Dr. Christian Lindtner, debunker of holocaust deniers, has passed away.

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I have just learned of the passing of Dr. Christian Lindtner.

Dr. Lindtner performed the invaluable service of conducting thorough investigation of the claims of Holocaust revisionists and deniers.
This was an exceedingly important matter to be conducted with Dr. Lindtner’s professionalism.
Many so-called White Nationalists have attempted to advance the ill-conceived idea that it is necessary to disprove and deny the Holocaust or Shoah, as it were, in order to unburden Whites of guilt trips and inordinate penalization.

Having been overwrought with bewilderment and inappropriately aggrieved over the holocaust even myself as a young person, I can attest to the fact that without additional information, that it can be weaponized against White interests, paralyzing a critical view toward Jewish misdeeds. However, I can also attest to the fact that with additional knowledge, and bare common sense that this was the activity of a prior generation, and for many of us, not even our fellow nationals of a prior generation – in fact, many of our forebears, such as Americans, were liberators of Jewry and adversaries of the Nazis – that there is not much guilt to be considered when the matter is thought through; on the contrary, why so so much about 6 million Jewish deaths in WWII, maintaining no provocation what so ever on their part, while some 60 million European deaths are scarcely articulated in the media and treated like a footnote. 

Here is a brilliant discussion by Dr. Lindtner of his investigation of the holocaust deniers claims.

Followed by a seven parts discussion on topic, though part 2 has been removed by Youube.

Part 2 was removed by Youtube. Here is part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Eichmann is a corroborated source to verify the use of gas chambers –

We also interviewed him at Majorityrights, about his holocaust denier debunking and also about his theory that the Christian bible is an overt re working of Buddhist myths and a  covert vehicle for Pythagorean theory.

Majority Radio: Dr Christian Lindtner speaks to DanielS and GW:  https://majorityrights.com/radio/radio_comments/dr_christian_lindtner_speaks_to_daniels_and_gw

Dr. Lindtner was also a Sanskrit scholar who proposed a thesis that the Christian Biblical narratives were primarily borrowed as popular overlay from Indian mythology; but this mythological overlay was actually a way to placate the masses with irrational mythology while a truly European code was hidden beneath the texts – specifically, Pythagorean geometry centered around the golden mean; and the important implications to be drawn thus.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. The stupid theory that Holocaust denial is necessary.

    A stupid theory that disproving the holocaust and denying its factuality is necessary has long been circulated among White Nationalists. In gaining trust and the confidence of our people, it doesn’t help – “to say the least”, as the late Dr. Lindtner responded to this remark of mine. And it is a stupid approach, since the events of WWII prove, if nothing else, that Jewry and Whites (European peoples) don’t get along very well and need to be in the governance of separate nations – which is what we need and want, ultimately.

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