and society into the flower-child milieu had little to do with civil rights or free love. BTW I do not begrudge those who emigrated to Canada to avoid the draft. And, for those interested, the works of author Tim O’Brien, who “served” an extended “tour of duty” as an infantryman in SVN, are richly descriptive, compelling, and well written IMO.

  Commenters on this site (Alternative Right) and in other threads who incessantly demand the boomers to go fuck or shoot themselves, while they themselves consider employment with the Navy, CIA, SS, or some other corrupt, terrorist, anti-White ZOG organ of the NWO agenda – as though such employment would be anything more than a convenient way to escape a tough job market – do, I confess, grate. Why on earth would they willingly collaborate with evil, when alternatives, difficult though they be, are available?

  My 2-bit rant.

Thank You Lonejack

Jeane B. Christie – “those Dear John letters that American women would send to the conscripts in Vietnam really made me angry. They had no idea what they were doing to those men. Some of them would just go ahead and blow themselves up on point.”

“draft dodgers being counseled1967”

Photo: Laura and Bennett Jones Phillips Baldwin Street Gallery-SA

Posted by toxic masculinity prescribed on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 07:12 | #

The Great Con of American Patriotism

Tom Cruise [starred ass] Ron Kovic in “Born on the Fourth of July” (1989). (Universal Pictures)

American soldiers born decades apart in the state of New York, Ron Kovic and Maj. Danny Sjursen are two crucial dissenting voices that have experienced firsthand the futility and brutality of America’s interventionist wars. Kovic, a Marine veteran who was paralyzed in the Vietnam War, has spent the rest of his life fighting against the U.S. war machine. The film “Born on the Fourth of July,” starring Tom Cruise, was based on his book, a work he hoped would combine with his activism to dissuade young people from buying into the toxic patriotism that leads Americans to fight destructive, ultimately pointless wars.

In the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence,” Kovic tells Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer, “I couldn’t stop speaking against that war. I was arrested a dozen times. I—every single day was life and death. Every single day, I know that there could be another young man like Ron Kovic being paralyzed, another young man from a town or a farm somewhere in this country, being killed in that war that had to stop.”

Sadly, Sjursen, who says he watched the film based on Kovic’s life before he was even of age to join the military, explains that he wasn’t able to hear past what he calls the “faux patriotism” that pushed him to attend the U.S. Military Academy, as well as do tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I think the fact that I didn’t learn the lessons from Ron Kovic’s story,” Sjursen laments, “[is] proof of the power of the masculinity that is associated with military service, and this notion of nationalism and patriotism. It’s so prevalent that it’s, in some ways, if it’s not fought every day … it will continue despite the lessons before us.”

Sjursen also reflects on the shame he feels for having led soldiers to their deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan long after he “no longer had any faith in the wars.”

”What I really saw [in Iraq],” Sjursen recalls, “was the results of American messianism in the world, of American exceptionalism, the notion that we could remake societies in our own image. What it really meant was a whole lot of dead children, a whole lot of car bombs, a whole lot of teenagers shooting each other in the night. And then, of course, a whole lot of Americans getting killed as well, although less of us than the Iraqis.”

Listen to their brutally honest discussion about the vital need to reframe patriotism in the age of the “forever wars” and the current state of the military-industrial complex. You can also read a transcript of the interview [at]

Prosecutorial Elite Proffering: Well Organized (But Irrational!) White Defense To Tie-In Lone Wolves

Whereas I am satisfied to have articulated the unarticulated but profoundly important essence of the so called “hippie” movement, that is, to secure a narrative of intrinsic valuation of White male being amidst his people – Dasein and MidtDasein as Heidegger called it – and to have wrested this understanding from Jewish misdriection as a cause for liberalism, “universal peace and free love”, “civil righs”…. and from the hypnotic misdirection of conspiracy theorist David McGowan

Conspiracy Theory of A Conspiracy Theory to Divert From White Male Dasein

Prosecutorial Elite Proffering: Well Organized (But Irrational!) White Defense To Tie-In Lone Wolves

University of Chicago Schmoozer Kathleen Belew…

… Kathleen Belew has also seized on the moment to try to build the case for RICO charges where White males might begin to act in their joint interests – i.e., her angle would seek to disrupt White male Dasein and organization – Midtdasein.

Posted by DanielS on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:49 | #

I find it interesting that she would cite, as I do, Vietnam as meaningful turning point for White men. Of course, she is not marking the profound, eminently necessary and justifiable White Post Modern Turn against pernicious Tradition and into Dasein/MidtDasein for White men, but only observing symptoms of their low grumbles, trying to associate those symptomatic reactions to the Vietnam draft along with subsequent reactions to violations of White Midtdasein with a “coherent, well organized White power movement.”

Professor Belew is obviously doing the bidding of the prosecutorial elite in trying to propose a well organized WN movement so that government prosecutors can go to court with RICO type charges to bring against groups of White people who would have the nerve to be independent minded enough to defend White people.

Those of us who have been trying to organize White people and experience the near impossibility of gathering them from their reactionary stupor into even the most benign coherence – human ecology as curated by The DNA Nations – recognize how, not only absurd Kathleen Belew’s theory is, but what an expression of the pernicious elite’s desire it is to shoe-horn a theory in order to make fit their goal to disrupt, disorganize and destroy any White unionization, organization, social systemic homeostasis, i.e., any White defense. .


Kathleen Belew recounts post Vietnam war White advocacy in The USA and cannot bring herself to recite the fourteen words.

So, lets help her:

“We must secure the future of our people and a future for White children.”

She does mention leaderless resistance though, lol.

Louis Beam, an early proponent of a Cuban general's "lone wolf' tactics. Pictured here, 05/09/1981 with supporters at rally in Santa Fe about the fishing rights dispute with Vietnamese refugee fishermen in Galveston Bay. Tim Bullard, HC staff / Houston Chronicle
Bob Mathews and "The Order" used small cell tactics and began to develop skepticism of the right, but not before falling prey to is foibles.
Metzger was the other early adopter of lone wolf tactics, but he was not right wing, was against the war in Vietnam and advocated their prerogative for their land.


Trump deal imposes Muslim compradors over Indonesian ethnonationalists and what is sacred to them

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 18:16.

At a press conference at Trump Tower in New York to declare his loyalty to the Republican Party, Donald Trump was flanked by guests from Indonesia, and made a big show of announcing one very special guest, Setya Novanto.

“He wants it big, and overlooking the sacred Tanah-Lot.”

Trump deal in Indonesia imposes Islamic compradors over ethno-nationalism and his hotel and business upon what is sacred to Indonesian ethno-nationalists.

FOUR CORNERS, 3 July 2017:

While running for President, Trump was courting the Indonesians over lucrative resort deals in Bali and Java; and lobbying Indonesian MP’s to expedite a toll road that would benefit his development.

The secretive dealings raise new questions about Trump’s corporate interests abroad and about the unholy business and political alliances he’s forged.

While at home, Trump rails against Muslim extremists, in the world’s largest Muslim country, his allies are cozying-up to Islamists who are posing a direct threat the country’s ethno-nationalism.

Donald Trump has entered into two huge deals in Indonesia, and the first of them will land here, on the southern edge of Bali almost on top of one of the Island’s most sacred religious sites, Tanah Lot – an hour or two away from the main tourist areas, the Balanese have fought for decades to protect this temple and its surrounds.

Not much is known of Trump’s plans but what is known that he wants it big, the biggest in Bali he says, wants a tower on an island that bans them, and he wants it over looking the sacred Tahan Lot

“It’s one of the island-wide temples that are sacred to the Balanese, its the land, pana, and lot, which means ocean.”

Trump makes deal with Islamic compradors in Indonesia, imposing against native stasis of Left ethno-nationalism, and his hotel and business upon what is sacred to native ethno-nationalists.

80,000 Indonesians were killed by Suharto on that beach in 1965, the victims were accused of being Leftists….

When President Suharto exited power in 1998, he took three decades of loot with him, estimated at 30 billion dollars.

Trump’s business partner in the deal, Harry Tanno, was a close friend of Suharto

Tanno welcomes Trump and Sharia

Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s man is on screen talking after 37 minute mark – his appearance was the biggest thing in the whole video:

“Is it your ambition to impose Sharia Law in Indonesia?” “It is not our ambition, but our duty.”

An abstract kind of wild quid pro quo white America has going on there.

All imagery and story, THE COMPANY HE KEEPS: FOUR CORNERS, 3 July 2017.


The Company He Keeps: Unearthing Trump’s business deals on our doorstep.

“Do they like me in Indonesia?” Donald Trump

It was one of the more bizarre moments of the Trump presidential campaign. At a press conference at Trump Tower in New York to declare his loyalty to the Republican Party, Donald Trump was flanked by guests from Indonesia, and made a big show of announcing one very special guest.

“Hey, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a very – an amazing man. He is, as you know, Speaker of the House of Indonesia. He’s here to see me.” Donald Trump

It was unclear why the Indonesians were there, or why Mr Trump was making such a fuss of them.

Now a Four Corners investigation will reveal how Donald Trump, as he was closing in on his political rivals, was negotiating luxury resort deals in Bali and Java, raising serious questions about presidential conflicts of interest.

“The project is going to be a huge one, a mega project.” Landowner

In Bali, plans are under way to Trumpify one of the most iconic and sacred sites in Bali – Tanah Lot. But curiously, for a tourist destination usually keen to talk up what the island paradise has to offer, government officials are not keen to talk about the proposed Trump Tower development.

“I can’t talk about this. I cannot talk about this.” Balinese government official.

In a second development on Java, the deal to build a massive gaudy theme park and resort development has been inked, leaving local farmers frightened of what the future holds.

“When the financial power of Trump comes here, we the original people who live here are powerless. Their enormous wealth buys enormous influence.”

Four Corners investigates how these deals were done through an unholy alliance formed between Donald Trump and controversial business and political figures in Indonesia.

Trump’s business partners have a troubling history with ties to the corrupt Suharto regime.

While at home in the United States, President Trump rails against Islamic extremism. In Indonesia, he has formed political alliances with politicians aligned with Islamist forces.

“He is dealing with the worst of Indonesia’s past, and he is going to deal with the worst of Indonesia’s future, the Islamists. I think Donald Trump is going to get his businesses messier and also Indonesia messier.” Human rights investigator.

The Company He Keeps, reported by Mark Davis and presented by Sarah Ferguson, goes to air on Monday 3rd July at 8.30pm EDT. It is replayed on Tuesday 4th July at 10.00am and Wednesday 5th at 11pm. It can also be seen on ABC NEWS channel on Saturday at 8.00pm AEST, ABC iview and at

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:41 | #

Great article, Daniel. I like the attention you’ve given this.

Prediction though: The Alt-Right either will not care about this, or they’ll invent a whole raft of excuses and 59-dimensional chess narratives to explain why funding Islamists in Indonesia is ‘actually a good thing’. And that any concerns that anyone expresses about this must be ‘anti-white’. Because of course.


Assad’s Syria



“Three lions made us proud. They are still alive”…a silver lining to terrorism

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 04 December 2015 01:49.

Vocactive,‘ISIS: “May god spread fear in the homes of the Crusaders.”, 3 Nov 2015:

Fourteen people were killed and at least 17 wounded

“Three lions made us proud. They are still alive,” one ISIS adherent tweeted in Arabic after the shootings at Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. “California streets are full with soldiers with heavy weapons. The Unites States is burning #America_Burning #Takbir”


“Three lions made us proud. They are still alive,” tweeted after the shootings in San Bernardino

After the Paris attacks, confirmed ISIS accounts praised “Lions” as well.

LA Times, San Bernardino shooting live updates: Victims who died ranged in age from 26 to 60, 3 Nov, 2015:

What we know

  • Around 11 a.m. on Wednesday, two assailants opened fire in San Bernardino at a party in the Inland Regional Center, police said.
  • Fourteen people were killed and 21 wounded. The names of all those injured have not yet been released, but The Times is collecting their names and stories.
  • After a Wednesday afternoon car chase, the two armed suspects were killed by police: Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik.
  • The attackers’ motive is unknown. President Obama, in a statement from the Oval Office Thursday morning, said the shooting was possibly related to terrorism, but might also be workplace related.
  • Police said there was “some degree of planning.” The suspects were heavily armed, wearing tactical attire, and had an arsenal of ammunition and pipe bombs in their Redlands home.

