YKW key in opening Europe’s borders, including to Islam? Key to Imperialism?

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We’ve presented substantial arguments for the role that Jewry has played in opening America’s borders to the third world in prior posts; and in the last post, we presented an argument for the incremental destruction of Islamic introduction; we’d be in remiss if we did not venture onto arguments as to the role that Jewry plays in opening the borders of Europe, including to Islam – which is ostensibly an enemy of world Jewry, but nevertheless has practical affinities.

Let’s start with this article on the matter presented by Morgoth, and a comment on the article by Kumiko. Her opinion may not be unassailable, but its a good one, well informed. I take her liking this article this much, to be a good sign of its veracity.

Kumiko Oumae • 5 years ago

You’re absolutely amazing Morgoth, this is a great piece you’ve arranged here. Seriously, it is a comprehensive takedown.

Yes, Breitbart, The Jews Did Open The Gates

Once again Breitbart London has led the cattle to water but refuses to let them drink. A piece on a viral You Tube video highlighting the Third World invasion of Europe seems to be the News site pushing the boundaries of what can be said in a relatively mainstream outlet.

[The video referred-to by Morgoth is not readily available presently. I’ll add it later if I find it.]

 However, this isn’t really Breitbart highlighting the video because they have the best interests of Europeans at heart, even if they do go further than other MSM outlets in addressing the issue. Their real problem is that this video mentions the Jewish influence in the invasion and impending dispossession of Europeans on their own soil. Breitbart’s objective here is to say ”Ok, it’s awful and you (readership) are probably going to see this video, just remember not to take notice of the parts which mention Jews’

According to Breitbart:

 ”Although the main thrust of the film is to goad native Europeans against mass migration and the negative effects of multiculturalism, the film also paradoxically takes a swipe at one European minority group who stand to lose almost the most from mass Muslim immigration. It also includes a short clip of discredited, anti-Semitic politician Nick Griffin, former Member of the European Parliament and leader of the British National Party.
The inclusion of Mr. Griffin, an unpopular figure even in Britain’s nationalist right and the rapid success of the film in the Netherlands suggests the film may not have been edited by a British citizen.
Breitbart London has reported at length on the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe which has arrived with mass migration. From Jews being specifically targeted for degrading house-invasion rape-thefts to Jews being excluded from Holocaust commemorations because of Muslim attendees hijacking events, migrant-Europe is now hostile towards Jews at a level not seen in decades.”

In actual fact Jews are openly proud of their contribution to what they, and Liberal Gentiles, refer to as ”Our Humanistic Values;” in a 2013 Conference in Israel(!) called ”The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project”, the section entitled ‘Between Assimilation and Distinctiveness’‘ explained:

In other words Jews wrote the draft legislation and the moral framework under which Europeans would live, the entire purpose was to banish European ethnic interests and replace them with a civic code which could be adopted by anyone on earth. And now everyone on earth is coming to Europe and when Europeans disagree The European Jewish Congress is on hand to agitate for more Hate Speech Legislation. And this is helped along gleefully by people such as Federica Mogherini, the Foreign Secretary of the European Union Commission who thinks:

 “If we do not realise this, our whole message risks to sound empty. We need to pass our cultural message, to lay the basis for our political message : any attempt to divide the peoples of Europe into ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ brings us in the wrong direction. The migrants and us. The Muslims and us. The Jews and us, as anti-Semitism has not been defeated at all. The ‘Other’ and us. We learn’t from our history that we are all someone else’s ‘Other’. The fear of the ‘Other’ can only lead us to new conflicts. I hope we can work together to increase our self confidence. When we say we are European, we should also remember what is the root of our European culture. Our diversity. That is our strength and we should learn to be proud of it”

Indeed, Breitbart have themselves reported on the Jew George Soros’s attempts to smash European Nation states:

The OSF website explains: “We believe that migration and asylum policy should be grounded in economic and demographic realities, not driven by temporary political considerations or popular misconceptions.

But what Breitbart specializes in is a ”Save The Women and Jews First” narrative wherein the Jews are the primary victims of ”The Left” or Islam or whatever mysterious forces are facilitating the Third World, and yes, Islamic, invasion of Europe. The onus should not be on us, ethnic Europeans, to automatically think the Jews are our staunchest allies or, because of history, a group which we should feel morally impelled to be protective over. The Jewish support for the invasion and the morality of self guilt that psychologically hamstrings Europeans is so obvious, so ubiquitous that a counter argument is simply not feasible. The line taken by Breitbart and other Neocon Lite outlets is to point out that Jews are now under threat from Islam, but this doesn’t negate or change the fact that Jews have been pivotal in the present woes of Europe, it merely begs the question of why they support policies detrimental to some Jews. And besides, it isn’t as if there is no historical precedent for Jews cooperating with Islam against Europeans…

The following passage comes from a website dedicated to ensuring common ground and respect between Muslims and Jews, it’s called ”Judaism Islam: Discovering similarities between Islam and Judaism”

In the spring of 711, a Muslim army invaded Iberia led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, serving the Arab governor Musa ibn Nusayr, at Guadalete they swiftly defeated Roderick (Luthariq) the Visigoth King and then marched northward to the Visigoth capital of Toledo. Both Latin and Arabic chroniclers record that the Jews of the city “opened the gates of Toledo” to Tariq, who conquered the city. With more cities to take Tariq left Toledo and entrusted its protection to a garrison of Jewish soldiers, whom had rose up against the Catholic Visigoths and opened the gates.
When Tariq’s master, Musa ibn Nusayr, arrived in Iberia with a large Arab force he seized Seville and like Tariq before him, he entrusted the city to its Jewish inhabitants until his return.
Had the Jews of Iberia not been the victims of such continuous barbarity from their Christian neighbours it is unlikely they’d have turned on them, but with the Muslim invasion this oppressed people tasted a freedom they hadn’t for centuries. There is no greater example of Jewish and Muslim coexistence than al-Andalus, the Jews not only fought side by side with their Muslim cousins, but under the caliphates born out of the conquests the Jews lived as a free and protected people who were able reach the highest of positions in this new society.

And the following passage comes from a Jewish site tracing the history of the Jewish people called ”Sephardic Studies

 Two years later in 711 C.E., Moorish soldiers (a mixed Arab and Berber army) crossed over from Africa to the Iberian Peninsula. They were led by General Tariq ibn Ziyad, Governor of Tangiers (Sachar 3).   He advanced his army of near ten thousand men across the strait, and landed at a location, which from that day since has sustained his name–Jabal Tarik (Mount Tarik), or Gibraltar.
The Moors engaged in battle with Visigothic soldiers, eventually killing their monarch, King Roderick.  The Muslim invasion, and subsequent administration of Iberia, freed the major Spanish population of Jews from Visigothic oppression.  It was said that immediately after the invasion, the Jewish population of Toledo “opened the gates” of the city, welcoming the North African Muslims (Wexler 218).  Though ruthless fighters, the Moors were very just. They gave the Goth Spaniards an opportunity to surrender each of their provinces, to which most capitulated. 

It goes on…

Later, after advancing to Cordoba, the Muslims found that the Goth nobles of the kingdom had fled over the Pyrenees Mountains, all but abandoning their land to them (Lane-Poole 27).
The occupation of the Moors set the stage for beginning the work of building an Islamic empire similar to the one flourishing in Damascus.  Within a century of their activity, the Moors, with assistance of the Jews, had developed a civilization based in Cordoba that surpassed that of any in Europe; it was known as Al-Andalus.  At the end of the eighth century, Al-Andalus was the most populous, cultured, and industrious land of all Europe, remaining so for centuries.  During this prosperous period, trade with the outside world was unrivaled.
 It was during this time of economic expansion, the Jews, who had been virtually eliminated from the peninsula in the seventh century by the Christians, grew once more in numbers and flourished
The occupation of Iberia by the Moors was a welcome occurrence for a well pummeled and remaining Jewish population.  Of course the Muslims were not completely tolerant, but they were more tolerant than the rulers of the previous administration. Under the ruling Caliph (the descendant of Mohammed–the prophet of G-d on earth), the Jews were able to preserve their rites and traditions.
From the second half of the eighth century to the end of the eleventh century Jewish life flourished while contributing greatly to scholarship.  A translating program was established in Toledo, using Jews as interpreters.  There they translated the Arabic books into romance languages, as well as Greek and Hebrew texts into Arabic.  This included many major works of Greek science and philosophy.  Jews studied and contributed to mathematics, medicine, botany, geography, poetry, and philosophy.   It was at this time that the study of Medicine expanded to produce a large number of exceptional Jewish physicians.  Islam had its sway over Jewish cultural life too.  In literature, and the arts, the Muslim influence on the Jews is enormous.  Though written in non-Islamic language and script, medieval Hebrew poetry, and much of the prose literature, belong to the same cultural world as Arabic and other literatures of Islam (Lewis 81).  In the Caliphate of Cordoba [the geographical zenith of Islamic life in Al-Andalus], the Jewish element became increasingly important, reaching its peak in the tenth century  (Diaz-Mas 3).  
Jews lived among themselves in a walled area known as the aljama (Jewish quarter). There they lived among their own administration, and managed their own communal affairs (Epstein 1).   There the Jewish community had their own legal court known as the Beit Din.  This court, with Rabbis as Judges, would render both religious and civil legal opinions pertaining to Jewish affairs inside the aljama.  In the Beit Din the Jews were allowed to settle their own disputes.  This of course was positive for the them;  but it was also positive for the Muslims to, as it decreased the work load of the Islamic courts.

The Jewish elevation of the Muslim colonisation of Spain as a fantastic golden age for Europe while painting European colonisation of countries as unmitigated evil and the Crusades as a vicious attack by wicked Christians on innocent Muslims is typical. Francis Carr Begbie writes about how organised Jewry gifted “British” Muslims their own “Holocaust” with Srebrenica.

One reason is that British Muslims need to have a “holocaust” of their own, and this one fits the bill perfectly. Despite the unlikelihood of most British/ Pakistani Muslims being able to find Bosnia on a map, it will help them burnish their victimhood credentials.

Of course there are no shortage of massacres of Muslims in the world but they are usually carried out by other Muslims or Israelis and therefore not fit for purpose. This one was carried out by Whites and is much more useful.
To ram this message home, live BBC programmes have been broadcasting local commemorative events across Britain with special emphasis on towns with large Islamic populations such as OldhamBurnley, Blackburn, Northamptonm,  Rochdale which, curiously enough, are also among the towns plagued by the worst cases of Muslim child sex abuse rings.
In London the Wiener Library for the Study of Genocide and Holocaust will be the venue for the “multi-faith” launch of new charity, Remembering Srebrenica which will be spending £1 million of taxpayers money sending hundreds of British kids to Bosnia every year to remember the occasion. The charity is off to a good start with the BBC devoting a prime time television documentary to its activities.
For Dr Alexander Korb, director of the University of Leicester’s Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Srebrenica had a special resonance. “What seems to be like a distant shadow of the horrors of the Holocaust, happened just 20 years ago on our doorstep, in the middle of Europe, during the Bosnian wars. 
Prominent Jewish Holocaust survivors have beaten a path to Bosnia. They include the Academy Award winning producer of the Steven Spielberg film “Schindler’s List” and a Judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia.
Much effort has gone into shackling the two “holocausts” together. Groups such as the American Jewish Committee and Jewish Council for Public Affairs have led the pursuit of alleged (Serbian) war criminals. Bosnia is one of the few places that host Jewish-Muslim multi faith conferences.

I would say to read the article in full for more sniveling Jew quotes including wanting to criminalise denial of Srebrenica’s status as a genocide despite the fact only 2,000 bodies were found, that everyone except the neocons say both sides were as bad and that the UN has cast serious doubt on any of the neocon narrative. Can there be any doubt that organised Jewry despise us and that Muslims are their allies in their goal to destroy every European on the planet? 

It’s very common these days to see Israeli Jews commenting below the line on American and Israeli articles about how Europe is sinking under the weight of the Muslim invaders with comments relishing our demise along the lines of “Well Europeans threw out the Jews and welcomed Muslims. If they love Muslims so much they can reap the consequences”. This completely ignores the fact that a majority of people in every European country are against third world immigration and the fact that the biggest cheerleaders for our invasion are…………… Jewish.


One of the questions most commonly asked about the Jewish question is why Jews would want to flood Europe with Muslims who have shown to be far more vocal and proactive in their anti-Semitism than anything comparable from Europeans in recent decades.

