Imperative to replace Golden Rule of Altruism with Silver Rule of Reciprocity… for European Moral Order

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DNANations prefers to deal with verifiable reality as opposed to speculative theory and faith based systems of rules as we look after the interests of our people. We are looking after genetic groupings and genetic interests as key criteria, even if these are not the only important verifiable criteria to keep track of our peoplehood and that of others. Rationale and rule structures are another criteria for that purpose.

While existence is of course equiprimordial to genetic interests, to secure it for any span and legacy requires rationale and varying degrees of sophistication to negotiate complex rule structures of interaction. “Rules” (1) are the term of common currency that we will use for the logics of meaning and action that people use to negotiate interaction and these complex, protracted exchanges beyond episode, close personal relationships in yield to maturity of their full social system; and its relation to other social systems.

For those of us who are coming from this kind of perspective, where we perceive ourselves as rationally and empirically grounded, it is difficult to understand someone like pastor David Blackburn, his love of Jesus that would have him not only forgive, but want to share his love of Jesus with the men who raped and murdered his wife and unborn child; but to my knowledge, he is at least not hoping to get them released from prison.

It is even more difficult to understand European peoples allowing, even welcoming foreign incursions into The U.K., Sweden, France and Germany – it is difficult to fathom the mindset of a Merkel, who would destroy our European peoples in service to non-Europeans. But there is one rule, convoluted rule, that they have in common and makes their position intelligible to us despite their apparent irrationality.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The (((Red Caping))) of the European Moral Order causes Whites to chase after an obsequious, self destructive purity spiral or reject "morals" altogether as "nonsense", as our moral order became synonymous with Christian nonsense.

The Golden Rule is a part of the Sermon on the Mount, which is a central text in the Christian faith. It states: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. There are similar instructions in many other cultures.

Despite receiving high respect and wide popularity, the rule raises critical questions. What is the recommendation more exactly, and is it good advice?

This quote from him and the post overall, was to prepare a discussion of the work of Professor Jan Tullberg; after initially agreeing to talk, he shied away – and it is understandable – as he was apparently concerned for his position as I am not given to be circumspect with regard to the J.Q. 

Anyway, I had intended for a discussion of the difference between the golden rule of benevolence as opposed to the silver rule of reciprocity – as it applies to assist in reconstruction of necessary consensus of moral rules among European peoples and for coordinating our relations to others.


There is a consensus among advocates of European peoples that in essence we seek to secure the existence of our people. There is much dispute over how that is to be done…

One significant camp believes that the fight for existence is all important and any traditions and customs of morals must yield to whatever is necessary for our people’s survival. They believe that they are merely describing what “is” when they observe nature and see creatures struggling for resources against others and that it is quite the same for human nature. The determining factor in what creature survives and thrives is not who is the nicest and most moral to others, but who is the strongest, most intelligent, most cunning, resilient, those mighty enough to be independent of morality and social restraints against their self interests: might makes right. They do have a moral rule structure of sorts: anybody who tries to impose a moral rule structure is immoral – defending the dangerously weak and resentful.

While nature is ruthlessly objective and indifferent as to who is mighty and who is right to survive and thrive, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we should strive to be purely objective and indifferent. Nature and what is mighty by itself doesn’t care about us or the relationships that we care about. Moreover, the world of competition that this school of thought sees as pervasive is not altogether descriptive of the reality, particularly not on the more human levels of interaction; cooperation descriptively abounds on all levels of reality as well. Even so, we ought to take into account what works factually, not only whom we’d like to win and how we might like cooperation to be. Might makes right does resonate of reality against much of our default wishful thinking.

There is a lot of truth to might makes right. And it is more than worthwhile, it is necessary even, to circle back as frequently as need be when things are not going right for your genetic interests to examine what is the case – what are “the mighty doing ‘right” that gives them might where we are losing out? A little of Nietzsche’s cynicism in asking the “who?” question was, and remains, necessary in order to throw off the yoke of petty moralism that can keep our hands tied behind our backs before our enemies and despite great possibilities otherwise. But taking that too far, and not understanding our nature and differences as humans can, will be, disastrous. Greg Johnson has noted that in the first epistle of The Republic, Plato refutes “might is right” by the observation that coalitions of “weaker” people can overcome the mighty individual(s).

Inter-group interaction is more complex and less objective than might makes right for most peoples. They are cooperating among themselves and sometimes against us. More in regard to relative interests, I like to point out the fact that our mighty and excellent qualities are not necessarily manifest in an episode, but through protracted patterns; thus, the assessment of who is “mighty” on an episodic basis and by a naive observer – as is wont to happen in the disorder of modernity for its rupturing of patterns though prohibitions of speculative protective social classification – is prone to render us unjustly the loser; losing-out along an under-supported developmental process. There are subtle factors in Neo-Aristotleanism which indicate that for our human nature, “might is right” is perhaps even more insufficient a rule system than it is for others. The assessment of proper European biology in particular must take into account the optimality and sublimation that is part and parcel of our k selective ways and its description, but also something to be protected in “oughtness” – as a matter of what distinguishes our kind of humanity and its excellence.

Indeed we are biological creatures evolved for optimal not maximal need satisfaction; mammals, evolved to care about relationships; second order cybernetic systems who can reflect on long term consequences of actions, can consider alternatives and learn new responses; coherence, accountability, warrant and agency are part and parcel of our human condition, as it is, inextricably enmeshed in praxis – social and other interaction – where there are reflexive effects; and to try to ignore or reduce this, our human complexity, to try to closely assimilate the less reflexive survival drives of non-human creatures, or perhaps even try to assimilate the non-biological world of forces and impacts, is to reduce our chances for survival against forces of competing people, systems and reality. The unit of survival is beyond organism plus group, as Darwin conceived it, and more like human group ecology plus pervasive ecology.

This neo-Aristotlean calibration which establishes necessary feedback to put circuit breakers on Nietzschean toxicity and the systemic runaway that we are currently in the throes of as a people is lacking critically in Hitler’s world view, the “might is righters” and the scientistically  Dawinistic.

It is a consequent of The Enlightenment project for objectivity; and though the necessary Post Modern turn was underway particularly after World War I, it did not take hold enough to stave off a second world war so catastrophic for our people. And since World War II our people have remained bamboozled by the YKW who have some of their people espousing a modernist “objectivist” view where it suits them to avoid accountability; though more typically in recent decades, they’ve espoused a pseudo-post modernist view, “represented” by anti-White groups in coalitions wielding absurd propositions. Because the YKW have so effectively misrepresented the post modern turn, social constructionism and hermeneutics – its simple, salutary effect of negotiating the good and bad aspects of both tradition and modernity – most of our people are unclear about the necessity of the post modern turn, its difference, and they default into modernist ways or neo-traditionalism.

The majority of our people probably remain modernists, which suits the YKW just fine because our quest for objectivity is, well, blind or partly blind to our relative interests; an objectivist logic of meaning and action is short on accountability to our people as our people. The YKW will promote this in a morality of liberalism while the naive and disingenuous will go along with it.

Others can’t be satisfied to shrug-off the personal abuse they’ve experienced or the destruction with impunity of the ways and people that they hold dear; they often attribute this to a lack of “morals”, a social consensus by necessity, that corresponded to traditions and times when people were more loyal and conscientious. Other than the liberal Enlightenment values that pervade the society they find so repugnant, the only major moral consensus known for centuries by our people has been Christianity. For many Whites, that remains synonymous with morality and the moral order. They fight like mad to re-invoke it, and they are correct that a moral order is imperative. They are not correct that is is the only moral order nor the best suited to our interests.

Nevertheless, to them, typically, you are talking about Christianity or the other self defeating terms of Enlightened modernity – which they might call “secular humanism” – if you are talking about our people’s “morals” or lack thereof.

We’ve discussed how the YKW play the Enlightenment against us, by making us and only us play by its rules – distorting it beyond its rule structure and reason, to the point of absurdity; to where “Modernity’s objectivism” does not name the thing being named, which is more aptly called something like “anti-White”; and they play “Post Modernity” against us by distorting it beyond its rule structure and reason as well, to where everything is “cultural” and “valid” and neither does it name the thing that post modernity is supposed to name – a means to recognize the limits of modernity and objectivism, to reconstruct our people and ways where fine; and to coordinate with others without the narcissism of modernity – but no, YKW “post modernity” designates hideous architecture at best, more often a dada theater of the absurd, freak show putting our resources at risk to arbitrary experimentation as surely as modernity did – for us, really just more modernity. In either case, “modernity” or pseudo, YKW “post modernity”, it is promoted by the YKW so long as it is against us and in their interests. The masters of discourse have controlled the frame and these distortions destructive to our EGI through academia, media and other power niches.

But they have also held sway in “our traditional morality”. We have in prior essays discussed how the YKW control, and have historically controlled ((((the popular media for Goyem in days-gone-by))) the discourse to our detriment through Christianity.

Our people are more likely to have survived in spite of Christianity’s (((nonsense and “logics”))), if you can call it logic, than because of it. Despite the absurdity evident to anyone with common sense, fear, promises of a better world after, tradition, custom and habit, along with intimidating exclusion of contending moral orders, has instilled close associations for many between the term Christianity and the term “morals” – it has been THE MORAL ORDER for Europeans; even unconsciously and memetically to non-believers; steered by the YKW into its Noahide logics irrespective; while its fantastic and ubiquitous churches have been the only known meeting place for a consensus on our moral order: tax free corrals for the sheeple to be indoctrinated into surrendering their resources..

That’s a big problem…

Even if practiced ironically and selectively enough by some to allow them to look after their own and European people’s interests, the logics of the text by itself are against that and will lead many who take the text seriously to rupture – either by their own reading or by the misleading of others – whatever moral order achieved to serve European interests despite the Bible’s (((logics of meaning and action))).

The disillusionment that will come of Christianity for anyone who cares about European people then tends to provoke reactionary anti-moral thinking. But there is a problem even for these anti-moral reactionaries: There is no escaping moral rules. It is a universal truth that between people there will always be some things that are prohibited, some things obligatory and some things which are legitimate but optional; you’ll be confronted and stopped by the logical forces of others within your group or without if you don’t take sufficient account of these rules by consensus.

It is imperative that we consciously determine our moral order, such that it conforms to our EGI or else our moral order will, by default, be determined by those who don’t care about us, or those who are downright enemies. In fact, that has been the case with regard to objectivism and the Abrahamic religions.

I won’t discuss European pagan religions here. They must have had some things right and they must have had some things wrong given the state of knowledge at the times. Furthermore, they tended to be tribal, not racial. Therefore, we are talking about the necessity of creating a new moral order by consensus for Europeans at any rate.

Still, there is this memetic embedding of Christian rules even for those who wish to step out of Christianity and out of its moral order altogether. Christianity has had such a long history as the foundation of our moral order that its rule structures are taken for granted and embedded even in secular institutions and practices. If we are to cure ourselves of its convoluted rule structures which misguide our people, we must go deep to its vital artery, expose it ever on a permanent alter for people to pass by and reject, every day if need be – so that it becomes deeply, habitually known by broad consensus, and felt to be wrong.

I am talking about the Golden Rule. I have mentioned that we needed to replace the Golden Rule with The Silver Rule in the past. But I have gone into nothing like the kind of detail that Professor Jan Tullberg has.

His examination of The Golden Rule of Benevolence versus the Silver Rule of Reciprocity provides a vital step of analysis to purge this poison to our would-be moral order. The excising of this mind cancer tumor is crucial to our people’s ability to coordinate with the rest of the world effectively and to our ultimate survival.

Again, when we are talking about building a consensus for a moral order, we are talking about negotiating rules of prohibition, obligation and legitimacy. We are not talking about “memes”, we are not talking about “thou shalt not kill even where your people’s life depends upon it”, we are not talking about being soft, nice and especially, we are not talking now about altruism to the point of obsequiousness.

We are talking about rules and the most important rule of all, the rule to address first, is The Golden Rule of altruism as it is ensconced in The Sermon on The Mount; and our necessary consensus for The Silver Rule to replace it.

One of the reasons that I have proposed Kant as an intermediary, weening-off step for Christians, is because of his first principle of “unanimity” (to think in agreement with yourself). Christian though Kant was, I saw nothing like that advice in the Bible. Its goes far as an antidote to the poison pill of the golden rule. Still, it does not go as far as the Silver Rule because it does not help to guide social action.

We Europeans are susceptible to the (((Golden Rule))) ruse, especially our Northern adaptations, because we are evolved more to fight the rigors of Augustinian devils – i.e., natural elements and cycles; as opposed to the cunning and rule changing treachery of Manichean devils for which Middle Eastern people are adapted of necessity for resource abundance and inter-tribal warfare.

We want to enjoy our lives and to do what we are good at – fighting Augustinian devils; that is characteristic of our European nature; we don’t want our lives entangled in battles with low I.Q. or worse, high I.Q. Middle Easterners. And we are correct to want to fight Augustinian devils, for those are the ultimate devils which will determine our survival, even if we survive enemy peoples.

Nevertheless, we must survive other peoples and that means dealing with them. The Golden Rule is the opposite of a model for our survival as distinct in relation to other peoples. I submit that the Golden Rule is not moral at all. It has rather the hallmarks of an egregious (((Middle Eastern))) trick. The Silver Rule, on the other hand, is moral, it provides the currency and sets in motion the rule structure by which we can negotiate fair moral relations among our European peoples and with other peoples.

What follows is a letter in appeal to Professor Jan Tullberg for help and an interview…

Dear Professor Tullberg,

I am writing you on behalf of Majorityrights, a site dedicated to the genetic interests and human ecologies of European peoples.

We are very interested in your article – The Golden Rule of Benevolence versus the Silver Rule of Reciprocity – and would like to excerpt parts of it on our website, Majorityrights.

Would you consider talking with us? Even if to be critical of our approach (not that you necessarily would or should be)? Working toward a consensus regarding a moral order for European peoples which overcomes the obsequiousness of what has held the position of our moral order – viz. Christianity – is imperative to the defense of our peoples, acutely now, in evidence by the migration crisis.

I have long maintained the position that our moral order is troubled and in need of re-ordering – including the fact that it is crucial that we do away with the The Golden Rule and replace it with The Silver Rule. But I merely scratched the surface of that and that is a part of why your work is so interesting to me and so relevant to our project at Majorityrights in defense of European peoples.

We have two questions for you in that regard –

1) Could you possibly offer some advice, perhaps participate as we work around your article?

2) Would you be willing to speak with us for an interview?

These are urgent matters and we sincerely hope for your affirmative response to our request,

Daniel Sienkiewicz,


Here is a close approximation of the somewhat protracted addendum that I had penned, but did not include in the email to Prof. Tullberg:

In regard to your article The Golden Rule of Benevolence versus the Silver Rule of Reciprocity as it pertains to our website, Majorityrights

MR dnanations is highly appropriate to present this material of yours, as it has always been dedicated to the rational interests of European peoples and the correction of theoretical errors which run counter to those interests – but this is especially appropriate now – you must be aware as to the urgency for which a European public concerned for their interests need to understand this material.

European peoples have had difficulty with the basic assertion of the existential reality of their identity, the legitimacy of their interests as distinguished from forces indifferent and dissolutive: whether a result of flighty and scientistic objectivism; subjective participation in international capital; or as distinguished from people indifferent to their systemic existence; even as distinguished from those antagonistic to their existence – who would seek to deny the reality of their discreet existence in order to weaken their collective identity and defense.

I naturally believe that we do exist as a people, that we do have legitimate interests in our evolution, human ecology and habitat, but I’ve experienced difficulty in organizing and gaining adherence to such fundamental defense for absence of and disruption of a coherent moral order to which our people might subscribe and expect accountability (to and from) – a rule structure which would observe that there are outsiders, not merely entitled to interact and participate on the same level taken for granted by those sharing our particular moral order.

I have either been confronted with that difficulty or sundry forms of right-wing anti-social snobbery – typically, arguments of the “naturalistic” kind; that nature determines these things and discussion of social terms is nonsense.

Despite that, in attempting to construct frameworks to deal with the problem of this disorder I have, like yourself, seen a great deal of explanatory and diagnostic power in ordinary language – it is a helpful starting point to detect patterns of shared discursive currency as they are taken for granted but serve through time to reveal and parse what moral ordering that we have remaining – open ended, subject to dissolution though it is, as you know.