A silver lining to terrorism is that it moves us in the direction of having to classify people – e.g., non-White middle-easterners, as a whole – as we are less able to distinguish “the good ones from the bad ones.” That is a necessary step in racial, systemic maintenance.

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 05 Dec 2015 02:53 | #

DanielS wrote:
A silver lining to terrorism is that it moves us in the direction of having to classify people – e.g., non-White middle-easterners, as a whole – as we are less able to distinguish “the good ones from the bad ones.” That is a necessary step in racial, systemic maintenance.

Yes. It’s like I’m saying in my recent article, it’s becoming increasingly apparent to everyone that there are only two camps. It becomes possible for us to define the second camp in any way that we like.

Those they wish to destroy they first make christian


Russia crisis: Japan furious with Putin’s visit to disputed island

Shinzo Abe with Vladimir Putin, St. Petersburg International Economic Foru, 26 May 2018 CCby4.0

Russia crisis: Japan furious with Putin’s visit to disputed Sakhalin island

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 August 2019 14:11.

Russia crisis: Japan furious with Putin’s visit to disputed island

VLADIMIR PUTIN’S decision to send Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to an island claimed by both Japan and Russia was met with fury by Tokyo.

Express, 2 August 2019

The Russian Prime Minister paid a visit to one of the four Russian-held islands which lie off Japan’s most northern region. Known as Iturup in Russian and Etorofu in Japanese, the island was occupied by the Soviet Union after World War 2. It has been a source of dispute between Moscow and Tokyo for the last three-quarters of a century – and Mr Medvedev’s visit threatens to put relations between Russia and Japan under strain.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs pulled no punches with a strongly worded statement aimed at the Kremlin.

Officials said that Mr Medvedev’s visit was incompatible with the Japanese people’s view on the Russian-held islands.

The statement added: “We strongly urge the Russian side to take constructive measures to further advance Japan-Russia relations, including the issue of the conclusion of the peace treaty.”

Iturup is one of four islands involved in the so-called Kuril Islands dispute, also known as the Northern Territories altercation.

The Yalta agreement – a post World War 2 deal signed by the US, Britain and the Soviet Union – stated that “the Kuril Islands shall be handed over to the Soviet Union” after the conclusion of the war.

It was supported by the Cairo Declaration of 1943, which stated that Japan must be expelled from all territories which have been taken by violence.

Japan originally took control of the island in 1875 after Russia reportedly agreed to give up all the rights for the Kuril Islands.

The Russo-Japanese war 30 years later yielded more territory to Tokyo and became the backdrop of simmering tensions between the two nations.

Diplomatic progress has stalled in the past 20 years over the dispute.

In 2005, to Moscow’s dismay, the European Parliament recommended Russia return the islands to Japan.

2011 saw the installation of weapons on the island to, according to Mr Medvedev, “ensure the security of the islands as an integral part of Russia”.

Mr Medvedev’s latest visit came just two weeks after Moscow outright refused to discuss the potential handover of two of the contested islands to Japan.

Recently, Discovery of Oil and Natural Gas in Sakhalin gives Russia a Milking cow in the region. Which was earlier used as Gulags.

That and the following article are not really all you need to know, as oil and natural gas supplies (of which Japan is in desperate need) have been located in Sakhalin Island, a natural extension of Japan’s historical and genetic ethnostate and an affect of the Russian Federation’s kleptocratic aggrandizement.

Tillerson, Putin, Sakhalin, Fukushima: Why would Japan Hate Trump’s outreach to Russian Federation?

All you need to know about islands at heart of Russia-Japan feud

The Democratic Telegrap:

The decades-old dispute has prevented the two countries from concluding a peace treaty to formally end World War II.
Called the Kurils by Russia and the Northern Territories by Japan, a string of volcanic islands are at the heart of a feud between the two countries that has prevented them signing a formal World War II peace treaty. Talks stalled for decades due to Japan‘s claim to the four strategic islands seized by the Soviet army in the final days of the war.

Russia and Japan’s leaders meet for talks in Moscow on Tuesday over the disputed island chain.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are set to meet in Moscow on Tuesday for talks expected to be dominated by the territorial dispute, here are some key facts about the Kuril islands:


The disputed islands of Iturup (Etorofu in Japanese), Kunashir (Kunashiri), Shikotan and Habomai lie at their closest point just a few kilometres off the north coast of Hokkaido in Japan.

They are the southernmost islands in a volcanic chain that separates the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean.

Indigenous people of Sakhalin Island
Indigenous people of Sakhalin Island

They are located to the southeast of the Russian island of Sakhalin and are administratively part of the same region, although Tokyo considers them part of its Hokkaido prefecture and “illegally occupied by Russia”.


Russian Empress Catherine the Great claimed sovereignty over the Kuril islands in 1786 after her government declared they were discovered by “Russian explorers” and therefore “undoubtedly must belong to Russia”.

In the first treaty between tsarist Russia and Japan in 1855, the frontier between the two countries was drawn just north of the four islands closest to Japan.

Twenty years later in 1875, a new treaty handed Tokyo the entire chain, in exchange for Russia gaining full control of the island of Sakhalin. Japan seized back control of the southern half of Sakhalin after its crushing defeat of Moscow in the 1905 Russo-Japanese War.

Soviet takeover

The Kuril islands have been back at the centre of a dispute between Moscow and Tokyo since Soviet troops invaded them in the final days of World War II.

The USSR only entered into war with Japan on August 9, 1945, just after the United States had dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

The Soviet troops completed the takeover of the islands after Japan’s general surrendered later that month.

Russia argues that then-US President Franklin Roosevelt promised Soviet leader Joseph Stalin he could take back the Kurils in exchange for joining the war against Japan when they met at the Yalta conference in February 1945 at which the Allied leaders divided up the post-war world.

The Soviet capture of the islands has since prevented Moscow and Tokyo from signing a formal peace treaty to end the war, despite repeated attempts over the past 70 years to reach an agreement.

In 1956, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev first offered to give Japan the two smallest islands, Shikotan and Habomai, in exchange for signing a peace treaty but dropped the idea after Tokyo struck a military alliance with Washington.

Strategic value

Strategically, control of the islands ensures Russia has year-round access to the Pacific Ocean for its Pacific Fleet of warships and submarines based in Vladivostok, as the strait between Kunashir and Iturup does not freeze over in winter.

Russia has military bases on the archipelago and has deployed missile systems on the islands.

The islands’ current population is around 20,000 people.

After numerous meetings over the past few years between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin, they have launched various economic projects on the islands in areas such as the farming of fish and shellfish, wind-generated energy, and tourism, though Moscow says investment is still meagre.

Since 2017, the two countries have also agreed on charter flights for Japanese former inhabitants to visit family graves there.

The islands are rich in hot springs and minerals and rare metals such as rhenium, which is used in the production of supersonic aircraft.

That’s not really all you need to know, as oil and natural gas supplies – which Japan is in desperate need for – have been located in Sakhalin Island, a natural extension of Japan’s historical and genetic ethnostate and an affect of the Russian Federation’s cleptocratic aggrandizement.

Tillerson, Putin, Sakhalin, Fukushima: Why would Japan Hate Trump’s outreach to Russian Federation?

Trump appointed Putin crony Tillerson to be Secretary of State, and thereby to join in capture of Sakhalin, though it sould, should be Japan’s natural and crucial resource.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 February 2017 17:37.

If Japan were in control of Sakhalin, an island to its north, and a logical extension of its homeland, its ethno-state, and if Japan and its closely related Asian relatives were in control of their native lands of Kamchatka and Eastern Siberia, not only would Japan and its Asian relatives be in rightful control of lands that are a natural part of their ethno-states; instead of these territories being of the vast imperial aggrandizement of The Russian Federation; but instead of The Russian Federation extending its practice of aggrandizement and parasitism of the resources of aggrandized territories, Japan would have the natural gas resource that goes with its rightful north island, which could largely solve immediate critical problems of its energy requirements – resources so urgently needed, alleviating options heretofore so limited by the territorial impingement, that it was forced to take extra risks with nuclear power precisely as it was deprived of traditional fossil fuel sources; but persevered in its characteristic self reliance to place the Fukushima nuclear reactor within its constrained and populated national territory despite that obviously being far from optimal. Disaster betrayed that pattern of self reliance while the imperialist parasitism of Putin’s Russian Federation has been ramped-up with outrageous chutzpah, in alliance with Trump and Netanyahu – against Asian ethno-nationalism and its emerging alliances with European ethno-states.

Fortune, ‘This Island Holds the Secret to Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin’s Relationship’, 14 Dec 2016:

If Vladimir Putin has a man crush on anyone in business, it’s probably Rex Tillerson, the ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson Trump just nominated to head the State Department.

Aljazeera, ‘New US state chief a perfect fit for Russia’

Friendship between Putin and Rex Tillerson dates back to 1990s when the Texas oilman established a US energy presence.

Fortune, ‘This Island Holds the Secret to Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin’s Relationship’, 14 Dec 2016:

As to the reason why, all you need to do is look at Sakhalin, a windswept, earthquake-prone island off Russia’s Pacific coast where temperatures can fluctuate 110 degrees throughout the year. It’s this forbidding territory that Exxon (xom, -0.28%), under Tillerson, has turned into one of Russia’s most lucrative oil provinces, affording Russia a crucial entry into the fast-growing oil markets of Asia, generating nearly $5 billion in tax dollars and other revenue for the government to date, and generally being, by Moscow’s lights, a good corporate citizen.

Indeed, if Japan and its relatives native to the habitat of eastern Siberia were in control of territories reasonable for ethno-statism, as opposed to these territories being under the control of the Russian Federation’s imperial aggrandizement, Japan and its close Asian relatives would have access to vital natural gas resources desperately needed, and could have/might still place any supplementary nuclear reactor projects in regions remote from human populations, essential habitat and tectonic fault lines.

From what I gather, The Russian Federation’s economy is based on this unjust territorial aggrandizement, resource parasitism and its raw materials sales. This is in marked contrast to the strategy of the world’s third largest economy—Japan—which builds its GNP through labor, manufacturing and technological innovation.

But it is not only Japan and natives of East Asia that the Jewy parasitism of The Russian Federation’s aggrandizement impacts—it impacts all neighbors of its vast imperial overstep, an overstep of anything remotely like a Russian ethno-state. The Russian Federation and its forerunners have done so historically, it is doing so now, in a new Jewy alliance with Trump and Tillerson, and it will continue to do so, so long as the elephant in the room is not recognized: The Russian Federation is not an ethno-state!

It is an imperialist enterprise aligned against our necessary Asian ethno-nationalist allies. We need ethno-nationalist alliance with our Chinese, South Korean and Japanese counterparts against Islam and against Israel. The Trumpist alternative is the opposite, it is an objectivist, civic “nationalist” alliance of a Jewed-up USA, a Jewed-up Russia, Israel and whatever Muslim compradors they can enlist to suppress ethno-national rebellion against their imperial supremacism. Their ostensible solution to the problem of “radical Islam” is nothing more than the old “solution” phase, a “solution” for the reaction to a problem that they created.

The Intercept, ‘Rex Tillerson’s Exxon Mobil Frequently Sought State Department Assistance, New Documents Show’, 17 Jan 2017:

A February 2009 cable published by Wikileaks shows Exxon Mobil asking then-U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle to intervene on its behalf and speak to the Russian government about its then-stalled offshore drilling project in a major oil and gas field to the east of Russia called Sakhalin.

“Exxon Mobil [officials] told the Ambassador on January 31 that GOR [Government of Russia] refusal to approve project budgets has halted development of new Sakhalin 1 fields,” reads the cable. Kremlin officials, perhaps motivated by anti-American sentiment, were blocking approval of a budget needed to move forward with the project until a Russian entity took control of 51 percent of the deal.