Lawrence Auster, a Jewish conservative who converted to Christianity as an adult wrote an instructive piece for FrontPage Magazine on this topic entitled Why Jews Welcome Muslims

“First of all, as crazy as it may sound, there is something that many American Jews fear in their heart of hearts even more than they fear Moslem anti-Semitism, and that is white Christian anti-Semitism. Steinlight himself pointed to this phenomenon at a recent panel discussion hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies:

“Every high profile Jewish institution, whether it’s a national organization or a major synagogue, is surrounded by concrete barriers to prevent car bombs exploding too close to the buildings. If you go through the lobbies into those buildings you have to pass metal detectors and double-doors of bulletproof glass. You are then frisked by security guards, mostly retired New York City police or Israeli agents, and then are scanned again with metal detectors.

“What is truly comic about this—were it not an instance in the theatre of the absurd, and were it not so appalling an indication of the kind of mass denial that is still governing major American Jewish organizations, including the one I used to work for that’s currently meeting across the street—is that the staffs of these organizations pass the car bomb barriers, go through the double bulletproof glass lobbies, get frisked, then go upstairs into their offices and spend their days talking about the threats posed by evangelical Christians….”

Jews’ risible obsession with non-existent evangelical Protestant anti-Semites, combined with their obliviousness to actual mass murdering Islamist anti-Semites (whom, moreover, the Jews’ favored immigration policies have allowed into this country) is an amazing phenomenon that we should not dismiss as simply a bizarre ethnic idiosyncrasy. It expresses, rather, a central preoccupation of a significant number of Jews, namely their corrosive apprehension of what they think the goyim might one day do to them—a fear they entertain despite the fact that, apart from some social exclusions and other ethnic prejudices that existed up to the end of World War II, Jews have never faced serious anti-Semitism from the white Christian majority in this country”

Indeed notice that Jews present anti-Semitic attacks by Muslims not as a consequence of huge mass immigration from the Islamic world but as a part of European opposition to mass immigration and historic European hostility towards Jews. – The Times of Israel writes:

BRUSSELS — A senior European Union official has warned of rising anti-Semitism in Europe as attacks and threats against Jews continue in EU member countries.
European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans said Thursday that “in the last couple of years you’ve seen this age-old monster come again in Europe.”
Speaking before a conference on religious intolerance, he said, “This is unacceptable. I thought we knew better. I wouldn’t have thought it would be possible… but it’s happening again.”
Timmermans said that “it’s a vital question for the future of Europe that our Jewish community feels at ease and completely at home.”
Europe’s top human rights watchdog also voiced concern Thursday at mounting racism and anti-Semitism in Germany, citing a wave of far-right, anti-Islam demonstrations at odds with the more recent image of a country ready to open its doors to hundreds of thousands of refugees.
“There have been worrying developments as regards public manifestations of racism and xenophobia,” the Council of Europe’s committee on national minorities said in a statement.
“Manifestations of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiments are… reported to be rising, as well as attacks against asylum seekers,” it said in a report.
Meanwhile, attacks throughout Europe have caused many Jews to contemplate leaving the continent.
French Jews in particular have moved to Israel in record numbers recently amid an uptick in anti-Semitic incidents, including an attack in a kosher supermarket by an Islamist gunman that left four shoppers dead. In 2014, nearly 7,000 French Jews left for Israel – more than three times the number in 2011.

In a hysterical article entitled “Is it time for the Jews to leave Europe“, Jeffrey Goldberg at least has the grace to acknowledge that most of the anti-Semitism comes from Muslims but then blows it by managing to somehow blame this on Europeans for not giving them more gibsmedat or not somehow magically bestowing upon them the same IQs and personality traits as Europeans.

That the chief propagators of contemporary European anti-Semitism may be found in the Continent’s large and disenfranchised Muslim immigrant communities—communities that are themselves harassed and assaulted by hooligans associated with Europe’s surging right—is flummoxing to, among others, Europe’s elites. Muslims in Europe are in many ways a powerless minority. The failure of Europe to integrate Muslim immigrants has contributed to their exploitation by anti-Semitic propagandists and by recruiters for such radical projects as the Islamic State, or ISIS.

Above is an image made by someone on /pol/ reacting to the Council of Tolerance and Reconciliation’s proposed hate speech laws that they have been more forcefully trying to push Europe-wide year on year. The legislation, which would ban criticism of immigration, criticism of LGBTQI+ goings on, criticism of feminism and criticism of Islam, also stipulates that broadcasters and the media at large must dedicate a set % of their airtime etc on “promoting diversity and tolerance“. People constantly say that Muslims are a danger to free speech but this document, written up by Jewish lawyers and headed by Moshe Kantor, head of the European Council of Jews, is far more terrifying and while Muslims have the establishment on their side over native Europeans, they are not the establishment – Jews are. Even the name, the “Council of Tolerance and Reconciliation” is a window into the mindset of organised Jewry – Europe (and diaspora Europeans in the USA, Australia etc) must be engaged in “reconciliation” towards Jews for the expulsions and the Holocaust mythos forever, until we as a people cease to exist.

Lapin and the M-Rev commentators contributed to this article.

28 Mar 2021; Morgoth on Hope Not Hate as anti-social, NeoLiberal elite enforcement of disenfranchized consumers

Morgoth on “Hope Not Hate” which, analogously to anti-fa anarchists, BLM and the like, are effective foot soldiers for the NeoLiberal establishment’s anti-social program of atomization, to maintain people as disenfranchised consumer units.

Germany Introduces Forced Integration

TNO, “Germany Introduces Forced Integration” 16 April 2016:

The German government is to give nonwhite invaders preference in the job market and will legally force residential mixing in terms of a new “integration law.”

The law will artificially create 100,000 jobs which will exclusively be allocated to “refugees”—even though there are currently 1.81 million Germans who are unemployed.

To enable this preferential treatment, a currently-existing law which requires employers to give preference to German job applicants will be suspended for three years—in other words, unemployed Germans will be pushed to the back of the seeking-work queue in favor of the nonwhite invaders.

Nazi genocide, German shame … Chancellor Merkel in Chagall Hall, before she addressed Israel’s parliament on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the nation. Photo: Reuters

The seasonally adjusted harmonized jobless rate in Germany was, according to Trading Economics, recorded at 4.3 percent in February of 2016, unchanged from the January rate. This means that 1.81 million Germans are out of work.

The proposed law, announced this week by the Angela Merkel government, is being packaged as a measure designed to make “refugees integrate into society in return for being allowed to live and work in the country.”

Under the conservative-socialist coalition government’s measures, the “asylum seekers” will face cuts to their welfare payments if they refuse to attend language classes or “lessons in German laws or cultural basics.”

It has not been said what these “cultural basics” will entail, but, given their behavior in Germany up to this time, they will probably include exhortations not to rape, rob, commit crime, how to use toilets, etc.

The new law will also “punish” the nonwhites if they move away from the white German towns where they have been placed—because the law says the forming of “ghettos” must be prevented.

At the same time, Israel practices racial separatism, seeing no reason to take-on immigrants, let alone assimilate them with integration. On the contrary, the Jews protect their E.G.I. as sacrosanct while compelling others to blend-away theirs with each other.

SMH, “Merkel pledges to stand by Israel, 20 Mar 2008:

IN AN emotional tribute to victims and survivors of the Holocaust, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, said the Nazi genocide “fills us Germans with shame” and pledged to stand by Israel’s side against any threat, particularly from Iran.

“This historic responsibility is part of my country’s fundamental policy,” Dr Merkel said in a speech delivered in German to a special session of the Israeli parliament. “It means that for me, as a German chancellor, Israel’s security is non-negotiable.

Apparently being chastised by her more fully Jewish master.

Our research shows that Merkel is likely to be partly Jewish.  Whatever she is and whatever her motivation, her policies lead to genocide of Europeans, especially Germans: EP President Schulz: Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the Jewish people.     

Gatestone Inst., “Germany Heading for Four More Years of Pro-EU, Open-Door Migration Policies”, 8 Sept 2017:

The policy positions of Merkel and Schulz on key issues are virtually identical: Both candidates are committed to strengthening the European Union, maintaining open-door immigration policies, pursuing multiculturalism and quashing dissent from the so-called far right.

 Merkel and Schulz both agree that there should be no upper limit on the number of migrants entering Germany.

On the issue of migration, Schulz and Merkel differ on procedure, not principle. During the debate, for example, Schulz accused Merkel of failing to involve the European Union in her 2015 decision to open German borders to more than a million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Merkel said that although some mistakes had been made, she would take the same decision again.

In fact, Merkel and Schulz both agree that there should be no upper limit on the number of migrants entering Germany: “On the issue of an upper limit, my position is clear,” Merkel told ARD television. “I won’t accept one.”

Schulz has said:

“A numerical cap is not a response to the refugee issue, even if it is agreed upon in a European context. What do we do with the first refugee who comes to the European frontier and has no quota available? Do we send him back to perhaps a sure death? As long as this question is not resolved, such a discussion makes no sense.”

Schulz believes the European Union should have a greater role in migration policymaking:

  “What we need is a European right of immigration and asylum. The refugee crisis shows us clearly that we cannot give a national response to a global phenomenon such as the refugee movements. This is only possible in a European context.”

In the meantime, Gregor Gysi has been working hard in a supporting role to promote the death of Germans: Fellow apparatchik with Merkel in the communist East German GDR government and ever the Jewish henchman, Gregor Gysi has been calling normal Germans “Nazis” for resisting their death through assimilation in waves of imposed immigration; and calls for their elimination (death) as such –  to him, “a very fortunate” prognosis.

Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby prompt you to participate at the protest,“Live better without Nazis – diversity is our future”, on the 6th of June at 10a.m. in Neurupinn. We have to take a stand against the Nazis. Because of our history between 1933 – 1945 we are obliged to treat refugees properly. We also have to save their lives in the Mediterranean. There has to be a legal [unbureaucratic] way to get asylum in Europe. Countries like Poland – very Catholic by the way – have to be willing to accept [more] refugees. Oh, and by the way: Every year more native Germans die than there are born. That is very fortunate. It’s because the Nazis are not very good at having offspring. This decline [of Germans] is why we are so dependent on immigration from foreign countries.  – See you at the protest. Goodbye! Gregor Gysi

Merkel has criticized Hungary for failing to show “solidarity” in aiding refugees. She has also vowed to punish Poland for its refusal to take in more migrants from the Muslim world:

  “As much as I wish for good relations with Poland — they are our neighbor and I will always strive for this given the importance of our ties — we can’t simply keep our mouth shut in order to keep the peace. This goes to the very foundations of our cooperation within the European Union.”

Schulz vowed that, if elected chancellor, he would push for the EU to cut subsidies to countries that do not take in refugees: “With me as chancellor, we won’t accept that solidarity as a principle is questioned.”

Merkel has criticized Hungary for failing to show “solidarity” in aiding refugees. She has also vowed to punish Poland for its refusal to take in more migrants from the Muslim world:

  “As much as I wish for good relations with Poland — they are our neighbor and I will always strive for this given the importance of our ties — we can’t simply keep our mouth shut in order to keep the peace. This goes to the very foundations of our cooperation within the European Union.”

Schulz vowed that, if elected chancellor, he would push for the EU to cut subsidies to countries that do not take in refugees: “With me as chancellor, we won’t accept that solidarity as a principle is questioned.”

This is all very hard for Angela to suffer, but she’s got to do what she’s got to do for her people.

Faceberg “concedes” by increasing ZOG global reach - censuring opponents of its Islamic footsoldiers

Zuckerberg “concedes” by increasing ZOG’s global influence – viz. in Asia – by cracking down on use of social media – viz. Facebook – by opponents of its Abrahamic footsoldiers (Islam) in Myanmar

Reuters, “Facebook’s Zuckerberg vows to work harder to block hate speech in Myanmar”, 11 April 2018:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Tuesday his company would step up efforts to block hate messages in Myanmar as he faced questioning by the U.S. Congress about electoral interference and hate speech on the platform.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before a joint Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees hearing regarding the company’s use and protection of user data, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., April 10, 2018. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

For all the talk of "voter fraud" in the 2020 election, it seems rather that Zuckerberg's funding ease of registration and voting for inner city blacks was key in the victory of internationalist J-tool, Biden.

Facebook has been accused by human rights advocates of not doing enough to weed out hate messages on its social-media network in Myanmar, where it is a dominant communications system.

“What’s happening in Myanmar is a terrible tragedy, and we need to do more,” Zuckerberg said during a 5-hour joint hearing of the Senate Commerce Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee.

More than 650,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled Myanmar’s Rakhine state into Bangladesh since insurgent attacks sparked a security crackdown last August.

United Nations officials investigating a possible genocide in Myanmar said last month that Facebook had been a source of anti-Rohingya propaganda.

Marzuki Darusman, chairman of the U.N. Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, said in March that social media had played a “determining role” in Myanmar.

“It has … substantively contributed to the level of acrimony and dissension and conflict … within the public. Hate speech is certainly of course a part of that. As far as the Myanmar situation is concerned, social media is Facebook, and Facebook is social media,” he said.