While there are patterns in our ordinary language, they are confused in important regards. “The Left” is understood beneath ordinary language as unionized defense of peoples – except when applied to European peoples: for them it means the liberal opening of borders – only others, apparently, are allowed to unionize, and European peoples accept this. In contradiction to the fundamental meaning of leftism (unionized interest), European “leftists” are liberal, altruistically concerned for others; and the term left and liberal is used interchangeably when applied to them though it is really a contradiction of terms.

Objections to this paradoxic terminology and systemically self destructive performance requirements are met with charges of “racism, sexism and other ism’s” from those antagonistic to Whites – these charges have been overwhelming in decades following WWII – while all resistance is called “right-wing.” Since all social unionization has been closed-off as “left” or “racist”, people with implicit concern for European defense have had a tendency to go where their historical successes and comforts have lain, further to what is called “the far right”, in exaggerated forms of scientitic Cartesianism, or into the “morality” of Christianity, or some other sort of obsequious secular liberalism – but further from rationally accountable social organization and “unionization” of themselves.

Where I have tried to encourage our people to organize as a unionized “White Left”, in our interests, our people, in their individualistic and conditioned ways, have resisted, remain reactionary and try to conceive of me as doing the enemies bidding; perhaps this serves to preserve their position presiding over pet right wing projects, coordinating only feebly though they might through these “naturalistic” and essentially anti-social rule structures.

However, we cannot place hope that the arbitrary fallout of natural flux will judge in favor of our people’s just survival, let alone can we place faith in “divine providence” to rule as such, but we must instead take initiative to defend ourselves consciously, rationally, in a way that can be understood by the critical masses necessary to participate in our coherent defense: that requires the promulgation of a shared rule structure. Where people are not scared-off from social participation by the non-accountability of right-wing strictures, universalistic philosophies and Christianity in particular have been a bane of such organization.

Like yourself, I have seen the inculcation of the Golden Rule as a central problem against our defense; and that it is imperative to replace it with The Silver Rule. However, I had been thinking of The Silver rule in terms of “not doing unto others” – which you describe as merely a lower grade Golden Rule, while observing that the Silver Rule is rather a crucial matter of reciprocity – the importance of which the Golden Rule denies.  In fact, I have merely scratched the surface of the issue and went into nothing remotely like the depth and elaboration that you have in parsing these rules and illustrating the importance of the distinction as you have in your article.

Our peoples are in trouble for not being able to defend themselves as a biosystemic entity, for their evolved proclivity to objective struggle against nature as opposed to ethnocentric rivalries (with others peoples, who ARE geared to ethnocentric rivalries); for the naive susceptibility to the golden rule for those who would surrender their side perhaps to mimick a signal of innocence and the purity of objectivist values – which they might hope to find codified in religion; or in rational blindness to self interest for those who prefer to place faith in the hope that more impartial scientific pursuit will yield sufficient results.

But again, we are not only subject to dissolution as a result of our own blindness or self and kin negligence. We are subject to antagonism and rhetorical assault by those who do act in their ethnocentric interests. On the highest level of abstraction in antagonism to our organization as a people, we are under rhetorical attack under the rubric of anti-racism by the so called “left”; and if we react negatively against that charge, as “right wingers”, in response to the denunciation of our asserted self interests, then, indeed, ordinary language sorts out the rightist tendencies to further pursue the abstract, “factual” and the scientistically, quantitatively measurable – “Non-equality” – some people are just better according to a singular universal criteria; that’s the way it is, no arguments need apply; arguments and considering different ways of life and priorities are for ((them))) anyway. Or they seek concepts beyond social negotiation and rhetorical trammel in the realm of faith…but anti social, and likely to end in reciprocally escalating conflict either way – science or religion: not based with an eye toward praxis – people in interaction and accountable to one another as the prime determination and consideration.

The lack of accountability to social organization that results is a great deal more like liberalism and universalism – more like the golden rule – than it is like a unionization of interests.

While it is taken as a response to the left, it is indeed a reaction to other “lefts”, their unions of self interest. This has been a maneuvering of those who fear “White” collective organization – and those who fear such unionization meet any such motion to White organization with a myriad of tactics to counter and subvert it.

One of those tactics I have touched upon: they have represented leftist coalitions as strictly being the way of those who are antagonistic or conflictual of European people, and that makes it additionally difficult to persuade European people who are by nature against, or who have been conditioned against, collectivism of the the left – particularly as these unions have been made didactic in one form or another, ranging from the Soviet Union, to PC and social justice warriors, to National Socialism, organization in racial defense amounts to what has been through ordinary language called Marxist or racist.

However, long standing promulgation of the terms that European people who defend themselves as European people are to be identified as “right wing” and even “far right wing” is only a preliminary difficulty in getting them to organize their defense.

Where the quest for “innocence” in objectivity or even the esteem of bringing forth its technological fruits do not predominate in their psyche to incite a selfless ego naive and ripe for exploitation, where these quests for innocence or moral superiority do not translate to self sacrifice and destruction of what systemic happenstance of European human ecology that remains, then the hold over of Christianity – especially the golden rule – does.

While I have long held that the instilling of The Golden rule in European peoples is one of our largest problems and that we desperately need to dislodge it and replace it with the Silver rule, I have gone into nothing like the kind of detail with which you handle the matter in this wonderful essay of yours.

While you have applied this examination mostly to the context of business ethics, we are interested in looking at your study from the context of defending European peoples, who are, as I’m sure you are aware, under an existential threat that can no longer sustain the Golden Rule if we are to survive as a distinct genetic species, a human ecological system among human and other ecological systems.

Nevertheless, merely attempting to “throw moral rules out the window” will not do.  It is not possible, for one thing. There is no such thing as living without at least a semblance of moral order – rules: there will always be some things we can do, some things that are legitimate and some things that are prohibited in any human interaction. Far better that the rules be consciously and broadly understood by all parties concerned. But it is our more fundamental problem still that Europeans barely have a moral order or coherent rules to discard – hence the desperate masses are shown again the “only” way that they know and cling to traditional “morals”  – we know what that means – what semblance of moral order that we have is likely to be Kant at best, but most likely Christianity, and continually revisited by the golden rule which wreaks its havoc. Europeans desperately need morals understood as rules – non-obsequious rules, based in the kind of reciprocity and justice that you advise in rationality and accountability.

I’ve been trying to promote the necessity of a shared moral order as means to protect the human ecologies of genetic Europeans.  Professor Tullberg, you are consummately suited to help take this to the level of scholarship, serious analysis and the prescription necessary in this dark hour.

Thus, I ask of you for the purpose of our defense as European peoples

– can you offer us some feedback at Majorityrights dnanations in regard to this article of yours?

– will you talk to us? Even if to be critical of our approach?

– Will you help us to save Swedish people, Sweden, Europe and European peoples?

(1) Rules are a highly serviceable as they are abstract and fluid cross-contextually, whereas “memes”, as I understand them, can get us bogged down in concreteness too quickly.

Sconesforme,  05-02-2014, 07:03 PM

In the 1975 the Swedish parliament decided that Sweden should become a multicultural, multiracial and multiethnic country. The face of Sweden was changing in 1975 because of immigration from mainly European countries starting from around 1950. In 1950 – Sweden had 50 Muslims and people would turn their heads if they saw a black person on the street. In 2010 Sweden….


Since the 1980s about a million people have immigrated to Sweden. According to Swedish professor of economy, Jan Tullberg, the Swedish immigration policy cost around 250 billion kronor a year which is 25 percent of the entire government budget. Other researchers have mentioned numbers like 50-150 billion kronor. This is apparently a unique situation because no country in history has changed its demographic balance voluntarily and done so in just a few decades. Sweden has currently a higher immigration per capita than United States had in 1880 which lead to the immigration cap set in 1924.


1 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 27 May 2016 18:47 | #

I’ve done some re-writing on this piece, fixing things that needed to be fixed, shifted one paragraph to another place where it was more coherent. Hence, the piece is better written now and should serve better as it is meant – to act as an overture to a crucial discussion – a discussion that needs to happen between our people. If I have to start it by talking by myself, then so be it; but this is about as important as it gets when it come to matters to be discussed. Therefore, it is to the great shame of anybody who will not participate in this discussion, but especially if they won’t because they have have Hitler, Jeboo in the skye or Jews participating and subverting our discussion as they invariably would.

So, I’m going to sticky this for a little while and will begin to look at some parts of the Tullberg piece that are particularly important to think about and discuss.

2 Posted by reducing options to: serve or be served on Sat, 28 May 2016 09:11 | #

ZeroHedge, “Your Options: To Serve… Or Be Served”, 27 May 2016:

There are three ways for a person to obtain something of value from another person: receive it as a donation, steal it by force or fraud, or exchange for it. It’s not much of an oversimplification to say that the advance of civilization has hinged on its movement from the first two methods to the third. The right to exchange, and the right to promise as part of a future exchange—the right to contract—are now taken for granted, but those rights are delicate and a whole complex of rights, assumptions, and obligations are subsumed by them. Their intellectual foundations are being undermined as the equality of rights implicit in contract and exchange gives way to a regressive inequality of rights: servitude.

3 Posted by argument against pathological altruism on Sat, 28 May 2016 13:47 | #

Good article related to these issues by James Lawrence.

Among good points is the hypothesis that one of the reasons why Whites promote anti-racism – a liberal opening and venturing beyond their genetic group boundaries and borders – is NOT because they are altruistic; they really don’t care about non-Whites. It is rather because they are selfish – they don’t want to be responsible to people who are relatively close in relation.

4 Posted by DanielS on Mon, 30 May 2016 08:38 | #

Until we work out a moral order, viz., a sufficient rule structure of legitimacy, obligation and prohibition among European peoples, we are not well positioned to fight for our interests. We might have a certain advantage in increased unpredictability to our enemies but it is not likely to be of proportional gain compared to the cost to our own side – a lack of cooperation and coordination of justice will likely cost us heavily for the inability to promulgate the reasonableness of looking after our own; of deportation projects; to coordinate the deployment of fighting resources with regard to various threats to our EGI; and to keep the fighting from being against one another Europeans.

Without this moral order, we are not only unprepared to cooperate, we are not particularly ready to fight our enemies.

The working out of a moral order is requisite to fight. It is also important to work out rules of coordination with those Europeans of whom we disagree but with whom of course we’d rather ally for their genetic basis – White Christians, White Muslims, White Nazi idolators, White liberals of various kinds, etc.

It is not true that Carolyn Yeager and Tanstaafl provided the best platform to set forth the solution to our problems (I can image who would submit such an idea but their motives are apparent).

These people have some logical capacity but as such they are primarily followers of other people’s rule structures – Carolyn ridiculously so, is basically going to follow the rule that “Hitler said it therefore it must be good and true.”

Tanstaafl may have some I.Q. points on her, and while highly articulate, he is only following the closed metaphor. He is more likely to help in solving our problems than Carolyn, but he is not “the one” either.

People like Daniel A, Wallstreet Bob, or Matt Parrott will to try to get behind anybody who bids to resurrect their gods Jesus or Hitler and will try to close ranks against those who place the interests of our race above their gods – gods who have done enough damage and offer little hope for European cooperation and coordination against forces inveighing against our E.G.I. In the case of the Hitler-heads, they can’t seem to meet a minimal requirement of common sense to say that he had somethings right, some things wrong, but that it is not reasonable to elevate the purported champion of one nation – who had been so destructive to other nations and to his own – it is not reasonable to hold him up as a model for all Europeans to rally under. It’s ridiculous. And I can imagine that if I were a German looking to do the right thing by European EGI, to have Hitler upheld would be the last thing that I would want. I.e, we are doing many a German a favor by stating the fact that while we support them unequivocally, that we are not Hitler 2.0.

Nevertheless, the Jesus people and the Hitler people will be difficult to coordinate with because the Jesus people might always take flight from accountability in “the sky” while the Hitler people may always take flight from accountability in “nature” unmediated by praxis.

And then there are of course The Jared Taylors, who say that Jews are huWhite too. That we have friends among them and we are just looking to blame them, scapegoat them and not take responsibility for ourselves.

That’s nonsense and Jared is wrong.

Jews are another people, we classify them as other; they classify themselves as other; they look after their own; and whether particular Jews are helpful to us or not, they are other – it is more than valid for us to exclude them from our interest group and there is more than enough evidence to say that we should. “The nice ones” can take solace in the fact that our ultimate goal is to secure our people, our separate sovereignty, not to destroy them. Though we do see it as necessary, ultimately and practically, given all evidence of patterns, to exclude them from citizenship in our nation.

In fact, our hermeneutic is centered of our own interests and doing what is necessary to reconstruct and foster our systemic human ecologies. That entails that the hermeneutic does survey and recognize the Jews as other, their importantly destructive role as a biological system; Abrahamic religions as alien rule structures misguiding of our peoples; but with a worldview centered on the praxis of our people and engaged interactively in an ongoing surveying process, we are not prone to a myopia of the Jews as our sole concern, nor to the scientisms that might have someone like Jared Taylor blind to the patterned difference of Jews, its overall antagonism to our people despite crypis, verbal flourish – an instantiation of “being on our side” – bonafide intelligence and competence.

I remember the grief that “Silver” gave me for initiating a discussion of how we needed to replace the Golden Rule with the Silver rule. It turns out that there is very good thinking on those lines that that is true. And yet Silver called for my removal. Of course I was right to drive Silver away in the interest of European people. It was right to drive away the grief that Christian Joe and philosemitic Thorn gave me as well. Of course it is necessary to exclude these sorts from MR, who would barrage us with nonsense for not including those who would place the concern for Jesus, Hitler and Jews above our people and our kinds. When it is time to coordinate with those who disagree with our consensus then we might talk to them where they are reasonable, but it is necessary to reach a consensus of our moral order first.

5 Posted by blacks/arabs more important than women to feminism on Thu, 02 Jun 2016 08:54 | #

But who cares? When it comes to feminists, blacks and Arabs are more important than White women anyway.

6 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 03 Jun 2016 06:10 | #

Tullberg sets-out discussion of the golden rule in non-Cartesian terms; that is to say, he sets discussion in the realm of the verifiable and will not engage in faith or the sheer authority of a power beyond the empirical world. If we are to make any sense of how this rule is effecting our would-be moral order, of course that is the correct premise. There is no sense in talking nonsense or with those who insist upon it.

What is the recommendation more exactly,  and is it good advice?  The influence on business ethics and company behavior is of special interest.

Those are the issues of this article. The treatment will be a secular analysis taking the Golden Rule seriously. The term “secular” implies not assuming that the rule is justified by the authority of a divine being and therefore above human reason.  The term “seriously” implies that the message is to be seen as a statement of substance that can be judged either right or wrong,  not a metaphorical statement that should be interpreted as a picture whose message is in the eyes of the beholder. A judgment to be supported later in the article holds that the Golden Rule is most influential and has great relevance also for individuals and for organizations in relatively secularized societies.

7 Posted by THE LOGIC OF THE RULE on Sat, 04 Jun 2016 13:54 | #


        One reason for the popularity of the rule is that it is partly misunderstood. At first glance,  the rule seems mainly to state that you should yourself act according to rules. This is sometimes called “the self-exception taboo.” From Hobbesian, Kantian and utilitarian perspectives, it is wrong to ordain a rule for others while not for yourself.  A second interpretation is a promotion of empathy. From the perspective of the other,  your behavior is monitored and judged. This also seems to be good advice. A third interpretation is that there is a reciprocal spirit.
        However,  the message becomes much more distinct and quite deviant when it is seen in context. …

8 Posted by needed as basis for discussion on Tue, 07 Jun 2016 07:58 | #

A longer quotation is needed as a basis for discussion  and, to increase readability,  the main one is taken from a rather modern edition of St.  Luke whereas the Golden Rule itself is kept in a more classical wording, generally used in ethical discussion. In the modern edition of the Bible, the relevant formulations are: “And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them” and “So whatever you wish men do to you, do so to them.”

As seen from the larger quote the context of the Golden Rule is an assertive altruistic argumentation for altruistic deeds and altruistic deeds only. The Golden Rule itself might give a reciprocal impression, but that is not in line with the content. The advice is to be altruistic and act according to the egoistic demands of the other.  A very unbalanced relation is suggested with a clear disadvantage for the agent.