Exxon Mobil officials hoped that the incoming Obama administration could persuade the Russians to change course on the project. The president of Exxon Mobil’s Russian operation and its Sakhalin project manager “told the Ambassador they believed a warming of U.S.-Russian relations could help reverse the refusal to approve the Sakhalin 1 budget,” and “asked the Ambassador for USG support in pressing the GOR to act on the matter.”

In May 2009, the Sakhalin 1 consortium agreed to sell 20 percent of the gas extracted from the field to Russia’s state-owned company Gazprom, and production continued.

Other cables released by Wikileaks suggest Exxon Mobil pushed for better U.S.-Russia relations to advance its business interests.

One 2007 cable noted that Russian-based executives of Exxon Mobil and other U.S. firms met with Under Secretary of State Reuben Jeffery III in Moscow and argued that “the best way to engage Russia and enhance global energy security is to focus on positive dialogue geared towards helping Russia improve its oil and gas investment climate.” Russia, the oil firms noted, “is about to embark on a new era of oil and gas development in areas (East Siberia and Arctic regions) that cannot be exploited without Western technologies and expertise.”

Tillerson’s ties to Russia — which center around the joint venture he signed in 2011 as the CEO of Exxon Mobil with Russian state-owned company Rosneft to drill for oil on the Arctic shelf — have been a source of controversy. After the signing, Tillerson was presented with an “Order of Friendship” award from Russian President Vladimir Putin

TNO, ‘Fukushima: New Record Levels of Radioactive Contamination’, 5 Feb 2017:

The radiation level in the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant has reached a maximum of 530 sieverts per hour—enough to kill anybody within a few minutes—and is the highest since the triple core meltdown after the March 2011 tsunami.

The readings, described as “unimaginable,” are now so high that they will even destroy unmanned robots after just two hours of operation.

According to a statement from the Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. (Tepco), the radiation reading was taken near the entrance to the reactor core. This means that at least some of the melted fuel has escaped its surrounding pressure vessel.

530 sieverts is strong enough to kill a person with only the briefest exposure. Previously, the highest reading taken was 73 sieverts per hour at the reactor.

An official of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences said medical professionals have never considered dealing with this level of radiation in their work.

According to the institute, 4 sieverts of radiation exposure would kill 1 in 2 people. Experts say 1,000 millisieverts, or 1 sievert, could lead to infertility, loss of hair, and cataracts, while exposure to doses above 100 millisieverts increases the risk of cancer.

Tepco also announced that, based on its analysis of images taken by a remote-controlled camera, there is a two meter hole in the metal grating under the pressure vessel in the reactor’s primary containment vessel. It also thinks part of the grating is warped.

The hole could have been caused when the fuel escaped the pressure vessel after the mega-quake and massive tsunami triggered a station blackout that crippled the plant’s ability to cool the reactors.

Tepco also announced that, based on its analysis of images taken by a remote-controlled camera, there is a two meter hole in the metal grating under the pressure vessel in the reactor’s primary containment vessel. It also thinks part of the grating is warped.

The hole could have been caused when the fuel escaped the pressure vessel after the mega-quake and massive tsunami triggered a station blackout that crippled the plant’s ability to cool the reactors.

The reading means that it is becoming increasingly difficult to carry out repairs and to decommission the plant. The company said it planned to deploy a remote-controlled robot to check conditions inside the containment vessel, but it will have to plan the operation carefully because the robot will only have two hours of operational life before the radiation kills it.

Photos released by Tepco clearly showed the two meter hole on the infrastructure, along with black deposits which are presumed to be melted fuel.

 Posted by mancinblack on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 13:08 | #

“Abe renews pledge to solve territorial row with Russia”

PM Shinzo Abe hopes to use economic cooperation with Russia to solve the Northern Territories issue.

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 16:25 | #

Those ‘outreaches’ are done on purpose in the full knowledge that Russia will never do what is asked of them anyway. It’s PR so that when the day comes that the Russians start to lose control of Siberia and Kamchatka, some of the economic base and the public relations inertia will already be tilted in Japan’s direction.

 Posted by mancinblack on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 18:04 | #

Agreed, Kumiko. Thanks for the link too.

Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 05:06 | #

The gook argument for taking Siberia from Russia is thus: “You’ve got it, and we want it.  So give it up!”

The Russian counter argument is this: “Fuck you slanty-eyed subhumans.  If you try to take it, we will nuke you.  Any questions?”


Guess which argument wins?

 Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 06:14 | #

I think rather, the argument is that a Jewy, mongrelized Russian imperial “Federation” and Soviet Union took these lands from native inhabitants and you are purporting that they should threaten these people, whom we require as allies against White imperialist traitors as they are complicit with Jewish hegemony, African and Islamic shock troops and compradors in their regard.

Russia is not alone with nukes; let its boner-nosed mixed Jews try to send nukes into Asia.

Nor should Whites seek to defend The JU.S.A. in its Jewy imperialising campaigns.

 Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 06:37 | #

Ultimately might makes right.  Whatever the White race can take it should take.  And whoever doesn’t like that can feel free to go suck a nigger’s dick.

Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 09:35 | #

That’s too arbitrary and is a presumption that is asking for interminable conflict. Ethno-nationalism and ethno-states provide a criteria for alliance and coordination. And again, we need formidable allies, not more formidable enemies, which the Asians can be in either case – clearly we should opt for the former. They would be most formidable allies, which can ally perfectly against our greatest common enemies. However, there would have to be a quid pro quo respect for ethno-statism: which brings us again to The Russian Federation – it isn’t one and it is in conflict with all of Asia

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 10:32 | #

I’ll go with a humorous response where I’ll say serious things in a light tone.

The ‘White race’ is thankfully not united on the issue of Russia, Captainchaos. We can now rely on the British and the Polish foremost, and then after, the Dutch and the Danes, and most of the rest of Western Europe, most of Central Europe, most of Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and most of the Caucasus excluding Serbia, to always everytime and forever prefer just about anything over Russia. And I’m sure you know why that is.

I know that the Russians think that their nuclear ‘Samson option’, is acting as a deterrent against Asian economic expansion in Siberia. They could not be more wrong, because Asians are as always the highest of high stakes gamblers in the world and we are going to call that bluff in due time. All of the economic and living-space issues from the previous war are still not settled yet.

The most powerful weapon that the Russians have at their disposal is not a nuclear strategic bluff, but rather, the most powerful weapons that the Russians have are:

1. Siberian winters, which are a natural phenomenon that people can anticipate,
2. Russia’s post-WWII legacy which consists of repeatedly trying to brainwash everyone with the narrative about how the Russians ‘saved the world’ from ‘evil’ Western Europeans and ‘evil’ East Asians who had dared to aspire to be supreme in their own lands,
3. Some garbled nonsense about how the Mongolians and the Tatars are ‘bad’ and only the Eternal Rus with his trusty sidekick the Eternal Jew can ‘save’ Western Europeans from a threat that literally never presented itself to them,
4. Some garbled nonsense about how the British Indian Empire was ‘mixed’ and ‘collaborated with every kind of non-White wahh wahh’ whereas the Russian Empire was ‘pure huWhite’, and therefore somehow this means that everyone should somehow have preferred to have paid taxes to lazy Russians in the Eternal Adidas tracksuit (essentially the whole state of Russia demanding welfare payments from the entire planet) for every item on every boat or locomotive or automobile or buggy that passed through Asia between the years 1530 and 1914, even though Russia took part in producing exactly zero percent of that wealth.

Notice how those typical Russian ‘weapons’ are all Second World War Israeli-inspired guilt-trips about stuff we don’t care about, Great Game whining about how the British Indian Empire didn’t believe in unconditional alliances with Russia, general appeals to supposed ‘huWhiteness’ and appeals to anti-Asian sentiments?

Yeah, death to Russia.

Seriously, lightheartedness aside, death to Russia, and death to America if America chooses to stand with them like last time. I’ve long been an admirer of Tomomi Inada, I think she got it right when she said:

Tomomi Inada, Japanese Minister of Defence:
Yasukuni Shrine is not the place for the oath of peace. Rather, it is the place to make an oath to fight desperately against the enemies of Japan, following in the path of the honoured spirits of the dead soldiers.

I don’t do this often, but here are two tracks for that memory:

1. NS Europe
2. Greater East Asia

And that war and the example it set, was not a one-off. It has happened before with many different faces and many different guises. It was also the same tide of history which was seen in the seemingly suicidal Charge of the Light Brigade led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854. They didn’t actually die in vain. They at least left us with a story that reminds us of what kind of agenda we ought to be pursuing, so as to not let their lives have gone to waste.

We have all inherited an ancient fight, the core of the following conflicts are basically because of the same array of reasons:

– Siberian, Kamchatkan, Aleutian, Inuit, etc natives, versus the Russian Tsardom
– Sibir Khanate versus the Russian Tsardom
– The Mongol Empire versus the Russian Tsardom
– The Golden Horde versus the Russian Tsardom
– The Ilkhanate versus the Russian Tsardom
– Circassia versus the Russian Tsardom
– Persia (Iran) versus the Russian Tsardom
– The Yuan Dynasty versus the Russian Tsardom
– The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth versus the Russian Empire
– The Astrakhan Khanate versus the Russian Empire
– The Crimean Khanate versus the Russian Empire
– The Ashikaga Shogunate versus the Russian Empire
– The First French Empire versus the Russian Empire
– The Tokugawa Shogunate versus the Russian Empire
– The British Indian Empire and Central Asian tribal allies versus the Russian Empire
– The British Indian Empire and the Empire of Japan versus the Russian Empire
– The Empire of Japan versus Russian Diplomacy in the Korean Peninsula
– The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic versus the Soviet Union
– Axis versus the Soviet Union
– Axis versus the United States of America and its Allies
– The United Nations and the Republic of Korea versus the Soviet Union
– NATO (Operation Gladio) versus the Soviet Union
– The People’s Republic of China versus the Soviet Union (in the Third World)
– Greater Albania versus Serbia and the Russian Federation
– NATO versus the Russian Federation

And who knows what will develop next?


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 12:18 | #

Oh, and also, I should not forget to mention this, just as a matter of curiosity:

Alexander Dugin asserts that he would not allow his ‘friends and allies’ to ‘manipulate Russia against Israel’:

I don’t think I even need to add commentary after that one. If you choose to actually stand with Russia, that’s what you’re standing with.

Posted by Just Sayin’ on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:03 | #

” We need ethno-nationalist alliance with our Chinese, South Korean and Japanese counterparts against Islam and against Israel. The Trumpist alternative is the opposite, it is an objectivist, civic “nationalist” alliance of a Jewed-up USA, a Jewed-up Russia, Israel and whatever Muslim compradors they can enlist to suppress ethno-national rebellion against their imperial supremacism.”

China is not an ethno-state. China is an empire that has already digested many smaller nations and is currently in the process of digesting others, like Tibet.

The American relationship with China is very dysfunctional. Trade with China has been quite harmful to the U.S. economy, devastating our manufacturing sector and flooding our country with cheap crap, driving our companies to move away or go out of business. Meanwhile, China is sending many immigrants to the U.S and other white countries. They have to go back. Finally, China is a dirty, nasty place, with low environmental standards and a culture that encourages the production of counterfeit and unsafe goods. I want to contain them and limit interaction with them until they improve their attitudes and stop frying food in gutter oil, producing tainted baby formula for export, etc.

Russia on the other hand is a white country that doesn’t send a lot of immigrants here or represent nearly the same economic threat. They also represent far less of a demographic threat and share our interest in containing China.

As for Japan, I’m not hostile to Japan, but given their demographics and current cultural attitudes they just aren’t that important, and will probably be happy to join any alliance that aims to contain China.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 20:55 | #

Given that the US is demographically past the point of no return already, my position is that I actually do not care what happens to the US.

Regarding China’s dysfunctional relationship with the US, that is by design and I hope that it becomes more dysfunctional over time. Americans get very upset when I say these things, but I draw a definite line between the United States and Europe, as they do not have the same interests. People often misunderstand this. My opposition the direction taken by the United States, and my opposition to Russia, is not ‘anti-White’. It just means that those are the two White countries that I happen to not care about.