Zuckerberg said Facebook was hiring dozens more Burmese-language speakers to remove threatening content.

“It’s hard to do it without people who speak the local language, and we need to ramp up our effort there dramatically,” he said, adding that Facebook was also asking civil society groups to help it identify figures who should be banned from the network.

He said a Facebook team would also make undisclosed product changes in Myanmar and other countries where ethnic violence was a problem.

Reporting by Andy Sullivan Edited by Damon Darlin

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

EP President Schulz: Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the Jewish people.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 31 January 2016 03:00.

Martin Schulz has been active in European politics for almost thirty years, and so he is a person who does not need an introduction. His position however is not one that is understood very well by normal people, because a lot of people don’t know what the roles of the institutions of the European Union in the post-Lisbon Treaty environment are.

In his role as President of the European Parliament, Schulz would be responsible for the overall direction of international relations, and also is the custodian of the fundamental values of the European Union. The European Parliament is the first institution in the European Union, which prior to the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty had been seen as a mere talking shop, but subsequently developed into becoming one of the most powerful legislatures in the world in terms of both its legislative powers and executive oversight powers.

Of course, informally, the political history which the individual was acculturated with along with that person’s connection to the national political power, means that it can usually be considered advantageous to a member state if one of their citizens is holding such an EU position.

Schulz hails from Germany, but what does Schulz think Germany’s raison d’etre is? A look at his own words in Haaretz as reported by his friend Avraham Burg, reveals something interesting:

Haaretz, ‘Say a big ‘thank you’ to Martin Schulz’, Avraham Burg, 14 Feb 2014 (emphasis added):

[…] Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, is a close friend of mine. On most issues connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict we disagree. He is closer to the Israeli mainstream, and his positions resemble those of Labor Party chairman Isaac Herzog. He once told me, during a frank and stern conversation, “For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.” […]

Schulz is of course, Jewish.

 Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 11:16 | #

Kumiko, do we know that Martin Shultz is Jewish?  Is there proof in the public domain?  Has he plainly said so?

 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 03 Feb 2016 03:12 | #

What I would say about Schulz is this: Given that he serves the Jews in such phenomenally overwrought ways, and given that he looks like a Jew, and that the information about his mother is mysteriously nowhere to be found, and also given that all of his policy preferences are about accommodating Jews, the chances of him being a Jew are exceptionally high.

So even if he somehow is not a Jew, he may as well be a Jew.

My stance on it is that Schulz is basically a crypto-Jew, and a barely concealed one at that.

Let there be no mistake.

His comment is not an expression and instance of German instincts gone wrong in response – it was not a well known statement.

Kumiko has exposed this epoch confession of Jewish parasitism on the German host.

As such it is a great occasion for mutual support of our German brothers and to join them in ethno-national spirit.

 Posted by Schulz, “The Kapo” on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 21:02 | #

Flashback – Silvio Berlisconi tells Martin Schulz that he would be perfect for a role in a new Italian production about the holocaust: “You would be perfect in the role of the Kapo.” [Kapo is a concentration-camp inmate appointed as supervisor].

This occurred in European Parliament on 3 July 2003, demonstrating how long the exemplary parasite, Martin Schulz, has been at this.

...return of ‘the kapo’
Jewish Home Chairman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett and President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz meeting in Brussels, February 19, 2014
Schulz in the Knesset

But if it looks like a Jew and acts in decided Jewish interests then one is beholding a veritable Jew or a Jew thinker at very least – If data isn’t exactly as data does, then its legacy will be, more and more, as a result of what it does and the rules prescribed of its interpretation.

However, saying that “Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the Jewish people”would be hyperbolic even by Merkel’s level of insanity, as it lacks the aspect of sheer pathological altruism. Rather, it has all the chutzpah of perfect subjective Jewish unanimity.

Posted by Horrifying discussion before the CFR on Wed, 09 May 2018 06:17 | # Mortifying:

With cheerful taken-for-grantedness of the ‘unassailable’ virtue of their motives, this panel at CFR discusses the prospect of “democratization” of “illiberal democracies” by having them accept non-White migrants and integration; i.e., cheerful acceptance of the destruction of our European genome. Primarily with the targeted “problem” of Eastern European countries Not accepting immigrants.

Published on Apr 23, 2018 by Council on Foreign Relations –

Speakers discuss the growing trend toward populism around the world and the current global state of democracy.

Michael Abramowitz

President, Freedom House; Former White House Correspondent, Washington Post
Nicole M. Bibbins Sedaca: Chair, Global Politics and Security Concentration and Professor in the Practice of International Affairs, Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown U; Former Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, US Department of State
Timothy Snyder: Richard C. Levin Professor of History, Yale University; Author, The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America
Presider Kati I. Marton: Author and Human Rights Activist

Kati I. Marton (15:56): We haven’t yet mentioned one of the most powerful motives for the rise of populism, which is the fear of refugees – migrants.  Most graphically on display in Hungary where you can’t go a block without seeing a billboard showing George Soros’s smiling face, and the headline over that face is, ‘don’t let him have the last laugh.’

Six months ago George Soros was known to a very small handful of Budapest literati. Now he is probably the second best known person in Hungary after Victor Orban. And this manipulation of the fear of migrants, of which by the way, there are virtually none in Hungary and very few in Poland, as opposed to over a million in Germany, where this problem doesn’t exist…is something that uh, that we haven’t really dealt with sufficiently.

We seem to step-by-step, accept that his is the way of the world now. I frequently ask myself what didn’t my Hungarian grandparents, whose lives didn’t end well, what didn’t they do in the 30’s? that we should be doing today? Rather than sleepwalking thought this rather dangerous passage.

So, the migration problem and how it relates to the rise of populism – AdF (eg) is entirely about fear of outsiders.

When an audience member suggests the problem of Eastern European countries having a bad track record with regard to democracy, Snyder draws comparisons –

Snyder: (36:00): When the Supreme Court decides in 2013 that racism is no longer a problem, twenty two states then pass voter suppression laws – that’s not democratization, whatever you think of the legality of it.

…its been very hard for the West European countries to extend democracy over second class citizens (empire/subject relation)…asking about the things that make democracy possible….which for me precisely have to do with integration – the European Union, whatever its chances are, is the hope for democracy.

Kati I. Marton (38:00) …these countries are not destined to be undemocratic, there are a whole bunch of other factors and one of them, frankly, is the luck of leaders (Merkel!)

Tony Blair was good too.

Brothers, sons of Abraham

Jews Created Islam: Ideological capture as a response to constraints of Jewish ethnic exclusivism

Diversity Macht Frei, “Hagar: Ideological capture as a response to the constraints of Jewish ethnic exclusivism”, 12 May 2017:

The obsessive ethnocentrism of the Jews has meant that they could never acquire the strength of numbers required for the kind of great undertakings that require a large population, military ventures being the most obvious example. For that reason, Jews have been forced to develop ideologies that recruit other people to their cause, inveigling non-Jews into pursuing a Jewish ethnic agenda through a process of intellectual or emotional capture. The two most destructive examples of this, so far, have been Islam and Communism. *

A few days ago I wrote (link) about the book Hagarism, which describes how the Jews created Islam to recruit an Arab army to aid them in the reconquest of Palestine, having been forced to flee it after a betrayal too far.

In the tradition of Jewish Biblical interpretation, Muslims are identified with the figure of Ishmael in the Book of Genesis. The Islamic tradition, too, recognises Ishmael as the Ur-ancestor of the Arabs. The Genesis episode curiously prefigures exactly the phenomenon I have described above. In the biblical narrative, Abraham’s wife, Sarah, is unable to bear him children. She suggests to Abraham that he impregnate their Egyptian slave/servant girl, whose name is Hagar, instead. This he does, and she gives birth to Ishmael. Later, she is sent away.

Here we see a microcosmic representation of the basic relationship between Jews and Muslims. Just as Abraham cannot (as he then believes) gain a son, Jews cannot gain sufficient numbers on their own. They recruit the prototypical Muslimah, the Egyptian slave, to make up the deficit. And her son, Ishmael, symbolic progenitor of Muslims, shall be “a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him”. The world has been living with the consequences to this day.

Here is the relevant passage (where Judaism gave birth to Islam) from the Book of Genesis.

Ibid: Now Sarai Abram’s wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

2And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.

3And Sarai Abram’s wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.

4And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.

5And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the LORD judge between me and thee.

6But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is in thy hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face.

7And the angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.

8And he said, Hagar, Sarai’s maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai.

9And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.

10And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.

11And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.

12And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

13And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me?

14Wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered.

15And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son’s name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.

16And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram.

*“The two most destructive examples of this, so far, have been Islam and Communism.” * Of course, DNANations would quickly add liberalism and Christianity to this list. For their purposes, Jews created Christianity as well.

Christianity along with Islam, Marxism and liberalism are weaponized vehicles for Jewish imperialism. This is true from impositions into the old world of Europe to the New World of the Americas (note interesting percent of Jewish admixture in Latin America) to incursions into Asia.

In fact, Christianity has paved the way for the destruction of European peoples as it assures the enemy that its believers will not fight back. The fighting aspects of the bible require borrowing from the Old Testament and thus align one’s fight thematically with Jewish interests. As such, it has led to the senseless destruction of other non-Abrahamic peoples as well, though they might have been friends and allies otherwise.

J.B. Campbell:

“The problem is Christianity, which is Judaism for gentiles. Christians cannot deal with Jews because they believe that Jews are god’s chosen people.”

“I think it is the problem, the basic problem we have yeah.”

“To become a Christian is to deny yourself the right of survival… It assures the Jew that the enemy will not fight back.”

“Yeah, those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian.”

“The purpose of this essay is to prepare the reader for a life of struggle against Jewish rule in this country.”

“It is so simple to see what I’m talking about looking at Russia after 1917. What happened to all the Christians in Russia, I don’t even know how many millions. There are wild numbers, at least twenty million Christians were slaughtered by the Jewish Bolsheviks and maybe more than that.”

“To become a Christian is to deny yourself your right of survival in the deadliest struggle on earth. Those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian, because it assures the Jew that the enemy will not fight back.”

Posted by a clue of Islam’s Jewish origins on Mon, 11 Dec 2017 20:59 | #

Diversity Macht Frei, “Early Islamic coins feature menorahs: “There is no God but Judah”, 8 Dec 2017:

        There is no God but Allah Judah

Another indication of Islam’s true origins has come to light recently: early Islamic coins have been found, imprinted with menorah symbols.


Researchers recently discovered that menorahs prominently adorned Muslim coins and vessels during the early Islamic period 1,300 years ago.

Relics inscribed with the Jewish symbol dating to the Umayyad dynasty during the seventh-eighth centuries were found at various archaeological sites in Israel and are now being exhibited to the public.

Last year, archaeologists Assaf Avraham of Bar-Ilan University, and Peretz Reuven of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem exposed an early Islamic inscription referring to the Dome of the Rock as “Beit al-Maqdis.”

According to scholars, the “Nuba inscription,” as it is called, implies that in the early days of Islam, Muslims perceived the shrine as an Islamic version of the Temple of Solomon.

Now, researchers are exposing further finds in Israel that constitute evidence of Jewish influences in the early days of Islam.

“The Jewish symbol which the Muslims were using was the menorah [the gold seven-branch candelabra from the Temple], which appeared on several coins and other early Islamic artifacts,” said Avraham on Wednesday.

“The menorah coins bear the Shahada Arabic inscription on one side: ‘There is no god but Allah,’ while the menorah appears in the center of the coin. The other side bears the inscription: ‘Muhammad [is the] messenger of God.’”

In addition to the coins, the archeologists are presenting several pottery and lead vessels from the early Islamic period that also utilized the menorah symbol in their design.

“They are dated to the early days of the Islamic caliphate, and were in use by Muslims,” said Avraham, noting the finds are of great importance for understanding the history of Islam. 

“We wish that many Muslims will be exposed to this knowledge, which is part of their own religious and cultural heritage,” he continued.

“We have launched an informational project whose goal is to expose this information to the world and to Muslims in particular. We hope that this exposure will promote an educated dialogue between Jews and Muslims.