9 Posted by formula of reciprocity on Wed, 08 Jun 2016 04:21 | #

The general formula of reciprocity is that the Person A makes a first “move” (Deed 1), with a cost to herself (denoted C1A) and a utility for Person B (U1B). Person B performs a second move (Deed 2), which implies a cost for him of C2B and a benefit for Person A of U2A.  Taken together,  the two deeds are not supposed to give a zero sum, but a synergy that produces a net benefit for both. A qualification for a successful cooperation is that U2A – C1A> 0 and that U1B – C2B> 0. A successful cooperation can be expected to generate new similar interactions producing net benefits. If Person B fails to perform the reciprocal Deed 2, it is unlikely that Person A will perform another deed with a cost to herself and a benefit for B. However, altruistic ethics will encourage A to continue giving even if receiving nothing in return. Jesus is a proponent of altruism and he argues in a way that is most interesting to dwell upon.

10  Posted by Moed Kattan on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:40 | #

Moed Kattan 17a. If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

11 Posted by Dōgen on Sun, 18 Dec 2016 10:11 | #


To learn Buddism is to know yourself

To know yourself is to forget yourself

To forget yourself is to identify yourself with the law of the universe – one with the universe

To be one with the universe is to “drop” the notion that you are one with the universe

Along with the body and mind of yourself and others – Dōgen

Posted by What could possibly go wrong? on Wed, 01 Mar 2017 17:28 | # 12

“What could possibly go wrong?”

Caption supplied by our Asian correspondent, Kumiko. Image found by her as well, but I couldn’t resist putting it here because, well, it goes with this post – DanielS

13 Posted by Revilo Oliver on the JQ: The Summing Up on Thu, 26 Oct 2017 01:37 | #

Revilo Oliver on the Jewish Plague: The Summing Up:

In which we sum up what we learned from Revilo Oliver on the Jewish Question; and offer suggestions for further learning on the subject

American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 21, 2017

OVER THE PAST ten weeks in our series “The Jewish Plague,” we have been presenting the wisdom of Professor Revilo P. Oliver on the Jewish Question — the most crucial question of our time, our answer to which will determine not only the death or survival of our potentially immortal race, but the future course of all life in this Universe.

On today’s program I would like to summarize, point-by-point and in direct and simple language, the knowledge we have acquired from Dr. Oliver, along with suggestions for further reading and learning.

• The Jews are a highly intelligent, organized, and capable people, who have managed over some 2,500 years to raise themselves up from one of many primitive Semitic tribes into the most dominant race on this planet.

• They have achieved this dominance despite their small population: Jews worldwide constitute a mere 0.2 per cent. of the world’s population, around 14 million, notably smaller than the total population of metropolitan Sao Paulo, or New York City, or Mexico City alone. They have achieved their dominance, therefore, by means of their solidarity and their mental powers and not by physical means such as open conquest.

• These means of dominance include deception (lies; publication of false news; propaganda inserted in literary and artistic works; creation of subversive cults, religions, and political movements; control of the academic and critical establishments; advertising), financial trickery (fraud; usury; fractional reserve banking; stock market manipulation; currency manipulation; and innumerable other swindles in which the White victims are usually unaware they are even being victimized while a huge percentage of their wealth is continuously transferred to Jews), and covert control of the political process (the use of their unearned wealth to corrupt politicians, legislatures, and judges and therefore guarantee that laws will be written, enforced, and interpreted in ways that favor Jewish interests).

• The Jewish power structure is, to put it bluntly, opposed to the continued existence of our race and is using its considerable power, on many fronts simultaneously, to exterminate us, mongrelize us, and generally replace us with more tractable and less intelligent races.

• White men and women who have become aware of the fact that the Jewish power structure is making war upon us, who understand that it is our main adversary and poses an immediate threat to our survival, an existential threat as great as any we have ever faced in history, are often hampered by their understandable emotional reactions — when cool, objective analysis is what is really required.

• Even more astounding than the mental qualities that facilitate Jewish manipulation of other peoples is their near-perfect solidarity, reminding us of the organization of social insects such as ants and bees. It is extremely difficult to find examples of Jews who have betrayed their race; in this quality Jews are very nearly the opposite of Whites, whose social organization and solidarity are relatively weak.

• These Jewish characteristics and behaviors are of long standing, and were known in Classical times, so theories that blame Jewish hostility and depredations on the conversion of some Khazars to Judaism in more recent times are clearly wrong, regardless of whether or not some Khazar genes entered the Jewish gene pool 1,300 years ago. (Usually, belief in the Khazar hypothesis is not based on any inherent merit in it, but instead on the fact that it allows the believer to continue to accept the Jewish bible as “holy,” to believe that the Jews are truly “God’s chosen people” as the “good book” says, and to believe that today’s manifestly evil and malevolent Jews are really Khazar impostors and not Jews at all. In other words, the Khazar hypothesis is a crutch to support an otherwise insupportable belief in Christianity.)

• The Jews’ hatred of non-Jews, and some of their techniques for subverting nations, are openly displayed in the Jews’ own writings, including the books that Christians call the “Old Testament.” The commands of Yahweh to massacre and enslave other peoples, and even sexually enslave their children, are clear; as are the descriptions of Jewish infiltration of and influence over the ruling class of other nations, and economic manipulations that left Jews wealthy and their host peoples impoverished. Expulsions of the Jews by angry Gentiles are also discussed in the Old Testament, though with less honesty.

• A race which exists by exploiting its hosts in this manner must have a mentality far different from our own and must see reality very differently than we do, despite the fact that through mixing and mimicry it somewhat resembles our own race. It is only reasonable to describe such a race as parasitic.

For more information on the parasite/host analogy to the Jewish Question, see my radio series “It’s All Biological,” part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4, in which I state:

  Our race, the White race, evolved in the harsh environment — the forests, plains, mountains, and wide-open spaces — of Europe and environs over long ages, including centuries of intense cold in which intelligent planning was absolutely necessary to survive the winter. In the last few dozen thousands of years, we evolved in relatively fixed dwelling places that eventually came be called “countries,” attached to particular pieces of land, on a continent of very low population density in which the main enemies were the elements and other warlike tribes. High abstract intelligence and high-trust societies were prominent among the biological, evolutionary results. The primary skills of conflict were the martial virtues: One’s enemies were warring tribes who attacked openly, sword in hand.

  The Jews, on the other hand, are a largely Semitic and largely nomadic hybrid race of much more recent appearance that emerged in the relatively heavily populated, multiracial, multicultural, and polyglot Middle East, where the climate was much milder and the main problem — for the Jews, at least — was surviving and prospering as a small, stateless group in territories ruled by others. High verbal intelligence and a concealed dual moral code — one for dealing with fellow Jews, another for dealing with the non-Jews in whose societies they lived — were the prominent biological, evolutionary results. Their primary skills of conflict were negotiation, diplomacy, pretense, duplicity, mimicry, and “reading” the psychology of their enemies — who were very seldom sword-wielding invading armies, but rather were the omnipresent non-Jewish peasants and warriors and priests and tradesmen and rulers among whom they lived — and off of whom they fed.

  The European race evolved into a mode of life that involved living off the land, as did many other races and peoples. The Jews, on the other hand, evolved into a mode of life that involved living off those who lived off the land.

  There is a name for the relationship between Jews and people like us. That name is parasitism. . . .

  I believe that our European nomadic instinct, to the extent that we still have one, has evolved into what Dr. William Pierce called the Faustian urge: the urge to find new lands (and also new frontiers of knowledge), to always seek out the distant horizon, to explore and discover unknown territory, to escape the old and the ossified and restrictive, and found new nations — preferably where no man has set foot before.

  How different the behavior of the Jews! They founded no nations — despite the largely mythical “land of Israel” stories in their Torah — and their endless wanderings are never into new frontiers, where unknown fields and forests and mountains beckon. No indeed! What beckons to the wandering Jews is a group of fresh victims, not yet wise to the ways of the parasite.

• Jews seem to have an instinct for discovering and exacerbating any and all rivalries, disputes, real or alleged injustices, and class divisions in their host societies, magnifying them to the point of utter disunity and even civil war, which process naturally increases the relative power and dominance of Jews.

One of the best expositions on the Jewish mentality is Andrew Hamilton’s “Empathy Without Sympathy,” in which the author states:

  Jews have many unique psychological characteristics that render them radically unlike non-Jews. One quality Jews possess in one-on-one situations, and even group situations, is a keen sensitivity to the subtleties, nuances, desires, thoughts, and emotions of non-Jews. They can size up people of all races and interact with them extremely well. This is no doubt one reason for their prominent role as mediators and go-betweens.

  When they desire to do so, Jews deal with all kinds of people, high and low, rich and poor, of every race, even the prickliest and most difficult personalities, with diplomacy, delicacy, and tact, patiently subordinating and concealing their own thoughts and feelings in the process.

• The German National Socialists temporarily threw off Jewish domination and established a government free of Jewish supervision between 1933 and 1945, an event which apparently frightened and shocked the Jewish leadership and caused them to change their strategy from one of merely exploiting and ruling Whites to one of actively working for our extermination.

• There is no doubt that Christianity was originally created by and for Jews, and it was Jews who made the decision to open certain early Christian sects to non-Jews — sects that eventually came to dominate European civilization. Christianity teaches Whites that God is Jewish and that Jews are an especially “holy” people, thus sundering Whites from their own spiritual heritage and rendering them psychologically unable to fight against the Jews who are exploiting, ruining, and exterminating them.

14 Posted by How cucked can a Jesus cuck be? on Fri, 31 Jul 2020 05:46 | #

How cucked can a Jesus cuck be? Listen to this and try not to puke….

NPR 30 July 2020:

American Christianity Must Reckon With Legacy Of White Supremacy, Author Says

Growing up in Texas and Mississippi, author Robert P. Jones was a very active member of his Southern Baptist Convention church. Between youth group, Bible studies and prayer services, he spent about 6-7 hours each week at church or doing church related things.

But in all that time, he never really heard about the church’s history — including the fact that Southern Baptists split from the North around 1844 because the Northern Baptists opposed slavery.

“I was 20 years old before I got a hint of that history … and even had the possibility of beginning to think about what the implications of that were,” Jones says.

In his new book, White Too Long, Jones examines the legacy of white supremacy among Southern Baptists and other Christian denominations.

Jones says the Southern Baptist Convention tends to focus on each individual’s interior relationship with God — and “essentially screens out questions of social justice.”

“I cannot remember a single sermon calling attention to racial inequality, racial injustice [or] the struggle for civil rights,” he says.

As the U.S. begins to grapple more seriously with issues of racism and white supremacy, Jones says the time has come for churches to be more in vocal about social justice.

“There’s so much work still to be done,” he says. “White Christians have been largely silent … and have hardly begun these conversations.”

I admit that it is a precarious segue to this next article, but the connections are there, nevertheless. First of all, It is one of the cases where I’d mentioned that the Golden Rule was a big problem and needed to be replaced by the Silver Rule; secondly, it is highly relevant as it bears upon the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and liberal bastard children organizations that are sponsoring hyperbolic non-White immigration into the nations of White people. Lastly, it is this is a good place to keep Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch work alive as she has been chased off the internet, last I heard.

Say MORATORIUM! You Can! 10 Reasons. Appeal to R. Goode & Doing Good for Doing Good: The Golden Rule

Refugee Resettlement Watch’s 10 Reasons For Moratorium. Appeal To Rep. Goode & Doing good for Doing good – The Golden Rule.

I add “the golden rule” to the title sarcastically – not only to chide those lining their pockets in the name of Christian altruism. This rule that has been passed onto European moral orders altogether disingenuously, from Judaic prescription to Gentiles (Jews do NOT abide by the golden rule), has been as catastrophic as any imbibed of Jewish chimera. This edict from “the sermon on the mount” is completely illogical and self destructive. There is a key distinction that needs to drawn by contrast, which is logical – morally and otherwise: the silver rule.

Now that Ann Corcoron is taking a break from the excellent work that she’s been putting out, it’s time for MR dnanations to pick up some of the slack and forefront her efforts. MR dnanations has an added benefit (from our POV) of being able to expound from a distinctly pro-White/Native European, secular perspective.

Noticing the style of the “moratorium” logo and its coincidence with an appeal to Virgil Goode, I couldn’t help but find it reminiscent of Dietrich’s VoR design..

…and also that Virgil Goode represented a unique experience for me, to actually be talking with a Congressman as I produced the Stark interview with him. Congressman Goode stayed available on my Google chat and otherwise in communique with me for several months afterwards. That was funny for me, in a good way. Though it should be normal, how many Congressmen speak openly with our kind? It speaks well of him. Ann Corcoran has placed her appeal in the right direction. Here is the post of the Stark Interview –

VoR, The Stark Truth: Interview with Virgil Goode,  25 April 2012:

Rep. Virgil Goode

Robert interviews Virgil Goode. Topics include:

  • The Constitution Party;
  • The need for reduction in immigration both legal and illegal;
  • National sovereignty, NAFTA, and the North American Union;
  • Foreign policy and the Iraq war;
  • Energy independence.

Virgil Goode is the presidential nominee for the Constitution Party. He represented Virginia’s 5th Congressional District as a Republic from 1997-2009. He previously served in the Virginia State Senate as a Democrat.

Refugee Resettlement Watch, ‘Re-post: Ten reasons there should be a moratorium on refugee resettlement’, 5 December 2015:

Posted by Ann Corcoran

Now that the mainstream media and the public are waking up to the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and how it has been operating for the last 35 years, I thought it would be a good idea to re-post this testimony I gave to the US State Department (first in 2012 at its annual scoping meeting and repeated in 2013 and 2014).

Anne Richard is the Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration. Here she testified last month at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Syrian refugees. She needs to produce the hearing record for the 2015 ‘scoping meeting’ which we believe was held in secrecy. Photo and story about Judiciary hearing:

I just mentioned it in my previous post on annual reports.

As far as we can tell, the US State Department did not hold a public scoping hearing in 2015 (for FY2016) because we never saw a notice for it this year. In these ‘scoping meetings/hearings’ they ostensibly seek public input on the size of the program for the upcoming year and they want to know what countries should be the focus of protection.

The ‘scoping’ meeting (like a hearing) was usually held in late spring/early summer of the preceding year. Prior to our attendance in 2012, these meetings/hearings were dominated by the resettlement contractors and their groupies.

One more thing, the State Department does not keep and publish a hearing record for this meeting. The only way we could ever learn what others were saying is to obtain the hard copy testimony by attending in person! There ought to be a law!

Here is my testimony in 2012 (repeated in 2013 and 2014):

Ten Reasons there should be no refugees resettled in the US in FY2013—instead a moratorium should be put in place until the program is reformed and the economy completely recovers.

1)  There are no jobs. The program was never meant to be simply a way to import impoverished people to the US and place them on an already overtaxed welfare system.

2)    The program has become a cash cow for various “religious” organizations and other contractors who very often appear to care more about the next group of refugees coming in (and the cash that comes with each one) than the group they resettled only a few months earlier. Stories of refugees suffering throughout the US are rampant.

3)  Terrorist organizations (mostly Islamic) are using the program that still clearly has many failings in the security screening system.  Indeed consideration should be given to halting the resettlement of Muslims altogether.  Also, the UN should have no role in choosing refugees for the US.

4)  The public is not confident that screenings for potential terrorists (#3) or the incidences of other types of fraudulent entry are being properly and thoroughly investigated and stopped.  When fraud is uncovered—either fraud to enter the country or illegal activity once the refugee has been resettled—punishment should be immediate deportation.

5)    The agencies, specifically the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), is in complete disarray as regards its legally mandated requirement to report to Congress every year on how refugees are doing and where the millions of tax dollars are going that run the program.  The last (and most recent) annual report to be sent to Congress is the 2008 report—so they are out of compliance for fiscal years 2009, 2010 and 2011.  A moratorium is necessary in order for the ORR to bring its records entirely up-to-date. Additionally,  there needs to be an adequate tracking system designed to gather required data—frankly some of the numbers reported for such measures of dependence on welfare as food stamp usage, cash assistance and employment status are nothing more than guesses.  (The lack of reports for recent years signals either bureaucratic incompetence and disregard for the law, or, causes one to wonder if there is something ORR is hiding.)

6)  The State Department and the ORR have so far failed to adequately determine and report (and track once the refugee has been admitted) the myriad communicable and costly-to-treat diseases entering the country with the refugee population.

7)  Congress needs to specifically disallow the use of the refugee program for other purposes of the US Government,especially using certain refugee populations to address unrelated foreign policy objectives—Uzbeks, Kosovars, Meshketians and Bhutanese (Nepalese) people come to mind.