As a reverse comparison, Pakistan is an Asian country. How can I then oppose Pakistan while being obviously in favour of development in Asia? The fact that I don’t care about Pakistan’s survival is obviously connected to Pakistan’s economic behaviour and geostrategic stances, not their racial categorisation.

Similarly, my opposition to the current path taken by the United States, and my opposition to Russia at all times, stems from the fact that these countries are a fetter against global development now, and because neither of those countries respects the rights of other peoples to live in their own way. In other words, there are literally no redeeming factors whatsoever.

The fact that Americans and Russians are ‘White’ means nothing to me. I couldn’t give a damn, that is not a magical ‘get off scot free’ card. I can’t count the number of times that people have tried to defend Russia with the line, “Russia is a White country”. That’s literally meaningless as a statement by itself.

Regarding Japan and its demographics, Japan is simply returning to the same population level that it had in the year 1860. This does not render Japan unimportant, for four crucial reasons:

1. Japan is not engaging in population replacement,
2. Japan is finding economic growth through investing in ASEAN countries, and thus is the single most important country in the region other than South Korea in that regard,
3. The patterns of cross-investment between Japan and China, and the lead that Japan has over China in terms of naval capability, mean that the geographic challenge presented by China to Japan is one that Japan can handle with relative ease. The place where all of China’s strategic gains have actually been accruing is in Central Asia against Russia, a fact that is extremely worrying for Russia but has been an endless source of amusement and schadenfreude among the more savvy observers in Japan and South Korea.
4. Japan was overpopulated way beyond its carrying capacity, and so having an inverted age pyramid where boomers are finally dying and not being replaced, is a good thing.

I should also add that in terms of ‘current cultural attitudes’, those are the same attitudes that have always persisted. Japan is an array of volcanic islands sitting atop the ring of fire next to a subduction zone. Everything is transient, and life is cheap, although I suppose right now it is slightly less cheap than it used to be in feudal times due to the fact that there is a greater amount of investment per child and the statistical probability of being hacked and sawed to death in combat before age 30 has dramatically decreased.

I always do find it ironic though, that Americans think that Japanese (and to a great extent, also Korean) cultural attitudes are ‘bad’, even though Japan and Korea succeeded despise being bombed to pieces in the 20th century, whereas the United States won at literally everything and still somehow ended up experiencing population replacement.

And you think it is Japanese who have the wrong attitude? Oh please.

 Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 20:57 | #

Daniel’s argument that it is necessary to cede massive amounts of territory and resources to gooks in order to coax the latter into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst.  By his argument, since Russia has Jews entangled in its ruling elite, this fire-sale giveaway should commence in order to bring that elite down.  But there is no White society on earth that does not suffer an entanglement with Jews.  So then, by his standards, all White societies globally should give at least half of what is theirs to gooks to get them to fight Jews.  The question of why Whites cannot simply fight Jews on their own without diminishing the spoils of victory by ceding land and resources to gooks goes conspicuously unasked by him. Why?  Because to ask the question is to answer it.

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:09 | #

Russians are not going to “fight Jews on their own” and the proof of that is seen in the fact that they’ve openly announced 1001 times that they have no intention of ever doing that. The followers of Dugin literally are never going to ever do that. In fact, Russia will continue to hold parades every year to commemorate the Second World War, it will keep doing that in the most pro-Jewish, Jew-centred way possible, and it will continue to base its very national identity on being “those who most consistently opposed anti-semitism”.

And then you will non-ironically come into threads like this, and try to defend Putin’s filthy disgusting face, in front of me, as though this is not the most ridiculous thing that American White nationalists ever did.

I’m not often frank about these things, but American White nationalism is a fucking disgrace to be quite honest, and if Adolf Hitler were alive today, he’d kill you. That is the most ironic thing about all of this, the fact that for years the Americans have been prancing around subtly and non-subtly invoking memes about how ‘the outcome of the Second World War was all wrong’, and yet now they are happily embracing pro-Jewish Russian nationalists who are completely unrepentant about the role Russia played in that war. The fact that the Americans have become pro-Russian is a sign that American White nationalism is basically fucked on a fundamental level.

99% of the time, Americans actually are presenting the reheated garbage stances of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Madison Grant, combining them together and calling it ‘radical’. In a way, that’s what the absurd pantomime election of Donald Trump is all about. Bringing back Dwight Eisenhower and Madison Grant inside of a single human body.

Posted by Just Sayin’ on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:40 | #

Given that the US is demographically past the point of no return already, my position is that I actually do not care what happens to the US.

It’s good to get that out in the open. I can see how you’d feel that way, but much of Europe is quickly approaching that point as well, in Sailer’s new column in Taki mag he estimates that 38.9% of newborns in 2015 France had “both parents come from the Global South”, not too far behind the U.S., which only reached majority non-white births in 2015.

It’s quite possible to write from a perspective that says “it’s too late to save much of the West”, but taking that premise to its logical conclusion may lead to rather odd conclusions, where you start wishing harm to more and more of the West, as it gradually gets more and more enriched, until you’re eventually praying that the whole thing gets nuked. Which is a rather counter-intuitive position, given the site’s mission statement.

I don’t expect you to care that Russia or the U.S. are countries with significant white populations, but those white populations are generally something that White Nationalists wish to preserve or “save” in some way.

As for Japan, I agree that their current cultural attitude is healthier than the attitude of the West and if current trends continue they may survive while we certainly won’t. But Japan’s current attitudes are still not ideal, or particularly healthy or strong, nor are they something they “chose” on their own, they are at least in part a response to losing WW2.

All I said was that their demographics and cultural attitudes will limit their importance on the world stage. It’s not a very big country to begin with and when you throw in low fertility, very few young people and restrictions on militarism, it’s not looking like a future great power to me, at least until everyone else has declined significantly due to population replacement.

P.S. Glad you admit that China is conducting economic warfare against the US

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:10 | #

Writing from the perspective I’ve described would only lead to me abandoning the United States (which I was never really supporting anyway, so not much to abandon there), and perhaps being forced to abandon France and Germany if they don’t figure out what they are doing fast enough.

Regarding Russia, I have never been in favour of Russia in the first place, so it’s not a case of ‘abandoning’ Russia, since I have always been openly hostile toward Russia. And I had never met anyone in ‘the movement’ in the west who was in favour of Russia until the year 2014. This pro-Russian stuff as far as I have seen, only arose after Russian Active Measures started canvassing in earnest after 2008, and only gained momentum around 2014 when the mass migration of Arab ‘refugees’ into Europe had just begun, and Russia began to piggyback their narratives on top of it. The pro-Russia stuff was therefore a recent phenomenon from my perception, one that would have been difficult to have anticipated, given that the history involved would seem to point in the opposite direction.

If this places me out of step with what is normally expected, it would just mean that this is something that White Nationalists apparently disagree with me on. It may be the case that my positions could some day no longer intersect with White Nationalism in any way whatsoever, and if they end up largely holding positions that are wholly useless to me (eg, if it becomes wholly Russified) then I would just have to walk away from it at that point.

So, as always, I am in favour of getting feedback because feedback is the only way to really know.

 Posted by Trex on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:33 | #

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:45 | #

That Wikipedia article itself goes through a whole cavalcade of lies, before delivering this hilarious ending:

Wikipedia (emphasis added):
There is little evidence to suggest that the Japanese had ever contemplated a Jewish state or a Jewish autonomous region.[29] In 1979 Rabbi Marvin Tokayer and Mary Swartz authored a book called The Fugu Plan. In this partly fictionalized account, Tokayer & Swartz gave the name the ‘Fugu Plan’ to the 1930s memorandums. They claim that the plan, which was viewed by its proponents as risky but potentially rewarding for Japan, was named after the Japanese word for puffer-fish, a delicacy which can be fatally poisonous if incorrectly prepared.[2] (The memorandums were not actually called The Fugu Plan in Japanese.) Tokayer and Swartz base their claims on statements made by Captain Koreshige Inuzuka and allege that such a plan was first discussed in 1934 and then solidified in 1938, supported by notables such as Inuzuka, Ishiguro Shiro and Norihiro Yasue;[30] however, the signing of the Tripartite Pact in 1941 and other events prevented its full implementation.

Ben-Ami Shillony, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, confirmed the statements upon which Tokayer and Swartz based their claim were taken out of context, and that the translation with which they worked was flawed. Shillony’s view is further supported by Kiyoko Inuzuka (wife of Koreshige Inuzuka).[31] In ‘The Jews and the Japanese: The Successful Outsiders’, he questioned whether the Japanese ever contemplated establishing a Jewish state or a Jewish autonomous region.[32][33][34]

They wait until the end of the article to quickly point out that everything you read prior to that moment was a lie. The so-called ‘Fugu Plan’ was only real in Rabbi Marvin Tokayer’s mind.

In actual reality, Jews were placed under surveillance in all areas that Japan controlled, and those Jews that chose to flee to Europe in response were later apprehended by the National Socialists in Europe.

That also happens to be how Geert Wilders’ Dutch-Jewish colonialist mother got chased out of Indonesia in the first place, in case anyone doesn’t know that story. But more on that some other time.

 Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 04:11 | #

Captainchaos, you shouldn’t drink before you comment.

You say here:

Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:57 | #13

Daniel’s argument that it is necessary to cede massive amounts of territory and resources to gooks in order to coax the latter into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst.  By his argument, since Russia has Jews entangled in its ruling elite, this fire-sale giveaway should commence in order to bring that elite down.  But there is no White society on earth that does not suffer an entanglement with Jews.  So then, by his standards, all White societies globally should give at least half of what is theirs to gooks to get them to fight Jews.  The question of why Whites cannot simply fight Jews on their own without diminishing the spoils of victory by ceding land and resources to gooks goes conspicuously unasked by him. Why?  Because to ask the question is to answer it.

DanielS: I must parse this mess one part at time.

Captainchaos: Daniel’s argument that it is necessary to cede massive amounts of territory and resources to gooks in order to coax the latter into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst.

DanielS: I am ceding nothing with regard to Russia. What I am saying is that it’s eastern border is its imperialistic problem. If it were to lose the part east of Lake Baikal, parts that it took only in recent history, it would still be enormous. I would not care if it were to be smaller than that, even, but I am trying to be realistic, given that cities of a million occur not far west of Lake Baikal.

Our maintenance of good relations and trade with Japan, Korea and China while not taking the side of Russia’s Jewy imperialistic appropriations to its east could be good incentive for them to cooperate with White ethnostates/ethno-nationalism, yes. It would make good sense for them. order to coax [Japan, China and Korea] into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst

DanielS: I certainly don’t have to coax Japan and Korea into a Jew fighting alliance, China either, they will fight in their interests: it is in their interests to fight in alliance with those who oppose their enemies: Imperialists who would impose upon their interests.

The Jewish and White alliance that the Alternative Right proposes by contrast, and that you fall into by default, by your defense of The US and The Russian Federation, is what has brought the White race to disaster and is what has brought them into conflict with Asians – who hate Abrahamism and its child, Islam, hate its incursions as much and with as much of an effective counter as anybody – knowing, as they do, that it is the inspiration of western imperialism and incursions into Asia.

It is the inspiration even for its liberal imperialistic spawn of enlightenment secularism.

MacArthur’s father slaughtered Philippine natives, for what? Your friend Eisenhower installed Islamic comprador regimes in Asia, where Asian ethno-nationalists, “gooks” as you say, fought for their nations. He set in motion a war with Ho Chi Mihn, though Ho Chi Mihn tried to have Vietnam cooperate with The US on ethno-nationalist grounds.

With regard to White western interests, the sort of alliance that it has fallen into for its traditions, customs and habits provide a long list of perfidy, as it leads to their destruction and becoming more and more Jewed where they do survive.