Regular visitors know that the connection between Islam and Judaism is the principal theme of this blog. It has been covered in many articles which are linked to at the bottom of the “Jew as Ally of the Muslim” page. In summary, for those who don’t have the patience to go through it all:

Jews had a religion whose absolute focus was the performance of sacrifices in the Jerusalem temple. Yet they were expelled from Jerusalem by the Romans. The Jewish priestly caste, the Kohanim, whose role it was to perform the sacrifices, had thus been rendered redundant. Nonetheless, they dreamed of a return to Jerusalem and schemed to bring it about. The expelled Kohanim settled in distinct settlements of their own in order to avoid genetic contamination from lesser Jews (according to Jewish religious law, the Halacha, priestly bloodlines had to be kept pure). One of these settlements was Medina, a town they came to dominate. This is the milieu in which Islam emerged. Jews needed the Arabs to help them reconquer Jerusalem from the Christians. They invented Islam to fool them into doing it. Of course the Jews had no idea of the long-term catastrophic consequences for the world that would arise from the creation of this monster, Islam. Nonetheless, they have been happy to instrumentalise Muslims against the Christians down to the present day as a low-IQ, easily manipulated zombie army.


 Posted by Tom Holland on Tue, 18 Sep 2018 17:32 | #

Diversity Macht Frei, “Jewish influence on the Islamic Hadith Literature”, 16 Sep 2018:

Published by czakal

I’ve written before (here and here) about Jewish influence on the Koran. But the hadith literature, supposedly a record of the sayings and deeds of the “prophet” Muhammad, has probably exerted a greater influence over Islamic culture and law even than the Koran itself, thanks to its greater specificity. Indeed, the hadith are often invoked to clarify ambiguities in the language of the Koran.

The essence of the hadith concept is that the deeds and acts of Muhammad were observed by first-generation eye-witnesses then their testimony passed down through the generations in lines of oral transmission known as isnads.

This idea of a written text whose secret meanings can only be deciphered using special knowledge passed down orally through the generations is found in one other religion: Judaism.

Cohencidentally, or not, the hadith traditions (which form the documentary basis for the body of Islamic law or practices known as Sunna) were elaborated in a city, Kufa, which was exposed to strong Jewish influence (the surviving Jews of Khaybar were said to have been deported there) and located only 30 miles from Sura, the world’s greatest centre of Talmudic learning, where the Babylonian Talmud had been created not long before.

Here is an excerpt from Tom Holland’s book “In the Shadow of the Sword”.

As the extract makes clear, some of the most barbaric elements associated with Islam – such as stoning adulterous women to death – came not from the Koran, but from the Jews.


If a Sunna – a body of law capable of taming the extravagances and injustices of the age – were indeed to be fashioned without reference to the Caliph, then its origins would need to be grounded, and very publicly so, in the life and times of the Prophet himself. No other source, no other wellspring, would possibly do. But how to authenticate Muhammad’s sayings? Such was the question, a century on from the death of the Prophet, that confronted the first generation of a whole new class of scholars: legal experts whom Muslims would come to know as the ulama. Fortunately for them, just across the mudflats from Kufa – where the yearning to forge a new understanding of Islam was at its most turbulent and intense – the perfect role models were ready to hand. The rabbis of Sura, after all, had been labouring for many centuries to solve precisely the sort of problem that now confronted the ulama. The secret Torah, so it was recorded in the Talmud, ‘had been received at Sinai by Moses, who communicated it to Joshua, who communicated it to the elders, who communicated it to the prophets’ – who, in turn, had communicated it to a long line of rabbis, right down to the present. Nowhere in the world, in consequence, were there scholars better qualified to trace the chains of transmission that might link a lawyer and the sayings of a prophet than in the yeshivas of Iraq. Was it merely coincidence, then, that the earliest and most influential school of Islamic law should have been founded barely thirty miles from Sura? It was in Kufa, at around the same time as Walid, far distant in Damascus, was building his great mosque, that Muslim scholars first began to explore a momentous proposition: that there existed, alongside the Prophet’s written revelations, other, equally binding revelations that had never before been written down. Initially, in the manner of rabbis citing their own masters, members of the ulama were content to attribute these hitherto unrecorded doctrines to prominent local experts; then, as time went by, they began to link them to the Prophet’s companions; finally, as the ultimate in authorities, they fell to quoting the Prophet himself directly. Always, however, by bringing these previously unrecorded snatches of the past – these hadiths – to light, Muslim scholars were following a trail that had been blazed long before. Islamic though the isnads were, they were also more than a little Jewish.

The rabbis of Sura and Pumpedita, immured within their famous yeshivas, had spoken of their ambition to ‘build a fence around the Torah’. And so they had done – a thoroughly impregnable one. Yet some of them, hearing as a faint roar the tumult of debate and enquiry that was filling the streets of nearby Kufa, might just have felt a touch of claustrophobia – and even envy. The mosques of Iraq were coming to offer what no synagogue, or church, or fire temple had done for centuries: a venue for enquiry into the nature of God where the terms of debate had not already long since been set in stone. More than that – in the teeming warrens of Kufa and Basra, people from various religious backgrounds were free to meet, and collaborate, and merge their perspectives in a way that had never previously been possible. There were the conquerors: the Arab elite, with their language, their venerable traditions and their burnished memories of the age of Muhammad. Then there were the slaves and the descendants of slaves: all impatient to apply to the wrongs of an unjust society the austere and chilling message of the Prophet. Finally, there were ever-increasing numbers of converts. ‘Part of their original religion still remains within them.’ So Rav Yehudai, the rabbi of Sura, had observed of those mowbeds who turned to Islam. But what of those Muslims who had once been rabbis – was the same to be observed of them? If so, that would certainly help to explain why the Sunna – just like the Torah – aimed to regulate every dimension and aspect of human existence; why it should have forged for itself chains of transmission such as rabbis, and only rabbis, had ever previously deployed; and why, in direct contradiction of the Qur’an, it prescribed death as the punishment for adultery rather than whipping. As it had been written in the Torah by Moses himself: ‘They shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has wrought folly in Israel by playing the harlot in her father’s house.’

Source: “In The Shadow Of The Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World” by Tom Holland

Related, JTA 14 Nov 2016:

Building the Abrahamic Coalition – expressions of Islamic and Judaic function in mutual interest.

Examples which shatter the misconception that they are ultimately at odds; and that what is bad for one is bad for the other; and therefore good for Whites.

Yossi Klein Halevi, left, and Abdullah Antepli are co-directors of the Muslim Leadership Initiative. (Netanel Tobias/Shalom Hartman Inst.)

Julius Evola: ‘the British Empire was a creature of Judaism’

via Age of Treason
The significance of the bone of contention over jewish rule of Britain first came to my attention in Majority Rights Radio: Guessedworker speaks with Tanstaafl, and especially in the comments at MR afterward. Months later I came across the issue again in Yockey on Culture and Race – Part 8 and Part 9.The “British” Empire is one of those elements of European history which resonates very strongly in the European psyche. Racialists tend to see it as an expression of Anglo-Saxon greatness. The jews have turned it into a cornerstone of their guilt-tripping about colonialism. Neither view accords with reality. The jews puppeteered the empire at the expense of Britons, just as today they puppeteer the colonization of Britain itself.Evola’s assessment, excerpted below, was written in 1940, at which point jewish parasitic infiltration and manipulation of Britain (from the top) was clear enough. Evola’s discussion of the precise who and how provides a welcome contrast to Yockey’s jew-blind account in 1948. Indeed, the false notion that Britons ruled Britain then, and even now, prevails exactly because the jews still rule.Disraeli the Jew and the Empire of the Shopkeepers:We know that, wherever economic interests predominate, the Jew rapidly rises and accedes to the commanding positions. The penetration of Judaism into England is not a thing of recent days alone. It was the English Revolution and Protestantism which threw open England’s doors. The Jews, who had been expelled by Edward I in 1290, were readmitted to England as a result of a Petition accepted by Cromwell and finally approved by Charles II in 1649. From this time forward, the Jews, and above all the Spanish Jews (the Sephardim) began to immigrate en masse to England, bringing with them the riches which they had acquired by more or less dubious means, and it was these riches, as we have just explained, which allowed them to accede to the centres of command within English life, to the aristocracy and to positions very close to the Crown. Less than a century after their re-admission, the Jews were so sure of themselves that they demanded to be naturalised, that is to say, to be granted British citizenship. This had a very interesting result : the Law, or Bill, naturalising the Jews was approved in 1740. Most of its supporters were members of the upper classes or high dignitaries within the Protestant Church, which shows us the extent to which these elements had already become Judaised or corrupted by Jewish gold. The reaction came not from the English upper classes, but from the people. The Law of 1740 provoked such outrage and disorder among the populace that it was abrogated in 1753.
The Jews now resorted to another tactic : they abandoned their synagogues and converted, nominally, to Christianity. Thus the obstacle was circumvented and their work of penetration proceeded at an accelerated pace. What mattered to the Jews was to keep their positions of command and to eliminate the religious arguments on which the opposition of that period principally rested ; everything else was secondary, since the converted Jew remains, in his instincts, his mentality, and his manner of action, entirely Jewish, as is shown by one striking example among many others : the extremely influential Jewish banker Sampson Gideon, despite having converted, continued to support the Jewish community and was buried in a Jewish cemetery. His money bought for his son an enormous property and the title of Baronet.
This was the preferred tactic of the rich Jews of England from the eighteenth century on : they supplanted the English feudal nobility by acquiring their properties and titles, and thus mixing themselves with the aristocracy, by the nature of the British representative system, they came closer and closer to the government, with the natural consequence of a progressive Judaification of the English political mentality.
from the inception of imperialism on the large scale, what was less apparent was that the ‘British Empire’ was a creature of Judaism, which a Jew had given as a present to the British Royal Crown.
This Jew was Benjamin Disraeli, Queen Victoria’s Prime Minister
Only one Jew could have conceived the idea of ‘reforming’ the conception of Empire and making of it something plutocratic and transforming it into imperialistic materialism. This Jew was Disraeli – ‘Dizzy’ as he was known. It was he who made of Queen Victoria an ‘Empress’, a colonial Empress, the Empress of India. This indefatigable proponent of the English ‘Imperial’ idea modelled his conception upon the Jewish Messianic-imperial idea, the idea of a people whose power consists in the riches of others, over which they take power, and which they cynically exploit and control. Disraeli always attacked very violently those who wished to separate England from her overseas territories, within which, as a Jewish historian has pointed out, Jews were the pioneers. Disraeli knew who it was that sustained this England which in turn was to dominate the riches of the world ; it is possible that he was among those initiates who knew that it was more than a simple British-Jewish plutocracy which was pulling the strings. One recalls those often-quoted words of Disraeli : “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
The prudent and noiseless penetration of Jewry into the English upper classes and into the government itself continued. It was Disraeli who performed the coup upon Egypt in 1875 – with whose help? Rothschild. In 1875, the Khedive had financial worries and Disraeli managed to learn that he was willing to sell 177,000 shares of Suez Canal stock. This was a magnificent opportunity to gain certain control of the route to the Indies. The government hesitated. Rothschild did not. Here is the record of the historic conversation between Disraeli and Rothschild (Disraeli had asked him for four million pounds sterling) : “What guarantee can you offer me?” “The British government.” “You shall have five million tomorrow.” The interest on the loan was ‘extremely low’ ; naturally, the real and important interest of the Jewish clique lay on another and less visible plane …
Disraeli did not fail to make more convenient to the Jews of England their ritual observance. A little-known fact is that the ‘English Saturday’ is nothing other than the Jewish Sabbath, the ritual day of rest of the Jews. It was suitably Disraeli who introduced it to England, under an adequate social pretext.
Thus, as the Judaification of old feudal England was accomplished by diverse means, and as the old aristocracy gradually decomposed and underwent inoculation with ideas which would make it an easy prey for the material and spiritual influences of Judaism and Freemasonry, Disraeli did not forget his other task, that of augmenting and reinforcing the power of the new ‘Empire of Shopkeepers’, the new ‘Imperial Venice’, the reborn Israel of the Promise. This he did in a manner which was just as characteristically Jewish. Disraeli was one of the principal instigators of that sad and cynical English foreign policy by means of ‘protected’ third parties and the use of blackmail, which it pushes to the most extreme consequences. The most striking case is that of the Russo-Turkish War.
Disraeli did not hesitate to betray the ancient cause of European solidarity, by placing Turkey under British protection. Turkey, defeated, was saved by Britain ; by use of the well-known ‘English’ method of threats and sanctions, Disraeli was able to paralyse the Slavic advance to the South without a single shot being fired, and a grateful Turkey made him a present of Cyprus. At the Congress of Berlin, the Russian ambassador, Gortshakov, was unable to restrain himself from crying dolorously : “To have sacrificed a hundred thousand soldiers and a hundred million of money, and for nothing!” (*) There is a factor even more serious, from a higher point of view. By virtue of this situation, brought about by Disraeli, Turkey was admitted into the community of the European nations protected by so-called ‘International Justice’. We say ‘so-called’ because, until that time, far from being held to be valid for all the peoples of the world, this justice was held to be valid uniquely among the group of the European nations ; it was a form of recourse and of internal law for Europeans. With the admission of Turkey, a new phase of international law began, and this was truly the phase in which ‘justice’ became a mask and its ‘international’ character became a ruse of ‘democracy’, for it was simply an instrument in the service of Anglo-Jewry, and subsequently of the French also. This development led to the League of Nations, to crisis, and to actual war.