8)  Congress needs to investigate and specifically disallow any connection between this program and big businesseslooking for cheap and captive labor.  The federal government should not be acting as head-hunter for corporations.

9)    The Volag system should be completely abolished and the program should be run by state agencies with accountability to the public through their state legislatures. The system as presently constituted is surely unconstitutional.  (One of many benefits of turning the program over to a state agency is to break up the government/contractor revolving door that is being demonstrated now at both the State Department and ORR.)  The participating state agency’s job would be to find groups, churches, or individuals who would sponsor a refugee family completely for at least a year and monitor those sponsors. Their job would include making sure refugees are assimilating. A mechanism should be established that would allow a refugee to go home if he or she is unhappy or simply can’t make it in America. Short of a complete halt to resettlement-by-contractor, taxpayers should be protected by legally requiring financial audits of contractors and subcontractors on an annual basis.

10)  As part of #9, there needs to be established a process for alerting communities to the impending arrival of refugees that includes reports from the federal government (with local input) about the social and economic impact a certain new group of refugees will have on a city or town.  This report would be presented to the public through public hearings and the local government would have an opportunity to say ‘no.’

For these reasons and more, the Refugee admissions program should be placed on hold and a serious effort made by Congress to either scrap the whole thing or reform it during the moratorium.  My recommendation for 2013 is to stop the program now.  The Office of the President could indeed ask for hearings to review the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980-–three decades is time enough to see its failings and determine if reauthorization is feasible or whether a whole new law needs to be written.

Information on the three hearings we wrote about and attended are archived here, here and here.  (Those files include posts in which we referenced the hearings/meetings as well.)

By the way, Richard revolved into the State Department from her contractor job at the International Rescue Committee. She had a previous stint at the State Dept.  The revolving door is alive and well between contractor and federal agency involving refugee resettlement.

She could not be “vetted.”

Where are you Virgil Goode?

Did you see that even the NY Times wrote about the female Islamic terrorist, how there was no way to “vet” her or to “screen” her as she came to live among us. Any logical person can see that. There was no d*** data, no biographic or biometric information to tap! And, if asked about any terror connections in personal interviews she certainly didn’t tell the truth.

So, don’t you wonder why only TEN US Senators can see that and that 89 others are so willfully blind. See our post on Senator Paul’s failed attempt at a moratorium on issuing visas to those coming from jihad-producing countries.

And, here see Daniel Greenfield on the killers yesterday.  If you read nothing else from Greenfield’s post, this is the line every one must grasp:

It’s a matter of simple math that as the population most likely to commit terrorist acts increases, so do the acts themselves.

I went back to our archives to see when I first heard anyone suggest a MORATORIUM on Muslim immigration and want to give a shout-out to former Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode who saw the San Bernardino slaughter coming 9 years ago!  Learn about how the politically correct harpies at the Washington Post treated him then.  His position, in support of a moratorium on legal (Muslim) immigration to America cost him his seat. We told you more about him here in 2010.

Political correctness is dead! Everyone of you must start saying the ‘M’ word!  MORATORIUM!  Moratorium on Muslim migration to America, NOW!

Thank you Mr. Goode!  Goode is a Trump supporter in Virginia today!

Rep. Virgil Goode

See more to the story below.


Refugee Resettlement Watch, ‘Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is responsible for the Somali chaos in St. Cloud’, Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 26, 2015:

If you are angry (about the tension in St. Cloud) and want one entity to blame, it is Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, the primary federal refugee resettlement agency working in St. Cloud!

That supposedly ‘Christian’ charitable organization is directly responsible for the high Somali numbers in St. Cloud, and they are jointly responsible for bringing over ten thousand Somalis from around the world to colonize Minnesota towns in the last ten years alone—Catholic Charities and World Relief MN (now Arrive Ministries)*** helped also.  Of course they have brought many more than 10,000 in over two decades and not just Somali Muslims!

Rumor has it that 1,500 new Somalis are going to be resettled by the Lutherans in St. Cloud this year.  (This is part of former Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district!)

Evangelical Michele Bachmann

Doing well by doing good? Jodi Harpstead is making over $300,000 a year to seed St. Cloud and other Minnesota towns with Somali Muslims.

These three ‘Christian’ phony non-profits (phony Christians!) could stop the US State Department’s further seeding of the state if they just said NO!  We won’t resettle any more Muslim ‘refugees.’  But they don’t!  Why?

Why? Because it is big business (as we learned from Lutherans in New England)!  They dare not challenge their sugar daddy—the federal government!  And, they must be afraid of the growing power of the Islamists and the Islamist front group—Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—which they are responsible for unleashing on the city of St. Cloud.
So how much money does it take to buy the Lutherans?

Back in 2013 we told you that then Minnesota Lutheran CEO, Mark Peterson, was pulling down a salary of $441,767.

We went to a recent audit linked on their website and here are some numbers we found (audit ending September 30, 2014):

They had total revenue of $103,135,439 and received $91,887,312 from GOVERNMENT FEES AND GRANTS.  (Go here and click on ‘financials’ to see for yourself).
That makes them 89% government funded!  That is a government agency not a charity, and surely not a ‘Christian’ charity!

The progressive ‘religious Left’ is living off of the US taxpayer!

Doing well by doing good?

Salaries and payroll accounted for $57,929,172 of your money—your tax dollars for that one year!

Jodi doesn’t pull down a salary as high as Peterson (LOL! War on women?) her predecessor did, but it is fairly substantial none-the-less as we learned from a recent Form 990.  She was compensated with $280,812 and an additional $42,495 came from related organizations (whatever that is!).

Her second in command, Kenneth Borle, made $202,087 and $33,192 (from related organizations).

They have 8 other employees making over six-figure salaries!

Go here for the others in leadership at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota responsible for building the aggressive and demanding Muslim population of the state.
And if you are looking for more people to blame for what is happening to Minnesota, here is the Board of Directors (do you know any of them?):
Board of Directors

Greg Vandal, Chair
Nancy Rystrom, Vice Chair
Cathy Norelius, Secretary
Sue Haffield, Treasurer *
Bishop Thomas Aitken
Dan Anderson
Mike Anderson
Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto
Ann Beatty
Dr. Paul Dovre
Jon Evert
Nicole Griensewic Mickelson
Rev. John Hogenson
Rev. Dr. Rolf Jacobson
Jen Julsrud
John Mattes
Artie Miller
Joanne Negstad
Joan Wandke Nelson
Rev. Mark Skinner
Bishop Ann Svennungsen
Rev. Mari Thorkelson
Lori Wall

The main office of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is here (below).  It is time to let them know how you feel, to put the pressure on the organization directly responsible for disrupting St. Cloud.
Good Lutherans especially need to speak up!

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
2485 Como Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

And, according to the US State Department’s handy list of contractors the St. Cloud Lutheran resettlement agency office is here:

MN-LIRS-08: Lutheran Social Services Of Minnesota
22 Wilson Avenue Suite 110
St. Cloud, MN 56302
One more thing!  Tell Rep. Trey Gowdy what he has in store for his community if a refugee resettlement site is established in Spartanburg, SC.

See our complete archive on St. Cloud here.  And, click here, for an enormous archive on Minnesota.  See especially our earliest post (2011), and one of our top posts of all time, when we first learned of the three ‘Christian’ groups swamping Minnesota with Somalis at the behest of the US State Department.

*** An indicator that the heat is on some of these phony Christian organizations is that they are changing their names.  Note that World Relief Minnesota is now Arrive Ministries and Lutheran Social Services of New England is now Ascentria Care Alliance.

Issues of Christianity aside..

Here is Ann Corcoron’s excellent outline of her inquiry into the governmental processes involved.

Ann Corcoran

I wanted to know what was the governmental process that allowed the resettlement of refugees?

Who gave permission?

I have learned about a Federal program that is 35 years old this year – The United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees
has been choosing most of our refugees.

It is under the influence of a powerful Muslim supremacist group called “The Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”

Not surprisingly, a large number of U.S. bound refugees are coming from countries with large numbers of people who hate us: including Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and soon from Syria, just to name a few.

The U.S. State Department then distributes the refugees to 9 major Federal contractors – six of which are so-called religious charities, but – all are largely funded from The U.S. Treasury:

Church World Services (CWS)

Ethiopian Community Development Council

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)

Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS)

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

US Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI)

Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services (LIRS)

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

World Relief Corporation (WR)

They are not passing the plate on Sundays for the one billion dollar price tag for the resettlement. And that figure does not include the extensive welfare benefits that refugees receive.

The refugees are then sent to over 190 cities and towns in the US where the 9 major contractors support 350 subcontractors.

The refugees receive help from the subcontractors for up to six months; and the subcontractor then submits paper-work to admit the relatives of the first group.

Many [Muslims] are forming cities within cities, where mosques are being built to consolidate, train and promote the Islamic supremacist doctrine called “Sharia.”

This process of Muslim colonization is called “The Hijra.”

Muhammad told his followers to migrate and spread Islam in order to dominate all the lands of the world.

He said that they were obliged to do so.

And that is exactly what they are doing now with the help and support of

The UN, The US State Department and the Christian and Jewish groups assigned to seed them throughout the country.

Your tax dollars pay for it all.

We only need to look to a troubled Europe to see the path ahead for America if we can’t stop this migration and stop it soon.

There is no reason on earth that we should have brought over 100,000 Somalis, and another 100,000 Iraqi Muslims to America…

Soon we will be resettling Syrian Muslims in large numbers..

The FBI told Congress recently that they cannot be properly screened.

If you don’t help counter the Hijra, we are, in my opinion, doomed.

Over time this migration will be more devastating to your children and grandchildren and to our country than..

More devastating than any terrorist attack could ever be.


1 Posted by Reeve$ & Berger on Sat, 19 Dec 2015 12:36 | #


“Unbound Philanthropy’ exposed as big donor behind open borders movement/refugee resettlement/Trump protests”, 10 Dec 2015:

Thanks to Ed for sending this great investigative piece by Lee Stranahan at Breitbart on Unbound Philanthropy and its big kahuna William Reeves (and wifey Debbie Berger).

We wrote about Reeves in 2011


Know the enemy! Bill Reeves is bringing in the third world to colonize your towns, change our culture and make sure fewer low-skilled American citizens have jobs.

I’m posting in full my post from February 2011.  I was most interested in the connection between Unbound Philanthropy’s role in helping create that damn Shelbyville, TN propaganda film that was used by the US State Department and others to promote more Somali migration to America.

Update: Reeves and Bergers ‘house’ in Hawaii, thanks to Ed!  How many refugees could be housed here?

We have come a long way in the last four years in understanding the massive money machine we are up against.

You will recognize the Migration Policy Institute (in Stranahan’s piece and mine) as one of the groups putting on that Georgetown gig, Jim Simpson and I attended here in October.
Unbound Philanthropy is also one of the organizers and funders of that big Open Borders pow-wow starting Sunday in New York, here.  They will have a whole session on exposing the likes of us!

Here is what I said in 2011 in a post entitled:
Unbound Philanthropy: an example of what we are up against…

…..and why the average American trying to maintain our culture and country through immigration control has a hard time fighting the battle.  The other side is rich and connected to big business (offshore money too!).

Yesterday as I searched for more information on the Migration Policy Institute, an organization that pretends to be a balanced nonpartisan think tank which just this week put out a report that goes after Sheriff’s in some counties overseeing the 287g program,  I came upon Unbound Philanthropy.  It is one of those private foundations used by the super wealthy to channel their excess funds (avoiding taxes by so doing) to pet charities and political projects.

In this case the rich guy is William Reeves of Hawaii:

William Reeves is a director and co-founder of BlueCrest Capital Management Ltd. Based in London, BlueCrest manages investments for a predominantly institutional investor base across 15 diverse funds. Until April 2000, when he left to establish BlueCrest, Mr. Reeves was a Managing Director at J.P. Morgan in London and head of macro strategy and trading within the proprietary trading group. Prior to that, Mr. Reeves was a fund manager at Salomon Brothers Asset Management Limited and at Fisher Francis Trees and Watts, with responsibility for managing leveraged capital. He has also worked for JP Morgan New York where, from 1991 to 1993, he was a Vice President in charge of a team managing the company’s leveraged multi-currency proprietary investment portfolio. Mr. Reeves is a US Trustee of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. He holds an MA in Philosophy from New York University and a BA in English from Yale University. Mr. Reeves was born in Honolulu and raised in Richmond, Virginia where his parents were both educators.

Check out Unbound Philanthropy’s most recent Form 990.  This is a private foundation with a net worth approaching $100 million (note offshore accounts).  In 2008 Mr. Reeves donated $2,619,583 to the foundation (probably reducing his tax liability) to his mostly political projects.  He passed most of that money through this foundation to a list of projects that include (among others):

The Tides Center (money scrubber supreme):  $250,000

Southern Poverty Law Center:  $150,000

American Immigration Law Foundation: $150,000

Center for American Progress (LOL! Pushing back against Hate Project):  $46,000; and it looks like..

..the big winner is the International Rescue Committee*** with three grants:  $150,000, $200,000, and $212,000


Reeves’ wife Debbie Berger.

On their website they brag about many more recent grants, including my favorite:

Mr. Reeves gave $85,000 in 2010 to Active Voice a San Francisco social change advocacy group to promote that damn propaganda film on Shelbyville, TN.

Also in 2010 he passed $500,000 through the Tides Foundation.  In 2009 he gave $150,000 to Media Matters (George Soros) and $240,000 to the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (ahhhhh!).  And, this is how I found Unbound Philanthropy in the first place, they (rich Mr. Reeves) gave the Migration Policy Institute $95,000 to study amnesty for “undocumented youth and women.”

It’s all legal of course, but the next time you hear whining from the pro-migration forces that this is all about the poor and the downtrodden, remember it isn’t.  It is about politics, about new immigrants as Democratic voters, and it’s about cheap labor for big business (like the meatpackers) and nannies and gardeners for rich people.

Just a reminder that David North of the Center for Immigration Studies summed it up well when he attended a recent meeting of the Migration Policy Institute:

It’s useful to note that the pro-migration advocates, though allied with each other, come in three different groupings. There are the employers, who want lower wages; ethnic organizations who say, in effect, “Let My People In”; and then there are the intellectuals [ed: read Marxists!], represented Thursday at a session of the foundation-supported Migration Policy Institute.

So our side (the immigration control side) is up against the big money and the hard left political machine using the average do-gooders and immigrants as their foils.

A final question for Mr. Reeves:  If you are so interested in promoting social change (aka the redistribution of wealth), why not redistribute all your holdings now directly to the refugees and other poor immigrants being dropped off in our cities and towns by the US State Department and their federal contractors. If the social justice Marxist one-worlders you are supporting win the political war in the US, they will be taking it from you or your heirs anyway.

Go here to the link for the Reeves’ Hawaiian home. lol

Posted by Quaker Jasmine Taeb on Sat, 19 Dec 2015 13:27 | # 2

RRW, ‘With Friends like these! Quakers are pushing for more Muslim migration to America too!’ 6 Dec 2015:

Jasmine Taeb, lobbyist for Quakers and their push for more Syrian Muslim migration to America.
See twitter here:

Actually, the Quakers were always like that. …

Posted by Homeland: ISIS tried to infiltrate migrants on Sat, 19 Dec 2015 13:35 | # 3

RRW, ‘Homeland Security Committee Chairman McCaul: ISIS has tried to infiltrate refugee stream to US’ 8 Dec 2015

Posted by Marxist coffee on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 15:44 | #

Robert Stark has some dubious guests, but he also locates some who are quirky in a good way.

Charles Lincoln is one of them.

Some highlights from Charles:

1) How Marxist can you be when you’re drinking a five dollar coffee? (in regard to Starbucks boast of using “fair-trade” coffee).

2) I don’t want to be too descriptive, so I’ll call you Lindsay (to distinguish Robert Lindsay from Stark, when he joined the conversation)

3) Criticism of President Raisin…

..signed the first big amnesty, which effectively transformed parts of Texas and California into Mexico; as well as starting trends of..

Building on credit and speculation..

…the runaway economics, predatory loans, rampant and reckless housing development and immigration that ensued from his policies..

4) Charles Lincoln’s opera singing ..

Posted by Pro-immigration priest pockets 467K on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 15:43 | # 5

Pro migration padre pocketed $467,343.35—A bishop who advocated the migration of Muslim “refugees” was found to have misappropriated €430,000 ($467,343.35).