Captainchaos: By his argument, since Russia has Jews entangled in its ruling elite, this fire-sale giveaway should commence in order to bring that elite down

DanielS: Again, that is not my argument. I am giving away nothing. In fact, that is an essential part of the deal with other ethno-nationalists. Thus, looking after my inerests in the bargain, I am not willing to betray its terms and fight against China and Japan in order to defend The Russian Federation in lands that it appropriated in imperialistic overstep in very recent history.

At least you admit that Russia’s ruling elite is entangled with Jews. Like the American ruling structure, it needs to be brought down in the interest of White ethno-statism, not just the non-White ethno-statism that they suppress. This kind of anti-racist, imperialist lording has led to a circumstance of race mixing that ethno-nationalists on any side do not want.

But there is also a degree of mixedness in the Russian population which can be resolved if it can live with and show its genuine native Russianness predominant by living in a Russian ethno-state. Genuine Russian ethno-nationalists would recognize the obvious fact that the Russian Federation is not an ethno-state, and would commend eastern regions becoming autonomous to the native populations.

Captainchaos: But there is no White society on earth that does not suffer an entanglement with Jews.  So then, by his standards, all White societies globally should give at least half of what is theirs to gooks to get them to fight Jews.

DanielS: While it is true that there is no White society that is not entangled with Jews, I don’t believe any European ethno-state, which is what the European nations are in essence, (beneath and besides Jewish and Jewish instigated liberal interference), should give away any territory. Nothing. And I will not abandon any European country in its ethno-statism along with its opposition to foreign imposition, notably Jewish, Muslim and black. Thus, the “standards” that you impute to me are not my standards. Because I am arguing for an alliance of ethno-statism against Jewish, Muslim and black incursions. I am not saying that the reason to allow Russia to recede into an ethno-state is because it is mixed with Jews, or not only because of that reason, I am saying that it is not an ethno-state, and as such, Jewy and right wing in its imperialism though it is, of any stock, it impinges upon our ethno-state alliances, against our common enemies.

In fact, The Russian Federation, just like the United States, is allied with our common enemies. Which will bring me to a last complication with regard to White ethno-nationalism.

Captainchaos: The question of why Whites cannot simply fight Jews on their own without diminishing the spoils of victory by ceding land and resources to gooks goes conspicuously unasked by him. Why?  Because to ask the question is to answer it.

DanielS: Again, I am ceding nothing with regard to The Russian Federation. I am alerting our Asian ethno-nationalist allies that we will not help The Russian Federation to defend lands stolen by The Russian Federation, The Soviet Union and its imperial predecessors. We fight on ethno-nationalist grounds, not on imperialist grounds.

This brings me to the problem of White Nationalism USA. In fact, I have been a hold-out in terms of what has now been a long standing, ready concession on the part of White Nationalists in America, that parts of it should be given away – as is the case of the North West Movement that you so fervently advocate – and what a hypocrite you are!

You people have been talking about giving the whole South West to Mestizos, the whole South East to blacks and the whole North East to Jews and liberals.

The fact that you would give anything to blacks shows what sorry wimps that you are. Are you a part of Greg Johnson’s harem?

But anyway, I’ve always recoiled at the idea of giving blacks any part of the USA – why should they have anything? You think that they are going to fight against the Jews and the government that keeps them on life support with an endless funnel of money from others. Even to the extent they might fight in that way, perhaps as some unintended consequence of their rioting, really, it means having to live beside them. And HuWhites look like Jews to them too (especially when they act like Jews). I’ve thought blacks should get nothing of the US and I still think that.

Nevertheless, Jewish and right-wing problem-making being what they are – after first flinging this black scourge upon Whites (and native Americans), by means of their slave trade, they now bring other non White populations upon White Americans in service of cheap labor and race-mixing-away the competition. They have done so to such an extent, with such logical force from their power niches, that the logics of meaning and action that extend from there mean that balkanization of the US becomes the only way to defend on racial grounds.

That means returning to the WN position which views the US Government as antagonistic to ethno-nationalism, a position it held until right wing fools got co-opted into a Jewish alliance by means of the Alternative Right – they will say that oh, blacks are not so bad, some of them are really smart and we can work with them, its those Mexicans, Muslims and Asians, that’s the real problem! And Jews, we can work with them, they know what they’re doing – good work! Look, they gave us our Alternative Right, they gave us our TRS, put our man Trumpstein in the White house – he’s siding with the good Jews, and with the Russian Federation…all those White people there, (((and))).

Still, I am not so down on White Americans as Kumiko is. I believe that she has not heard enough from true White American ethno-nationalists, who are not so naive/disingenuous, who can see the logic of our ethno-national alliance. Your referring to Asians as “gooks” and defending their enemies, when their enemies are in the wrong, does not help to change her perception.

Coming back to the predicament of White ethno-nationalism in North America, given that balkanization is, unfortunately, the necessary solution to the Jewish and right wing made problem: Balkanization is necessary as opposed to their Jewish plan of Castizo, viz. black, Amerindio and White mixing – which TRS proposes as a “solution”. By contrast, White American ethno-nationalists should favor ethno-nationalist alliance with Asians and Indios. Blacks should have no place but in Africa and Jews should have no power and influence in North America.

Whites should have their enclaves and sacrosanct territories and indios and Asians should have enclaves and sacrosanct territories, in an ethno-nationalist compact to maintain one another’s ethno-genetic interests: It can commence and proceed by means of the DNA Nations.

The DNA nation allows for bigger and smaller White enclaves to coordinate in the Americas, including North West USA.

As for the European ethnostates, they should be in complete control of their territories, maintaining them for over 90% of their native own population – the rest, being European and some Asian enclaves, if the ethnostate is willing, should be held to account along with the natives, to not impinge upon the quality and quantity of genetic interests and in fact, should help to effect deportation of interlopers.

14 Words

Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 06:20 | #

“you shouldn’t drink before you comment.”


Daniel, why do you store your balls in Kumiko’s purse?

Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 06:23 | #

Captainchaos: Lulz

Daniel, why do you store your balls in Kumiko’s purse?

Sober-up, take your time and read my comment #19, CC.

Just Sayin’, comment #11

China is not an ethno-state. China is an empire that has already digested many smaller nations and is currently in the process of digesting others, like Tibet.

Though I’ve heard Chinese ague that Tibetans are Chinese, from all I know and have known, China is out of line when it comes to Tibet. Other than that, and typical conflicts that you have to watch for with a big power, so long as the Chinese see themselves as a more or less homogeneous genetic nation (and they do), though a big one, we should be willing to coordinate with them as an ethnostate.

You, Just Sayin’, continue –

Just Sayin’: The American relationship with China is very dysfunctional. Trade with China has been quite harmful to the U.S. economy, devastating our manufacturing sector and flooding our country with cheap crap, driving our companies to move away or go out of business.

The US is a civic state, governed primarily by an alliance of Jewish interests and objectivist Whites (i.e., people who don’t care about race, unless the Jews tell them to). Therefore, keeping its economy working is far from a great concern of mine, or any true ethno nationalist; and, by contrast, it would be very much a concern, in the interests of Jews and right wingers to keep that race mixing beast going.

You go on to say –

Just Sayin’: Meanwhile, China is sending many immigrants to the U.S and other white countries. They have to go back.

This is a problem, their population especially. They are not a perfectly innocent nation without self interests. Their part in the ethno-nationalism of the DNA Nations would entail that if they are granted a place in the agreement of North America, to oust Jews such as yourself, Just Sayin’, that they not overwhelm and overpopulate, that they are responsible for their part in respecting others mutual genetic survival.

You conclude:

Just Sayin’: Finally, China is a dirty, nasty place, with low environmental standards and a culture that encourages the production of counterfeit and unsafe goods. I want to contain them and limit interaction with them until they improve their attitudes and stop frying food in gutter oil, producing tainted baby formula for export, etc.

There is some stupid, Jewy and right wing subjectivity showing through there. However, China does have a pollution problem, this step in the process of industrializing nations that all have gone through needs to be phased-out as quickly as possible. We are working on proposals for them.

 Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 08:26 | #

Daniel, let us be clear that the actions of the Chinese state in Tibet are genocidal:

Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 14:19 | #

My understanding is that the Chinese have been brutally out of line with regard to Tibet – and that native Tibetans are not Chinese: as ethno-nationalists, we need to support Tibetan autonomy.

Kumiko will make an argument that you do not often hear in the West, to the effect that China was responding to an intransigence of Tibetan regimes – regimes which were responsible for long standing brutality of their own.

However, even if it was a provisional intervention on the part of China and somehow for the long-term good of Tibet that these regimes were deposed, as ethno-nationalists, we need to advocate the ultimate sovereignty of Tibet and certainly to recognize any and all atrocities committed against its innocents.

Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 20:23 | #

At this point, I want to place a BBC article which outlines an official Chinese view on Tibet, not to move past the issue, but to mark it clearly as an issue not being avoided, that we’ll come back to as a matter to deal with, so that I can raise some other points undiverted.

The first matter that I’d raise is that China’s brutal, no putting-up with piddling, negotiation of liberal arguments, does not only have a bad side, it has a useful side for our purposes. I have in mind, of course, examples of its utter intolerance of Islam and its lack of sentimentality with regard to Jewish interests/Israel.

Along with exploring features of that, of course we need to follow-upon and not be diverted from the issue set forth in the post, that of Russian appropriation of Siberian territory and any genocides committed against native Siberians; noting any Jewish hand in that.

From there, I would probably counter-pose, as I have before, the fact that historical killing has gone the other way as well – Asians killing Whites. For example, the Mongols penetrated Europe so far as to have genocided the Polish inhabitants of what is now Wroclaw; after which time, the Germans moved-in, re-named it Breslau and were there until the borders were shifted again by Stalin – Poles losing L’viv to Ukraine but re-gaining Wroclaw in its place.

The Russians undoubtedly have horror stories from their side, of their being attacked and killed in what is their rightful native territory, however, it does not appear that they could make that kind of defensive argument of protecting their homeland, kith and kin when observing its vast sprawl today, particularly looking at its far east.

Here’s the article that I start with as temporary place holder, this one presenting the Chinese side of the argument for its control of Tibet.

BBC, “The Tibet issue: China’s view”, 27 Jan 2012:

What is China’s stance on Tibet? Here, we outline Beijing’s position, based on various official Chinese sources.
Is Tibet part of China?

“For more than 700 years, the central government of China has continuously exercised sovereignty over Tibet, and Tibet has never been an independent state. No government of any country in the world has ever recognised Tibet as an independent state.”

(People’s Daily, April 2008)

What was Tibet like before the Communists established control in 1951?

“Even in the first half of the 20th Century, Tibet remained a society of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, one even darker and more backward than medieval Europe. The ecclesiastical and secular serf owners controlled the personal freedom of the serfs and slaves who made up more than 95% of the population of Tibet. By resorting to… extremely savage punishments, including gouging out eyes, cutting off ears, tongues, hands and feet, pulling out tendons, throwing people into rivers or off cliffs, they practiced cruel economic exploitation.”

(Xinhua News Agency, March 2008)

What has happened since then?

“Since its peaceful liberation in 1951, Tibet has undergone profound social changes, including democratic reform, reform and opening up, and has achieved remarkable social and economic progress.”

(China’s Foreign Ministry handbook, July 2007)

Who was behind a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959, after which the Dalai Lama fled to India?

“In face of the ever-growing demand of the people for democratic reform, some people in the upper ruling strata of Tibet, in order to preserve feudal serfdom and supported by imperialist forces, staged an armed rebellion all along the line on 10 March 1959 in an attempt to separate Tibet from China.”

(Xinhua News Agency, March 2008)

Who was responsible for the recent unrest in Tibet?

“We now possess sufficient evidence to prove that the Lhasa incident is part of the ‘Tibetan people’s uprising movement’ organised by the Dalai clique. Its purpose is to create crisis in China by staging co-ordinated sabotage activities in Tibet. ‘Tibet Independence’ separatist forces led by the Dalai Lama takes the 2008 Beijing Olympics as their last straw to realise ‘Tibetan independence’.”

(China’s Ministry of Public Security press release, April 2008)

“The Dalai Lama keeps talking about a peaceful way. However, solid facts prove that his much-vaunted ‘middle way’ policy and ‘peaceful demonstrations’ are blatant lies fabricated by the Dalai himself and the Dalai clique.”