Merkel and Zuckerberg are teaming up to attack you on Facebook

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wednesday, 16 September 2015 09:49.

Stop giving up your personal information to these people.

Angela Merkel and her government full of rabid liberals, have decided that they’d like to raise the pitch and tempo of their agenda of increasing mass migration, to the next level. Now they want to actively data-mine Facebook so that they can track you down if you disagree with the mass migration plan.

Germany is probably one of the worst places in Europe to live, if you care about ethnic genetic interests in any sense of the term.

Merkel has found a perfect partner in crime in Zuckerberg, since Zuckerberg’s politics are almost exactly identical to Merkel’s.

Quite seriously. And it shouldn’t be surprising.

There is an amicable relationship between Facebook and German liberalism.

See here:

City AM – Business with Personality, ‘EU refugee crisis: Facebook to cooperate with Germany to clamp down on racist and anti-refugee hate speech’, 15 Sep 2015:

Facebook has promised to help the German government tackle a wave of online hate speech in the wake of the ongoing refugee crisis, responding to criticism that it’s failed to do its part.

The social network has come under fire for being too slow in removing xenophobic content from its platform, even when reported, as German justice minister Heiko Maas wrote in a letter to the company:

“Facebook users are, in particular, complaining increasingly that your company is not effectively stopping racist ‘posts’ and comments despite their pointing out concrete examples.”

The company now promises to do better. To that end, it’ll be working together with Germany’s ministry of defence and internet service providers in the country to create a new hate speech task force, according to reports in the Wall Street Journal.

There won’t be any changes in policy on what types of content are forbidden, rather, Facebook simply promises to become better at dealing with illegal content more efficiently, as Heiko Maas said to the newspaper:

“The idea is to better identify content that is against the law and remove it faster from the web.”

Germany expects to see some 800,000 refugees apply for asylum this year, as the country’s asylum system outstrips all other European countries by far. But alongside solidarity movements like #refugeeswelcome, this has also brought on a backlash of xenophobia.

This is not unprecedented, given that Facebook has always had a very disdainful view of its users.

Recall from back in 2010:

Business Insider, ‘Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won’t Help Facebook’s Privacy Problems’, 14 May 2010:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user privacy. An early instant messenger exchange Mark had with a college friend won’t help put these concerns to rest.

According to SAI sources, the following exchange is between a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg and a friend shortly after Mark launched The Facebook in his dorm room:

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard

Zuck: Just ask.

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend’s Name]: What? How’d you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don’t know why.

Zuck: They “trust me”

Zuck: Dumb fucks.



I don’t know how many times I’ve had to tell people this, but if you give your personal information to Facebook, you are basically out of your mind. If you give your personal information to Facebook while making posts on Facebook that German liberals do not like, then you are even more out of your mind.

People need to stop giving personally indentifiable information to Facebook. Just stop giving it to them.

I present this article for the purpose of driving that point home to anyone who is still having doubts about this. Just stop giving it to them. – Kumiko

 Posted by Legatus on Wed, 16 Sep 2015 10:35 | #

This is who the Germans have hired to monitor comments on German facebook. Anette (((Kahane))) was an agent for Stasi for 8 years. She regularly informed on other German citizens for the communist authority. Now she is a professional “anti-racist” activist, pushing mass immigration from the 3rd world to Europe.



 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 16 Sep 2015 11:17 | #


That is amazing, Legatus, that is absolutely stunning. They really have no limits whatsoever.

 Posted by Lawrence Burns on Fri, 08 Sep 2017 15:54 | #

        Prosecuted for Facebook posts
He was also prosecuted for making a racist speech at a memorial demonstration for American white separatist leader David Lane.

Western Spring, “How To Feel Good”, 7 Sept 2017:

Jez Turner writes,

Below are the words of a recent letter from twenty-four year old Lawrence Burns, who is currently serving a four year sentence in an English prison.

For what, you may ask?

He wouldn’t be sentenced to as much as four years if he had committed fraud, robbery, burglary, rape or stabbed someone – or even if he had committed all of these at the same time! But he didn’t do any of those things — he did something worse, far, far worse in the eyes of our enemies — he shared politically incorrect thoughts on his facebook page. He laughed at the regime. Yes, he’s a ‘thought criminal’, and he is one of many.

Liberals pour scorn on the historical period of European culture known as ‘The Middle Ages’ by writing it off as a time when ‘life was nasty, brutish and short’ and saying that the best philosophy it could offer was ‘Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!’.  And yet, what does liberalism offer?  ‘Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we go to the gulag!’ perhaps? For what have liberalism, Marxism and materialism ever given us of any lasting value?

Those who adhere to such things have never understood the importance of community, of tradition, of culture, of custom, of religion, of chivalry, of nobility and honour, of identity, of belonging and becoming, which is why they are not averse to destroying such things. And yet those Jews who sometimes brag about directing such destruction, understand completely.  And we White Nationalists, call us what you will, also understand, perfectly!

Both sides understand the importance of such things, which is why one side wants to destroy such things, while the other side wants to preserve and enhance them.  The mass of people in the middle do not understand – at least consciously, but the best of them are beginning to.  And when they do they will find the reason to truly live again, not just exist as they do now – shopping and consuming and drinking and watching television – but to live, really live, to be really alive.  For then, they will have a reason to live and a cause to fight for, and if necessary die for!

“Hello Jez,

I thought I’d write to say ‘hello’ to you and all the others, and to say that almost seven months into my sentence, I can still say that taking up the nationalist cnationalist causeause was the best choice of my life!

Being an active nationalist is like living in a different world to the decadent and empty one around us. One has a circle of loyal friends and associates of a diverse range of backgrounds and occupations, yet who share a bond based on their higher values and love of nation.

Being part of this community allows one to live by such noble values as honour, love, duty, loyalty, brotherhood and courage, and through their adherence to these values, to find meaning and a higher purpose in life, which this selfish, individualistic, materialistic, ‘zombified’ modern world cannot provide.

Those of this corrupt world will twist what I’m saying around, and say instead ‘You have been brainwashed’, ‘These extremists are not your friends – they are just using you’, ‘You should be watching TV, getting drunk, spending money and having fun instead’.

How little they know! These people could never grasp the fact that others do not share their enthusiasm for their way of life.  Blinded by the illusions sent by hell, driven by greed, lust and the pursuit of a mirage they have turned their backs on reality.

The idea that there could be anything in the world more important than themselves seems unthinkable to them.  Their mantras of ‘humanity’, ‘equality’ and ‘individual liberty’ only serve to make them feel better and righteous in their lack of culture and values. They can’t even understand love anymore, all that is left if the perverse animal drive, which they have ennobled in its place.

Family to them is an inconvenience, a burden.  Instead of raising a healthy family in the traditions of their people, they spend their time partying, getting drunk, taking drugs, and indulging in perverse, loveless sex, and to excuse themselves they have declared the family ‘an outdated social construct’.  Women should not marry and raise children they say.  They should instead pursue meaningless careers, and enjoy themselves with different men every weekend, and if they get pregnant, they can save themselves the hassle of raising children by having abortions.  Family life is slavery, they will be much happier serving the needs of mass commerce.

They scoff at tradition.  They think they know more than all of their ancestors put together. Fools!  Take away all the technology they inherited and see how long they will last!

They laugh at the thought of a creator of the universe, whose ever-present laws apply to us all. The integrated community, perfect symmetry and innate beauty of the universe and of all creations in it, not to mention consciousness itself, is all an accident of nature, all this just happened to create itself out of a chance mixture of matter, without any intelligent plan or design.  There is no divine plan for mankind, other than to serve the economy and be a slave to their own petty passions.

They denounce Europeans who feel an affinity for their own kind. We are just ‘hate-filled racists’, and ‘race is just a social construct’.  There are no races and different cultures in their world, only rootless individuals and their profitable ignorance and selfishness. To them, it is right and just to pursue riches at the expense of others, but its wrong to care about those with whom we share ethnic and cultural bonds – -if you’re of European descent that is.

They deny us the right to our inheritance and our own homelands.  They impose ‘multiculturalism’ onto our communities, subvert and slander all traditional institutions, and spread, like a disease, their perverse, corrupt way of life, devoid of all that makes life worth living, and they isolate, slander and persecute those of us who still value identity, culture, tradition and community.  And they still believe that their ‘Prevent Strategy’ will persuade ‘the extremists’, i.e. those who believe in something greater than their profane values, to simply give up their healthy values, their identities, and to betray their friends and families and to conform to their meaningless, empty, sick world.

Their efforts are in vain! In their ignorance, they will never understand people like us, or even the very idea that there is much more to life than money and hedonism. They cannot grasp the notion of culture and identity, as they have none, and this is why they will never be able to defeat us.

Their world offers us nothing, for it has negated all that we hold sacred: love, honour, identity, friendship, loyalty, tradition and order. Their world is in chaos, while our world is one of the last bastions of sanity. In our struggle, one will find meaning, purpose, true friendship, support and a world in which he can live by noble values, develop his character and be around other virtuous people, and find fulfilment in life knowing that all he holds sacred will live on long after he is gone.  It is in discovering his roots, and taking up the struggle for his people that one becomes a man.  Expensive clothes, partying, money and social capital gained through conformity to the current fashions do not make a man.  True manhood is measured by fighting for a noble cause with honour and courage, and through one’s capacity and willingness to endure hardship, persecution and public condemnation, while all the time remaining above the decadence of the world.  And what could be a more worthy and righteous cause than the moral regeneration, freedom and prosperity of one’s nation in line with divine law?

Our enemies can never take this away from us.  If they put a man in prison for defending his family, he is not going to regret defending his family and ‘change his ways’. Likewise as I sit writing this from my prison cell, I am not going to cease defending what I hold sacred.  This sounds as ridiculous to their ignorant minds, as their expectation that I might even consider doing otherwise sounds to me.

Doing the right and honourable thing in this corrupt world is worth all the persecution and hardships it brings. The condemnation of traitors and lowlifes does not bother me, for I stand before a higher judge, who has a much different view to theirs. I would not swap this life for anything in the world, for nothing beats it and nothing will beat me either. I would choose a hard life where honour, love, kinship, community and tradition still have meaning, over ‘an easy life’ of conformity to this empty, meaningless, sterile society any day!

They cannot extinguish this most beautiful and holy flame of tradition. Despite all their efforts, it will only endure throughout the ages guiding all generations of our people, and it will burn ever brighter the more they put us to the test.  And this is why, in the end, we will win, even if the world around us goes under, we will remain strong, standing among the ruins, for God is with us and as long as we are with him, our victory is as assured as the sunrise in the morning.”

Lawrence Burns (Preston Prison,  6th July 2017)

Let us read what Lawrence Burns has to say.

It is nominally addressed to me, but through it Lawrence wishes to address you all. – Jez

I’m not certain of the details of Burns case. In cursory inspection, I see that he’s accused of promoting Hitler and announcing genocidal intent – which is not a good idea; not that he should get anything like four years hard time; hopefully he will settle on a different advocacy strategy and be freed of this sentence. DanielS

Posted by Dr. Aleksandr Kogan on Sun, 18 Mar 2018 00:32 | #

Kogan (Russian: Ко́ган) is a Russian version of the Jewish surname Cohen, which denotes the descendants of the high priests of ancient Israel.

Varsity, 17 Mar 2018:

“Who is Dr Aleksandr Kogan, the Cambridge academic accused of misusing Facebook data?”

Everything we know about the neuroscientist who has been banned by the social media giant for passing on millions of users’ data.

A photo of Kogan from the University’s website
University of Cambridge

by Louis Ashworth Follow Louis Ashworth on Twitter & Todd Gillespie Follow Todd Gillespie on Twitter

Dr Aleksandr “Alex” Kogan, a University lecturer at the Department of Psychology, has been thrust into the limelight after he was banned from Facebook for improper use of data.

A multi-organisation investigation lead by revelations from a whistleblower who assisted Kogan at the data-analysis and influence firm Cambridge Analytica has alleged that the Cambridge academic developed tools to analyse and influence the behaviour of Facebook users. The whistleblower, Christopher Wylie, has suggested that Kogan’s tolls may have helped Cambridge Analytica influence the outcome of the 2016 US election.

Kogan was born in Moldova, and moved the United States at the age of seven. He studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and in Hong Kong before joining the University of Cambridge as a lecturer in psychology and psychometrics.

His listed interests are behavioural analysis, cross-sectional and cohort studies, and electrophysiological recording techniques. The most recent publication on his University profile is “The role of positive self-evaluation on cross-cultural differences in well-being”, from 2015.