Bishop Domenico Mogavero of Sicily was a rabid critic of the so-called far right, a derogatory term used by the predatory left to marginalize patriots as fringe elements. reported:

  Some of the money is alleged to have been given to another priest who was suspended and jailed in 2011 for sexually assaulting another man, begging the question whether the corruption in the case may go deeper than merely fiscal.

The crime was reported Dec. 18, 2015.

Original article:

Breitbart, ‘Progressive Bishop Who Welcomed Migrants To Italy ‘Embezzled €180,000’ 20 Dec 2015:

An enthusiastically pro-mass migration progressive bishop has been questioned by police over his use of church funds after €430,000 were found to have been misappropriated.

Bishop Domenico Mogavero was questioned by Italian financial police on Thursday this week after he was found to have some €180,000 resting in his personal account. The former diocesan economist Father Franco Caruso is also under investigation, having allegedly spent a further €250,000 of church money.

Some of the money is alleged to have been given to another priest who was suspended and jailed in 2011 for sexually assaulting another man, begging the question whether the corruption in the case may go deeper than merely fiscal.

The Sicilian bishop involved is responsible for the diocese of Mazara del Vallo and has been active in welcoming migrants to the area. He is also a long standing critic of right-wing politics in the country, and was outspoken against the former right-wing government of Silvio Berlusconi, reports

Yet all is not as it seems, claims the bishop’s lawyer. Speaking to press, Stefano Pellegrino said his client had reported himself to the police when he realised the “irregular activity”.

Bishop Mogavero is not the only member of the Sicilian clergy who have found themselves in hot water over their extra curricular activities. Progressive, European Union-funded priest Monsignor Don Sergio Librizzi was known for taking a special interest in the welfare of young migrant boys in his community, until it was revealed he was trading sex with them for residency permits.

 The cathedral alter in Mazara del Vallo is one of the most impressive to be seen.

Mazara del Vallo

There has been considerable discussion on the matter of the Vatican as a tax immune city unto itself; rife and perfect for mafia money laundering and other nefarious deals with rogues and rogue agencies in corrupt governments..

Here are a few documentaries discussing these issues, though I will not vouch for their objectivity..

Bank of God

Posted by churches without walls on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 17:29 | # 6

Paula White

$80,000 for a couple sermons

Posted by Robert Tilton’s revelation on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 17:48 | # 7

We have teenagers who have hardly nothing going for them…

….but have enough faith to make a $1,000 vow…

…because they don’t have that old programming of religion…

Well, you say, we don’t do it that way in my church.

Forget your church!!!

I’m taking about what God said! 

I’m taking about what God said!!! 

..and If you want the kind of miracles that are in the bible..

You are going to have to do what God tells you to do!

You may laugh, but…

He is said to have taken in more money than

The income of Madonna and Michael Jackson combined.

In some years, it was said to have been 80 million dollars, tax free.

Posted by Tilton’s 2nd wife: Mothers for Israel on Tue, 22 Dec 2015 20:55 | # 8

Robert Tilton’s second wife – divorced as well, but what kind of woman would marry him in the first place? A psychopathically dishonest and greedy one, perhaps.  Anyhow, she has started a foundation: Mothers Supporting Israel

Leigh (Valentine) Tilton, in days of marriage and divorce from the televangelist:

Hi, my name is Leigh Valentine and I am here today to welcome you to Mothers-Supporting-Israel.

I started this foundation as a way to reach-out to women of all walks of life, all around the world: mothers, daughters, granddaughters …pastors!

I ask you to rise up and stand with me in this hour for the state of Israel and for god’s people all over the world.

You know right now, in Israel, there’s over 6 million Jewish people that live there. And

I have made a vow to spend the rest of my life fighting for the peace of Israel and fighting for the will of god to be done in that nation. Because

As we know, these are perilous times.

We don’t need to look all around and read the newspapers and see the news to not know that the liberals, what I call the liberal media…

Those that deny the very existence of god’s people in Israel, they want to tear down that nation.

They want to see that it does not exist even on the maps.

They want to say that they have no right to that land.

But when I read the scriptures that go way back to the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob…

That land, that real estate, is owned by the Jewish people; and

It always has been and it always will be; and they own the deed to that property.

So I’m asking you to be that watchman on the wall.

I am sending-out a massive prayer alert to everyone I know to stand with god’s people; and to pray.

As yo visit my website,, you are going to see some very graphic video.

You are going to see what’s really taking place in the nations that surround that little nation of Israel.

They have turned their backs on god; and they have rejected truth; and they have rejected the nation of Israel; but

God says that he will fight for that nation and he will fight for those people.

As you watch those videos and as you see the latest news clips that will come into Mothers Supporting Israel..

This is a chance for you to pray, because it says in god’s word – In the Old Testament:

That if we pray for the peace of Jerusalem that we will prosper! That we will receive a blessing.

That the favor of almighty god will come on us..

If we will pray and we will stand and we will support with our financial gifts also…

For the nation of Israel and for god’s people.

There is a scripture that god gave me that Mothers Supporting Israel is founded on.

It says in Isaiah 62:6, “I have set watchmen upon your walls oh Jerusalem.”

As Mothers Supporting Israel, we are those watchmen.

It says that you will, “we will never hold our peace day and night and we are his servants.

By your prayers, we will put the lord in remembrance.”

By our prayers we are putting the lord in remembrance that we are standing with the Jewish people –

Those are god’s people.

It’s in my blood to stand with them. I’ve got the Jewish blood in me and I’m standing with God’s people.

How about you?

Mothers Supporting Israel is an organization for Christians and its an organization for the Jewish people.

United we stand but divided we fall.

It says right there that we are going to put the lord in remembrance of his promises…

That in the last days, he will deliver that nation called Israel.

It says, “and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes her appraised in the earth.”

And the lord has sworn by his right hand and by his mighty arm,

Surely I will not again give your grains as food to your enemies,

And the invading sons of the aliens shall not drink your new wine for which you have toiled.

But they who have gathered it, shall eat it and praise the lord.

And we know that when Israel was established as a nation in 1948, just a few years ago…

That God took that land that was barren, that was a desert, that nothing could grow on..

And he $prinkled it with power from heaven and he rained upon it

Now it grows some of the most beautiful flowers and vegetation that is sent all over Europe and all over the world.

It has produced more beautiful things out of that desert than any other little nation.

It has prospered. That desert has flowed with milk and honey.

We know that in these last days, God is going to protect that nation.

I don’t care how dark it looks, I don’t care what Syria says, or Egypt says, or Turkey says, or Iran says.

We are not going to be afraid. We are going to be courageous.

We are not bowing-under for fear of a nuclear warhead or a nuclear bomb or

A terrorist act against our offices or our plane or our car or our children.

We will have no fear. We are going to be that watchman on the wall.

We are going to stand up for Israel.

Listen, my friends that live in Southern Israel, right there on the Southern border…

They live day and night in terror.

That is why at Mothers Supporting Israel, we are going to help build more bomb shelters…

For Shmo Bowman and operation life-shield; we are going to help build their shelters.

We’re going to help bring more blankets in to help holocaust survivors that don’t even have warmth.

That don’t even have food; that are hurting in some of these poorer sections of Israel.

We are going to pray but we are also going to send provision and supplies.

And we will not be stopped at Mothers Supporting Israel.

We are going to be a voice that cannot be stopped.

Because God will hear your prayer and he will hear my prayer.

And as we stand together, God’s favor will be on our lives and it will be on our families lives.

And on our children’s lives.

So, will you not stand with me today?

Will you not come to my website and say, yes, Leigh, I am standing with you.

And I will support you as you fight for the will of God in Israel.

Thank you so much for supporting Mothers Support Israel

I will pray for you and I will stand with you, for Israel’s sake, for Zionism’s sake..

We will not be stopped and we will not be quiet.

God bless you. I love you.

 Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 24 Dec 2015 10:05 | # 9

An idiotic Swedish bishop has decided to turn her church into a mosque. For fuck’s sake why on Earth does anyone think the Voodoo of Christianity is of any use to Europeans?

10 Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:56 | # 10

I think you’ve already crossed the line to being fucked when you allow women to be clergy.

Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 24 Dec 2015 23:50 | # 11

True, very true. Priests are bad enough let alone idiotic women being promoted to spread the idiocy of liberal suicide.

12 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 25 Dec 2015 03:21 | # 12

Female clergy never had a negative effect on the Shinto religion, and in fact it was founded by women. So I don’t think it is a matter of gender, it’s a matter of what the philosophical content of the religion is.

Christianity is going to be garbage no matter whether it’s men or women in command positions.

Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:22 | # 13

I agree on the question of gender.  A religion must be oriented in form (ie, esoteric and exoteric) and substance (ie, unity with the divine and perfectionment of the self) to accommodate the able to a whole cognitive experience in and of “the all”, and to bring those who may be not be so to a mature and complete state of human being, and the ethny with them. That is the function of authentic religion.  Its practise at all times in the history of Homo sapiens is demonstrated by the varying sublimity of the faith instinct which one encounters across the races.  Such an holistic enterprise must account for man and woman.  That is very obvious.  It is only the absurdly aggressive Abrahamic original, a desert tribe’s nationalism, which imposes the male authority of the one god on its votaries, and which imposition colours its two monotheistic offspring.

Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:59 | # 14

It’s an interesting socio-political question as to the role of religion in a post-modern society. Personally I think the only genuine ‘transcendent’ project for 99% of us is to be found in family and national community (and the intra and inter-generational ‘moral economy’ those relationships embody).

One thing is certain ‘official’ Christianity is toxic to European survival.

Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 26 Dec 2015 10:53 | # 15

Strictly speaking, the role of religion at any time is unchanging, because the nexus of higher emotions which we call faith exists through the agency of fitness and not through some historically contingent social process.  However, one could ask how the pathologies in the postmodern era (I prefer “the pre-Globality”, not least because Daniel has a perfectly reasonable wish to reclaim “postmodern” from French-Jewish intellectualism) have spread to the body of formal religion.

Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 28 Dec 2015 10:49 | # 16

I agree people will always have an ‘ultimate concern’ – call that the religious impulse if you want to. However, I would suggest the default position in liberal societies is passive nihilism. Nothing really matters hence the ever expanding menu of perversity, oddball lifestyles etc., within the idiocracy. I think JG Ballard had the Zeitgeist of the times down in his literary work.

 Posted by Hot Somalis on Fri, 25 Mar 2016 19:45 | # 17

Is yours a hot Somali city?

And, just so you know (if you think more have arrived in your city than are shown here), these are only the top cities where Somalis were directly resettled by the contractors.  These numbers do not include ‘secondary migrants’ —refugees who were seeded elsewhere but moved to be with THEIR own kind of people.  Minnesota receives several thousand more Somalis each year who move there from the site of their original resettlement.

Posted by Lutheran Services in Michigan on Fri, 25 Mar 2016 19:59 | #

Refugee Resettlement Watch, “Michigan: Housing funny-business involving Lutheran Social Services”

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 25, 2016

LSS Michigan

Over the years we have gotten whiffs of ‘strange doings’ going on between landlords and federal refugee resettlement contractors and this story from Battlecreek, MI gives us a tantalizing peek into how the ‘humanitarian’ Lutheran Social Services of Michigan operates.

All I know is that, please watch for housing problems in refugee overloaded cities.

You will see refugees placed in slums, apartments with more residents than local zoning allows, conflicts with neighbors, landlords waking up to what they got into and trying now to get out, cozy relations between refugee contractors and certain landlords, competition between American poor and disabled and refugees for limited housing, and the list goes on.  In fact, you will see even more competition this year as the contractors are expected to find places for the 85,000 refugees Obama has promised America.

Sam Beals LSSM

Sam Beals is the CEO of Lutheran Social Services Michigan. Since the article never names who the spokesperson is for LSSM in the housing dispute, the next best thing is to identify the head honcho.

Here is the news from  This is the kind of story some local Michigan activist, concerned with too many refugees coming to the state, should dig into.  I bet there is a lot more than is being said here!  Emphasis below is mine:


BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Refugees and community organizers say more than 60 refugee families received notices that their apartment leases would not be renewed.


“At the time the letter was sent, the apartment complexes had received information which caused the complexes to believe that the families/residents who received the latter had too many residents occupying the apartment units,” wrote Campbell’s lawyer, David Zebell.

The article reports that the landlord changed his mind and refugees can stay, but here is more:

Ginger Dowdle, a Battle Creek community organizer said she first became aware of the notices when an middle-eastern refugee approached her with concerns.

She said Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, which helps organize and place the refugees, did not challenge the notices, but instead, told the refugees about an option to buy homes recently acquired by the landlord of River and River Oaks Apartments. [That is the same landlord with whom they are having problems now.—ed]

“I tried to make them [refugees] aware, that if this is happening to them now and there’s no reason for them to be evicted, I would be very careful getting involved with this land contract for a home,” she said. [By the way, one of the things resettlement contractors brag about is that refugees are buying homes, do they get special government funded deals?—ed]

Dowdle said that a representative from Lutheran Social Services of Michigan indicated that LSS told refugees they would have to move out in one year, something refugees say never happened.

A spokesperson for LSSM defended the organization’s response to the notices.


As for community organizer Ginger Dowdle, she is in the process of making sure all the refugees know about the reversal in policy, and their rights.

“I feel like this has been going on for quite some time,” she said, expressing disappointment with both apartment management and LSSM.


There is more here.

I wondered if LSSM was running out of housing and thus trying to move some previous ‘clients’ into homes so that they could be sure to have apartments in order to keep the flow of new paying clients coming into the city.

Has anyone asked LSSM for its FY2016 R & P Abstracts?  Go to the handy list of resettlement contractor offices around the country, find the one closest to you and ask for their FY2016 R & P Abstract.  The Abstract will tell you how many the refugee contractor thinks they can handle this year (from what countries) and what amenities your town is offering (which might be a surprise to you!).

Posted by Diversity means chasing down Arkansas on Thu, 26 May 2016 20:22 | # 19

The Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, U.S.A. are beautiful; and parts of it are among the remaining White havens of The Unites States. Not surprisingly, they are now being targeted. How does the saying go? “Diversity means chasing down the last White person.”
Refugee Resettlement Watch, “Catholic Charities eyeing Arkansas for new resettlement site”

Posted by Ann Corcoran on May 23, 2016

Not enough hours in the day to keep up anymore. The US State Department and its contractors are on a roll trying to set up new resettlement sites to accommodate Obama’s increased numbers especially the mostly Syrian Muslims on the way.

Frank Head (Catholic Charities) left, helped start a new group Canopy NWA for the purpose of creating a new refugee resettlement office in northwest Arkansas.

Here is news from the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette:

Arkansas took in about 1 out of every 1 million refugees who sought shelter worldwide last year — 13 of the 14.5 million refugees accounted for by the United Nations.

A local group called Canopy NWA wants to raise that number despite a contentious atmosphere about the country’s obligation to alleviate what the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees has called a severely unfair burden on a few countries.


“We’re talking about one or two families a month,” Frank Head of Catholic Charities said at the group’s May 4 meeting. “People wouldn’t even notice if we didn’t talk about it.”  [I am sure they would like to get the refugee flow moving before people start talking about it!—ed]

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is one of the nine charitable organizations authorized to accept refugees into the country through agreements with the U.S. Department of State.

The group operates in Northwest Arkansas through Catholic Charities Immigration Services. Catholic Charities sent a representative to the May 4 meeting, held at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. So did the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, another of the nine authorized groups.

Nina Zelic, director for refugee services for the Lutheran organization, told the dozen interested attendees her group is evaluating the region as a potential site for opening another chapter.

Harrison, Arkansas. Still White.

Posted by US took 500 just for landing in Malta on Thu, 09 Jun 2016 02:34 | # 20

RRW, “Insanity! US took 500 illegal aliens off Malta’s hands in one year”

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 8, 2016:

This invasion of Europe story leads to the invasion of America!

The story makes me sick.  I have been writing about it for EIGHT years.  George Bush started it and of course Obama continued this abrogation of international refugee law.

Here is one of the earliest posts I wrote (from 2008) about Bush’s Ambassador to Malta who first broke the law!

Illegal aliens who arrive on Malta could hit the jackpot and get a ticket to America!