(China’s Ministry of Public Security press release, April 2008)

What does the Chinese government think about reports by the Western media about the recent events in Tibet?

“It is unfortunate that a few Western media outlets, including some from the United States, are ignorant of the obvious truths and are basing their reports on distorted facts and unfounded claims.”

(Zhang Yun, Chinese consul general for Los Angeles, Xinhua, April 2008)

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:21 | #

What is even the utility of discussing Tibet anyway? I don’t see how this has anything to do with Russia, other than the fact that if China were not there, Russia would have been there instead. This is something that goes right back to the Great Game between the British Empire and the Russian Empire.

When the game was played forward to 1911, it was the preference of everyone except the Qing Dynasty, that Tibet should take the opportunity to separate itself from China. As the game was played forward to 1948, China wanted to re-annex Tibet so as to prevent the Republic of India from leveraging its influence there, since the eastern borders of Tibet are right next to some of the most strategically important population zones in China.

The Republic of India after its independence was basically the structure of the British Indian Empire preserved in a de jure independent state. As such, it structurally moved and acted like Britain would have acted if it had still been there, in that it endeavoured to get Tibet into Indian orbit.

Britain’s own position was one of relative ambivalence for three reasons:

1. Britain’s primary concern was that Russia should not be allowed to establish its diplomacy inside Tibet. Whether it was going to be China that would fill the space, or whether it was India that was going to serve to fill the space, didn’t really matter to Britain.
2. The United Nations was a brand new organisation at that point, and British diplomats knew very well that the reputation of the United Nations hinged on its ability to be seen as authoritative. The Chinese actions in Tibet were so decisive that the British decided not to fight hard at the UN against it, because China was going to ignore any result that opposed the annexation, and Britain understood that this would be very damaging to the early reputation of the UN if that were to happen.
3. Britain no longer had the capacity to intervene on its own there anyway.

Posted by (((Alternative Right)))'s Love Child on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 13:49 |
Tillerson: my wife made me do this on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 08:41

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson looking ill at ease on trip to Asia

Politico, “Tillerson: ‘I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek this job.”, 22 March 2017:

“My wife told me I’m supposed to do this.” …. Tillerson’s wife said “I told you God’s not through with you”

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson “didn’t want this job,” according to a profile published Wednesday in the Independent Journal Review, and only accepted it on the urging of his wife.

The remarks, which Tillerson delivered during a multi-part interview that took place over the course of his recent trip to Asia, were a starker version of introductory ones he made upon his arrival at the State Department following his confirmation.

“I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek this job,” Tillerson told IJR’s Erin McPike, the lone reporter to accompany the secretary of state on his trip to Asia, who noted that the secretary does not appear to harbor regrets about accepting the job. “My wife told me I’m supposed to do this.”

Tillerson said he was “stunned” when President Donald Trump asked him to be secretary of state but that his wife was not. The secretary had planned to retire from his previous job as CEO of Exxon Mobil this month, but when offered the job as America’s top diplomat, Tillerson’s wife said “I told you God’s not through with you.”

Posted by Kuril island provocation Russia/Japan on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 09:16 | #

Russia crisis: Japan furious with Putin’s visit to disputed island

VLADIMIR PUTIN’S decision to send Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to an island claimed by both Japan and Russia was met with fury by Tokyo.

Express, 2 August 2019

The Russian Prime Minister paid a visit to one of the four Russian-held islands which lie off Japan’s most northern region. Known as Iturup in Russian and Etorofu in Japanese, the island was occupied by the Soviet Union after World War 2. It has been a source of dispute between Moscow and Tokyo for the last three-quarters of a century – and Mr Medvedev’s visit threatens to put relations between Russia and Japan under strain.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs pulled no punches with a strongly worded statement aimed at the Kremlin.

Officials said that Mr Medvedev’s visit was incompatible with the Japanese people’s view on the Russian-held islands.

The statement added: “We strongly urge the Russian side to take constructive measures to further advance Japan-Russia relations, including the issue of the conclusion of the peace treaty.”

Iturup is one of four islands involved in the so-called Kuril Islands dispute, also known as the Northern Territories altercation.

The Yalta agreement – a post World War 2 deal signed by the US, Britain and the Soviet Union – stated that “the Kuril Islands shall be handed over to the Soviet Union” after the conclusion of the war.

It was supported by the Cairo Declaration of 1943, which stated that Japan must be expelled from all territories which have been taken by violence.

Japan originally took control of the island in 1875 after Russia reportedly agreed to give up all the rights for the Kuril Islands.

The Russo-Japanese war 30 years later yielded more territory to Tokyo and became the backdrop of simmering tensions between the two nations.

Diplomatic progress has stalled in the past 20 years over the dispute.

In 2005, to Moscow’s dismay, the European Parliament recommended Russia return the islands to Japan.

2011 saw the installation of weapons on the island to, according to Mr Medvedev, “ensure the security of the islands as an integral part of Russia”.

Mr Medvedev’s latest visit came just two weeks after Moscow outright refused to discuss the potential handover of two of the contested islands to Japan.

 Posted by Yoshihide Suga on Wed, 16 Sep 2020 07:14 | #

Financial Times@FinancialTimes

Just in: Yoshihide Suga has been confirmed as Japan’s next prime minister, succeeding Shinzo Abe after the Diet voted along party lines


Chinese slur ‘White Left’ as Cultural Marxist shows Jewish power, influence, aversion to White Left

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 31 December 2017 06:30.

I’ve known for some time now that since about 2011 or 2012 that the Chinese have unfortunately adopted the “White Left” as a slur term for White (or what they perceive as White) cultural Marxists and corollary liberals. However, I’m not really worried about the Chinese smear “White Left” for a couple important reasons.

White Left (ethno) Nationalism is internally consistent in its position. And in its rule structure, it is not only totally different from cultural Marxism and liberalism, it is in fact closer to the opposite in its disposition to White (European descent) boundaries and borders, regarding rather a serious concern to curate our history, to maintain our inheritance and lineage. This internal consistency of White Left definition is immediately verifiable as such and can be referred to at any time – the application of the term has been consistent in its call for an effective genetic unionization of our peoples – recognizing in and out groups – genetic group(s) called “our” people as opposed to genetic friends and enemies – this provides for accountability to human ecology, historical social capital; and crucially, among the important reasons to retain the moniker “left”, accountability against potential elite betrayal (as they are in key positions to do most damage from limited positions); along with safe guarding not only the interests of rank and file, it ensures criteria (“union rules”) that provide for their accountability as well, against any propensity which they, as rank and file, may have toward over-liberalization of national/group bounds, viz. significant transgressions of bounds and borders.

White Left (ethno) Nationalism is Nationalist – therefore it is not liberal, it speaks of ecological delimitations of peoples, not universal liberalism as the Chinese smear term would describe, or similarly, as our smear term “Red Left”, i.e., Jewish left, would be descriptive of – a “universal leftism” – i.e., a universal liberalism which the Chinese call White Left and what I call “Red” or “Jewish Left”, is prescribed by Jewish interests and their internationalist right wing cohorts, prescribed for others and instigated of them to participate in activism toward a withering away of the state in favor of an arbitrarily composed and controllable international proletariat.

Whereas our Class, the White Class, corresponds to the whole delimited ethno Nation, rich, poor, private property and business owners, whomever, innocent until proven guilty – as a rule, accounts requested should be kept to a minimum.

But because we are accountable as nationalists, of our rank and file while maintaining a vigilance on elite betrayal and liberal internationalism, we are therefore able to cooperate with our left nationalist friends, such as the Chinese and other left nationalists, against right wing / liberal imperialism as it would be imposed by Jewish interests along with their right wing/liberal White cohorts and their Muslim and black shock troop enforcers.

Finally, the Chinese term, White Left, that has been in vogue in China since about 2011 to label White/Jewish Cultural Marxists/liberals, is a word spoken in Chinese; while we speak English and take full advantage of our capacity to define White Left Nationalism as we see fit, and have done that, consistently.

It is entirely different from liberalism and cultural Marxism. Rather it is true security in what is most important and true liberation for our people, our sovereignty as such.

If anything, the Chinese use of the term “White Left” as a smear only confirms Jewish hegemony over prevailing and pervasive discourse – with cultural Marxism reaching its apex during the final days of television’s pre-eminence (a horrible situation where this TV box issued propaganda and you could not talk back, interact and correct what it was saying) in the early 1990’s after the fall of The Soviet Union and before the advent of the internet. The dialectic between Jewish left and Jewish right began a slow, controlled evolution away from the Marxist culture of critique following the fall of communism; and went into full swing in the other direction of Jewish controlled dialectic, with the sub-prime crisis of 2008, as Jewish consolidation of power niches made criticism of “the right” no longer to their advantage, now that they were on top of seven power niches –  critique of the right began to “intersect” against their interests – i.e., a continued critique of the right and popularization of a friendly disposition toward a left perspective would highlight their unjust power and influence; as such would call for unionized alliances against them. Hence, they have marshaled the hegemony of discourse more and more against “the left”, with the spearhead “Alternative Right.” At this point, they have so successfully hoodwinked the masses it seems the YKW have everybody constantly ranting against “the left” …how convenient, what a Cohencidence!

Of course they rattle on with a bunch of cliches – typically accusing us of trying to apply artificial concepts to nature, of being anti-nature, being on an impossible quest for “equality”; and they constantly interpose straw men as opposed to what we are really saying – saying cultural Marxism and liberalism are “the left” – when, in fact, these “movements” are the opposite of left activism, the opposite for White unionization, anyway – i.e., anything but a “White Left.”

But they carry on with these cliches and ridiculous distortions that cultural Marxism has promulgated, oblivious to the fact that we are not guilty of the theoretical errors, gross distortions of hermeneutics and social contructionism, the flagrant violation of scientific fact that they point to as examples of “our perfidy” in advance of their newly (((consecrated))) heroic bastion of truth and anti-PC, the “Right” and “Alt-Right.” 

And so I say to my Left Nationalist Chinese comrades, with a wink at that term, comrade, what you are calling “White Left” is not a White left at all, but cucked Whites and cucking Jews who are imposing liberalism and cultural Marxism upon the west, opening its bounds and boundaries with the aim now of aligning its right wing reaction against Muslim “extremists”, “Hispanics” and Asians.

The Left as liberalism is an oxymoron that the regular right and Alt Right slavishly partakes of, as their Jewish flank does and would have them do. A White Left (ethno) Nationalism observes the principle of unionization, its recognition and maintenance of in and out groups, which is the opposite of liberalism and its arbitrary doing away with any such provision for accountability to unionized bounds and borders.

To repeat in sum, the Chinese slur ‘White Left’ as a designator of Cultural Marxism and its liberal activism shows Jewish discourse hegemony and influence, its diversion from true White Left Nationalism. It is a testimony to Jewish hegemony in discourse heretofore and how much they don’t want a true White left.

It is a reflection really, of how much the YKW and their right wing cohorts, sell outs, loyalists to their elitist ilk, whatever, don’t want us to have a concept of a proper White Left, unionization of our peoples to provide for social accountability and vigilance on elite betrayal as such, in a way that right wing, objectivist and otherworldly criteria do not provide – they propose disingenuous and naive avoidance of social accountability.

It just goes to show how comprehensive that the Jews have been in denying a White left, in cucking the very notion, that they have the vast nation of China calling White liberals and cultural Marxists, “the White Left”

Jewish misdirection agent, Lauren Southern,, with Black Pigeon Speaks prior to his unmaskng.
Maybe Black Pigeon Speaks isn’t Jewish, but I’d want to see a DNA test to prove that, both for reasons of what he says and for how he looks – seems quite Jewish on both counts. And yes, he fits well, even if ad hoc, with the Jewish marketing campaign of Jewish hegemonic interests against “the left” – particularly in this propaganda piece to promote the Chinese slur of liberalism and cultural Marxism as “White Left.”