After getting married in Singapore, Kogan was temporarily known as Aleksandr Spectre, as he is called on an outdated profile on the University’s website.

German periodical Das Magazin reported that, in 2014, Kogan approached another Cambridge academic, Dr Michael Kosinski, who had been developing behavioural models based on users’ social media interests. Kogan allegedly expressed an interest in accessing information from ‘MyPersonality’, an app Kosinski had helped develop.

Kosinski, who is part of the Psychometrics Centre, based at Judge Business School, grew uncomfortable with Kogan’s connection to the firm SLC, which controls Cambridge Analytica, and distanced himself from Kogan. Das Magazin claims the University feared reputational damage through its association to the organisation.

Kogan is also an associate professor at the St Petersburg University – a fact his Cambridge colleagues, aside from the head of the Department of Psychology, were not told, according to The Guardian/Observer. In this position, he received funding from the Russian government to study ‘Stress, health and psychological wellbeing in social networks’.

Kogan’s company, Global Science Research (GSR), was behind the app, ‘thisisyourdigitallife’, which harvested the data of tens of millions of Facebook users which was then passed on to Cambridge Analytica. According to Wylie, hundreds of thousands of Facebook users took personality tests with the app. In doing so, users consented to their data being collected for academic use.

But the app also collected the personal information of test-takers’ Facebook friends, thus racking up data on tens of millions of users, which was accessible to Cambridge Analytica. This contravened the social network’s ‘platform policy’ which banned the collection of friends’ data for any reasons aside from improving user experience.

In May 2014, Kogan set up GSR along with former University of Cambridge postdoctoral researcher, Joseph Chancellor. The pair initially registered the company’s address at Cory House, postgraduate accomodation at Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Alexander Slinger, a graduate of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, was appointed as a director of GSR in August 2014, alongside Kogan and Chancellor. Chancellor resigned from GSR in September 2015, and Slinger in May 2016. The company was formally dissolved on 31 October 2017.

Chancellor now works on Facebook’s User Experience Research team. In 2017, Facebook told the investigative news outlet The Intercept that Chancellor’s work at GSR “has no bearing on the work that he does at Facebook”.

Kogan and Slinger were also both listed as directors of Euler Group Limited, a company which existed from February to October 2016. According to Slinger’s LinkedIn, he now works for finance company Arrow Global.

In early 2015, Kogan spoke at the Cambridge Science Festival, under the title: “What your Facebook says about you”. Video of the event is not available, but in an interview with the festival’s organisers, which has been removed from the University’s website, Kogan answered the question “What does your Facebook say about you?”.

“Trick question!” he said, “It probably doesn’t say much about you personally, but it can shine a great deal of light on human nature and social processes in general. But to find out more, you’ll have to come to the talk”.


 Posted by Cambridge Analytica on Tue, 20 Mar 2018 15:58 | #

Best Documentary yet on the Cambridge Analytica scandal:

Cambridge Analytica Uncovered: Secret filming reveals election tricks

So there you have it, democracy, data and dirty tricks: the self proclaimed digital masterminds (Cambridge Analytica) who may have swayed an American election….

Posted by Novice in charge of Faceberg data security on Thu, 22 Mar 2018 00:23 | #

Posted by Facebook users/data still not deleted on Thu, 29 Mar 2018 10:17 | #

 Posted by German cleaning woman fined 4criticizing migrants on Sun, 29 Jul 2018 00:07 | #

Facebook, “German woman receives large fine for criticising refugees on Facebook”,

Heiko Barth / shutterstock.com

A German cleaning lady received a fine of 1,650 euros for criticising refugees and the country’s asylum policy, news outlet Wochenblick reports.

The woman commit her ‘Orwellian thought crime’ on Facebook, as she said this about refugees:

“Sh*t on the state, steal from people, rape, swirling the eggs, demand money from us and sue the state. That’s what they can. They’re more valuable than gold, our super-skilled people.”

The cleaning lady’s plea for help to the German judiciary was not heard. On the contrary, the district court of Dachau fined the cleaning woman because of “sedition” (§ 130 StGB).

She was given a 1,650 euro fine, as the court’s opinion was that her comment against refugees “scared people”.

Germany’s ‘thought police’ uncovered the case after receiving a message from the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Posted by Zuckerberg & 50 million Schmucks on Fri, 05 Oct 2018 11:22 | #

(((Sympathetic profile))) of Zuckerberg

50 million Facebook accounts compromised


Posted by (((WhatsApp)))? on Tue, 14 May 2019 17:39 | #

WhatsApp Exposed as Israeli Spyware Platform

New Observer 14 May 2019:

The popular instant messaging system WhatsApp—owned by Facebook—has been revealed as an Israeli spyware platform using malicious code from the Jews-only state’s infamous NSO Group, according to a report in the Financial Times.

According to the FT, the security breach in WhatsApp—which is used by 1.5 billion people worldwide—was discovered in May this year. Hackers install surveillance software on iPhones and Android phones by ringing up targets using the app’s phone call function.

“The malicious code, developed by the secretive Israeli company NSO Group, could be transmitted even if users did not answer their phones, and the calls often disappeared from call logs,” the FT reported.

NSO’s flagship product is Pegasus, a program that can turn on a phone’s microphone and camera, trawl through emails and messages and collect location data. NSO advertises its products to Middle Eastern and western intelligence agencies, and says Pegasus is intended for governments to fight terrorism and crime.

In the past, human rights campaigners in the Middle East have received text messages over WhatsApp that contained links that would download Pegasus to their phones.

WhatsApp said teams of engineers had worked around the clock in San Francisco and London to close the vulnerability. It began rolling out a fix to its servers on Friday last week, WhatsApp said, and issued a patch for customers on Monday.

“This attack has all the hallmarks of a private company known to work with governments to deliver spyware that reportedly takes over the functions of mobile phone operating systems,” the company said.

WhatsApp disclosed the issue to the US Department of Justice last week, the report continued.

Amnesty International, which identified an attempt to hack into the phone of one its researchers, is backing a group of Israeli citizens and civil rights group in a filing in Tel Aviv asking the defence ministry to cancel NSO’s export licence.

“NSO Group sells its products to governments who are known for outrageous human rights abuses, giving them the tools to track activists and critics. The attack on Amnesty International was the final straw,” said Danna Ingleton, deputy director of Amnesty Tech.


The WhatsApp vulnerability is a buffer overflow weakness, enabling malicious code to be inserted into data packets sent during the process of starting a voice call. When the data is received, WhatsApp’s internal buffer is forced to overflow, overwriting other parts of the app’s memory, and control is given over to the application.


 Posted by Facebook maybe more dangerous than WallStreet on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 04:02 | #

Facebook May Pose a Greater Danger Than Wall Street

The Alternative-Right’s big tent, would additionally include the Jews for some unknown reason.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 13 November 2015 12:10.

Guess which one of these is applicable to Colin Liddell.

The situation

It is said that one does not always have the luxury of being able to choose where one is sent to fight. What first started out as a criticism carried out by Colin Liddell at the Alternative-Right against Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer, has morphed into something completely different, because of one line—one truly breathtaking sentence fragment—that Liddell tried to slide past the readers:

Colin Liddell / Alternative-Right, ‘Joining the Dots on Andrew Anglin’, 08 Nov 2015 (emphasis added):

As for the palatability of Streicher-esque anti-Semitism, it is certainly palatable for many White Nationalists – indeed in-itself it hardly bothers me as history is full of unsavoury characters and I rather like history – but for other Whites, not to mention those Jews who might want to identify as Whites and help our cause (and there are some), it is certainly a different story.

Amazing. Apparently, Colin Liddell is okay with allowing the Jews to form the intellectual equivalent of a forward operating base which would of course be geared entirely toward sabotage, behind the lines of ethno-nationalist movements.

It’s one of the most breathtaking things I’ve ever seen from a European ethno-nationalist, ever.

Now, Majorityrights contributors don’t like the Daily Stormer, and our platform differs significantly. I am not defending the Daily Stormer, I have no interest in that, since I disagree with them on almost everything. However, for Colin Liddell to say that there are Jews out there who want to identify as whites and ‘help’, that is a truly stunning statement. In reality, there are no Jewish groups that have any interest in helping European ethno-nationalists. That is a phenomenon which absolutely does not exist anywhere.

Why should any ethno-nationalist want to give space for Jews to enter a movement that they have been historically hostile toward and are hostile toward even today? It’s impossible to understand it. Everyone has criticisms of the Daily Stormer and negative comments to make about the viability of Andrew Anglin’s approach, but if the criticism is coming from an angle that is beneficial to the Jewish lobby, then that cannot and should not be accepted.

Excuses, excuses

Many people, including Colin Liddell himself apparently believe that Jews in Europe can be courted as allies because of a perception that the Jews would be antagonistic toward the influx of Muslims and the threat of radical Islam that accompanies it. Here at Majorityrights we take the threat of the Islamisation of Europe very seriously and see it as one of the major problems of the era, a generational conflict that will continue.

However, we do not believe that the Jews can be a real ally in that conflict.

Why do we not believe that? It’s because the Jewish position is one where they would like to avoid having terrorists menacing them in their neighbourhoods in Europe, but Jewish civic groups also have no problem whatsoever balancing their concern about that against their other concern which is to avoid having an environment where a single culture predominates in the continent.

See here:

World Jewish Congress, ‘Jewish and Muslim leaders urge European Union heads not to pander to extreme-right’, 30 May 2011 (emphasis added):

In Brussels, leaders of Islamic and Jewish communities from several European countries today presented a joint declaration to the presidents of the three main European Union institutions. Ahead of a meeting of European religious leaders representing all major faiths in Europe, Bosnian Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric and Brussels Chief Rabbi Albert Guigui handed the document on behalf of the 33 signatories to Commission President José Manuel Barroso, European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy.

The declaration stresses that “Jews and Muslims live side-by-side in every European country and our two communities are important components of Europe’s religious, cultural and social tapestry. Both Muslims and Jews have deep roots and historical experience on this continent.” It raises concern about “increasing manifestations of Islamophobia (anti-Muslim bigotry) and anti-Semitism in countries across Europe.”

The joint declaration goes on to say: “Bigotry against any Jew or any Muslim is an attack on all Muslims and all Jews. We are united in our belief in the dignity of all peoples” and urges “all Europeans of conscience to put a stop to any group that espouses racist or xenophobic ideologies long before they are in a position to gain legislative or other power. We must never allow anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia or racism to become respectable in today’s Europe. In that regard, we call upon all political leaders not to pander to these groups by echoing their rhetoric.”

The signatories also declared: “We remember together the horrors that took place on this continent in the 1940s – a campaign of mass murder, unique in history, which resulted in the annihilation of one third of world Jewry in the Holocaust. That atrocity and others, such as the mass killing of Muslim civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990s, resulted from the triumph of racist and xenophobic ideologies that demonized those that they targeted.”

This Europe-wide interfaith initiative – the first of its kind – was set in motion last December with the first Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders in Brussels. It is modelled on a similar cooperative effort in the United States organized by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. Co-sponsors are the European Jewish Congress, the FFEU, the Muslim Jewish Conference the World Council of Muslims for Interfaith Relations and the World Jewish Congress.

What kind of activities might be necessary in order to make sure that Muslims and Jews would both end up on the same page in that regard? They would have to schedule some kind of symposiums in which the Jewish cultural critics would brief their Muslim counterparts on what works against Europeans and what does not work, and the Jews would have to begin some kind of outreach to so-called European Muslims so that an understanding could be reached, right?

Well, here’s an example of that:

International Council of Jewish Women, ‘2nd European Muslim-Jewish Symposium’, 05 Sep 2012 (emphasis added):


Jewish as well as Muslim Authorities from Serbia, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Sweden were heard. Several speakers explained the efficiency of their strategies to fight extremism. In Germany where many neo-Nazis groups are violent, the Jews will help the (Turks) Muslims to be heard. They speak out together to defend their rights especially on the important subjects of circumcision, ritual slaughtering, at the government. They want to be sure that their children go through the right path. Their relations as well as their cooperation are excellent and they want to make it official. In United Kingdom, where anti-Muslim bigotry is strong, the extreme right aggravates tensions in promoting hatred and violence in the Muslim districts. Jews will enhance the role of the Muslim righteous who saved Jews during the Holocaust; A conference of British Imams and Rabbis work together productively with the ministries on the field.

