White Geriatric Army & The White Air Force

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With a concept of White geriatric army and White air-force, we my turn disadvantages of our aging demographic and seize upon qualities in our demographic despite our being outnumbered.

A low White birth rate in combination with aging demographic is of obvious concern for the prospects of defending our kind of people against antagonists.

However, there is a potential upside to our aging demographic in this regard, particularly if incentivized as such.

If older Whites can be made more aware and more conscientious of the nightmare and destruction, the hell that subsequent generations of White children will be born into; and thus instilled with a sense of duty, incentivized with reward for themselves and their posterity if they take upon greater risks, then we have a great advantage in this aging demographic. 

They literally have less to lose having already lived most of their lives.

They have less to lose by assuming more risks to their life and freedom.

This is not an advocacy of terrorism. On the contrary, it is a call to responsible duty in defense of what should be their concern, their people’s interests and lives – under qualitative destruction and genocidal siege as we have been under the rubric of anti-racism and anti-Semitism.

It is not a matter of terrorism. It is not even a matter of violence except if it is in literal defense against violence being committed against our people; or augured as such by defiance of explicitly designated borders and bounds by an transgressor unresponsive to requests for account and otherwise equipped to do harm.

In fact, it is more a call upon older Whites to take more risks in activism and vocalization of the cause for our separatism, our autonomy and sovereignty as Whites.

And there are different ways in which a White Geriatric Army might be conceptualized to serve these ends.

I like the idea of two two years terms of service for Whites to defend White borders and bounds.

One term would be at say, Whites ages 20-22. The other term of would be, say, from 65 to 66.

Each demographic would assume more active or more supportive roles depending upon the task.

The younger conscripts would be doing things that the older people cannot physically do; and besides that they would be experiencing camaraderie developing skills and learning, especially from the older White demographic, now in place to provide this teaching.

The older conscripts (or volunteers, as it were, depending upon how the system is conceived) would gain appreciation for their value and be given the added incentive of an increased pension if they do survive these two years; perhaps added rewards for taking on riskier detail; and a sum to extend to their White biological legacy or those Whites they’d like to be rewarded if they have no children and grandchildren that they’d like to facilitate as such.


Now, regarding White Air Force, I merely want to focus on the fact that despite the demographic outnumbering of our people, we are a people of technical and engineering talent of the kind that can manufacture, maintain and fly state of the art air craft in air force. Obviously that tends to have a neutralizing effect against numerical disadvantage.


99IronDuke makes a good, basic point It makes clear sense that while the capability in Air Force is an advantage for White/European demographics [genus European] [species, various European ethnonations, including English]…

..and that is why I emphasize it as hopeful recourse, infantry ground force, is nevertheless necessary to hold borders.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. 99IronDuke "ground force still necessary to hold the ground"

    99IronDuke makes clear sense. While the capability in Air Force is an advantage for White/European demographics [genus European] [species, various European ethnonations, including English]…and that is why I, Daniel Sienkiewicz, emphasize it as hopeful recourse, it is an important, essential point that infantry, ground force, is still necessary to hold the ground and maintain instantiated borders.

  2. Keith Prestonucci, Turd Lewis and Terminal Christardery

    Keith Preston, as ever, is trying to run interference with the concept of White Left Ethnonationalism, and as ever, doing this with liberals and right wingers. In this case, right wingers, Todd Lewis, Swithun Dobson and “Terminal Philosophy.”

    They set up a strawman of Air Force being insufficient by itself, as demonstrated by the futility and stirring of intransigent resistance among bombed populations of America’s imperialist, and ideological expansion.


    However, one must note, that they are criticizing the effectiveness of the imperialist use of airpower, which is not the White Left Ethnonationalist agenda, not imperialist in an ideological sense either.

    And finally, air power is never proposed as the only means of defense; there is no need to stop short in imagination at other traditional means either, land and sea, either, when there are drones (for example) and other means of fighting to be considered.

  3. Buzz and Bart

    Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, defends his honor against conspiracy theorist Bart Sibrel


    Bart Sibrel: “You (Buzz Aldrin)‘re the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn’t. ..callin’ the kettle black if you ever said I misrepresented”…

    Buzz Aldrin: “Will you get away from me!?!”

    Bart Sibrel: “You’re a coward and a liar, and a”….


    Buzz Aldrin Slugs the crass moon-landing denier, Bart Sibrel.

    ‘One Giant Leap’ Explores The Herculean Effort Behind The 1969 Moon Landing.

    NPR, 12 June 2019:

    Astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. walks near the lunar module during the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969.

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