Along with the deception of hegemonic Jewish discourse, one by which they are doing all they can to align White advocacy with their Jewish interests against “the left”, one must also take into account the fact that if Jewish crypsis can fool White people into not making a distinction between Whites and Jews, think how much more their crypsis would fool Chinese!

Kumiko Oumae: That (esteemed Red color) is non ironically what they’re growing up around

Kumiko Oumae: Also, the yellow stuff symbolises the ethnic groups.

daniel sienkiewicz: Anyway, for now, its most important for me to be internally consistent, which I am.

Kumiko Oumae: Eg, the big yellow star flanked by four little stars on the China flag, is Han Chinese plus ethnic minorities

daniel sienkiewicz: So they are claiming “left nationalism” for red and yellow?

daniel sienkiewicz: and not left internationalism in the Jewish sense?

daniel sienkiewicz: as in eradication or withering away of the state on behalf of the international workers union?

It just goes to show how comprehensive that the Jews have been in controlling the discourse so as to deny a White left, because they know how serviceable that a proper definition of the term would be – they’ve tried to cuck the very term and have the vast nation of China calling White liberals and Cultural Marxists, “the White left.”

However, adding the term “Nationalist”, and more specifically “ethnonationalist” to the term White Left, helps greatly to counter its being misunderstood as liberal or cultural Marxist. That helps, along with our internal consistence and its reliable heuristic utility indeed.

It is a reflection really, of how much the YKW and their right wing cohorts, sell outs to their nation/ loyalists to their elitist ilk, whatever, don’t want us to have a concept of a proper White left, unionization of our peoples to ensure accountability and vigilance on elite betrayal; how irresponsible they are to the nations which birthed them and to the means by which nationhood would provide for the human and pervasive ecology necessary for world maintenance. 

Some background on the Jewish hatred of the White working class:

Kevin MacDonald: on Jewish hatred of the White working class.

In Europe, the Jews saw the White working class turn to Hitler and “national socialism” as opposed to Marxist communism as they felt the White workers should do.

In America, the White workers were contented in making sufficient money, if not as “millionaires who’d not yet arrived.”

Hence the Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxism.

With the “activist” supreme courts advancing school desegregation, ‘civil rights’, reverse housing discrimination, affirmative action, government work, welfare abuse and a pervasive rule structure of PC, i.e, cultural Marxism, it is more than legitimate to look at “institutional racism” – i.e., anti-social classification and unionization – as being against Whites, especially rank and file, the White class not in position nor inclined to sell out full class (i.e., racial/national) interests.



1 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 08:23 | #

One difference that I’m seeing in this definition of White Left, as defined in our interests, as distinguished from classical liberalism, is that classical liberalism seemed to emphasize benevolent and rather blindly administered accountability from administrators of the state and institutions; whereas, in this concept of White Left Nationalism, there would be more emphasis on accountability working both ways – rank and file would be accountable to the ethno nation state, i.e., to the union of its people as well. And elite administration would be accountable to not be quite so altruistically benevolent and blind in its administration of help beyond ethno-national loyalty and interests.

Where it would help non-nationals, it would generally be there – in their nations – and it would be a matter of the silver rule (as opposed to the golden ruse, er, rule); i.e., it would be to our benefit as well.

2 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 09:38 | #

There is eminently good reason to begin with a social outlook – as opposed to the right wing reaction against sociology, perhaps on theory of some magical “Calvinist”, as opposed to social sourcing, e.g. –

Daniel A

whites have too much power = sociology / critical theory

Social constructionism sensitizes us to social interaction, accountability, agency and the conceptualization of the group; along with critical attention to those who might betray our group interests, membership and social capital.

Which is exactly the heuristic sensitization that we need and exactly what Jewish interests don’t want us to have.

Furthermore, with attention to the group unit of analysis, one is placing not only emphasis on that unit of analysis which Jewish interests are targeting for elimination (anti racism is anti group classification for Whites), but is maintaining the more speculative, delicate, difficult to maintain and precious historical, systemic bounds – aligning rather like one of Kant’s first principles – these are harder to maintain and harder to rebuild once violated. Therefore, most important to maintain, while empirical verification and testing can always be invoked. Thus, better to err in the direction of “principles”, i.e., with sensitization to the social group and its systemic bounds.

In viewing Tim Snyder’s discussions, I am proud to find confirmed my assessment of Hitler’s remiss, his runaway war mongering consisting in a kind of natural fallacy and disregard of praxis – its reconciliation and integration with theory all better philosophers sought in counter to the enlightenment’s prejudice against prejudice.

For Hitler, “nation” and “peoplehood’ was supposed to be a purely “natural” struggle for survival. Any social or negotiated concern was “Jewish.”

In fact, to be against the social unit of analysis and its integration is not only dangerous, it is particularly stupid. It’s a bit like like saying “a telescope is bad” and “only a microscope is good.” Particularly stupid when what we need is “the telescope” in order to monitor our broader patterns, the destruction done and potentially yet to come. It is further stupidity to deny the telescope when the telescope user welcomes contributions from the microscope user.

We all know that the YKW have abused sociology, that is all the more reason to take hold of the group unit of analysis, not to deny it – god, how stupid to not see that!

3 Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 09:56 | #

I became aware of the term “baizuo” earlier this year after reading this article..

The author makes some interesting observations, for example most anti-baizou netizens live in the West and support Trump. 

4 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 10:17 | #

..and again, a reason to maintain the term “left” is that it is closely related in ordinary language not only with group perspective, social unionization and accountability, but with a reasonable accountability to the normalcy of human imperfection, struggle, agency and compassion therefore. By contrast, the right wing is justifiably associated with an alarmingly oblivious lack of accountability and lack of reasonable compassion for its objectivism.

Given that European intelligence likely corresponds with a level of sublimation requisite of imperfection, high social trust and social accountability as opposed to the hyper assertiveness of black symmetry, it is particularly important that we take hold of this position – as “White left nationalists” –  as it is natural to ourselves, and sufficiently relativising of our interests, which we need as antidote to Jewish exploitation of our penchant for right wing objectivism; along with that, a susceptibility to react into head long, impervious, unaccountable right wing overcompensation, (as Hitler did) to the point of stupidity – a brutal stigma which the YKW are all too happy to altercast, hence their insistence on our identifying with the right, far right and alternative right.

…and to falsely equate the left and its accountability and compassion as if it is, or should be, primarily concerned with obsequious liberalism, jealousy of excellence, concerned for those without the group, as opposed to primarily focused within group and coordination broadly with other, friendly groups.

5 Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 19:33 | #

Chinese think spergs white knighting for jap pussy are retards.  But will not turn down offer of Siberia regardless. Thanks, suckers!  Lulz

6 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 23:25 | #

I guess there’s a difference between “white knighting” and remaining aloof from fights over Siberia – particularly beyond Lake Baikal, it gets hard to defend as an ethno-state; even worse when it comes to Sakhalin island.

I don’t think my geopolitical position is based wholly on pussy, CC – in fact, like most White Americans, having been abused enough by American women, I’ve had a tendency to give Russia too much benefit of the doubt for that reason; and am probably ahead of a good percentage of WN in correcting for naivete about the Russian Federation.

Seriously now, and more to the point, I had not given Siberia a great deal of attention – it was sort of beyond the scope of something I could do anything about, even if there weren’t other matters that needed tending.

If ethno-nationals want allies then what they are seeking in alliance has to be reasonable.

Having said that, happy New Year CC, wishing you the best White pussy imaginable my friend!


One concept that I've floated is that Europeans and Asians might aspire to a reverse image hosting of enclaves of the other into their respective areas of general control.


 Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:57 | #


Ethnic nationalism is not an imperialism.  Actually, up to the point when some enemy emerges with ideas about taking one’s own land for its empire, ethnic nationalism sits perfectly well with the core principle of humanitarianism (which I quoted in a post the other day).  That principle is formulated best in Matthew 7:12 which, in the KJV reads: whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them.  Certainly, nations who do not wish for the dysgenesis of perpetual warfare can operate on that basis

 Posted by Greggy presents for Black Pigeon Speaks on Mon, 08 Oct 2018 10:49 | #

…meanwhile, Greg Johnson is being interviewed and giving most fawning appreciation to the man that he formerly referred-to as “douche-bag” – Ramszpaul.

Ramszpaul asks Greggy about the apparent contradiction between how “The Left” welcomes immigration – wouldn’t that be against working class interests?

Greggy explains to us that “The Left’ has long ago given up on the White working class. They see the White working class as the same kind of people who voted for Adolf Hitler.”

Perhaps Greggy doesn’t want to focus on the fact that these are the same types who fought Hitler in far greater numbers, as that would not highlight his niche market…of big, strong, hunky, middle class Aryan man whom he can simply devour.

Apropos to Ramzpaul’s final suggestion, he presents his right wing rear for entryism, he would be most happy to talk with Ramzpaul and (((Black Pigeon Speaks))) together, because he just loves Black Pigeon Speaks.

“The Chinese have the Western Left Nailed”

“Baizuo”. By Tucker Carlson.

The Chinese know our leaders well. In fact, they have a name for our self-hating professional class. They call them “baizuo.” The rough translation from Mandarin is “White liberal,” and it is definitely not a compliment.

Chinese state media describes baizou as people who, “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment, who have no sense of real problems in the real world, who only advocate for peace and equality to satisfy their own feelings of moral superiority, and who are so obsessed with political correctness that they tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.”

As Chinese state media notes, “former United States President Obama was considered an advocate of baizuo ideology.” So is “German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than one million third-world immigrants to Europe.”

Other observations about baizuo, as reported by Chinese state media, include the fact that they “advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions.” Baizuo’s political opinions are “so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality.”

According to one scholar from Peking University, “baizuo are phony and hypocritical and will make the situation in the West go from bad to worse.” And so on. Talk about insight, they know our leaders well.

According to Wikipedia, many Chinese internet users use the term “baizuo” to “criticize the Democratic Party’s emphasis on affirmative action policies [which are] perceived as discriminating against Asians.

Whatever you think of the Chinese, they’re definitely not stupid, and they’re on to something there. Affirmative action hurts Asians. That’s true and everyone knows it. Easy enough to see for anyone with eyes. It’s as if they read the Wentworth Report:

Here’s the monologue:

Light on Racial Accountability From Asia

Since I am paying more attention to things Asian as a result of Kumiko’s participation here, a couple of videos and a composition of Facebook comments relevant and illustrative of issues that I have been discussing have come to my attention.

Asian illustrations of..

1. Advised social confirmation and elevation: of the value of ordinary routine practices; in this case, participation in social routine.

2. Bad parenting advice: “You are from Sweden” and simply Swedish by proposition – abrogates racial accountability and leaves one susceptible to Jewish trolling for racial divisiveness and strife instead. Why the suspicion of Jewish trolling? Because of a salient example…

3. A composition of fake tweets: attributed to Americans apparently mocking the atomic bombing of Japan:

Captioned “stay ‘classy’ America” – the fraud and motive to create a division between Whites and East Asians is traceable to Jewish motives.

Coming to these examples throwing light on racial accountability from Asia, one at a time –

1. Advised celebration of ordinary routine:

Kumiko likes Korean and Japanese pop music videos and she showed me this Japanese one.

Participation in..

..routine social service..

If WN can show bearance upon what might otherwise be construed as an appeal to yellow fever by the presentation of this video, there is actually bearing upon an important point that I made in my article about “the dark side of self actualization” and how to otherwise moderate and optimize actualization.

That is to say, one thing that needs to happen in our re-socialization of actualization is for the value of individual self actualization to become part of a rotating and optimizing process of attention, to where it does not always and statically occupy the top of a hierarchy. That over-emphasis has, of course, destabilized and lent to the rupture of our racial/social systemic homeostasis. The inference I’ve made is that one of the aspects of actualization that needs to be constructed, elevated in importance and encouraged to enjoy is not only a sufficient amount of routine but also routine cooperative social participation in our tried and true practices and procedures. That will not only allow us to learn and develop skills from our forebears, to cultivate them, but it is also necessary to create a platform for elaboration and innovation; i.e., it is prerequisite and socially as important as actualization.