The most remarkable step greeted by the participants was the case story of the creation by Rabbi Michel Serfaty of Amitié Judéo Musulmane de France with his partners and his Muslim co-chair Scherazade Zerouala for the Paris district: the bus of Friendship between Jews and Muslims has since 2007 crisscrossed the French towns and suburbs with local press conferences. The most efficient means to fight against discriminations and prejudices are Jews and Muslims involved to speak out together and “SAY NO TO HATRED”. Ignorance, fear and contempt breed violence, and that is the way to face it. This action carried on for 9 years, going on round France 8 times, with 10 people, and 15 sub-branches in the country was a challenge: mostly to build a united front to make a correct presentation of the Jew and the Muslim in our work with children and their mothers.


Jewish lobby groups are triangulating, they are positioning themselves so that in the case where Muslim groups become the largest share of all ethno-religious minority groups in the European Union, they would be ready for that scenario, and could survive in it.

Jews and Muslims are right now in ‘the season of twinning’, and what a time for them to have chosen to do that! See here:

Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, ‘FFEU’s 8th Annual Global Season of Twinning’, 01 Oct 2015 (emphasis added):

In the face of escalating sectarian violence and increasing expressions of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry across North America, Europe and around the world, thousands of Muslims and Jews will be coming together in scores of cities around the globe to declare: We Refuse to Be Enemies.

We Refuse to be Enemies is the theme of the 8th Annual Season of Twinning, which every November and December brings together Muslims and Jews – and people of other faiths as well – to hold joint events focused on educating communities about one other, working together on behalf of people in need and standing together against bigotry.

The Season of Twinning officially kicks-off on Sunday, November 1 with an Interfaith rally in Trenton, NJ, to be followed by events in Washington, New York, Detroit, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Brussels, Tel Aviv Rabat, Morocco, and scores of other cities in nearly 20 countries around the world. There have already been several events associated with the Season of Twinning over the past several weeks, including an inspiring Interfaith Peace Walk in Melbourne, Australia and a Surfers for Peace aquatic manifestation by Jewish and Muslim surfers off the beach in Biarritz, France.

The Season of Twinning was initiated in 2008 by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU) – a New York-based nonprofit organization dedicated to building a global movement of Muslims and Jews focused on strengthening ties between our communities.

“In the face of multiple crises now roiling Muslims and Jews in the Middle East and around the world and of increasing efforts by demagogues and extremists to incite our communities against each other, it is more critical than ever that Muslims and Jews come out in public to say ‘We Refuse to Be Enemies,’” said FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier. “We can agree to disagree respectfully on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while resolving to build ties of communication and cooperation for the betterment of both communities and the larger communities in which we live side by side.”


Quelle surprise! The Jews want to have an amicable relationship with the Muslims. They want to explore the possibility of continuing to undermine the European Union together, while they leave the disagreement about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Levant.

Anyone who understands the strategies that have been used by Jews when dealing with Muslims in the past, should actually not be surprised by any of this. This kind of political manoeuvring has happened in the past:

Jewish History, ‘710 – 719’ (emphasis added):

711 July 19, TARIK IBN ZIYAD (Spain)
A Moslem general. He defeated King Roderick, the last of the Visigoth kings, at the Battle of Rio Barbate (Guadalete) near Xeres de la Frontera. The Jews backed [Tarik ibn Zayid] in his battles. After each city was conquered (Cordova, Granada, Malaga), Jews were often given positions of safeguarding Moslem interests. One of his generals, Kaula al Yahudi, had many Jews under his command.

712 March, TOLEDO (Spain)
The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.

‘150 years of peace’. Also known as ‘150 years Arab Muslims raping and killing the Europeans’.

Why do the Jews seek a situation where one culture cannot dominate? Why do they want to flood your countries with hostile migrants? The answer is less complicated than you might think:

Rabbi Doug Kahn / Jweekly, ‘The wisdom of Earl Raab — at 90’, 26 Mar 2009 (emphasis added):

When Earl Raab served as executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, he posted in his office an article citing a study that concluded that cigar smokers have a longer life expectancy than non-smokers.

One might wonder about the credibility of the study — but Earl turns 90 next week. His cigar-smoking days are behind him, and the Underwood Noiseless typewriter, on which he banged out hundreds of articles and uncommon wisdom for this paper, is in mothballs.

But Earl and his fertile mind continue to go strong.

Although he retired more than 20 years ago, his influence endures. A man of great humility, who claimed to be the national ping pong champion of the Galapagos Islands during World War II, Earl shaped the field of Jewish community relations nationally.

His genius was to recognize in San Francisco an extraordinary laboratory for studying and shaping the Jewish community at large — which he wrote about in an October 1950 piece for Commentary magazine. He had come to San Francisco on assignment from his and Kassie’s farm in Maine and decided never to leave.

In the “From the American Scene” column, Earl wrote a piece titled “There’s No City Like San Francisco.” In it, he wrote: “There are 55,000 Jews in San Francisco, and not even the historic traces of a ghetto. There is a Jewish community that has been called, with reason, the wealthiest, per capita, in the country. There is at the same time a startling poverty of ant-Semitic tradition. San Francisco, for cities of its size, is the nation’s ‘white spot’ of anti-Jewish prejudice… So far as the city and its institutions are concerned, the Jew is a first-class citizen. It may well be that he can live in San Francisco with a greater degree of personal dignity than in any other large city in the country.”

Raabisms will long endure at S.F.-based JCRC, among them: “A certain kind of America” (the idea that American Jews and other minorities are most secure when democratic institutions are strong) and “An educable moment” (Earl’s way of explaining why a bad thing happens to a good community and how to turn it into an opportunity).


In 1993 Earl Raab also wrote:

Earl Raab / San Francisco Jewish Bulletin, 23 Jul 1993:

We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.

That is a positive feedback loop. As the level of heterogeneity increases, so increases the adherence to constraints against ‘bigotry’ for the sake of civil concordance under liberalism. Those constraints then make it more difficult for anyone to make arguments in favour of taking action against further increases in heterogeneity, which then results in a ‘requirement’ for more constraints against ‘bigotry’, and so on.

The same plan is on the agenda for Europe. It’s crucial for everyone to understand that this is what their intention is. There are no compromises or negotiations that can be had with the Jews. It is what it is.

Only pretending to be retarded

Later on, a torrent of criticism was poured in Liddell’s direction from Daily Stormer and from every other angle, because despite all the differences that may exist between the strands of ethno-nationalist thought in the North Atlantic, most people seem to agree that the Jews are not to be underestimated.

Colin Liddell reacted by effectively claiming that he was only pretending to be retarded, and that they were allegedly trying to troll the Daily Stormer by partially imitating its writing style and extreme rhetoric.

See here:

Colin Liddell / Alternative-Right, ‘White Surviv(irl) or Auschwitz of the Internet?’, 11 Nov 2015 (emphasis added):

First off, let’s deal with my previous article, as it managed to trick most people. It was—in case you hadn’t realized—a deferential tribute to the actual style of The Daily Stormer.

This came off as particularly hollow in the context of the Jewish Question, given that when I asked Colin Liddell about whether he still stood by his earlier statements on alliances with Jews, he said that he still stood by those statements, as you can see from the comments sections.

So it was not a pretence of any sort. It’s more like Liddell’s follow-up post was a form of damage control after he had made a spectacular misstep and didn’t want to back down from it.

Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents however seems to have taken the claim of pretence at face value, without addressing the Jewish Question, and so he responded to Liddell, saying:

Greg Johnson, ‘White Surviv(irl) or Auschwitz of the Internet?’, Disqus comment 2353921213, 11 Nov 2015 18:37:

Well I’m relieved. I took your last article as in earnest and regarded it as a serious lapse by an otherwise sound writer, not as a parody of Anglin himself.

This is really surprising to me. Was he not aware of what Liddell was saying just earlier? The things that Liddell had said, are really 180 degrees contrary to the clearly-articulated and laudable stances that I had come to associate with Johnson. For example, a while ago, Greg Johnson ran this really good article at Counter-Currents:

Greg Johnson / Current-Currents, ‘Reframing the Jewish Question’, 27 Oct 2015 (emphasis added):


Some nationalists pursue these questions, but others choose to abstain, merely advocating ethnonationalism but not touching the “J.Q.”

I wish to suggest that this framing of the Jewish question is entirely wrong. The Jewish question is not something distinct from ethnonationalism. It is not a separate, higher-order, entirely optional set of questions from which ethnonationalists can recuse themselves. On the contrary, the Jewish question is a simple, straightforward application of the basic principle of ethnonationalism.

If ethnonationalism calls for the replacement of multicultural societies with monocultural ones, then Jews, as a distinct people, belong in their own homeland and not scattered among other nations. Thus if England is to be English, Sweden to be Swedish, Ireland to be Irish, alien populations need to be repatriated to their own homelands, Jews included. That is the ethnonationalist answer to the Jewish question.


That is exactly the correct stance there.

But that is exactly the opposite of what Colin Liddell was calling for on 08 Nov 2015. Since Colin Liddell thinks that Jews should be part of European ethno-nationalist groups, whereas Greg Johnson clearly visualises a future in which Jews would not be inside the European continent. Quite clearly Johnson does not believe that Jews should be part of European ethno-nationalist groups, or he would not be able to come up with such an opinion.

To repeat, the reason that Greg Johnson is able to conceptualise a future in which Jews are not in Europe, is because he does not see them as part of the European ethno-nationalist advocacy group.

How then can Johnson be okay with Liddell, given that from Johnson’s perspective, Colin Liddell would be doing ethno-nationalism precisely wrong? This looks like a clear contradiction.

In fact, Johnson went so far as to ban the commenter UH from being able to post at Counter-Currents, when UH made arguments that were quite similar to those made by Colin Liddell.

Those arguments that were made by the commenter UH, were rebutted by the commenters Verlis and Theodore, herehere, and here.

The need for consistency

The Alternative-Right has a big tent. Their big tent is completely incoherent, because it contains a whole array of people who don’t agree with each other on core issues and whose outlooks are totally irreconcilable with each other.

Majorityrights has the correct platform for the advocacy of European peoples, and their regional autonomy. It formulated this platform by firstly considering the diverse opinions of ethno-nationalists. Secondly, after a process of argumentation an authentic theory emerged, which is known as left-nationalism or national-syndicalism. Step three is to equip European peoples with these ideas which are necessary to facilitate a transition toward true ethnostates and to enter into sustainable alliances within regional frameworks.

Having an actual platform and consistently communicating that platform, is more important than trying to create the largest possible tent. The events of the past week only throw the truth of that observation into stark relief.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 14 Nov 2015 10:28 | #

Guessedworker on Sat, 14 Nov 2015 00:29 wrote:

There is a way to accept Jews into the movement for European racial survival, which is to direct them to take the argument not to our people but to their own … to argue against the culture of critique, against the dehumanisation of our nationalism, against the immigrant boosting, against the diversity-mongering, etc

Well, we all know that they aren’t going to do that.


 Posted by DanielS on Sat, 14 Nov 2015 10:37 | #

..and even if a Jew is halfway helpful, its intergenerational legacy will inevitably become part of the pejorative Jewish pattern antagonistic to White and other ethnonationalism.

 Posted by Ryan on Sat, 14 Nov 2015 17:53 | #

By this policy individuals like Gilad Atzom and Israel Shamir would be barred even though they are helpful and stay at arms length.


If jews want to help but at arms length then I see no issue. The same people who reject them will jump for joy when a jew makes a scathing attack on their own. Willingly giving them positions of power within a political organisation should be viewed on a individual basis.


 Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 14 Nov 2015 22:37 | #

They can do whatever they like in Israel, sure. If they want to go there and fight the Arabs night and day, that could be interesting to watch from afar.

However, when it comes to domestic policy in Europe, or geostrategy, I see no reason why anyone should be advocating for any outreach to be done toward the Jews. I think it makes sense to actually reject people like Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir, just as any other Jewish person should be rejected.


 Posted by DanielS on Sun, 15 Nov 2015 02:00 | #

Ryan, in essence, both Atzmon and Shamir promote liberalism, which is the mindset most destructive to Whites and the mindset that has been called “suicidal” while having been promoted all along by Jews.

They fool the Whites that they do fool by being anti-Israel (anti-Zionist), i.e., by being liberal and against some of the more outrageous examples of Jewish ethnocentrism – e.g., abuse of Palestinians and extortion through holocaustianity.

With their enculturated insights into Jewish use and abuse of texts and ways they can provide clues to the essence of some significant argumentation against Jews, as Atzmon has in his observation of how Jews use the book of Esther to pre-emptively justify genocide of non-Jews.

But these arguments must be retooled if they are to serve our purposes because his aim with his argument is liberalism and liberalism for Whites, only a little more “fair” – i.e., a slower death.

Along with promoting what is worst for us (liberalism) one of the more egregious things that Atzmon does is pander to Nazi advocates, whether holocaust deniers or liberals who will pander to them, such as Dieudonné with his stupid “quenelle” – a dog whistle assimilation of the Nazi salute.