In just one recent year, 500 ILLEGAL aliens made their way from North Africa across the Mediterranean to the island nation of Malta. Then, to help Malta out, our US State Department said ‘presto-chango’ and these ECONOMIC migrants who had launched from lawless Libya and elsewhere in North Africa magically became refugees and they now live in your towns in America somewhere!  And, this has been going on for eight years!

Legitimate claims for asylum are supposed to be made in the first safe country where the LEGITIMATE refugee lands—in this case Malta (making them Europe’s problem).  Are we asking Europe to take some of our illegal alien Mexicans? Of course not!

 Posted by The right’s concern for black Americans on Thu, 29 Sep 2016 11:55 | # 21

RRW, “West Virginia: Is Catholic Charities bringing in foreign laborers for a poultry plant to compete with Americans?”

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 26, 2016

Here are some of the facts as we know them:

West Virginia is a relatively new resettlement state which has received only 176 refugees in the last ten fiscal years.

However, in addition to Catholic Charities resettling refugees, Episcopal Migration Ministries wants to open a new office in Charleston.  Presently CC has three locations and one of those is in Moorefield, WV.

What else is in Moorefield? I’ll tell you! There is a Pilgrim’s Pride poultry plant located there.

Here are some things we know about Pilgrim’s Pride:

It is owned by the Brazilian meat giant—JBS (you may know them as Swift & Co.) headquartered in Greeley, CO.

And, now get this. The very same Labor Department, that I would normally be complaining about, says that in some locations in the US, Pilgrim’s Pride is DISCRIMINATING against African American job applicants, Caucasians and women!  They are choosing Hispanic laborers (and it would appear refugee laborers) over Americans!

Notice how the right continually prefers blacks over “Hispanics” – a language designation which frequently includes people who are White, mostly White but mixed with Amerindian and/or some kind of Amerindian that is benign as compared to blacks.

This is a matter that has to be re-assessed – “Oh, these patriotic black Americans who used to be so good to live with before the Jews ruined their families” – colossal Bullshit of the right.

On the contrary: You Mexicans cleanse blacks from your neighborhoods? The more power to you. Lets make a deal.

Posted by Somali refugee wins Rep in Minnesota on Sun, 13 Nov 2016 04:43 | # 22

        NPR, “Somali Refugee Makes History In U.S. Election”, 10 Nov 2016:

She can barely speak English.

Ilhan Omar, a Democratic candidate for state representative in Minnesota, gives an acceptance speech on election night in Minneapolis.

She’s a former refugee, a Muslim, a mom of three, and now the first Somali-American lawmaker in the United States.

“This really was a victory for that 8-year-old in that refugee camp,” Ilhan Omar, 34, said. “This was a victory for the young woman being forced into child marriage. This was a victory for every person that’s been told they have limits on their dreams.”

Omar is the youngest of seven children. She and her family fled from the Somali civil war and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya. When she came to the United States in 1995, she spoke only Somali. As her English improved, she began translating for her grandfather at political events in the Twin Cities. Today, the Minneapolis organizer is well-versed in business administration and politics.

“I think I bring the voice of young people,” Omar said. “I think I bring the voice of women in the East African community. I bring the voice of Muslims. I bring the voice of young mothers looking for opportunities.”

She won House District 60B in southeast Minneapolis with 80 percent of the vote. It wasn’t a surprise that Omar would win a Minnesota House seat in the reliably Democratic district: In the primary contest earlier, she beat a 22-term incumbent, and her Republican challenger suspended his campaign for family reasons. Allegations were raised during the campaign that she had illegally married her brother to commit immigration fraud; she denied the charge.

On Tuesday, as Ilhan Omar walked into a room filled with supporters, she was crushed with hugs and kisses from anyone who could touch her. For nearly 20 minutes, photographers tried desperately to capture Omar as she moved around the room in her white headscarf. When the music stopped and speakers gathered on stage, Omar sat down in the front row, beaming, next to her husband, Ahmed Hirsi. One of her children sat on her lap, and her two other kids stood by her.

“Minneapolis said no tonight, said no to hatred,” Habon Abdulle said. She’s the executive director of the Minneapolis group Women Organizing Women Network.

“Minneapolis said no to the narrative of making America hate again. Minneapolis tonight said yes to diversity. Minneapolis, and [the] 60B district particularly, you said Muslim women have space in the governing body of our state. Thank you.”

When Omar’s husband took the microphone, he got the crowd laughing when he started to describe strong, black, Muslim women.

“For those men — wooo! — let me tell you something,” Hirsi said. “When you see a strong, African, Muslim woman, don’t be afraid, no, you know what, appreciate that. That’s the model, that’s the new 2016, going into 2017.”

Omar and her children joined him on stage as the crowd started to chant, “Ilhan, Ilhan, Ilhan.”

She honored her grandfather first, thanking him for his many lessons, then her dad and finally her supporters.

“Our campaign has been about more than just uniting a district, more than winning back the House, more than making history,” Omar said. “Our campaign has been about shifting narratives, restoring hope and re-establishing access in our democracy.”

She told the crowd she would work on an agenda focused on justice and the common good, zero waste and renewable energy.

“And we will never stop fighting for a democracy that works for all of us, for a prosperous and equitable Minnesota that we will all be proud of,” she said. “I will never give up fighting for you, and I hope you will never give up fighting for me.”

Omar’s mentor and friend, Minneapolis City Council member Andrew Johnson, said he knew long ago that she would make history.

“I had no doubt that Ilhan would get here. The big question is: What’s the path an individual takes?” Johnson said. “And I just think she’s just naturally a great leader.”

Mohamed Omar Giama couldn’t agree more. The 90-year-old former Somali ambassador to the European Commission said he was overjoyed witnessing history.

“I never thought a Somali lady, a refugee, can get through all this hardship and difficulties to get elected to Minnesota parliament,” said Giama, who attended her victory party. “It’s wonderful,” he said, “just wonderful.”


Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges hired Mohammed Noor, the city’s first Somalian police officer.

Star Tribune, 18 July 2017: Justine Damond, 40, who called 911 to report a possible assault behind her south Minneapolis home Saturday night, was fatally shot by a police officer. No body cams were running at the time.

Justine Damond called 9-11 for help.

The death of Justine Damond, who called 911 to report a possible crime only to be killed by a responding Minneapolis police officer, has left her grieving family, neighborhood and nation demanding answers in the latest police-involved shooting to thrust Minnesota into the international spotlight.

The Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed a 40-year-old woman in the alley behind her home Saturday night has been identified as Officer Mohamed Noor. State investigators have confirmed that they did not find any weapons at the scene.

Fast twitching Noor, first Somali to patrol 5th precinct of Minneapolis.

Noor, 31, joined the department in March 2015 as the first Somali police officer to patrol the 5th Precinct in southwest Minneapolis, according to a city newsletter. He holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from Augsburg College. Before joining the department, he worked in property management in commercial and residential properties in Minneapolis and St. Louis, Mo.

Noor has been sued once in his short career with the police department, stemming from a May 25, 2017 incident, in which he and two other officers came to a woman’s home and took her to the hospital, which the woman alleges constituted false imprisonment, assault and battery. According to the recently filed and ongoing lawsuit, the officers claimed they had reason to believe the woman was suffering a mental health crisis — which she denied — and Noor “grabbed her right wrist and upper arm,” exacerbating a previous shoulder injury in the process.

An exchange between police from the night of the shooting, posted by website Minnesota PoliceClips, shows one officer indicating a “female standing behind a building” on Washburn Avenue. Seconds later, another officer reports “shots fired” and “one down” in the same location, and then an officer says he’s performing CPR. An officer also notes that there’s no suspect at large. It’s unclear if the audio is edited or compressed for time.

On Monday, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension confirmed that officers were responding to a 911 call of a “possible assault.” “At one point an officer fired their weapon, fatally striking a woman,” the news release said. “BCA crime scene personnel located no weapons at the scene.”

“I know the neighborhood well” said Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, shown here with husband.

The BCA confirmed that an autopsy has been completed. After confirming yesterday that there was no body camera or dashcam footage of the incident, the agency said the investigation “does not determine whether a law enforcement agency policy was violated. That would be reviewed through the agency’s internal affairs process.”

The BCA has not officially named Noor, but a source confirmed that he was the shooter. Attorney Tom Plunkett is representing Noor, but declined to identify him.

Friends of Justine Damond mourn.

At the same time, a neighborhood has continued to struggle for answers as to what caused the shooting. Family members said Damond called 911 that night to report a possible assault in the alley behind her home.

The morning afterward about 200 people gathered Sunday to mourn Diamond. Loving messages remain written in chalk on the sidewalk near the scene, at the end of the alley on W. 51st Street between Washburn and Xerxes avenues S. in the city’s Fulton neighborhood.

Diamond, from Sydney, Australia, and fiancé, Don Damond, lived in the 5000 block of Washburn.

Justine, her fiancee and son.

“This is about Justine; it’s about Don, a horrific thing has happened in their lives, but it reverberates through the community,” said neighbor Richard Burbach, looking on as Australian news crews gathered around the Damond home. “I hope that the global media can continue to put enough focus on this that there is a kind of pressure that will provide an essential ingredient that will change policing, not just in Minneapolis but the country as well.”

Gov. Mark Dayton had no comment Monday on the shooting. Law enforcement had previously criticized Dayton for comments he made the day after Philando Castile was killed by former St. Anthony police officer Jerimano Yanez.

“Would this have happened if the driver were white, if the passengers were white?” Dayton asked last year. “I don’t think it would have. On behalf of all decent-minded Minnesotans, we are shocked and horrified. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.”

Three sources with knowledge of the incident said Sunday that two officers in one squad car, responding to the 911 call, pulled into the alley. Damond, in her pajamas, went to the driver’s side door and was talking to the driver. The officer in the passenger seat pulled his gun and shot Damond through the driver’s side door, sources said.

“Two Minneapolis police officers responded to a 911 call of a possible assault just north of the 5100 block of Washburn Avenue S. just before 11:30 p.m. Saturday,” the BCA said in a news release. “At one point, an officer fired their weapon, fatally striking a woman.

“The BCA’s investigation is in its early stages. More information will be available once initial interviews with incident participants and any witnesses are complete. … The officers’ body cameras were not turned on at the time and the squad camera did not capture the incident. Investigators are attempting to determine whether any video of the incident exists.”

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, who advanced to the top of the police department by filing racial discrimination law suits, is shown here with Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges.

Minneapolis police confirmed that the two officers involved are on paid administrative leave, which is standard procedure.

In Minneapolis, police officers are required to wear body cameras any time they could “reasonably anticipate” they will need to record an incident. The policy specifies that officers record any use of force, as soon as it’s safe to do so.

The ACLU has called for penalties for the officer’s failure to activate body cameras.

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges called the shooting “tragic” in a news conference at City Hall late Sunday afternoon, appearing with assistant Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Linea Palmisano, who represents the 13th Ward on the City Council.

Betsy tries not to laugh when addressing the incident.

“I am heartsick and deeply disturbed by the fatal officer-involved shooting that happened last night,” Hodges said.

“I know the neighborhood well,” said Hodges, who represented the area for eight years as a City Council member.

Betsy shrugs-it-off.

“We have few facts at this point,” she said. “I want to know more. I call on the BCA to share as much information with all of us as quickly as they can.

“I have questions about why the bodycams weren’t on,” she said.

Arradondo confirmed that the officer bodycam program is fully rolled out in Minneapolis but declined to say more about why there is no footage of the shooting.

Justine’s son, Zach Damond, fiancee, Don Damond

Zach Damond, 22, arrived at the scene with a close family friend about 11:30 a.m. Sunday. While the couple were not yet married, Justine referred to herself as Damond on her personal website. Her maiden name was Justine Ruszczyk.

“Basically, my mom’s dead because a police officer shot her for reasons I don’t know,” Zach Damond said, referring to Justine. “I demand answers. If anybody can help, just call police and demand answers. I’m so done with all this violence.”

Damond said Justine called police after she “heard a sound in the alley.”

Read the rest here

Refugee Resettlement Watch, “Minneapolis Somali police officer, shoots and kills woman who called 911”, Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 18, 2017:

Justine and fiancee, Don Damond,

The 40-year-old Australian woman had called 911 to report a disturbance in an alley near the home she shared with her fiance. As she walked to the responding officers’ car, reportedly in her pajamas, she was shot by officer Mohamed Noor, one of the city’s newest diversity picks for its police force.

Justine who is described as a 40 year old veterinarian and yoga instructor from Australia was inexplicably killed by a Somali refugee cum police officer. Dare I say, white lives matter.

I heard about the story on our local radio station yesterday, but not a word about the shooter, until I read Leo Hohmann’s report at WND last night.  Believe it or not, but CNN was reporting the story this morning complete with the officer’s name scrolled below the report.  CNN said Officer Noor apologized and said he had her friends and family in his “thoughts and prayers.”

There was no explanation given in the CNN report about why he shot the unarmed woman, or why the officers’ body cameras were turned off.

Here is Hohmann at WND:

The Minneapolis cop who shot and killed a 40-year-old woman after she called 9-1-1 to report a possible crime near her home was identified Monday as the precinct’s first Somali-American officer — Mohamed Noor.

Noor has only been a police officer for two years and has already been sued for alleged unprofessional behavior. The May 2017 lawsuit also involved a female and accusations of brutality.

The shooting late Saturday night happened at the end of an alley in the city’s Fulton neighborhood.

Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a native of Sydney, Australia, was a veterinarian and a yoga instructor who recently got engaged to longtime boyfriend Don Damond. She and her fiancé lived in the 5000 block of Washburn.


“I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department,” Mayor Betsy Hodges wrote in a Facebook post when Noor began serving the city. “Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.”

Noor, 31, was born in Somalia.

KSTP, citing a source with direct knowledge of the shooting, reported that Noor was sitting in the passenger seat of the squad car at the time of the shooting and “shot across his partner” at Damond, who approached the officers’ car in her pajamas and began talking to the officer in the driver’s seat.

One of Damond’s friends, who identified herself only by her first name, Hannah, told the Star-Tribune that there was “no way” Damond would have been armed.

“She often talked about how much better it was in Australia, where people aren’t allowed to have guns,” Hannah told the local newspaper.

That is Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges in green head scarf, literally snuggling with a Somali constituent.

“This is a very bizarre story,” Debra Anderson, chair of ACT For America’s Minnesota chapter and a resident of Minneapolis. “How could a women in pajamas possibly be perceived as a threat, on the opposite side of the car, no less?”

The story is making headlines around the world.

Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges will have a lot of explaining to do!

Minneapolis has the nation’s largest concentration of Somali refugees, with the community estimated at approximately 50,000 strong in the city. The city’s Democrat mayor and council have made every effort to hire Somalis as part of the city’s diversity program.

Continue here for more information and more photos. I’ve only snipped a tiny bit of a more detailed story. And, surely there will be updates during the day.

For new readers: Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  Thank Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services (as well as other refugee contractors) placing Somali Muslims there for decades.  See my post from 2011 when I first learned how that happened.  See yesterday’s post about Catholics and Lutherans placing the largest numbers of refugees into unsuspecting American towns and cities.

Incredibly creepy Betsy Hodges campaign video from her mayoral run, showing Hodges in a hospital with Somalian refugees. The first part of the video is spoken in Arabic language and features a series of Somalian refugees asking people to vote for her.

Vote for Betsy Hodges
Hodges for Mayor!

Finally, Hodges speaks…

and says…

“My name is Betsy Hodges and I’m running for Mayor of Minneapolis. Minneapolis is a great city, I’m proud of the work that I’ve been doing on the city council the last eight years to make sure that we are the best city we can be; but the best is yet to come. But I know that to be the greatest city we must be an inclusive city, knowing that our future depends upon everybody, everybody sitting at the table to build the Minneapolis of the future; and that is my commitment to you as Mayor. In the first 100 days I will hire someone from the community in my office to make sure that I have the eyes and ears of the community right there in City Hall with me; but also that I have eyes and ears and myself out in the community …I will put together a Somali board of advisors to make sure that crucial issues are getting addressed right away…  all the crucial issues for the community are being handled well and addressed through my office.”

Posted by Killercop: affrimative action hire by Hijabwearing on Fri, 21 Jul 2017 05:58 | #

Unz Review, “Michelle Bachman Calls Killer Cop an ‘Affirmative-Action Hire by the Hijab-Wearing Mayor of Minneapolis”, 20 July 2017:

Officer in Minnesota shooting was celebrated in Somali community

MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – Mohamed Noor was celebrated when he became a Minneapolis police officer 21 months ago, joining a handful of other Somalis on the police force in a city with one of the United States’ largest Somali communities. …

But some are worried about a backlash in the Somali community, while one former politician had only harsh words.