This video shows a song and dance of girls in Japanese postal service uniforms. The point that I am trying to make is that celebrative or otherwise reverential treatment like this, of the ordinary and social routine, might help to emphasize sufficient sufficience, so to speak, in enjoyment of necessary but ordinary social routines, unions, trade guilds, syndicates and with it, an elevation of appreciation of ordinary necessity so that it is not dwarfed nor its vital necessity discouraged by singular social appreciation and veneration of the extraordinary and the sacred.

I hypothesize this elevating celebration of routine (in this case social) practices as one side of the necessary elevation of the social esteem of routine (first of all, you have to know a rule, or at least some sense of it before you can break it/innovate from it); another side of “routine” elevation would be ceremony and sacral treatment of exemplary practices.

2. Bad parenting advice: The oriental woman in this video was adopted by Swedish parents and brought-up with that idea that she is “simply Swedish, the same as any other Swede”, by proposition.

If she were taught that she was an adopted girl of Korean descent, who was and should be welcomed as counting of a manageable, benign but accountable enclave of Swedish nationals, she would have an efficient enough explanation at her disposal to discharge most conflict on the issue.

By contrast, there is insufficient accountability in insistence upon her parents well meaning but bad advice – simply asserting that she is Swedish just like all other Swedes.

She sets herself up for abuse

Adopted by Swedish parents and growing up in Sweden, she responds to the question from a Swedish man, “where are you from?” that she is “from Sweden.” The man responds in turn, “no, where are you really from?”

She takes this as an example of “racism” and tries to correct the man in the motive she perceives of his question, answering that she is “Swedish just like every other Swedish national” – as her parents taught her.

However, I’d guess that the man’s question was not “racist” in a negative sense. Yes, it was racial in the sense that he was trying to get an accurate sense of how to classify her, but why? Because he thought negatively of her and of her being in Sweden? Probably not.

He was quite possibly asking her for one or all of the following three reasons:

a) He found her attractive and wanted to know where her sort was from for future and general reference.

b) He found her attractive and saw the question as an opportunity for an ice breaker.

c) If she answered, “Korea”, chances are that he would enjoy showing his good-will toward her, by confirming her honest account and her people as really OK, and that as a part of a reasonable and accountable number of her kind of immigration, take occasion to show support for her participation with Sweden.

That is to say, what the man was doing was “racism” by definition in the sense that he was attempting to classify people genetically (not doing the mere liberal thing of pretending to be blind to racial classifications but judging people instead by propositions), but it was, in all likelihood, a benign kind of classifying, motivated by respect and a wish for accountability.

Because she treated it as “racism”, i.e., classification for negative motives, she attempted to denounce it and hide behind the well meaning but fundamentally dishonest advice of her parents that as a propositional Swede she was the same as an evolutionary Swede.

As such she denies the possibility of honest accountability that would serve to limit negative treatment of her in Sweden and gain her support from those who have an honest concern for the management of native Swedes.

Instead, for denying accountability and denouncing the account requested as “racist” she sets herself up for abuse from at least two kinds in particular.

She will perhaps get some abuse from jealous and racially concerned Swedes, e.g., Swedish women miffed with yellow fever. That would be understandable if Asian immigration were taken too far at any rate, but when there is no accountability it is likely to be more provocative of the racially sensitive Swede for her to say, “I am the same as you”, have the same history, etc. But even at that, it is probable that she did not really receive much of the gaffe from true Swedish women. What abuse that she got and experienced, with truly saddening pain, most likely came from Jewish trolls looking to stir conflict between Whites and Asians.

She gets abused by what probably are some Jewish trolls trying to provoke conflict between Asians and racially aware Whites:

3. What makes me hypothesize Jewish trolling? viz., that Jewish trolls can be trying to provoke her and provoke conflict between Whites and Asians?:

How about this. Kumiko showed me this composition, supposedly of Facebook posts by American people speaking of their own accord, saying that they are happy that Japan sustained nuclear bomb attacks in WWII and would be quite happy for it to happen again.

I grew up in America and for 34 years spent there never encountered an American who would speak remotely like this about Japan or the atomic bombing of Japan. Furthermore, if one reads these comments it is clear by a careful discourse analysis that the writer of all of these comments is one or a few people. If one is more careful still, to take style and motive into account, the Jewish hand is evident.

Though it may seem like obvious trolling to some of us, unfortunately this was apparently taken seriously by some Japanese audiences and even shown on Japanese news as if it were an honest reflection of American sentiments – when in truth, these are not remotely accurate statements of Americans: Stay classy America? No, stay “classy” with your divide and conquer chutzpah Jews – greatest shame is upon you and we are watching you.

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 10 Feb 2016 02:33 | #

I’m not sure which element of this to begin with first, these are quite diverse issues that you’ve talked about here, so I’ll start with your ‘part 3’ and ‘part 2’.

During that time, the posts on Facebook did look like they were authentic and they did get significant airtime. The same kind of thing happened during the Fukushima crisis, although it was at the time countered by the charitable efforts of the US Army and US Navy who were quite openly offering assistance. The main takeaway that I’ve always gotten from those things is that massive attacks against civilian population groups tend to be deemed almost ‘acceptable’, if those population groups happen to be fascistic at the time. It’s a double standard that liberal countries have been holding since 1945. To what extent those Facebook posts could have been Jews who were trolling us unknown, but at first brush it looks like a diverse cross section of people.

Regarding your ‘part 2’, the woman in the video seems to be trapped between her lack of parents on one hand, and the Swedish liberal ideology on the other. Since her only identity is that of a Swede, by the logic of Swedish liberalism it would seem to her that whoever questions that identity is being ‘racist’, but it would be uncomfortable for her because it would be questioning the validity of the only identity that she’s been taught to hold. I would assume that for an orphaned person who is living in a country she doesn’t come from, it would be as though she is being told that she is ‘nothing’.


 Posted by Soccer daughters on Wed, 10 Feb 2016 22:41 | #

these are quite diverse issues that you’ve talked about here

I bring the two videos and the Facebook composition together on the issue of accountability.

but at first brush it looks like a diverse cross section of people.

It may seem look that way for Japanese. But for an American it would be pretty easy to see common authorship of the ostensibly different commenters.

I can’t say how Americans function under war time circumstances and propaganda, but I have never known ANY American who would talk this way about Japan now. It must have been among a very small group (I mean very small, maybe one, two or three) and a group of people who were in a different demographic from me (female, Jewish, elite women’s college, related to the military). These are the only Americans whom I could even imagine having this kind of attitude toward Japan now. They are are very likely to be Jewish and/or circulating among the sway of Jewish academics and military planners.

To profile the people who wrote these Facebook posts:

Definitely not a diverse group of people.

I’d first guess that they were female

Probably less than four girls who wrote it.

They were in college.

It looks like perhaps two or three American college girls.

They might have some connection to the military and military academies.

They were on a sports team – women’s soccer and other sports.

One or more of them were probably Jewish.

They were generally, but indirectly in this case, influenced by Jewish academics.

They saw Japanese women as particularly formidable competition in regard to men, politics, business and perhaps more..

They were probably high achievers and not used to losing.

They were intimidated and angered by the success of Japanese students.

When encountering them, perhaps in a Polysci class, they were upset by the perspective of the Japanese students on the subject of world war II as it was different and went outside of the PC “cathedral” as some call it.

When an American woman’s soccer team lost a match to a Japanese team, it came as a surprise to them, compounded and triggered their fear, jealousy and anger.

In reaction, they gathered a variety of names and photos of people in an apparent consensus to try to intimidate and hurt the Japanese student athletes first of all and then any other Japanese who might show similar “insensitivity” to the “Shoah” etc and whose intelligence might not have them cowed into the PC cathedral and to its alter of holocaustianity.


Regarding my analysis of the Korean woman brought up as a Swede, I stand by my it. Not that what you are saying contradicts it, but there is a bit more to it than that, and what the it provides an excellent example of the benign if not necessary use of “racism”, i.e. social classification, and the hazards of trying to do without classification as a means of accountability.


In regard to example one, though the casual observer might wonder why I would call attention to such a video (“Japanese postal workers dancing and singing), it actually does provide an outstanding example of encouraging a socially confirming and consummately rewarding attitude toward social routine and civilian service.

An example of a positive social routine in the west would be 12 step meetings.


 Posted by mancinblack on Sat, 31 Dec 2016 22:48 | #

“A senior Israeli government official has posted online comments on Facebook saying he is “sick” of commemorations for the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings…” (2013)

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jewish American Soccer Daughters

    I don’t speak Japanese, but I’m confident that this news item can’t be trusted to give the Japanese people a fair and accurate report on race relations in the United States:





    My distrust is based on other, what was to me, clear disinformation propaganda apparently put together by some Jewish American college girls miffed at having lost a soccer game to a Japanese team.

    Unfortunately, it does not even matter that this was obviously not even state level disinformation from the US. It’s obvious falsity is nevertheless not recognized through translation, such that it was even run in Japanese media.

    Since I am paying more attention to things Asian as a result of Kumiko’s participation, a couple of videos and a composition of Facebook comments relevant and illustrative of issues that I have been discussing have come to my attention.

    Coming to an example throwing light on racial account requested from Asia –

    1) A composition of fake tweets: attributed to Americans apparently mocking the atomic bombing of Japan:

    Captioned “stay ‘classy’ America” – the fraud and motive to create a division between Whites and East Asians is traceable to Jewish motives.

    What makes me hypothesize Jewish trolling? viz., that Jewish trolls can be trying to provoke her and provoke conflict between Whites and Asians?:

    1) How about this. Kumiko showed me this composition, supposedly of Facebook posts by American people speaking of their own accord, saying that they are happy that Japan sustained nuclear bomb attacks in WWII and would be quite happy for it to happen again.

    I grew up in America and for 34 years spent there never encountered an American who would speak remotely like this about Japan or the atomic bombing of Japan. Furthermore, if one reads these comments it is clear by a careful discourse analysis that the writer of all of these comments is one or a few people. If one is more careful still, to take style and motive into account, the Jewish hand is evident.

    Though it may seem like obvious trolling to some of us (some Jewish American college girls, miffed at having lost soccer game to Japanese students), unfortunately this was apparently taken seriously by some Japanese audiences and even shown on Japanese news as if it were an honest reflection of American sentiments – when in truth, these are not remotely accurate statements of Americans: Stay classy America? No, stay “classy” with your divide and conquer chutzpah Jews – greatest shame is upon you and we are watching you.

    I haven’t found an image yet, but in Poznan Poland’s Memorial Park (same place as the 50) there is a giant monument to the Japanese victims of the Atomic bombings in WWII.

  2. Chinese slur, "Baizuo", means "White liberal"

    The Chinese have the Western Left Nailed:

    “Baizuo”. By Tucker Carlson.

    The Chinese know our leaders well. In fact, they have a name for our self-hating professional class.

    They call them “baizuo.” The rough translation from Mandarin is “White liberal,” and it is definitely not a compliment.

    Chinese state media describes baizou as people who, “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment, who have no sense of real problems in the real world, who only advocate for peace and equality to satisfy their own feelings of moral superiority, and who are so obsessed with political correctness that they tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.”

    As Chinese state media notes, “former United States President Obama was considered an advocate of baizuo ideology.” So is “German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than one million third-world immigrants to Europe.”

    Other observations about baizuo, as reported by Chinese state media, include the fact that they “advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions.” Baizuo’s political opinions are “so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality.”

    According to one scholar from Peking University, “baizuo are phony and hypocritical and will make the situation in the West go from bad to worse.” And so on. Talk about insight, they know our leaders well.

    According to Wikipedia, many Chinese internet users use the term “baizuo” to “criticize the Democratic Party’s emphasis on affirmative action policies [which are] perceived as discriminating against Asians.

    Whatever you think of the Chinese, they’re definitely not stupid, and they’re on to something there. Affirmative action hurts Asians. That’s true and everyone knows it. Easy enough to see for anyone with eyes. It’s as if they read the Wentworth Report:

    Here’s the monologue:

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