This is supposed to be liberating to Whites? It is not.

It keeps our voice marginal, side-tracked, divided and conquered.

Atzmon and Shamir are still operating in their Jewish interests, just trying not to over-do the Jewish ethno-centrism; but in effect, they fool people like David Duke and get him to promote a liberalism wherein Jews can get lost among the rest of the world’s peoples and start the parasitic cycle again.

If you look behind Paul Gottfried’s motives you will see that he is operating in Jewish interests as well.

He is one of the more clear examples of those who would argue that the problem is “THE Left.”

Like Atzmon and Shamir he knows that Jews have overdone it and is doing his best to control the opposition and mitigate their response with regard to Jews.

You need to read and take to heart the analogy of Eustace Mullins “biological Jew.” It describes by accurate analogy why individual Jews cannot be trusted and absolutely not with power and influence over our peoples. Though there are some Jews who are more virulent and ethnocentric than others, who are disseminating directives from above and compelling compliance, the rank and file Jews are a part of the same biological system. Even where Jews are better camouflaged to appear White in this instantiation, as their biology can be well camouflaged in its infamous crypsis, it will express itself as destructive to Whites, even if only more-so, in a subsequent generation. Being “liberals” and anti-Zionist are some of the guises that rank and file Jews will use to disguise themselves to ease their way and furtively engraft themselves upon the White host.

But there is no excuse to be fooled by their liberalism, as Duke and other right wingers are. When they argue against Jewish ethnocentrism they are arguing against our ethnocentrism and for our liberalism as well. That is probably the worst thing that they can do – it is the opposite of the “worse is better” scenario that we have been discussing.

Jews are not only a rule structure which is top down (though they are that too), they are also a biological system that operates from its genetics outward, functioning inter-generationally.

In that way they could potentially fool people to infiltrate our systems and destroy them.

Ryan, don’t be fooled. Take the biological Jew to heart. Look at them, experience them and watch it confirmed as truth, but they must have no citizenship or legal power among nor over us.

Note that as I write, Brother Nathanael Kapner is talking with James Edwards at “The Political Cesspool” trying to advance the idea that he has been converted from being a biological Jew (“his father and Rabbi told him as a child that he was born a Jew and will die a Jew, but he fell in love with Christianity”), that he has become “one of us” by having become a Christian (he is an Orthodox Christian) and promoting the idea that we should be Christians – i.e., liberals, universal, “undifferentiated gentile others” (as GW says), unlike the Jewish, ethnocentric ways. 

Regarding where they should be among us, the only question for any White who understands Jews is where the quarter Jews and the one eighth Jews should stand. Even with them, we need to be very careful and that is a policy discussion we need to have.


 Posted by melvin polatnick on Fri, 27 Nov 2015 14:34 | #

Bolshevik Jews were not against whites, but were against religion and certain types of Capitalism. Ashkenazim non-believers have no hostility toward whites, but against all religions. It would not make sense for a non-believing white nationalist to kill a non-believing Jew. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are the enemy.


 Posted by DanielS on Fri, 27 Nov 2015 16:54 | #

Nope, we’re about EGI, Melvin.  …Whites and Jews are identifiable and separable by their genetics.

Still, we do not need to kill anybody unless they will not allow for our autonomy in EGI (i.,e., in self defense).

Yes, Whites with ideologies such as Christianity must be offered the provision of being a part of our nation in coordination on the condition that they will be subject to our EGI     ….a rule structure which would ultimately result in the vanquishing of their Christianity or provide for the exit of those who hold it to be more important.

 Posted by Vox Day exemplary imposter on Tue, 23 Jan 2018 08:19 | #

Without a tone of irony, the fraud that is Vox Day insinuates himself as an exemplar of the Alt-Right, ‘the genuine article’ as opposed to those “wrongly named” as representatives of the “Alternative Right” – a “movement”, the contrivance itself which he has either been tasked with or taken it upon himself to obfuscate and promulgate.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. (((Columbus)))

    if it is true that Columbus was actually Jewish (((Jewish mother/Portugese father))), and acting with Jewish motives,,as this documentary surmises – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0yoVsZfypQ – then it would correspond with theories of

    1) Horizontal transmission: that Jewish virulence has been spread across borders when persecutions – such as the Inquisition under Isabella are conducted. Jews were given a choice in 1492 to convert to Catholicism, leave Spain or be killed. Columbus would have sought safe haven for his people in what he thought was a passage to India. I.e, Jewish virulence is made worse, by its not evolving with native populations and lands but upon these episodes, being selected for virulence, a parasitic and exploitative relation to natives and lands moved into.

    2) His murderous conquest over the native Taino of the Caribbean, the genocidal forced mixing with black slaves that followed his landing, whereupon he set down a cross and a gallows upon landing in the Bahamas (despite being greeted kindly by the natives), would be an expression of his Abrahamic supremacist imperialism.

    3) This would mitigate the blame and guilt that Native American activists try to levy against Whites, and direct it more toward the source of much of the world’s imperialist supremacism which is in Jewish power and influence.

  2. Military Coup in Myanmar

    Aung San Suu Kyi, who is apparently in the ethnonationalist position, has been ousted from power in Mayanmar by military coup.  Aung San Suu Kyi has stood against Islamic imperialism.

    BBC, 2 April 2021

    Myanmar coup: More than 40 children killed by military, rights group says

    Protesters with cover their mouths and eyes in a “silent strike” on 24 March 2021, to protest the military shooting dead a sevem-year-old girl

    Protesters held a “silent strike” in Yangon after a seven year old was shot dead in Mandalay

    At least 43 children have been killed by armed forces in Myanmar since February’s military coup, according to rights organization Save the Children.

    The group said the South East Asian country was in a “nightmare situation”, with the youngest known victim just six years old.

    A local monitoring group puts the overall death toll at 536.

    Meanwhile, ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been charged with violating the country’s official secrets act.

    Ms Suu Kyi, along with four of her allies, were charged last week, but the alleged crime – which carries a prison term of up to 14 years – has only now come to light.

    The new charge against Ms Suu Kyi is in addition to earlier charges of possessing illegal walkie-talkies, violating Covid-19 restrictions during last year’s election campaign, and publishing information that may “cause fear or alarm”.

    The victims of Myanmar’s deadliest day

    Myanmar coup: What is happening and why?

    The UN’s envoy to Myanmar has warned of the risk of an “imminent bloodbath” as the crackdown against pro-democracy protests in the country intensifies.

    The warning follows a flare-up in fighting between the army and ethnic minority militia in border areas.

    The UN has become the latest organisation to urge the families of its workers to leave, but has said that some staff will remain in the country.

    The unrest in Myanmar began two months ago, when the military seized control of the country after an election which Ms Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party won by a landslide.

    When tens of thousands of people took to the streets nationwide to protest against the coup, the military used water cannon to attempt to disperse them. After a week, the response escalated, and rubber bullets and live ammunition were used.

    The deadliest day of the conflict so far came on Saturday, when more than 100 people were killed.

    Six year old killed

    Witnesses say the armed forces have attacked people at random on the streets, and some people have even been killed in their own homes.

    The family of six-year-old girl Khin Myo Chit told the BBC she was killed by police while she ran towards her father during a raid on their home in the city of Mandalay at the end of March.

    “They kicked the door to open it,” her sister, May Thu Sumaya, 25, said. “When the door was open, they asked my father whether there were any other people in the house.”

    When he said no, they accused him of lying and began searching the house, she said.

    That was the moment when Khin Myo Chit ran over to their father. “Then they shot and hit her,” May Thu Sumaya said.

    Mourners at the funeral of teenager Tun Tun Aung, who was killed in Mandalay, Myanmar

    Mourners at the funeral of teenager Tun Tun Aung, who was killed in Mandalay

    Also among the dead are a 14-year-old boy who is believed to have been shot while inside – or close to – his home in Mandalay, and a 13-year-old who was shot in Yangon while playing in the street.

    Save the Children has warned that the number of children injured in clashes is also likely to be significant, citing the case of a one-year-old baby who was reportedly shot in the eye with a rubber bullet.

    The rights group warned that the violence was having an effect on children’s mental health as they suffer fear, grief and stress.

    “Children have witnessed violence and horror,” it said in a statement. “It is clear that Myanmar is no longer a safe place for children.”

    The voter fraud claims that led to a coup

    Who is Aung San Suu Kyi?

    Lawyers representing Ms Suu Kyi said on Thursday that it was unclear whether their client was aware of how events were unfolding across the country.

    “We couldn’t say whether [Ms Suu Kyi] knows about outside situations or not – she may or may not know,” lawyer Min Min Soe told Reuters news agency, adding that the ousted leader “seems to be in good health”.

    The violence has sparked an international outcry, with various countries – including the US and UK – announcing sanctions against the coup leaders and military-linked companies.

    On Thursday, the UK announced further measures against the Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC), a conglomerate that has provided funds to the Myanmar military.

    “The Myanmar military has sunk to a new low with the wanton killing of innocent people, including children,” Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said. “The UK’s latest actions target one of the military’s key funding streams and impose a further cost on them for their violations of human rights.”

    When Ms Suu Kyi was ousted, military commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing took power.

    Myanmar coup: How did we get here?

    Myanmar profile

    Myanmar, also known as Burma, became independent from Britain in 1948. For much of its modern history it has been under military rule

    Restrictions began loosening from 2010 onwards, leading to free elections in 2015 and the installation of a government headed by veteran opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi the following year

    In 2017, Myanmar’s army responded to attacks on police by Rohingya militants with a deadly crackdown, driving more than half a million Rohingya Muslims across the border into Bangladesh in what the UN later called a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”



    The Rohingya crisis

    Since becoming Myanmar’s state counsellor, her leadership has been partly defined by the treatment of the country’s mostly Muslim Rohingya minority.

    In 2017 hundreds of thousands of Rohingya fled to neighbouring Bangladesh due to an army crackdown sparked by deadly attacks on police stations in Rakhine state.

    Myanmar now faces a lawsuit accusing it of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), while the International Criminal Court is investigating the country for crimes against humanity.

    Ms Suu Kyi’s former international supporters accused her of doing nothing to stop rape, murder and possible genocide by refusing to condemn the still powerful military or acknowledge accounts of atrocities.

    A few initially argued that she was a pragmatic politician, trying to govern a multi-ethnic country with a complex history.

    But her personal defence of the army’s actions at the ICJ hearing in the Hague was seen as a new turning point for her international reputation.

    At home, however, “the Lady”, as Ms Suu Kyi is known, remains wildly popular among the Buddhist majority who hold little sympathy for the Rohingya.

  3. (((Jonathan Pollard)))

    Jonathan Pollard says Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty’ and would counsel young Jews to consider spying for Israel

    JTA, 25 Mar 2021:

    Pollard and Netanyahu

    Jonathan Pollard, right, bumps elbows with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, Dec. 30, 2020. (GPO)

    (JTA) — Jonathan Pollard, the convicted spy for Israel whose story haunted the American Jewish community’s relations with the U.S. government for decades, is unrepentant.

    “The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I’m sorry, we’re Jews, and if we’re Jews, we will always have dual loyalty,” Pollard said in an interview published Thursday in Israel Hayom, his first extensive remarks since his release from prison in 2015.

    Pollard recalled how much of the Jewish leadership did not stand up for him following his 1985 arrest, when he was a civilian analyst for the U.S. Navy who was found to be spying for Israel.

    “If you’re outside Israel, then you live in a society in which you are basically considered unreliable,” he said.

    The U.S. Jewish leadership eventually softened in its outlook, and some Jewish leaders lobbied for Pollard’s release, saying his life sentence was excessive.

    Pollard’s full interview will be published Friday. In an earlier excerpt published by Israel Hayom, he said he knew he “crossed a line” when he relayed the information to Israel, but added that he believed the United States was withholding from Israel intelligence critical to its security.

    Pollard’s arrest and eventual conviction complicated ties between U.S. Jews and sectors of the government. Jews seeking entry into or advancement in the national security apparatus were often rebuffed, with Pollard cited as the reason. The Pollard narrative in part drove the espionage charges brought in 2004 against two top staffers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — a case that fell apart but drastically changed how AIPAC operated.

    Pollard suggested that Jews were deluding themselves if they thought of America as a home and suggested he would counsel a young U.S. Jew working in the American security apparatus to spy for Israel.

    “I’d tell him, not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home [to Israel] is not acceptable. Making aliyah is not acceptable,” Pollard said. “You have to make a decision whether your concern for Israel and loyalty to Israel and loyalty to your fellow Jews is more important than your life.”

    Pollard was paroled from his life sentence in 2015. The terms of his parole were not renewed last year and he flew to Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted him at the airport. Sheldon Adelson, the late owner of Israel Hayom, provided a private plane for Pollard to fly to Israel.



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