The eldest of 10 children, Noor came to the United States as a child and has been held up by the Somali community as an example. He was one of only about 20 Somali police officers in Minnesota.

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges had touted his arrival to the police force in a Facebook post.

“I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department,” she said in a May 2016 post, a few months after he joined the department, alongside photos of Noor smiling at a community meet-and-greet. “His arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community.”

He remains a role model for some.

“He is inspiring to young people in the community,” Abdikadir Hassan, a candidate for a Minneapolis Park Board seat, told the Star Tribune this week.

Others said the community could suffer.

“A lot of people are holding the Somali community accountable,” said Abdirizak Bihi, director of the Somali Education and Social Advocacy Center in Minneapolis. “That’s absolutely wrong.”

Among the most vocal critics was Michele Bachmann, a Republican former U.S. representative. On Wednesday she called Noor an “affirmative-action hire by the hijab-wearing mayor of Minneapolis,” the Star Tribune reported.

“she did not have to die”

Minneapolis Police Chief admits in open statement that “this should not have happened…Justine did not have to die.”

“We are talking about one individual’s actions” she said.

She added that Noor’s actions ran counter to Minneapolis Police training; and the circumstances did not warrant fear of ambush.

Betsy Hodges forces Police Chief to resign:

NYTimes, “Minneapolis Police Chief Forced Out After Fatal Shooting of Australian Woman”, 21 July 2017:

The Minneapolis police chief, Janee Harteau, resigned on Friday at the mayor’s request, less than a week after one of the city’s officers fatally shot an unarmed Australian woman who had called 911 for help.

Mayor Betsy Hodges said in a statement that “I’ve lost confidence in the chief’s ability to lead us further” and that “it is clear that she has lost the confidence of the people of Minneapolis as well.”

The fatal shooting of the Australian woman, Justine Damond, last weekend by Officer Mohamed Noor led to outpourings of grief in Minnesota and outrage in Ms. Damond’s home country, where the prime minister condemned the shooting and Ms. Damond’s family members have expressed frustration with how little they have been told about what happened.

Last Saturday, Ms. Damond, 40, called 911 twice to report a possible sexual assault near her home. Officer Noor and his partner, Officer Matthew Harrity, arrived at the scene in a dark alley several minutes later. Officer Harrity told state investigators that he had been startled by a loud noise just before Ms. Damond approached their cruiser. Officer Noor then shot her through the open window.

Officer Noor has declined to speak with investigators, and the authorities have provided no explanation for why he shot Ms. Damond. Neither Officer Noor nor his partner had turned on their body cameras.

Chief Harteau, a 30-year veteran of the Minneapolis police force, said in a statement that “the recent incidents do not reflect the training and procedures we’ve developed as a department.”

“I’ve decided I am willing to step aside to let a fresh set of leadership eyes see what more can be done for the M.P.D. to be the very best it can be,” Chief Harteau said. “The city of Minneapolis deserves the very best.”

Ms. Damond’s death was the latest high-profile episode to raise questions about police tactics under Chief Harteau. In 2015, weeks of protests followed the fatal shooting of Jamar Clark, an unarmed black man.

Nekima Levy-Pounds, a civil rights lawyer and activist running for mayor of Minneapolis, said Chief Harteau “needed to be fired.” Ms. Levy-Pounds said it had been “a slap in the face to people of color” that the chief spoke out about the death of Ms. Damond, who was white, after defending officers involved in past shootings of black people.

“She is attempting to paint this as an isolated case based on one officer’s poor judgment as opposed to a systemic pattern,” Ms. Levy-Pounds said.

Ms. Hodges, who is up for re-election in November and who has faced criticism for her handling of police issues, said she was appreciative of Chief Harteau’s service but had requested her resignation.

In conversation with the chief today, she and I agreed that she would step aside to make way for new leadership,” Ms. Hodges said. “I asked Chief Harteau for her resignation, she tendered it and I have accepted it.”

Ms. Hodges said she would nominate Medaria Arradondo, currently the assistant chief in Minneapolis, to become chief of police.

At a news conference at City Hall on Friday night about the chief’s departure, protesters interrupted Ms. Hodges and called on her to resign. “Bye, bye, Betsy,” they chanted when she tried to speak. Demonstrators had also gathered outside City Hall, chanting, “No justice, no peace.”

After protesters left, Ms. Hodges returned to the lectern and said, “I will not be resigning.”

“I hope people appreciate that there is no magic wand for public safety,” Ms. Hodges said.

Chief Harteau was the first woman to serve as Minneapolis police chief and is also openly gay. She worked her way through the ranks of the department after joining in 1987, and she was seen by some nationally as a police reformer who outfitted officers with body cameras and advocated restorative justice. But locally, her department faced frequent protests and criticisms for its use of force and treatment of black people.

Chief Harteau was also believed to have a strained relationship with Ms. Hodges. The two leaders faced criticism from the Justice Department for their coordination during 2015 protests. And earlier this year, Ms. Hodges publicly overruled the chief on a promotion decision.

State investigators continue to probe Ms. Damond’s death. Both Ms. Hodges and Chief Harteau have said she should not have been shot. “Justine didn’t have to die,” Chief Harteau said on Thursday, citing information released by state officials investigating the case. “I believe the actions in question go against who we are as a department, how we train and the expectations we have for our officers.”

 Posted by The Minnesota Somalis on Sun, 13 May 2018 15:18 | # 23

Refugee Resettlement Watch “Minnesota Somalis: You’re old and we are taking over”, 13 May 2018:

Posted by Ann Corcoran –

This week Judy sent me an interesting facebook post. I’ve decided not to name the author in order to spare her further aggravation.

Normally I wouldn’t post on a social media conversation except this one rings a bell.  I’ve heard it before.

In fact in earlier years in the life of this blog, I heard it from time to time.  Somali commenters told me that this country had a lot of wide open spaces and they planned to fill it.

In fact in 2010, a Somali woman communicated with me to warn that Somalis are creating what she called Tuulas (villages) throughout some states—she mentioned Minnesota and Kansas and Maine. She said:

I have read about what is going on in Kansas and in other small towns like Maine. Somalis will turn these small towns into a largely populated Somali town, because if Minnesota is the U.S capital of Somali people then a small town or city cannot stand a chance.

And, more recently a reader (a Somali?) has told me I am old so I am to be dismissed, implying that I can’t stop the inevitable wave anyway.

So this facebook post sounds perfectly in line with what other Somalis have said to me, and are saying:

From anonymous:

Yesterday, I had long social media conversations with two Somali Muslim gentlemen from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I asked them about their goals for improving Minnesota and how they feel about being an American. I also asked them about the million dollar upgrade at Cedar Riverside public housing that Mayor Jacob Frey promised its majority Somali residents this week. After I was called a racist, a fascist, a bigot, stupid and old, here’s what else they shared with me. Nearly verbatim. Thoughts?

Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s report on the Minneapolis mayor making special promises to special people.

“Get with the program, miss. We are here to stay. We never left our Somali heritage or culture. That’s what America is missing. Please stop forcing us to your ways. You’re old and have very old ideas. Get with the program. I’m trying to have my son to be the first Muslim black governor of the state of Minnesota in next 20 years. He’s gonna run as a Democrat. Oh, and on those upgrades at Cedar Riverside. They better give us those upgrades and changes if the Mayor wants to earn our votes. Or else we can always get another Mayor next time around. You see how being an American works? I told you lady please get with the program because Somalis are the latest addition to black folks.

Why should we assimilate? Do you know how stupid you sound? Guess what? We’re here to stay and will transform America for the better. Get that through your thick, ignorant skull. You need to see a doctor. It’s inevitable that Somalis will be taking over and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Again, what’s wrong with Somalis taking over? It is inevitable! This land doesn’t belong to either of us. It is our time to populate it and rule it. Go back to Europe or wherever you’re from if you don’t like it.”

When populations rise, they get cocky (and careless).

And, they are amazingly confident even in light of the fact that Somalia is a failed state because they couldn’t manage to govern it without creating a hellhole.

I suggest that their Liberal trainers (who must be talking to them about ‘old white people’) teach them to not spill the beans prematurely…but then again, let ’em talk!

See my huge archive on Minnesota Somalis by clicking here.

The only consolation here is that the do not want to integrate or “assimilate”, they want to be in self segregating communities.
      – DanielS

 Posted by Refugee Resettlement Watch on Fri, 28 Sep 2018 07:46 | #24

“Trump Administration to prioritize Africans in FY19 refugee admissions to US”

Refugee Resettlement Watch, 25 Sept 2018:

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 25, 2018

For years we have been flying Africans to America and placing them in hundreds of US towns and cities, and President Trump’s State Department will continue that trend as its number one refugee admissions priority!

The UN asked the US to take in 50,000 Congolese over 5 years and we are doing just that!

Frankly, as I said just yesterday if Africa doesn’t soon slow its population growth and get the Islamic extremists under control, Africa is going to sink first Europe, and then us under the weight of millions of needy (mostly unskilled) people in the not too distant future.

Based on current trends, Africa as a whole is projected to double in [population] size by 2050. Between 2050 and 2100, according to the United Nations, it could almost double again.

(from 1 about 1.3 billion in 2018 to over 4 billion in 2100!)

Yikes!  See the Africa ticking (time bomb) population clock, here.

Trump to prioritize Africa…..

Although the US State Dept has announced a greatly lowered refugee cap (30,000) for the coming fiscal year which begins this coming Monday! the administration will place a priority on Africans according to the just released ‘Report to Congress’ that explains why the President is setting the level where he is.

cover fy19 report

The full report released yesterday is here.

This year it is a slimmed-down version of a report I have handy for FY16 (Obama’s last full year) which is 71 pages.  The Trump report, at a mere 39 pages, does not go in to the great detail that Obama’s did.

I encourage serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program to read it (LOL! I haven’t read it all yet, but I will!) because it is a very useful educational tool even if it is discouraging.

Here (below) is a screenshot of the Trump priorities. At least we can cheer about the dramatic slowdown in the Near East and Asia (where most of the Muslim countries, besides Africa, are found).

And it is an improvement on Obama’s last full year when he set the ceiling for Africa at 27,500 and came in at 31,624!

By contrast, from 1 Oct 2017 to 1 Sept 2018 (11 months of the fiscal year), Trump admitted 9,007 Africans.

But, what on earth makes anyone in the Western World think we can save Africa by serving as their population pressure valve.

There is no way, even if we wanted to, to take enough refugees to keep up with their exploding population growth.

Let’s look at the DR Congolese

Anne Richard and then UNHCR Antonio Guterres who is now Secretary General of the United Nations.  By the way, Trump is still without an Asst. Secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration

I reported here in 2013 that then Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard, told the United Nations (told UNHCR Guterres) that we would ‘welcome’ to America 50,000 UN Camp-dwelling Congolese over 5 years.

I just checked Wrapsnet and although we were bringing these people prior to FY14, since Richard’s announcement we have admitted 45,667 from that fiscal year up until today.

(In fact, from FY08 to the present day, we have admitted 56,106 from the DR Congo.)

And, by the way, I checked numbers for this month and in a little over 3 weeks we admitted 684 DR Congolese refugees, followed by Burma (290) in second place. In case you are wondering, most Congolese are not Muslims but there are a few in the flow to your towns and cities.

So by my calculation we have 4,333 DR Congolese to go to fulfill a promise we never needed to make!

But, do not hold your breath that it will end at 50,000 because our track record is that we just keep taking them long after the supposed cut off number has been reached—see Burmese, Bhutanese and Somalis for starters!

Endnote: I did a quick check and am not seeing anything about prioritizing persecuted white South Africans.  Let me know if you see any mention.

Monday a big day for refugee contractors, expect more stories like these….

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 27, 2018

What is Monday?  It is the beginning of the federal fiscal year. It is the first day of FY19. It is the day when the writing will be on the wall for many refugee resettlement offices around the country.

Dumb way to run an organization! Did no one in the refugee industry ever question a business model where some non-profits are 97% and up federally funded?

Why? Because in 1980 Jimmy Carter signed the Refugee Act of 1980 in to law and set up a house of cards that needs to fall now. Originally (supposedly!) designed as a public-private partnership, the federal government and ‘humanitarian’ non-profit groups were to share equally in the costs of admitting tens of thousands of refugees to the US each year.

But, over the years, because Congress has been so remiss in overseeing the program (the Rs want cheap labor!), those non-profit groups (aka federal contractors) have gotten fat and confident (like Aesop’s grasshopper) on ever larger amounts of federal funding and too lazy to raise sufficient amounts of private money to see them through if for any reason the number of paying clients/refugees declined.

(An aside: The inability to raise enough private money is also indicative of the fact that there isn’t enough interest by average Americans in financially supporting the program in the first place.)

So here we are with one story after another about what Monday will bring to dozens of resettlement contractors around the country.

From Austin, Texas we learn that a Catholic contractor—Caritas—is closing its refugee program.

The Statesman:

EXCLUSIVE: As refugees dwindle, Caritas will end resettlement program

Since 1974, the organization has helped thousands of people fleeing war or persecution find a new life in Austin. But after 44 years, Caritas is ending its refugee resettlement program and as of Monday, it will no longer serve new refugees.

“It’s really a tragedy that this program has to go away,” said Jo Kathryn Quinn, executive director for Caritas.


For the past two years, Caritas has seen a sharp decline in the number of refugees arriving in Austin, and the development has made the program “financially unsustainable,” Quinn said. Between 2010 and 2016, Caritas resettled an average of 576 refugees each year. Since last October, Caritas has resettled 151 refugees, but the nonprofit has not received any new refugees since April.

“Having zero refugees arrive in two months was unheard of for us,” Quinn said. “It was the final alarm bell that told us that we couldn’t continue this way.”


In June, Caritas’ board of directors voted to close the program at the end of the fiscal year at the recommendation of the nonprofit’s executive leadership.

When fewer refugees arrive, less federal money comes in to support them as well. Refugees receive a one-time amount of $1,125 from federal funds for resettlement needs, including housing and food, said Adelita Winchester, Caritas’ director of integrated services. Caritas would supplement federal funds with about $1 million annually in philanthropic donations,Winchester said.  [The reporter has missed an important piece of information. The refugee gets $1,125 and Caritas gets another $1,125 for themselves per refugee.—ed]

“We didn’t have any excess philanthropic dollars to shift to aid this program,” Quinn said.

More here.

 Posted by Corcoran smeared for synagogue shooting on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 08:07 | # 25

VDare, “Refugee Resettlement Watch’s Ann Corcoran Smeared By Religion News In Connection With Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter”, 3 Nov 2018.

Posted by Catholic charities on Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:09 | # 27

Catholic charities bringing Africans to Portland, Maine, despite the fact that the city is not prepared to accommodate them.

Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants

JTA, “Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants”, 27 September 2016:

ROME (JTA) – Pope Francis told a World Jewish Congress delegation that migrants have enriched Europe and need to be integrated into society.

“Europe often forgets that it has been enriched by migrants,” the pope told the Jewish leaders at an audience Monday evening at the Vatican that was described as taking place in an atmosphere of “great cordiality and friendship.”

“Europe is closing itself up. Europe is lacking creativity. Europe has a falling birth rate and problems of high unemployment,” the pope said.

He added, according to an account of the meeting issued by the WJC: “We need to reflect on integration, which is important. The people who committed the terrorist attacks in Belgium were not properly integrated.”

Francis urged Christians and Jews to cooperate in battling hatred and brutality.

“We need more friendliness and kindness, and we should not be afraid to speak out against brutality,” he said, according to the WJC report. “We should go on a joint journey together to make the world more secure. We need to speak out for peace.”

        The appropriate response to the Pope and his cohorts:

European Sovereignty or Death!


 Posted by POPE FRANCIS: A CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER! on Thu, 23 Aug 2018 09:59 | #


by Antonius Aquinas

There is probably no greater threat to the long-term survival of the Occidental peoples of the world than the purported head of the Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis.

Last month, in his plea for greater “acceptance” of refugees, Bergoglio held a “Mass” where several migrants and their family members attended. The service was to commemorate the fifth anniversary of Bergoglio’s visit to the island of Lampedusa which has been a launching pad for invading migrants on their path to destroy what is left of European civilization.

During his “sermon,” the “Pope” condemned the “globalization of indifference” which many hold toward refugees and their plight. “Before the challenge of contemporary movements of migration,” Bergoglio said, “the only reasonable response is one solidarity and mercy.”

While Bergoglio had the gall to call for even greater societal-wrecking migration, one of his Church’s top prelates, “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick had just been exposed as being a paedophile and was relieved of his public ministry. To date, McCarrick has been the highest Church official to be guilty of sex crimes with more sure to follow. Worse, McCarrick’s abominable actions had been taking place for years and were known to just about everyone within his inner circle (including Bergoglio), but none had the courage to speak out or take any action against the predator for his debauchery.

Sex crime partners – Pope Francis Bergoglio & McCarrick

It is beyond hypocritical that Bergoglio expresses so much concern for the refugee crisis, most of which has been orchestrated by the usual suspects, yet has done virtually nothing against his own underlings, many of whom have assaulted, raped, and molested thousands of young boys and girls. Instead of expunging these perverts from the Church, he has, in some instances, promoted them.

Whether Bergoglio knows it or not, it was the Catholic Church which preserved many of the treasures of the ancient world which would have surely been lost forever during the barbarian incursions. Likewise, it was the Papacy itself which inspired the Christian princes to undertake the Crusades and defend Europe from the repeated attempts by the Muslims to overrun the Continent.  Now, in a direct refutation of its history, the Church is encouraging Muslim penetration of its once sacred soil.

Europe’s Future if Pope Francis has his way!

At one time, the Catholic Church stood for the integrity of the traditional family, realizing that it was the backbone of any healthy and fertile society.  The Church condemned artificial contraception, frowned on “working mothers,” and prohibited divorce while it taught that the primary purpose of marriage was the procreation of children not the embodiment of spousal love. Since the Second Vatican Anti-council (1962-65), however, things have changed dramatically, now the Church speaks of diversity, multiculturalism, and, under Bergoglio, coercive integration.

As the West has crazily adopted Democracy as its governing paradigm, voting and elections will be determined by demographics. If Europeans become a minority, they will be voted out of power, have their property confiscated, and eventually be replaced. For an ominous example of what will happen unless mass migration is halted, the horrific plight of white South African farmers is instructive.

While tighter border controls are imperative, fundamental changes need to take place to reverse Europe’s demographic nightmare as the latest statistics have confirmed where the number of deaths (5.3 million) in 2017 have overtaken the number births (5.1 million). Most critical in reversing the demographic decline is a revival of the family and the removal of the impediments that have been placed in its way to procreate and nurture children. Two of the most important of these obstacles are the welfare state and public schooling, both of which have been used by [Red, liberal internationalist] Left to replace the critical role of the family in the upbringing, education, and the shaping of the young’s moral values.

If the likes of Bergoglio get their way, there will be nothing left of Western Civilization; its institutions, arts, music, literature, languages will be swept away under a deluge of racially, culturally, and religiously distinct and often hostile peoples that cannot and should not be assimilated.  While immigration enthusiasts must be stopped, Europeans must once again realize what it takes to have sustainable and fruitful societies.  When this again becomes part of the Western ethos, the demographic imbalance will cease to be a concern.

Goes to show how important it is that we attend to re-constructing a non-Christian moral order – it is not a matter of “starting something in one’s garage, that can’t just be done.” Yes, we can do it in negotiation among our people. And that’s how its always done.

Pope Francis-Cuckold calls for universal ban on anti-Semitism.

Pope Francis says snuff out ‘any whiff’ of resurgent anti-Semitism


Pope Francis-Cuckold

The King of Cucks and the King of Cuckdom!

 Posted by Michelle on Tue, 19 Nov 2019 18:47 | # 26

Michelle Malkin documents organizations which facilitate the transgressing of America’s borders and rule of law.

 Posted by Funding your own displacement on Tue, 04 Aug 2020 21:56 | #

Exclusive: Michelle Malkin Lays Out Who Is Funding Open Borders Activism

Open Borders Inc: Taxpayers and Church donors fund their own destruction and displacement.

Soros teams-up with NGO’s and Religious Charities to open borders.



Michelle Malkin: Whether its quoting from the tax documents of these tax exempt non profit charities that are essentially the political action arm of the Democrat party, or exhaustive lists of the legal organizations that make up the illegal alien lawyers lobby …more than 400 groups that I mention…

I think that its important that American tax payers know that it’s largely their money that is funding their own destruction.


Alex Marlow:

And for me one thing that really hurt, as a Catholic, was knowing how much the collection money goes straight to the illegal alien enablers.

You (Michelle) go after the financial beneficiaries of immigration.

Michelle Malkin:

Yes, and your average consumer of conservative information is very familiar with the name George Soros.

But I think they’re less familiar with the interaction and the infrastructure between George Soros and The Vatican and The Catholic Church..and every one of its sub-organizations; the conference on Catholic Bishops, the Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Charities, Catholic Relief Services ….The Jesuit Refugee Service, and its role in standing up the illegal alien shelter network stretching all the way from Central America to churches inside the United States.

So people need to think very carefully if they’re going to sit in Catholic Church pugh’s if they’re going to contribute to the annual Thanks Giving Fund.

Because that is multiple, multiple millions of dollars that is going to go straight into amnesty shills that operate as a smuggling network.


Alex Marlow:

And you also are not afraid to go after people on the right…

You don’t hold back from people who are on the dole from the right on the Open Borders Lobby.

This includes the tech giants and their role.

I had no cue as to how open borders that Jeff Bezos was.

He backs all these open borders groups.

and he’s probably the least threatening of the tech giants at the moment. ..we know Google and Facebook’s history of it…the thing in Washington now is that people on the right are getting bought off by these people.


Michell Malkin:

Yes, I would agree.

There are many of these beltway establishment Republicans who are completely bought off.

I talk openly about the Koch brothers …the Libra organization that they sponsor is as bad as any Soros operation that shills for so called illegal alien dreamers.


Alex Marlow:

“Talk to us about this war on national sovereignty…and what it really means, which is a war for globalism”…

Michelle Malkin:

“Yes and this is not some wild, black helicopter conspiracy ….all of the Soros paid minions have already attacked me as some sort of conspiracy theorist….I call them Soros flying monkeys.”

“But Soros is very explicit about it in his books and in his speeches all over the world, that sovereignty is a quote unquote obstacle – OBSTACLE.

So, he sees our borders as obstacles.

…and our walls and every attempt to enforce our sovereignty and the rule of law.

…and you’ve got a lot of very learned listeners who understand what the United Nations agenda is”…

Alex Marlow:

Their agenda is grifting brown people.

Michelle Malkin:

There you go, that’s pretty much the bottom line.

And so people wonder how did Minneapolis turn into what it turned into (this was posted last September).

…and Lewiston Maine and Nashville, Tennessee.

Well, if you have been paying attention to UNGA assemblies every year, you would understand that.

[Rather than global compacts] It is very encouraging to me to hear plans floated of zeroing-out the refugee resettlement numbers – a moratorium is long overdue.

Not only for the financial and cultural impact that it’s causing on a lot of these working class neighborhoods and towns that never got a say in whether they wanted these refugees, largely from Muslim countries and African countries in the first place, but also, on September 11th, to consider the national security implications of bringing people over here of have an unshakable hatred of all things Western.

Alex Marlow:

Yeah, this is about a war on the West, this is where this is going.

Michelle Malkin:

And where does this come from?

This is why I thought it was very important to include a chapter on The Southern Poverty Law Center.

Long before the deplatformings that we’ve seen over the last year or so, back in 2006 and 2007 there was a little video that popped up on Youtube … in partnership between La Raza and the ADL..

..creating a guide book of code words of hate, and Michelle was on this list and in this video because she had used the word “invasion” (Azatlan, Reconquista and Invasion).

Alex Marlow:

I had no clue that Google was working with the SPLC.

Michelle Malkin:

…of course it’s not just Google. We mentioned Amazon and Tim Cook, who is in the hip pocket of the SPLC, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.

But even other platforms where I had never worried that they would be polluted by politics – WordPress.

I mentioned in the book that a heroine of mine, Anne Corcoran, who runs or ran, an incredible reporting blog called Refugee Resettlement Watch, had that whole blog, the plug was just completely pulled. Just two months ago (July 2019) by Word Press.

…my blog is on Word Press. and I wake up every morning worrying that my blog will no longer exist.

George Floyd's criminal life ended in a drug overdose in Minneapolis, Minnesota, treated by Abrahamics as an act of martyrdom to justify riots - Burning - Looting - Murdering - throughout cities of the Western world.
Boomers bend the knee in a purity spiral to Jewish sponsored black power
Minneapolis, Minnesota's first Jewish Mayor, (((Jacob Fried))) is instructed unceremoniously ... “Will you commit to defunding the police? - No? Then get the fuck out of here!”
Joe Biden slathered tender condolences about how George Floyd's family must be missing him.
George Floyd's son didn't know who he was. The family was awarded tens of millions of dollars.
And Susan Rosenberg's operation, (((BLM))), was granted warrant to smash White skulls.
Or set White women on fire at their convenience store work.
Or drag White truck drivers out of their cab to smash them up Reginald Denny style.

Interview of Kenneth Humphreys by James Bowery Concerning the Syncretic Origin of Christianity

An Interview of Kenneth Humphreys by James Bowery Concerning the Syncretic Origin of Christianity. Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 14 February 2013 21:36:

For more information on Kenneth Humphreys and his views on Christianity see his website “Jesus Never Existed” and his Youtube videos

 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 15 Feb 2013 11:39 | #

From its origins in Ethiopia – LOL – to a culmination in abrupt, post-apocalyptic silence, seriously, an informative resource on Christianity’s relation to Western Societies: Thank you Ken and Jim.

 Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Feb 2013 18:52 | #

DanielS, it would be comforting for many to believe the main proponents of the Ethiopian origin of Christianity were the Rastafarians and their ilk, but reading things like the CNN opinion: Why the next pope should be African, I believe we can expect a substantial reorientation of Christianity toward the Afrocentrist apologetics.  Whenever you have this much emotional slop in the belief systems, it seems a safe bet that Africans will end up dominating them.

Pope Cuck greets Cardinal John Onaiyekan et al.

 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 15 Feb 2013 20:32 | #

One of the ideas that I liked best in this interview was a freeing sense of pre-Christian times and the feeling of a free-adult relation to religious concerns.

 Posted by Honore on Sat, 16 Feb 2013 00:51 | #


It would be interesting if you interviewed Christian Lindtner about this topic. Lindtner is a Danish philologist and religion scholar who argues that the Gospels are pirate-copies of older Buddhist texts that were written in Sanskrit. He claims that the Gospels were translated directly from these older Buddhist texts.

His website is

Lindtner gave a presentation titled “Jewish Propaganda Among the Ancient Greeks” at the Danish Society for Free Historical Research 2 years ago:

I think Lindtner would be better able to address the questions you raised in your interview with Humphreys regarding selective editing and manipulation of myths.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 17 Feb 2013 07:51 | #

Very interesting interview and very well conducted by JB allowing Humphreys’ personality and ‘hypothesis’ to be well expressed. If there is another interview, it would be interesting to hear his position vis-a-vis the Germanisation of Christianity, i.e. “The general idea that the world-denying individualistic and otherworldly Christianity ran headlong into a magical, king-revering, collectivist German mentality that it was forced to accept.” In addition why the Romans eradicated Druidism but facilitated Judaism?


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 18 Feb 2013 02:25 | #

In addition why the Romans eradicated Druidism but facilitated Judaism?


If there’s any truth in the idea that the Jewish strategy for tribal cohesion – their self-induced paranoia culture – is also the engine for Jews, or a large enough percentage to make up a pre-emptive genocide as self-defence squad, relentlessly attacking the host population and if there’s any truth in the idea that this cycle has been repeating for millenia then the strategy requires them (or at least the active percentage) to lie both to themselves and everyone else about their history. You can’t maintain the eternal victim narrative past the first one or two cycles otherwise.

If so then most true Jewish history is at least half-buried – including Rome.

The true history is probably quite a story also – incredibly destructive maybe but quite impressive in an evil way.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:39 | #

“Italian Newspaper Links Pope Resignation To Vatican’s ‘Gay Lobby’”

Today, Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper added fuel to the fire, alleging that Benedict’s resignation was prompted by a report prepared by three Cardinals on conflict and corruption in the Vatican — including what it says is the “inappropriate influence” of a gay lobby within the Holy See.


What was so damning in the report? While La Repubblica doesn’t quote directly from the report, it contains details reportedly passed on by a senior Vatican source, which points to financial and sexual lobbies that have split the church.

The report allegedly stated that various lobbies in the Vatican were exerting influence on day-to-day-life in the Vatican, and routinely breaking two of the ten commandments —  “thou shalt not steal” and “thou shalt not commit adultery”. The former refers to the controversies about the Vatican Bank, one of the key aspects of the VatiLeaks Scandal.

The latter commandment is apparently a reference to a “gay lobby” that reportedly exerts influence within the Vatican, La Repubblica alleges. The report infers that this group were the subject of blackmail attempts, detailing an “external influence” from those with a “worldly nature”.

Reports of financial corruption and homosexuality in the Holy See are far from uncommon, of course — the Vatican became embroiled in a gay prostitution scandal in 2010, for example, which La Repubblica highlights. However, this report is the first sign that these controversies could have played a role in Benedict’s resignation.

Posted by Frank on Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:44 | #

“Vatican choir singer involved in gay liaisons scandal”

Nigerian man who sang in a Vatican choir arranged gay liaisons for an Italian government official who served in the unpaid role of papal usher, according to transcripts of wiretaps collected by Italian authorities.


According to the wiretap transcripts, in a conversation dated April 22, 2008, Ehiem says, “I called you … because there are … if you are free … three or four situations that can be good … very, very good …”

Balducci: “…Hmmm!”

Ehiem: “Two black, Cuban men … really tall, tall, tall … so … if you are free … we can try to organize right away … that is, I saw both of them, Angelo … believe me that … they could be two excellent options.”

 Posted by Frank on Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:56 | #

I wonder if this “gay lobby” within the Vatican is pushing for a black pope. It seems to have a predilection for blacks.

 Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 21 Feb 2013 19:36 | #

Christian clergy caught up in hypocrisy, corruption and a sexual misconduct scandal. How very shocking I’m sure.

Puts a whole new spin on ‘Holy Willie’s Prayer’’s_Prayer

And this particular brand of Voodoo with metaphysics is apparently ‘foundational’…morally, culturally, intellectually…cough cough…oh well never mind.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Some more necessary remarks on Christianity

    More necessary remarks on Christianity:

    With Christianity, accountability is to be placed not to one’s family and people but strictly with the Jesus, the alleged son and manifestation of the Abrahamic god:

    LUKE 14:26


    “If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”


    If any man cometh unto me, and hateth not his own father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.


    “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God]—he cannot be My disciple.


    If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his [own] father and mother [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God] and [likewise] his wife and children and brothers and sisters—[yes] and even his own life also—he cannot be My disciple.


    If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.


    “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, and even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.


    “Whoever comes to me and doesn’t hate father and mother, spouse and children, and brothers and sisters—yes, even one’s own life—cannot be my disciple.


    “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, his mother, his wife, his children, his brothers and his sisters, yes, and his own life besides, he cannot be my talmid.


    You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You cannot come with me unless you love me more than you love your own life.

    Christianity doesn’t just say that Jesus Christ walked in the flesh as a real man (which he did not) but that you are evil, anti-Christ if you deny that that.

    1 John 4:2

    By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,

    1 John 4:3

    and every spirit who doesn’t confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit of the Antichrist, of whom you have heard that it comes. Now it is in the world already.

    Now, all sorts of real historical figures were being written about at the time of Jesus Christ’s alleged existence. However, nobody was writing about Jesus at the time. Because he did NOT exist.

  2. The Book of Revelation had at least four authors

    The Book of Revelation had at least four authors. Far from divine, it is an utterly disgusting text for the culmination of a so called religion (really a Jewish deception, defrauding of moral order for gentiles). It was Jewish code (Nero was beast 666) used to scare gentiles into submission to the Abrahamic yoke, into worshipping a Jewish god, in order that they may serve, at very least not interfere with the overthrow of Rome – depicted as the new “Babylon” – “evil” because they were also the enemy of the Jews..

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